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    dream fragment

    Fragment of Dreams

    1. 3-27-12, Lucid :)

      by , 03-27-2012 at 05:26 PM
      Going to do this a bit backwards and write the last dream of the night first since it was my lucid and my memory wasn't great last night. I had migraines and trouble sleeping, so I had aleve and benedryl in my system, generally mucking up any chance I had of remembering the stuff from the first part of the night.

      Dream Four: I'm at Walmart with my husband and my daughter. We're looking for that paper for preschoolers with the ABCs printed on it that you trace to learn how to draw your letters. For some reason we're looking in the pharmacy. We keep finding loose single sheets in the bins, and even a book that's been broken and ripped, but we can't find anything new and still in the package. I recall there being some stationary around the Electronics department so I tell my husband we should go back there and look. He grabs my hand and we start walking towards the electronics department. I think he's pulling the buggy with his other hand, then realize I don't hear my daughter and look back to see he's not. I freak out that he left her, and he says he'll go back and get her he's sorry, and to just go ahead and go look for the paper. I agree, and then walk towards electronics. I walk past the toy department and see my son with my mom picking out a toy, but keep walking on a mission. I find the paper, and then my husband and mom both show up with the kids in tow. Then either time skips or I'm missing the events, but the next thing I can remember I'm getting my Daughter out of the car. I'm in a garage, and our car is a black SUV. I set my daughter down and realize somethings off. I don't drive a black SUV, and we don't have a garage. I call out for my husband to get over here quick! He asks what's wrong, and I tell him, "This is a dream! I'm dreaming, or we're dreaming. I'm lucid!" I'm practically jumping with excitement. He shakes his head and just looks totally confused, so I just tell him to watch the kids. For some reason, after my daughter being lost earlier in the dream I just can't stand the idea of walking away from them even though I know they're only dream characters. I run out across the yard and onto the road. I notice that our house isn't even on our road anymore, instead it's about ten minutes away in the fields next to Drum's (a local restaurant). I want to fly, so I try hopping, skipping, and jumping, with no luck. I'm annoyed, but think it's ok, if I can't do one thing, I'll try something else! I think to myself, I'm going to pull a magic wand out of my pocket and then I won't have to worry about things not working, because I'll have magic! But there's nothing in my pockets I get this bright idea that I'm going to go into the house and get my daughter's toy magic wand, that'll work just as well in a dream. I go inside, and into the bedroom. I notice that the room is an exact mirror image of my room in waking life. I find it cool how everything is exactly opposite of usual. Then I feel fuzzy headed and think, "Crap! I'm waking up!" but then when I blink my eyes and "wake up" I realize I'm not in bed, I'm on the floor. I think for a moment that I must have fallen out of bed, but then I realize I can feel carpet on my cheek, and my house has hardwood floors. I'm still dreaming! I get up and the room has made a 3/4 turn shift so everything is the wrong way, but I don't much care, I've already marveled over the room, I just want to go do something cool! I grab the toy magic wand off the bookshelf, then head back outside. My husband is still in the garage with the kids, and I tell him again that I'm dreaming, and he still seems confused. I shrug and go back out to the road. The house is in a different spot again, but I don't pay much attention to it. Instead I decide that my belief in this being a dream is just not strong enough to let me do what I want, so I'm going to prove to myself it's a dream and push it to the extreme. I lay down in the road in front of a Semi. I close my eyes and listen to it getting closer and closer, waiting for it to hit me, but knowing it wouldn't. I look up a few times, and the truck never gets any closer, even though it appears to be moving. I decide to try now to bring something into the dream. Knowing a wand didn't work, I try bringing in Renji from Bleach by visualizing since I had accidentally brought him into my last lucid that way. I figure if I can do it on accident so easily, I shouldn't have any problem doing it on purpose. Fail I get up and go back inside remembering that I was going to get a toy wand earlier. I walk into the room, grab the toy wand off the books shelf, then walk towards the door and start feel fuzzy headed again. CRAP! I wake up, once again on the floor, this time though I know it's another false awakening because I feel for the carpet right away. Unfortunately, I don't have the wand anymore, instead I'm holding one of those Sugar crystal formations on a stick.

      I decide to go with it, the dreams jumping around so much, rather than fight it and wake up frustrated I'll just do what I can with what I'm given. I take my magic rock candy outside, but drop it in the grass as soon as I step off the porch. I shrug, and pick it up telling myself, "This is a dream, there's no dirt on this thing!" then I take a bite, so at least I can be happy that I've tasted food for the first time in a lucid if I wake up without having done anything else. It tasted like grass... then when I told myself over and over that no grass was on it because this is a dream, the grass taste went away and it tasted awesome, just like the real thing I take a moment to look at the road again. This time, instead of being in the middle of a pale green and yellow field with a straight road in front of us, the house is sitting on a hill with the darkest lushest grass I've ever seen, and the road zig zags in front of the house. Sort of like an s curve in the road, only with sharp corners instead of curves. I set off down the road to my left, suddenly thinking I've accomplished something cool, I ate in a lucid, so now I'm going to go looking for K since it's been a long time since I've done that or even seen him for sure in a non lucid. I notice some teenage kids in the road across the street from the house, so I start by asking them if they know K and can take me to him. One kid grins all creepy like the Cheshire cat, and he tells me his older brother knows K and could take me to him, I just have to come inside and wait for his brother to get home. His creepy unnatural smile bugs me, so I refuse saying I'll wait outside. He tells me that if I don't go inside his brother can't take me. I tell him thanks, if his brother changes his mind I'll be up the road, but I'm not stupid enough to go inside. Then I start thinking to myself that maybe I could get my husband to take me to him since hes a dream character too and in previous dreams he's known who K was. Then I decide that it's probably not a good idea, seeing as how K's been my love interest in many a dreams, and just because he was friend with K in one dream, doesn't mean his dream character is going to be happy to take his wife to find another man, lol. So instead I keep walking and thinking. Hm, I read a post about controlling your lucids like a video game, and I carrying my 3DS around with me everywhere, maybe I could use that somehow? I pull it out of my pocket with no problems (In waking life, I always carry it in my bag, it's way too big to fit in my pants pockets. I envy how guys pants have so many big pockets to carry stuff in!) then I open it up, and look for a lucid dream game. No luck. But then I realize if I'm in a dream, maybe I can send a message to K with the swap note app and it'll go to whatever electronic devices his dream self may be carrying. As I walk I open up swap note, but don't recognize anyone on my friends list. Then I realize, no wonder, I'm logged in as my daughters Mii! So, I log off and log in as my Mii (you really can't do that on a 3DS, there's no log ins or log outs, lol) then I scroll on my friends list with this idea of what I think K's Mii might look like. I don't see a Mii with the hair I thought his should have on it, but I do see one with a really odd hairstyle that I've never seen on a Mii before and decide that has to be K because it sticks out so much and is so different from all the others. I've only met K in dreams, and he always sticks out. He doesn't feel empty like other Dream Characters, instead he actually has an energy like feel, like real people in real life do. I start to send a message to that Mii, but I find that there's already a message written to him, and assume it's from a previous dream, maybe when I was non lucid I tried this before. The note tells him where I am, but it's the wrong place, so I'm trying to erase it to write the correct place and I can not get it to erase. I'm surprisingly laid back in my dreams, and when it doesn't work the way I want to, I decide to find a way around it. I'm going to send a message to someone else and ask them to forward it to him. I find a random Mii, a female, and send her a message that I'm looking for K and to please have him get in touch with me. Then My 3DS turns into a phone, and it's ringing. I put it up to my ear and it's the girl I had messaged. I'm still walking down the road and am coming up on a house i lived in about 6 years ago, and the girl starts going off on me. She's telling me that I need to leave K alone, that he's working really hard to take care of his family and he's under a lot of stress right now, the last thing he needs is me expecting him to take care of me too. I'm both hurt and pissed by her statements, and I storm towards (and eventually inside) the house I used to live in while I fuss right back at her. I try to defend myself by saying I understand he has his own things to do, and I don't want him to have to take care of me. I just want to see him, and if he's trying to take care of a family, I'd like to help him. Then I hang up on the girl because she just keeps going on and on, and I get the impression that she's trying to get me out of the picture because she's hung up on him too, lol. I'm inside my old house, and I am walking around inside it looking for K.
      My lucidity is slipping, but I don't notice it, instead I just accept the dream fact that this house is now home to a bunch of squatters with no where else to live. I think that if K is struggling to take care of a family (not sure if this point if we're talking wife and kids family, or brothers and sisters family, lol) that he's likely to be somewhere like this. I walk out the back door, and see some people, but none of them are K so I just wave and keep looking around. I go to the front yard and up the driveway, then I see a black SUV driving up the road. I walk up to the road where the SUV has stopped. A guy with blond hair, but short cut and his face looks failure but is definitely not K, gets out. An older woman walks off the porch and up to the SUV. She starts laying into the guy, telling him he has no right to be here. Somehow K comes up, and I ask if the guys knows him. The woman says she's K's mom, and that the guy is his older brother that she kicked out of the house at the age of 5. I'm shocked she'd do that to her kid, but she starts saying he was always surrounded by women, even pregnant ones, and she was sick of all the hussies around her house. The guy is trying to defend himself saying she's crazy and off her rocker and he did no such thing, she just makes this shit up to justify what a bitch she is. I'm just like, "Wow, age 5?! How is that even possible?!" Then I decide this conversation is none of my business even if they do know K, they're not going to take me to him if they're fighting. I turn around and start walking back down the driveway towards the house hoping I'll find some other clue to K's whereabouts. I notice there are tents going down the driveway, and some people poke their heads out and wave at me. I smile and wave back, but then wake up. I didn't open my eyes and hope to fall back asleep and do a DEILD but I'm too excited about the fact that I was lucid and actually did stuff that I couldn't fall back asleep. I tried getting up and going to the bathroom then laying back down, no luck. I spent about 45 minutes trying to fall back asleep before giving up and coming in here to type all that out, lol.

      Dream Three: I dreamed that I'm watching from third person as a man (whom I understand in the dream to be myself) is shot by another man in the back and killed. Then I spend most of the dream watching as the other man claims that I was trying to kill him so he killed me first. Some people can see my ghost and I tell them what really happened, but then some police see my ghost and try to arrest me. I wonder what it's like for a ghost in jail, because a ghost has no life to end a life sentence, I'd be there for eternity, and I don't like that idea.

      Dream Two: My notes say Skylanders, so I must have dreamed of that game.

      Dream One: My notes say "Another" which is an Anime on Crunchy Roll right now. I just finished it yesterday, and it was REALLY good but since it was Horror and pretty disturbing, I'm glad I didn't remember this dream after resting the whole night, lol. I figured I'd dream of it because it was on my mind a lot and I wanted to re-watch it and see all the little Clues I missed the first time around.

      Updated 03-27-2012 at 07:17 PM by 53224

      lucid , non-lucid , false awakening , dream fragment
    2. 3-26-12, Caught up on sleep!

      by , 03-26-2012 at 07:27 PM
      Dream One: I'm at a bar and grill type restaurant, like maybe an Applebees type place. A friend I haven't seen in years, we'll call her G, was with me and we were sitting with three guys. I know there's someone that I'm there with, but he's not at the table, he's gone to the bathroom or something. G wants to do something funny, so she takes a picture of me out of her purse and tapes it to the booth beside us thinking she'll trick him into thinking I'm sitting over there when he gets back. Then she tries to drag me to the bathroom so He won't see me before the picture. I'm trying to tell her to knock it off but she won't listen and drags me about ten feet away. Luckily, the guy comes around the corner and asks where we're going. G says to the powder room, but I say no where and walk back tot he table with him. He looks at the picture and kind of laughs, then says it was a cute trick but the picture was way too revealing for public. I look closer at the picture and the front of the shirt in the pick is drooped so you can see the top of my cleavage, I'm suddenly pretty mortified and yank the picture down. One of the guys at the table laughs and I jokeingly say to him, "You guys are trying to kill me aren't you?" Then the guys are talking about something, it sounds like business, and I'm bored so I get up and go out the front door of the restaurant to get fresh air. The guy I was with comes out and grabs me by the arms. He starts interegating me, telling me that I have to be careful, and can't pull silly stunts that draw attention to me like my friend had just done. Then he tells me I'd better not tell the people at the table that I spent time in some other country. The he asks me what it was I was doing in that other country, and I have this flashback of me running with a Griffin across a rocky landscape. I refuse to tell the man I'm with about it though, knowing I'll sound crazy. Then the guy tells me I just need to be careful, because one of the other guys at the table would find out everything he can about me and use it against me if it would be to his advantage. I pull away about to tell him that I don't care, but I wake up instead.

      Dream Two: I'm in a library or community job center or something. There's a bunch of computers in a U shape, and a lady behind a desk on the only empty wall. The lady behind the desk is talking to a man at the first computer to my right, so I'm between them. I turn to look at the man, and it's Renji from Bleach! He's telling the woman at the desk about Skype and how to use it. I pipe in with a few things, even though I've only used Skype a couple times. Renji looks up at me and smiles like he's glad I'm there, then I feel the world around me going black and realize it was a dream just as I'm waking up. I hear a voice in my head say, "Dragon Parody Productions" as my body tingles and I'm finally awake. I usually don't feel tingly and unable to move before I wake up, but that's just sleep paralysis wearing off I think.

      Dream Three: I'm in a really nice rented house at the beach with My BFF's mom. My kids call her Mai Mai because they can't say her name. I notice that the roof of the place is glass, and round, like a giant round green house. The glass is blue tinted, and there are white wood beams radiating from a white wood circle int he center of the ceiling acting to support the glass. The furniture and walls are all white and it it feels very beach like. My husband and I are talking to Mai Mai and she's pointing out what she's calling the "atrium" outside, but is actually a real green house. I think this place is amazing and I wish I had a house like it with my own private green house. There's another building on the property and I think it might be a barn. It's storming and I spend a good deal of time marveling over how beautiful it is to see the rain hitting the glass roof and watching it run down the glass walls. I'm briefly scared, what if it hails and the glass breaks? but then it stops storming and I see a horse running around in the fence outside. It's just a tiny baby horse, and it's soo cute with it's little baby horse mohawk. I walk out to pet it, and my dad shows up and starts petting the horse too even though he doesn't like horses. Then he and the baby horse start chasing each other around the padock and the horse becomes a little girl around 4 or 5. The little girl wants to go inside, so we do, but my dad disappears. Mai Mai has a phone that the little girl plays with, but then the little girl pops off the phone keys and loses them! We look for them and start talking about my mom. Then I comment that this little girl is sooo cute and ask Mai Mai who's kid she is. Mai Mai says she's not a real little girl, but a robotic one they used to teach parenting at the school she used to work for. I think there's no way this little girl could be a robot, but Mai Mai insists and the girl agrees and tells me she never grows up! I wake up.

      Dream Four (Fragment): I dreamed of a dragon. I thought the dream was awesome and I wanted to be extra sure I'd remember it so even though I was so sleepy I wanted to go back to sleep I went to write it down. As soon as I started to lift my hand to reach for the phone, I felt this wave of calm soothing me to go back to sleep and not worry about writing it down. It almost worked, but my son woke up at that moment and asked me if he could go into the living room. That made me fully awake enough that I pushed back the sleepyness and grabbed my phone. As soon as I looked at the screen my mind went completely blank. all I could remember was that the dream had been about dragons. I spent ten minutes trying to remember what it was about, then gave up and went back to sleep hoping it would come to me eventually. SO far it hasn't -_-

      Dream Five: I'm standing in the middle of a storm, I call out to the clouds, asking for power. Lightening flashes, and I am sucked up into the sky. Suddenly I'm a child, looking up a spiral staircase. There's another little girl beside me whom I just know is my sister (even though I don't have one). We go up the stairs to find our mom, and see a door cracked open. We walk into the room, and my mom is laying there in the bed with a tv blasting away. She's not watching it though, she looks asleep. The little girl beside me calls out, "Mommy? Are you ok?" and mom snaps at us, she looks really scary and I'm trying to rush my sissy out of the room to safety. A female voice tells us not to worry, that everything will be ok, then she sets a red wand down on the nightstand by my mother and closes the door. I can't remember what the woman looked like though. I can hear her telling my mother to take the wand, and I hear my mother suddenly change to a nice voice and say she's sorry for being so mean and that it's hard for her to live right now. I turn away from the door, not wanting to hear her excuses, and then the light flashes and I'm big again. I'm dressed in blue, something similar to Aqua from Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep. Two green wands appear in my hands, then they change color to blue grey to match my clothing. I hear myself saying, "The one that's fast is mine. The one that is strong is also mine." The wands glow white for a moment, then transform into a sword and a fighting staff. Then I see an ocean, and there are two ships on it. The first ship explodes, and I see two ninja like figures leap from the smoke to the second ship's mast. Then, another ninja like person jumps out of the smoke and the first two explode. I just know they've died. Then I see the inside of a ship, where people who look similar to Bleach captains and lieutenants are sitting. I say similar, because they don't look like cartoons, nor do they look like cosplayers, but I can tell who they are because their facial features match up to what the drawings look like. Their hair is normal looking, not spikey like a cosplayers would be. They are seated around a table, talking and drinking tea. There's a loud noise outside, and they open the door to have bad guys bursting in on them. They start punching and swinging their swords, knocking the bad guys into a purple misty like portal of some sort. Then they sit back down and are listening to some message from a fallen soul reaper. It's the ghost of one of the two ninjas I saw before. It's saying they had completed their mission, but on their way back they were ambushed. I wake up.
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    3. 3-25-12, Can't believe I dreamed with only 4 hours of sleep

      by , 03-26-2012 at 03:05 AM
      Dream One: I was at the river, in a sail boat. I see a tipped over sail boat, and decide to pull on a string attached to it to right it. I pull the string inland, but just as I'm about to reach the dock the string pulls me backwards and almost off my boat and into the water before I let go! I look back, and the sail boat has become a cruise ship and has tipped. I turn to look for someone to help, then turn back and it's a sinking Pirate ship. I wake up.

      Dream Two: I'm watching something about Psychic warfare on TV. My mom is there and when I ask her a question about the show, she tells me to talk to her Friend R, because R knows everything about psychic stuff. I ask R, and she starts to give me an answer, then she starts talking in Gibberish. I ask her what she's talking about, and she says she doesn't know. I ask her about Psychic warfare again and she tells me there's no such thing and not to be silly! Then I suddenly know there are soldiers outside the house and they're going to try to silence me because R did know something and let it slip before they rewrote her memories. A smoke bomb flies through my window, then I wake up.

      Dream Three: There were Skylanders in the dream but that part is fuzzy and I don't remember anything but seeing legendary Trigger Happy on the screen. Then my husband was talking to his father about snakes in the yard with swollen bodies. (This was during my nap because I only slept 2 hours last night due to sick kids and thunder storms) The snake and swollen body bit was actually reality bleeding into my dream. My husband had Skyped my brother in the living room in the front of the house (I was in the bedroom in the back of the house) and the kids were watching my brother feed his pet snake. My husband was asking how long the snakes body would be swollen with the mouse inside it, and apparently I heard it in my sleep and my dreams attempted to explain this.
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    4. 3-21-12, Some fun fragments

      by , 03-21-2012 at 07:59 PM
      My daughter was still sick and I still didn't get to sleep much, but luckily my dreams weren't boring rehashes of the day, but fun and at times comical adventures for the most part.

      Dream One: I'm with a girl and a guy, and there is a Mirror. Or rather, pieces of a mirror. We've collected three pieces and there seems to be one missing. We're in some sort of warehouse we are using for a "home base" but it seems someone wants to steal these mirror pieces and so we've got to move our base. I pick up the mirror pieces and put them together inside a frame on a vanity. The mirror is round and has a star etched in the center where you'd expect to have a clear view of your face and there are little stars all around the edge of the mirror. Somehow I know this mirror is magical, it's a portal to where ever we want to go, if we ever find all the pieces. The guy with us is loading a bunch of stuff onto a flatbed trailer so we can move it to the new location, but then he starts jumping up and down on top of everything like he's trying to pack it all down. I freak out telling him he'll brake the mirror into smaller pieces and it'll be even harder to put back together. He sheepishly rubs the back of his head and is like, "Oh yeah... right!" then I am woken up.

      Dream Two: I'm in a truck with a guy with long dark hair to his shoulders. He's very good looking, and I feel like I have a crush on him at least, he may even be my boyfriend or husband in the dream. He's talking to me about How I'm feeling, he seems worried that I'm not feeling well. I assure him I'm fine, that I don't want to ruin our plans for the day because I'm really excited. We're actually in a parking lot, and it's night time though! The he asks me if I'm sure I want to meet his famous friends in the hospital, that if I'm tired he'll take me home and let me rest. I tell him I'm not tired at all, I can't wait to meet his friends, and I am so glad he's going to introduce me to them. I've got the same sort of feeling like if someone brings you home to introduce to the family, like you're finally confirming that the other person is serious. I get out of the truck, and we hold hands walking across the parking lot. I am woken up.

      Dream Three: I am walking home thinking about writing a report on something, I think it was football? but I'm not a sports person, at all. So on the way home this blonde guy with like crazy eighties hair shows up and starts SINGING in the street, some love ballad. I try to ignore him thinking that's really weird! But he grabs me by the arm and tries to make me dance as he's singing. I laugh at him, and have the image of myself standing there like a manga character with a sweat drop and depressed like face as if I'm going, "what a weirdo!" then I'm back in myself and walking home again with the man calling out to me, "Thank you! Thank you! I am Johnny danger, and I can't wait to rock your body!" I keep walking, faster! When I get home, I open my book bag to start working on my project, but the book I need is gone! I freak out, then think it's ok, I'll call a friend and ask to borrow their book. For some reason I pull out a year book to get my friends number from the signature pages in the back. I flip tot he back, and have a manga character expression moment again because the guy has ripped out the signature pages of my year book, leaving only a single page, with HIS signature on it. Great, I'm never going to finish this project. I'm woken up again.

      Dream Five: I'm at Toys R Us to get the Skylanders supposed to be in stock today. I'm looking for them everywhere and can't find them. I ask an associate where to find them, and she tells me they're sold out. I freak out, "But you only opened a couple hours ago!" she said they sold out in the first hour. I'm like damn it, I can't believe I was here only 2 hours after they opened and they were already sold out! My attention is caught by a yellow box. I pick it up and it's got a pokeball on it, and a lego logo, and it looks like the toy inside is a little mouse hiding under a rock or something. I pick up the box and begin reading it, it turns out to be a computer game with little toys that link up together. The mouse is robotic and will move under the linkable objects for an interactive hide and seek game. I think I should really get that for my daughter, he loves hide and seek games. My son starts crying because they don't have Skylanders toys. I wake up to my son crying for real that we're going to be late and they're going to be sold out at the store when we get there! (We really were two hours late, and they really did only have a couple of the toys left, only one that we needed.)
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    5. 3-19-12, Finally a night I don't feel like I'm struggling to remember

      by , 03-19-2012 at 06:48 PM
      Of course I have fragments that I can barely remember about the dreams, but I actually had a lot of dreams and can remember two in really good detail... and one of them I was Lucid for the second time! It wasn't impressive because I was significantly less confident this time around, lol.

      Dream One (Fragment): I was fighting, with a sword, I think practice fighting though, not a serious battle. I'm pretty sure that sword was a Zanpakuto, and my opponent was Ichigo, lol. Don't remember anything specific about the fight though.

      Dream Two (Fragment): I was on a road trip with my grandma. We were talking, and I could see the mountains out the car windows.

      Dream Three: My mother in law had a little pet pot belly pig. We wanted to take a nap, but we had to put the pig in a cage or something first so that it wouldn't get hurt or make a mess while we all slept. We put it in a plastic tote, and my MIL said it needed water. So we started to water it, but end up filling the whole tote with water and it's little snout just barely extended over the water if it raised it's head. We freaked out and drained the water out, and put in a little dish of water instead. When the pig had water and was contained, I was ready for a nap, but my MIL said we couldn't sleep because we had to watch the pig. I asked her how she planned to sleep at all if she had to watch the pig 24 hours a day, and she seemed bewildered for a moment, but I woke up before she could give me a solution!

      Dream Four: My friend was buying a new house, and it was like a sims game, complete with the drop down premade houses and green squares, lol. The house changed several times before it made my friend, her grandmother, and me all happy.

      Dream Five (LUCID!): The dream starts off with me and my kids visiting my cousin. My kids wander off to the back of her house and I have to go back and run them out of her daughter's room telling them it's rude to go into someone's room without being invited. Then I see the neighbors daughter walking into my cousins room and I run her out, briefly wandering how she got all the way over to my cousin's house and if I'm supposed to be watching her. Then there's a broken candy dish that's filled with melted chocolate and I can't help but think, "Mmm Chocolate!" ha ha ha. Then my daughter has to go to the bathroom. I take her to the potty, and notice that my cousin has the same bathing suit I just bought, and I wonder if it looks better on her than me. Then I notice the bathroom has a microwave and a mini fridge in it. I think for a moment that's weird, but I bet this whole area could be a little apartment. Then my logic finally kicks in, "Wait, There can't be a kitchen in the bathroom! That's too weird, I must be dreaming!" To test that theory, I run towards the counter and jump over it in a single bound, landing in the middle of my cousin's living room. I think for a moment, I shouldn't have left my daughter alone! Then I realize, I'm in a dream, she's not my daughter, it's just a dream character and it won't get hurt, it'll just disappear! I decide I'm going to leave, being at my cousins house is pretty boring and I want to do something cool. I walk towards the door, with no destination in mind, and think I'm going to just walk through the door since I walked through a wall in my first lucid. Then self doubt kicks in, and I think, "But I don't know where I want to go, what it if doesn't work this time?" and of course I smack into the door face first, ha ha. The I try to just open the door, and it's locked and I can't get it open either. I stop to think for a moment and I'm finding that even though I know I'm dreaming and lucid, my mind is pretty blank on what to do, it seems harder to think, ha ha. So I recall confronting my husband in the last dream, and think maybe I need to tell someone I'm in a dream for the control to work properly and the door to open to let me out. I look at my cousin and tell her something like, "This is a dream, your just a dream character and I'm getting out of here." Then my cousin morphs into a MAN with a pointy face and small slit like squinty eyes, and he replies, "How so you plan to get out of here? None of my escapes have worked. You can't make a portal, you can't walk through the door, you can't even open it! You don't know how to teleport do you?" I get annoyed and feel like he's trying to keep me trapped. So I tell him flat out, "I'm going to close my eyes and spin, and I'm going to imagine the scene changing around me." So I close my eyes, and notice instead of seeing black I see gray, and I start spinning imaging the floor being tatami and apparently Renji from Bleach laying on it, ha ha. But then after three spins I get dizzy and fall over landing on top of Renji, but the room still hasn't changed! I stand up and dust myself off, Renji asks me if I'm ok, and I say yeah, but the pointy faced guy is still looking at me and laughing like he thinks it's sooo funny that I'm having all this trouble with my dream control. Frustrated I ball up my fists and decide to try the back door, maybe it'll open. Renji jumps up behind me and yells to me to wait up, but I'm ignoring him because I didn't mean to drag him into this dream anyways. I reach out and grab the door, and it's opening and there's a white light spilling into the room that I didn't even realize was so dark. I'm glad I'm finally getting out of this weird house! But I end up waking up before the door opens all the way!

      Dream Six (Fragments): I'm in a car driving through the country, seeing mountains in the distance. There's a house that someone tells me was in a TV show or something. We pull up to it, and they're filming a cop drama, but all the actors and actresses playing the cops have weird hair and make up. Their hair is shades of dark plumb, forest green, royal blue, and blonde and black. Their makeup reminds me of a rock band, like maybe Kiss or something from the 80's with Stars and stuff around their eyes in the same colors are their hair. They're also covered in colored glitter and glittery clothes, glitter right down to their fingernail polish! It's so crazy and extravagant, I wonder how this could possibly have good ratings!

      Dream Seven: I'm at my Grandma W's house (she actually died in '05) and she's going to watch the kids while my husband and I go to Walmart. We're going down the hill to the car, and I notice the neighbors kids are playing basketball at my Grandma's house. They are far from home, lol. I climb in the car, but my husband starts driving before I can even get my MP3 player out of my pocket and get buckled in, or even close my door! I yell at him to wait a minute, and he tells me to stop taking so damn long. I counter that I don't even have my seat belt on, and he argues that I'm being slow and pulls forwards. The door closes, pinning my leg against the seat in a very uncomfortable fashion and I yell at him to stop the f-ing car. I fling the door open to get my leg unpinned, and he yells at me to just get out of the car he'd go by himself. I do and slam the door about to cry. I walk past the neighbors kids, then realize I'm in a housecoat and pajamas and I feel like everything's falling off. I am really embarrassed and run to the front porch and sit on the swing. I cry for a few minutes about getting kicked out of the car and about my clothes falling off and being embarrassed that everyone saw it all. Then my grandma is on the porch, coming out of the shadows and scaring the crap out of me! She tells me to relax, It's all ok, no one will remember any of it in the morning. I nod, and decide to go ask my son if he wants to play outside. I yell at the neighbors kids if they will be out for long and if we could come out and play too (my kids a lot younger so they can't play as rough with him as when it's just them) they tell us to come on out, so I go inside to get changed. My son is at the computer, and I ask him if he wants to play outside with the big kids. He refuses, and I feel frustrated because he'd getting so fat playing computer and video games all day and not outside! I wake up.

      Dream Eight (fragment): We're at a hotel, at the end of an Anime Con. A friend of mine has a room beside ours connected by a door. He's already turned in his key at Check out and asks us if he can borrow our key because he forgot something in his room. We let him, and I start freaking out that we need to pack and get out of the room before we charged for another night. My husband just wants to lazy about and not do it, so I'm packing it all up by myself and feeling so desperate that I'm not going to get done in time. I even start crying.

      Dream Nine: I'm looking at skin, I'm not sure if it's my hand or someone else's skin. There are these little dark spots on the skin, and looking closer I can see they're wiggling. They're bugs swimming under the flesh. It's really gross and creepy and I wake up.
      lucid , non-lucid , dream fragment
    6. 3-9-12 All Fragments

      by , 03-09-2012 at 07:12 PM
      All I remember from last night are fragments. Probably because I had such little sleep the night before and slept so hard. Apparently I was catching up on sleep and didn't dream as much (or maybe because I was so sleepy I just couldn't remember anything!)

      Fragment One: I'm at the dollar tree, not sure what I'm supposed to be looking for, but I see a bunch of Christmas tins with all kinds of fancy candies and cookies. I think to myself, all these expensive brand cookies and candies for a dollar? Christmas is only a month away, I'm stocking up and giving these as Christmas gifts this year! I load up my buggy with a lot of cases of mints.

      Fragment Two: I'm at home, asking the neighbors kid that I baby sit about a woman who's name was Anna Snow. In the dream I thought she was someone important, a revolutionary or something, and she had died a couple years earlier with a missing arm. Apparently the neighbors kid's best friend was her little brother or something. I'm trying to get details of how and why she died. Grandma yells at me for asking him repeatedly and refusing to believe that he doesn't know anything. I get frustrated, and see some Oreos. I think about eating them, then decide Grandma would fuss at me for that too. I wake up creeped out and can't seem to get back to sleep for an hour.

      Fragment Three: Another dream where I'm a guy. This dream I'm some guy with psychic abilities, around college age. There's a guy walking with me, that I feel like is a year or two ahead of me. He's asking me if I talked to my father about transferring yet. A guy comes up behind us and laughs saying, "Mark, I can't believe your really asking the poor kid to transfer just so you don't lose your psychic pupil! What is his daddy can't afford the extra cash to go to a college out of state?" The guy with me, Mark, says he's planning to cover the extra "couple of dollars" to keep me with him. He says something about not finding people with my kind of potential often, and that he could make a fortune off me when he's done training my abilities and has made me a famous psychic. I feel uncomfortable.

      Fragment Four: I'm playing Skylanders... or rather I'm a Skylander in the game. I have a bow and Arrows, so I guess I'm Flameslinger, but then I find myself in a corner squared off against another Flameslinger so I guess I'm not. My aim with the arrows sucks. Someone's screaming for help. We stop shooting each other and head out looking for the person screaming for help. The scene looks really realistic. There's a pyramid to my right (the kind with steps like I associate with South America not Egypt) with a water fall pouring from the top of it and down the middle of the front side. to my right is a giant tree, and grass so tall that it reaches my eye level with Yellow flowers mixed in with the green and olive colored grass. There are trolls attacking two creatures that look like Fi (From Skyward Sword) only instead of being blue and corporeal, these "Fi"'s look like they are made of water. They also don't have legs, just formless water from the chest down. The trolls run away, I see the pyramid once more and marvel at how beautiful it is.
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    7. 3-3-12, Half night's sleep

      by , 03-03-2012 at 07:15 PM
      We had some severe weather through here last night with tornado watches and warnings, so I stayed up until 4 AM when they canceled the alerts just in case I needed to get the family to the basement. Fortunately the bad weather passed over us with no damage, but I couldn't make myself sleep past 11, so I didn't get as much sleep as I'd have liked. My body seems to be stuck on it's schedule so at least while I didn't get much sleep, most of it was REM sleep since the daylight hours are usually when I dream!

      Dream One (fragment): I woke up from this dream so sleepy I just rolled over and went back to sleep. I thought to myself I'll have no problem remembering this dream because it's pretty much what I expected for my first dream. Unfortunately, now I can't remember the actual dream. All I remember is that it had Tornados in it, which I figured it would since I spent several hours watching the news's special reports on the areas Tornados and sever winds in case any of them got close to us.

      Dream Two: I have no clue what influenced this one. I was sitting on my bed using the laptop to check facebook. I notice that my ex from seven years ago had posted that he was having trouble playing sims while he was laying in bed or something. I think to myself, should I reply and give him some advice? or would that be awkward since I haven't talked to him since we broke up and it was a messy breakup? I decide to go ahead and send him a link to a pillow that my dream self seems to think is awesome for playing the sims with. Then I get all nervous and uncomfortable and wonder if I shouldn't have done that, but it's too late, so I think I'll distract myself by sending something to my best friend. I start looking up pictures from the movie Tangles because she really liked that movie, and I find one of Rapunzel. I post it on my best friends page, and after I post it I realize that I accidentally posted it on my ex's page not my best friends. I get embarrassed, and don't think about being able to delete it. I decide to go for a drive to cool off. I start driving not really paying attention to where I was going, and somehow end up at my ex's mom's house. I curse as I drive by thinking I probably look like a stalker all of a sudden, sending him messages on facebook and driving my his house on the same day when I have purposefully avoided him for years because of the drama that happened when we split. I drive home, and then get a phone call from his mom asking me to come over. I'm reluctant, but I go anyways thinking he probably doesn't spend much time with his mom as old as he is now. I get to his moms house and she tells me that he was somewhere else today, and I'm relieved. She wants my help with facebook or something, so I help her on her computer, then my best friend shows up. My ex's mom says she invited A over because she figured I'd be uncomfortable there by myself, and I am so relieved that she's there, because a moment later my ex shows up with a girl in tow and I can't help but feel like she hates me just because I'm an ex who's suddenly posting on his facebook and visiting his mom. I tell his mom I need to go, that A and I were supposed to be working on a project about Rapunzel today and we're running out of time. A plays along, and we quickly leave. We get in my car (which is actually mys husbands camaro) and start driving up the road, when a sporty car pulls out in front of us, it's dark grey almost black. The car fishtails as it pulls out, then it nearly hits a teen on a bike I recognize as one of my neighborhood's kids. Then the driver of the car swerves towards a ditch, and the driver jumps out as his car drives off to who knows where. I stop the car and get out to be sure the neighbors kid is ok and that the driver isn't hurt either. The kid on the bike is fine, and the driver turns out to be the oldest kid in the neighborhood. I'm not sure if he's actually old enough to drive yet or not :/ I offer to take them home, especially since the one is holding his side like his ribs are hurting. They decline saying they're fine, but I insist so they let me walk with them at least. A drives my car home, and I follow the kids to some stone wall with a little alcove type thing cut out into it just big enough to lay on. The older kid gets on it and I suddenly have a blanket that I'm covering him up with. The younger kid says he's going to go get their parents, and I decide to go back to the road and wait for A to pick me up. I'm walking towards the road and see a car pulling up when my daughter wakes me up because she had a night mare.

      Dream Three: I'm at some kind of flea market or outside festival. There's an off white tent that draws my attention. I walk inside, and there are several girl in there dressed like they're at the renaissance festival. Some are dressed like normal medieval woman, others like the belly dancers, and others like faeries. Lots of them have feather hats and hair pieces that I think are beautiful. They all seem happy to see me, and surround me asking me how my life is and saying how long it's been since they've seen me. I tell them I'm fine, and I just stopped in for a visit when I saw their tent, then I notice there's a table with some fliers so I walk over and start to pick one up. Before I can though a girl behind the table says she knew I was going to return this year, and she had already prepared my outfit for the summer theme. She drags it out from under the table and winks saying she had a feeling today she would need it and she was right! It's a cute shorts outfit, the kind where the shorts and shirt are the same material and sewn together (I think it's called a romper?) and the shirt has a draw string that ties above the breasts but no straps. I tell her it's cute, but then I realize the shorts are very short looking, and the fabric between the legs is only a half inch wide. I think to myself that this probably won't be comfortable to wear and it probably going to be very X rated once it's on because it's so short and tight. Then the dream provides me with an explanation that this is sort of like a brothel, only they just entertain with no actual sex. I thank the girls and tell them I've missed them, but I'm not sure I'm ready to come back. They all seem sad, and I excuse myself so they wont try to change my mind. When I leave the tent, a cute little furry brown and white animal runs up in front of me and looks up. I bend over to pick him up, and realize I'm wearing a long skirt. The critter is under my skirt when I'm standing, but when I bend over the skirt swishes back so it's not under it anymore and the critter makes a cute little squeaky noise. It's a cute critter, kind of like a guinea pig with a long tail, not like a rat. I hold it one hand and pet it with the other, then bringing it right up to my face and rub my nose against its nose. (My dream self is soooo smart that thing could have had rabies or something, lol) I decide to take it with me, and start walking again. I find myself walking up to a huge Victorian home, and let myself in thinking it's the kind of place you just walk in without needing to knock. There's an old woman standing in the entrance, and she looks at me with big eyes for a minute, then starts fussing at me asking where I've been and when I was planning on coming back. I then realize this is the brothel like place the tent was advertising. I'm not very comfy suddenly, but the little critter in my hand starts chirping furiously back at the woman and it's very comical. Then a tall super skinny man with glasses and blond hair (in hindsight, he reminds me of Able from Trinity Blade) he grabs the little critter by the tail and it starts kicking and squirming furiously being held up by it's tail. The man says, "Oh, I see you've found my younger brother!" and then he tosses the critter to the side. It hits the wall and then slides down it to hit the floor. As soon as it hits the floor, it turns into a guy probably around 20 with long black hair. He's rubbing his head complaining that being thrown hurt. I say I need to go home, and the black haired guy offers to go with me. I tell him I'm fine by myself, but he insists. the next thing I can remember I'm walking down a dirt path on my way home, and the guy is beside me in the form of a snake. He's chattering away but I'm not paying attention. Suddenly I ask, "Why are you here again?" and he says, "To protect you of course!" to which I reply, "From what? Alligators or something?" He suddenly pulls back as if scared and says, "Alligators are the transportation of choice for Borrowers! If we seen an Alligator we're running away!" I find it humorous that he's scared of Borrowers because they're sooo tiny. But just the the path opens up to a small muddy creek, and there's an alligator, with two female borrowers on top! They're steering it with reins of some kind. I kind of laugh to myself thinking wow, what a coincidence! but the snake guy is hanging back, frozen in fear. The borrowers look up at me like they're scared too, but I notice their reins are caught. I speak softly to them and say I'm not going to hurt them, I'd like to help them fix their reins if they don't mind. The look back and forth at one another, as if trying to decide if that's a good idea or not, then nod to me as if to say Ok, help us. The Alligators legs turn into wheels, and I get the rein that was caught under the wheels out and straighten them all out before handing them back to the Borrowers. They say thank you, and I tell them no problem and smile. Then I notice there's a door ahead, so I open it for them. As they go through the door I realize it looks like my bedroom door and wake up again. Looking back fully awake, I'm pretty sure that critter guy was looking up my skirt but it was so funny that he was afraid of borrowers, when he could have turned into an elephant and just squished them if they gave him any trouble!
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    8. 2-28-12 Fragments

      by , 02-28-2012 at 04:51 PM
      Didn't take any nyquil last night because I would be the only one home this morning and I didn't want to have the kids wake up and me too hard asleep to hear them get up! Unfortunately that means I got little sleep and only a couple of fragments for dreams. I woke up around 6 am, couldn't get back to sleep bc of y stuffy nose, so I got up and read a manga (Kamisama Kiss) while my nose drained and the pressure behind my eye relaxed, then went back to sleep around 7:30. So my first dream was heavily influenced by the reading, lol.

      Dream One (Fragment): There's a large white room, with black and white checkered floors, and a couple big columns holding up a balcony. I'm watching from above. There's a man or woman on a slightly raised platform looking very important, with a half-wolf half-human like creature that's standing to their right like their guard (or familiar judging by what happens next) I watch as from under the balcony Tomoe-Dono strolls in, followed by Nanami and the two little shrine spirits. The person on the platform waves a hand and says kill her, and the wolf man's claws suddenly shoot out super length and he runs at Nanami. Tomoe steps in front of her and there's a loud cracking sound and Tomoe blocks the wolf's claws with his own. I wake up bc my daughter is climbing into bed with me.

      Dream Two (Fragment): My mom knocks on the front door. She wants to borrow my MP3 player and my tape adapter that allows you to play it in a car that doesn't have a place for an MP3 player but does have a tape player. I am not happy to let her borrow something else, but I do it anyways bc she's my mom and I feel like I have to. She tells me to put it in her friend D's car BC it has the tape deck, but to leave the MP3 player in her truck. I tell her the MP3 player has to be attached to the cord for it to work, and she tells me they are going to roll the windows down and run the cord out the windows. I think this is a stupid idea and tell her she can't possibly stay that close to D as to not rip my cord. She disagrees and does it anyways, making it not even two hundred feet down the road before breaking my cord. I am pissed. I wake up.

      Dream ??? (Fragment): Can't remember when in the night this happened or even much about it, just that I was in the woods at night, walking with someone. I feel like we were going somewhere with a purpose, not just leisurely strolling.

      Dream ??? (Fragment) : I had to edit my dream journal to add this in, lol. After entering in my journal I logged off and went to facebook, and upon seeing the facebook icon I remembered a dream fragment from last night. I dreamed that my brother was yelling at me for posting that he was home on facebook. He's in the army, and in the dream he was saying no one was supposed to know he was home and he could get in trouble because of my post. I found it really odd that I would dream my brother was home, and even that he was yelling at me about facebook, because he hasn't been home at all this year and I don't get on facebook as much as I used to, even when I do I only post every other day or so. I have no clue where in my sleep cycle this fell.

      Updated 02-28-2012 at 06:20 PM by 53224 (remembered another!)

      non-lucid , dream fragment
    9. Early Sleep Dreams

      by , 02-20-2012 at 02:52 PM
      I didn't get to sleep as much as normal today, but I will probably get a nap later to make up for it. In any case, I have a couple short fragmented dreams, but nothing big. Hopefully the fun, vivid dreams will happen when I get my last couple hours of sleep in this afternoon.

      Dream One: On a whim, since I haven yet to become fully lucid in a dream, I tried what I think might be called a WILD, where I laid in bed and tried to picture what I wanted to dream, and stay conscious when I slipped into sleep. I don't really remember much of the dream. I think there was a car in the dream at one point. The only clear impression I have of the dream is running around with a guy and a girl around my age. I feel like we were searching for something and/or trying to protect someone. I woke up feeling really happy, so it couldn't have been a bad dream, but it just completely eludes me as to to what happened.

      Dream Two: I am sitting in a car,. It's one of those teeny tiny compact cars, and it kind of reminds me of a Volkswagen beetle. No sooner do I find myself in the car, the thing starts filling up with water! There's no rain or water outside the car, just on the inside. I open the car door and crawl out, but the water doesn't empty out, it stays in the car and keeps filling up. As if there's some sort of invisible water barrier holding water in the car. I notice there's a car beside mine, that looks like mine only a different color. I think one was red or green, and the other one was blue, but it's hard to remember. A girl climbs out of the other car, and I immediately recognize her as being with me. I can't recall her name or anything, but I'm sure I know her and have spent the entire day with her. She starts cursing. I ask what's going on, and she tells me that a spell was cast on the cars to fill them with water and slow us down. She grabs a phone and calls for a tow truck. It appears instantly. The tow truck moves our cars out of the way and into a grassy yard. I walk over to my car, and I think it was blue. I open the door thinking the water will stay inside like before, but it doesn't. Water pours out of the car and makes a big puddle on the ground. The puddle is clean, and I notice somehow a kiddie pool has appeared under the door and caught all the water in the car, so my feet aren't even wet. The other girl calls out that the spell has weekend, but we still can't drive the cars far until everything dries out. She pulls her car forwards and angles it so the sun is shining into the open door, and I do the same. Then I take off my shoes and walk back to the kiddie pools. Suddenly I'm in a bathing suit. I dip my feet in the kiddie pool and the water is very warm and comfy. I think that since we can't go anywhere until the car dries out, I might as well relax for a while. Then I wake up.

      Dream Three: I dream that I am in the old house I lived in with my grandma when I was a teenager. I'm sleeping in my bed, but my little boy is there, sleeping in the big bed with me. I wake up, and decide to go get a drink of water. When I get into the kitchen I see movement in the sun room. I walk into the sun room, and in the predawn light find my best friend Ambies in her pajamas as if she had been sleeping in the bed, only she was sitting up looking around. I ask her if she's ok, and she says she's scared. She heard a faint creaking door, and then a very scary scream. She said if she heard the door creak, it had to be one of the neighbors close by, and since she heard a scream if scares her that something bad has happened to someone, and if so whoever hurt them might come over and hurt us since we're so close. I'm a little unnerved by this myself, so I peek through the curtains trying not to disturb them as much as possible in case anyone's watching from outside. I don't see anything but woods, so I try to relax and tell her it must have been a bad dream. I go to the bathroom, then go back to the bedrooms. This time, instead of going to my bedroom, I go into my brothers room. My brother isn't there, but my grandma and my daughter are and they are sleeping in what should be his bed. I peek through the window in that room, and see a white dog in the woods. It reminds me of a white German Shepherd I've seen. It digs around in the bushes a minute, then turns and sits down, looking out across the yard. I leave the room trying not to wake anyone up, and then go back to my room. I peek out my window, and see that it's raining. The neighbors across the street have their garage and front doors standing wide open. I wonder it that's where the scream came from. I watch as a man in a suit and a round dress hat walks into the house with a briefcase. I find it odd he doesn't wipe his feet as he goes in. I yawn and decide to go back to sleep. As soon as I lay down my little boy rolls over and buries his face in my back. I wake up.
    10. A restless night

      by , 02-17-2012 at 07:24 PM
      Last night I woke up a lot, and hard a hard time going back to sleep when I did. I knew i had dreams, but I could barely remember them.

      Dream One (only vivid dream of the night): I walked into Dominos, in full uniform, complete with hat and apron. There's someone standing by the cooler, someone standing by the over, someone cutting pizzas and someone putting toppings on pizzas. I Wave as I walk behind the counter and I make no effort to correct my southern accent. "Ha eeeeey ya'll! Who's closin' with me taniiiiight?" I clock in, and note that two people raise their hands, the pizza maker and the person beside the cooler. I'm relieved and say as much out loud, "Awll riiight! Two people closin' with me, I'm gonna get home early taniiiight!" then the person by the over starts throwing his hand sup wildly and ranting. I recognize him as a guy who had been working there since before I started. He's saying, "I can make pizzas faster than those noobs! We didn't get home early last night, why are you so excited that your closeing with two noobs? Your going to have to make all the pizzas yourself!" I think I walked back towards the oven now, because I have a very vivid recollection of a square pepperoni lovers pizza that's just been cut dripping cheese with one burnt pepperoni and the rest of the pepperonis are just fine. I fuss right back at the guy ranting, "It's liake thius, cleanin' is whut takes soo lowng to get howme. It dusn't matter if they can make pizzas or nooot, whut matters is havin' three seats of haaands to clean uup and leave is faaaster than only having two seats!" (I'm not entirely sure how to translate a southern accent onto a keyboard, but when I'm not careful about it, my vowels do draw out and other vowels seem to pop in) Then I wake up, starving. I'm not able to go back to sleep for three hours, and then it's only because after two I get up and make myself some pizza bagel bites

      Second Dream (Fragment): I'm talking to a man. I don't remember what he looks like, but he seems older than me and I think him very wise. He's probably only about 5 or 10 years older than me, because I don't feel like I have to respect him because he'd my elder. I do respect him, just I'm sure it's because he knows more than me, not because he's older. I'm guessing in his early thirties. I have no idea what we're talking about. I can remember saying something about needing something once a week, but I can't remember now what that was I needed.

      Third Dream: A false awakening, first one I've had in a very long time. My husband is trying to wiggle his hands under my covers, and I notice my bed is in the middle of the living room instead of in our bedroom. I fuss at him to stop, we're in the middle of the living room. My Grandma walks by and goes into the basement. My husband says, "It's dark, she can't see and she's too deaf to hear anything." I wake up.

      Fourth Dream (Fragment): I'm talking to the older man again, I'm not sure what about but It's probably a continuation or repeat of the first dream.

      Fifth Dream: I'm at a mattress shop, looking at mattresses with my husband and kids. There are made beds allover the place, and the sales clerk says that we're welcome to stay the night and test drive the mattresses. We agree that we will. I lay on a couple beds, and find them all very soft, but also very uncomfortable at the same time. I voice that I like our old mattress. My husband complains that the old mattress is old and uncomfortable. He picks a mattress he likes, and we sleep on it. We wake up, and my kids are running all over the store. There is an old couple looking at mattresses now too. I'm embarrassed because my kids are trying to talk to them and not letting them shop. The old lady just smiles at them nicely. The old couple want to look at one of the beds, but my kids have toys all over it. I apologize over and over again as I clean it up, feeling really embarrassed. the old lady says not to worry that she has children and can remember when they were that age. I don't remember any more of the dream.

      Sixth Dream (Fragments): I can't remember where this dream started or the exact events, but I'll write what I do remember I'm in the grocery store, and I've got two early readers in my hands. I know my little boy isn't quite on this level with his reading yet and my little girl wont be reading for another couple years, but I have a weakness for books and I want to buy them for my kids anyways. I check out. (Can't remember what happens next.) I'm in a class room, feels like an elementary school class. There's a teacher sitting at a desk looking sad. I have a vision of a dog playing on a beach. I say as much. The teacher starts crying and tells me her dog just died, and she used to take him to the beach all the time. I feel bad, like I made her cry, so I get awkward and uncomfortable. Someone, I think Male, puts hands on my shoulders and starts guiding me out of the room. (Can't remember what happens here) I'm in a dark room, there are no windows, just a door. I am against the wall by the door and there's a guy about four feet in front of me with a gun. He's pointing at the door, not me. He tells me that if anything comes through that door looking for me, it will not expect me to be right beside the door, and will probably take a couple steps into the dark room looking for me as far away from the door and danger as possible. He plans to shoot it if something dangerous comes through the door, and I need to slip out behind it when it comes in and run as fast as I can. I'm not really cool with this plan, but the door opens before I have time to think. (Can't remember this part) I'm running down the street. I have something in my hands and in my mouth but I don't know what. There's a school buss in front of me, and It's dropping kids off on my road. As the buss pulls away I run up and finally make it to my own road. The kids dropped off are already halfway down the street. I trip, and can't help going, "Wah!" as I fall. When I open my mouth whatever was in it falls out, and I drop what's in my hands. Looking down I see they are all bottle caps. Like the metal kind from glass bottles, not the plastic kind. They're all gold and silver, and the logos are etched into them. They don't look like normal bottle caps and I get the feeling they are something else, I just don't know what. I start to pick them back up, and a high school student stops to help me pick them up. I tell him thanks but don't! I'm worried no one is supposed to see them, plus some of them are covered in slobber. He helps anyways, and even picks up a slobbery one. He asks me why I was carrying them in my mouth, that I could choke on them. I say because I have more than I can carry in my hands, I had to put some in my mouth to carry them all. He asks me why I have so many, I say for a project and I can't talk about it. He asks if I have any extra that he could have, I tell him I'm sorry I don't, but they're just bottle caps, he could go to the store and buy a soda to get one. He says he's never seen bottle caps like these before, can he please have one. I feel like it's important I get away fast, so I tell him if I have any left over from my project I'll give them to him, but I really need to go. I start running again, then wake up.

      Seventh Dream (Fragment) : I'm playing Mario Kart with my little boy trying to help him unlock Rosalina (I think that's the blue princesses name) I'm the character he unlocked yesterday, Dry Bones, and I remember throwing a green shell back behind me.
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