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    Flying in the woods

    by , 10-29-2013 at 06:45 PM (344 Views)
    As far as I can tell, this dream didn't actually go lucid. Recently, I've been telling myself over and over that "I will fly when I dream!" - it seems my subconscious finally picked up on it, even if I wasn't lucid at the time. As for the candy? Maybe I was reliving my completion of the basic TOTM?

    I'm in a wooded area with a group of people doing outdoor activities. From a clearing with the remains of a campfire, I've been walking certain paths over and over. The proper path goes to the left, nearly hits the road, turns right, and runs generally parallel to the road, snaking back and forth without ever getting too far from the road. In the clearing, I realize that if I walk straight ahead through a few feet of trees and underbrush, I'll come out on a second path which has a much broader sweep, with a swampy area to the right, eventually hitting the first path right as they cross the road. I like the second path much better and decide to use it.

    Now I'm crossing the road. I don't pay attention and get hit by a car. Now I'm walking down a hallway towards a window. I step through the open window and over a small flower garden, coming out in the clearing. I see someone else from my group taking my cut through the trees to the second path and decide that I'm going to take the main path and try to beat him. I start to jog along the path.

    When it meets the road and turns to the right, it goes down a long, moderate incline before it starts to snake. As I pass the top of the incline, I leap into the air, hold my arms straight in front of me (Superman style), and glide down the hill. Looking to my right through the trees, I can see the other guy. We're at around the same place, and I still want to beat him. As I glide down the hill, I quickly pick up speed. At the bottom, I "pull up" and am really pleased when I gain some good altitude - probably about ten feet. I don't want to loose too much speed and stall out, so I angle myself just slightly towards the ground and keep going. Ahead of me, the path kinks to the right and back to the left, going around* a tree limb at a bad height, but I fly right over it. As I'm flying I try both Superman arms-in-front as well as pretending my arms are wings and holding them to the side. They both work equally well.

    Now I'm at the road crossing. I'm a bit nervous about crossing the road flying, just in case something goes wrong, but I've got enough speed and altitude that I'm confident I'll make it. I get across with no problem. Past the road, the path becomes wider and grassy and forks. I can go either straight ahead and then right, or I can turn immediately right. Somehow I know that ahead-and-right will be fairly flat while immediate-right will be downhill, so I turn right. It's even wider here, probably twenty or thirty feet, straight and smooth (it'd make a great ski run). I go down it faster and faster, picking up more and more speed.

    At the bottom I "pull up" and shoot way into the air, higher than the trees, high enough to see both paths clearly, high enough to see the wooded areas as just a big blob of dark green and the paths as blobs of light green. I have a brief thought that I shouldn't be cheating like this, but I don't care. I fly a little high in the air until I see a brown patch that's a building at the end of the trails. I start to descend towards it. It rapidly becomes bigger, though it only becomes slightly more detailed - it looks like a falling-to-earth effect from an old SNES game. As I get closer, I see a brown boxy shape with square child icons moving around inside it, representing the building and the locations of the people inside it.

    Now I'm in the house,* in a smallish room. A bunch of kids are moving in and out of the room, trick-or-treating. I know I have to get some of their candy, but I know it'll be easy: all I have to do is put out a container with at least one empty slot, and the next kid to come by will fill it (they have very basic behaviors coded). I put out some kind of flat partitioned container and take a lemon Starburst from one of the corner spots. I end up focusing on the Star Burst and ignoring the rest of the candy. Now I'm chewing the Starburst and holding the empty wrapper, playing with it.

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    non-lucid , memorable
