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    Foreign bathroom / Dog trouble / Worst superpower / Missing clothing

    by , 10-11-2016 at 05:00 PM (180 Views)
    Foreign bathroom labels
    I'm in an older wooden building looking for the bathroom. There are four doors off of the hallway I'm in, and I'm pretty sure one of them leads to the men's room. The first door I look in is certainly a bathroom, but the word on the door is in a language I don't know, and there are no pictures. The room is too well decorated for a men's room, so I move on. The next room is also a bathroom, but there are so many piles of janitorial supplies and tools that the toilet isn't reachable. I walk to the next one, but someone warns me that it's under repair. By this point, I'm resigning myself to just having to hold it ...

    Dog trouble
    I'm walking around in "my" house. I happen to look out the window and see my dog running around the yard - something he's never supposed to be doing. My eldest daughter confesses to letting him outside. I remind her that his being outside alone could cause some serious problems, then send her out to fetch him.

    I'm leaving a house, walking along a walkway under some trees to go down to the driveway. We've been staying with friends, but now it's time to go home. I pass my dog on the walkway and feel sadness knowing that it'll be a while before I see him again. I then come to my senses, realizing that he's my dog and so of course he'll be coming with us, and my sadness is replaced by relief.

    Worst super-power ever
    I'm in a large open warehouse talking to some people. Missiles are hitting nearby, but so far none have hit this building. One of the guys I'm talking to explains that something about this building confuses the enemy and they don't usually aim for it. There's something about drinking something from vats to gain powers. Now explosions are rocking the building, and I realize the enemy has seen through the disguise. People are running this way and that preparing for evacuation. Now there's something about driving somewhere and seeing someone on the side of the road.

    Now I'm with a friend in a bright suburban neighborhood. We're trying to keep a low profile and escape from <something>. If we head due <that way>, we should be able to get to somewhere safe. Unfortunately, in our haste to escape, I don't have any shoes. I do have some strips of paper towel - maybe 3" x 8" - which I decide to try to make into something to protect my feet. I consider trying to tie them together, but I quickly realize that won't work. I try to fold a couple strips together - folding their ends a couple of times, folding the corners, flipping them inside out - and while I have a brief moment of triumph, it quickly falls apart. Finally, I remember that, because of the weird stuff I drank, I can put glue on anything I touch. I touch a couple of points at the tip of one of the strips, leaving behind dots of a tan-colored glue, then glue the strips together. Success! I'm worried, though - can I turn the power off? Will I end up putting glue on everything I touch for the rest of my life?

    Concert without clothes
    I'm in a huge room which is packed with people and nearly pitch-black. Everyone's looking in the same direction, possibly towards a stage. I have the distinct feeling that I'm at least partially naked and cross my hands over my crotch. I'm thankful that it's so dark that, even if I'm not fully clothed, it's unlikely that anyone will notice.

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