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    Parliamentary address / Secret passages / Stark HQ

    by , 01-26-2016 at 10:56 PM (266 Views)
    Overnight audio: Ninja's subliminal recall
    Mantra: "Tonight I will remember my dreams."
    Bed @ 2220
    Woke @ 0125

    Parliamentary address
    I see a movie poster depicting an average guy who's suddenly put in charge of a huge casino after returning from overseas. The casino is depicted as a set of three giant steel-and-glass buildings. The guy in the billboard looks completely bewildered. Now I see a guy in rich attire sitting in a chair while reading. His hands are cuffed together in front of him, but he doesn't seem to notice or care. I gather that he's the real owner of the casino.

    Now I'm sitting in a HUGE auditorium. At the very front, a woman is standing behind a VERY large podium giving a very zealous speech about this man and how terrible he is. In my mind, we're in England in some kind of government building / halls of Parliament / etc. The "podium" is a giant wooden structure that's probably thirty feet high and is as wide as the hall, though it's only a few feet deep. Somehow, even though she's a long way from me, I see her as if I'm just a few feet away. After a short time, she suddenly interrupts her speech to call for attendants to check everyone's tickets.

    Now my perspective is from my seat way back in the hall. Officials have started moving around looking at people's tickets, and I'm worried because I don't have one. I look to my left at Mom, who's sitting one row up against the wall, to see if she has any. She nods to say that everything is OK. I get up and start to head towards her. A lady checking tickets is heading my way, and I try to walk as if I'm completely confident. I hope I don't lose my seat, but I'm more concerned about not being thrown out by the officials.

    Now Mom has joined me and we're headed across the hall to where my step-father is - it seems he's got the tickets. Now we're in the little store where he is. He pulls four passports out from a bag and hands them to me. I'm surprised that our passports are our tickets: I thought they were going to be actual specific tickets, not just IDs. I'm a bit surprised that there are four, but I reason that one of them must be my baby son's. Now my daughters and a couple of their friends are writing down numbers from inside the four passports. I open them wide and try to hold them so everyone can see, but eventually I put a couple of them on the floor so the girls can see all four at once.

    Looking for secret passages
    I have a top-down view of a maze-like series of hallways. Everything is grayscale; there's no color. Using a limited number of moves, I'm moving my character through them looking for something. I do something to trigger a popup question, and my answer seems to be wrong. Now it's someone else's turn. He does something similar, though he changes a few things, and he discovers a secret passage. It's still not the one we'd actually been hunting for, but it's still exciting. Now the view changes. It looks like his character has dropped through a hole and is standing on a walkway around a large round object. He's got a pop-up asking whether to release the cursed ball. He picks "No" and is informed that the puzzle will be reset. We're both rather put out at this news. Sure, we don't want to have to carry around a cursed item, but it looks like that's what's necessary to proceed, and now it'll be a while before we can get back there again.

    BTB @ 0205 (after fixing beeping freezer)
    Woke @ 0610

    Bombing Stark HQ
    I'm driving along an interstate and look left out my window. Other than trees and gently rolling ground, the only thing I see is a sky scraper. I know that it's scheduled for demolition today. As I watch, a plane flies by and drops a bomb. I expect that the bomb is going to hit the building and explode, but it actually hits the ground, "skids" towards the building, and explodes once it's inside. The explosion is a brilliant orange cone, laced with lines of yellow, that shoots out of the top of the building. It's surprisingly narrow - it's clearly a very finely shaped charge. It's an amazing sight, and I wish I'd been able to capture it. Now I'm out of my car fiddling with my phone, trying to open up the camera app before the next bomb hits. I realize it's not working because the battery is low, so I hurriedly plug in my portable USB batter. I manage to get some footage, though it's pretty poor.

    Now I'm standing next to a parking deck, very close to the unharmed building. Up close, the building is very attractive and also much shorter than it was earlier. It's kind of egg shaped and made out of a laticework of greenish glass. The Stark Arc Reactor is visible inside. I know the first plane is about to come by to drop its bomb. I hold the phone up to take video, but I realize that I'm really close to the building - this may not be a good idea. The bomb slides across the parking lot, goes into the building, and boom - but this time the explosion is far smaller. Is that because I'm standing here?

    Now I'm showing my wife the photos and footage of the destruction that I got. The first shot shows Stark HQ unharmed. The second picture is after the first bomb fell; you can see damage, but it's not too bad. The next shot is after the second bomb, and it looks much, much worse: it's lost much of its color, pipes are sticking out at strange angles, and it's smoking some.

    Fragment: I'm driving along a wooded road and come to a very round building with a flat top. Now I'm inside. The people there are all friendly but are all giving off a "why are you here" vibe.

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