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    Quantum radios / Alien trouble / Thrifting

    by , 12-03-2013 at 03:42 PM (435 Views)
    Quantum radios
    The first part of the dream involves something about a T intersecttion on impossibly long straight roads and a time machine.

    Now I'm working with ??? trying to set up a quantum radio station. We have one component we need, but we can't find the transmitter. We know it looks like an orange, and we know the general area it's been hidden in, but we can't find it. Part of the problem is that it may not currently look like an orange; it could be disguised as anything. That being said, we're told it will always look out of place. ??? and I are going over and over the area where it could be, checking everything, picking up and feeling anything that gives the slightest impression of being out of place. We have a working receiver, but we can't use it to track down transmitters because each transmitter acts like four separate transmitters in different locations (because quantum). I keep coming back to one room with an open-backed bookshelf. Something about the bookshelf or the stuff on the bookshelf just seems off. I keep looking at everything, sometimes picking up everything. Another team already has their transmitter working there, so it's unlikely that my transmitter is nearby, but I keep coming back to it anyway. On the bookshelf I find things that are like my Powerball but not - they have a strange spiral/tornado thing inside which the ball moves around in. I take a couple of minutes away from looking for the transmitter to pick up and use one. The guy running the bookshelf transmitter picks up another one to demonstrate, but I already know how to use it and spin it up quickly.

    My teammate reminds me that I had a "vision" of it when I looked into a mirror, that in my mind's eye I could see a pinkish/reddish ball. He assumes that's our transmitter, and we need to find that. There's another room we spend a lot of time in looking for the transmitter. It's at the end of the hall and looks like a store room. It's full of all kinds of junk, including a lot of food prep tools, also a lot of forks. While we're trying to find the transmitter, we're also getting content ready. Someone hails us as having really good, fair content.

    Now we've finally got our station running, though it's not working right yet. We have to drive back and forth to the transmitter to tweak it and then check it. My wife is involved now and notices that according to the receiver, the transmitter is currently set to "liberal." She tells me I need to go fix that, NOW. I tell her that I'm sure that I left it set to conservative, that someone else must have messed with it, but I'll go take care of it.

    Form: Setting
    - Impossibly long, straight roads
    Form: Object
    - Strange Powerball
    - Vision of red transmitter
    - Transmitter that looks like an orange
    Context: Situation
    - Time machine
    - Quantum radio
    - Can't find things
    Context: Setting
    - Junk storage room
    Action: Object
    - Transmitter political settings

    Alien troublemakers
    Dax and Bashir are eating at a table outside a restaurant. She's finishing her meal. He's still eating his hamburger when he's called away. Now I see Dax sitting by herself finishing his hamburger. She's making Mmmm Mmmm sounds like it's the best thing she's ever had. She's got two forks and is devouring everything on the plate, down to the lettuce and fried onions. Her coordination is poor and she ends up pushing things around more than she actually picks them up, but she's determined to finish it all. A couple of janitors are cleaning up near her table and she says "This is delicious! Do you want some?" The younger janitor says something like "Uhh, sure?". The older one leans forwards and quietly says "The correct answer is 'no.'" Dax is also embarrassed, since she now has no food to share.

    Now two women are siting with her. A normal glass of wine is in front of Dax, and a small tumbler of wine is in front of one of the other women. While one woman (without any wine) distracts her, the other takes a tiny cup filled with something that looks like wine and puts a few drops in Dax' wine, then pours the rest into her own cup. She and Dax drink. Almost immediately, Dax notices that she's getting very tired and feeling kind of strange, but she doesn't have the presence of mind to fight it or call for help. She just makes some comment about having to go with them, but couldn't they at least change the name of the place to something less embarrassing?

    Somehow related to the above, some kind of alien invasion is going on. A guy is somehow able to use his phone to jump into alternate / parallel realities to try to figure out how to fight the aliens. He's only got five jumps. The first two ended in his death. He's on his third jump now, and it looks like he's going to die here shortly.

    Speed limit troubles
    I'm driving around an area with lots of shops. My wife is in another car nearby. We both know the way home, so I speed up and go the flow of traffic; then I notice that I'm in a 35 doing 65. I try to slow down some, but I'm having a hard time going fast enough not to be dangerous but slow enough that I won't get a terrible ticket if I get pulled over. I keep hoping the speed limit will go up, but every sign is for 35. This is a 4/5 lane road with large shops on each side, so I don't understand why the speed limit is so low.

    Action: Ego
    - Driving faster than my wife
    Context: Situation
    - Finding myself so far above the speed limit
    - Trouble managing my speed
    - Wrong speed limit

    A small group of people is outside sitting in mismatched chairs. Our pastor is standing, talking. He's apologizing for mis-guessing how many members the church has, thinking it was just under three hundred when it's actually around two thousand. I start thinking about how to cull the membership list. At least for the email list, I can send an email with the subject prefixed with "ACTION REQUIRED" asking them to respond to me; I'll drop anyone who doesn't respond. Now I'm standing, looking around. Across the street, I see my wife's favorite thrift store.

    Now we're in the thrift store. My eldest daughter ends up holding a tiny bronze bell and going off somewhere. I run into a lady from church, and she shows me what she found: some mega-packs of chap stick. She apologizes for not leaving me any, and since the store is having an "everything must go" sale, there are no more (at this point, it's no longer a thrift store, it's a Dollar Tree). Now I'm in a back area that's almost completely bare. My son and his cousin come out of the bathroom. The cousin has used a pen to draw a "tattoo" on my son's arm, which I'm not at all pleased about. I see the little bell my daughter was holding on the floor, and I'm not pleased; but then she comes by, still holding her bell, and I realize the one on the floor wasn't actually hers but is one that's exactly the same as what she has.

    Action: Character
    - Pastor getting the church membership wrong
    - Conversation about chapstick
    - Son's tattoo
    Context: Situation
    - Encountering an acquaintance in a strange place
    Awareness: Thoughts
    - Confusion about the bell

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    Updated 12-03-2013 at 08:46 PM by 28190

