Vacation travel / Home and garden shopping
, 10-09-2014 at 04:47 PM (540 Views)
I went to bed at 10 and woke naturally at 2:15. My thoughts are very scattered with no coherent memories. My mind may not have completely shaken off the dream state: as I try to recall dreams, my thoughts turn to different people offfering to hunt dreams for me and bring them back so I can record them. Eventually I got up and used the bathroom, then returned to bed at 2:25.
I woke up a couple more times, again with no clear recall.
I woke naturally at 5:25 and had good recall of my last dreams.
Vacation travel
I'm with my family driving to our vacation spot. We've just had breakfast at a restaurant and are going across the street to top up on gas. I talk with my eldest daughter for a couple of minutes. In another conversation, I find out that Jeff and his family are vacationing up north and have decided to rent a van for the trip, believing that renting the van actually saves them money in the long run since it means they save the wear and tear to their own car.
Home and garden shopping
I'm outside "my house" working on my lawn and garden. It's a fairly small rectangular area, maybe 15' by 25', and part of that is the garden. Looking at the street, our house is to my left with the raised beds of the garden right next to it. It looks like the person mowing the grass got interrupted last time the grass was being cut, since there's about a third of the lawn (kind of an island towards one end) that's looking terrible. The rest of the lawn looks pretty good. The raised beds each have five columns and three rows, though a few of the columns haven't been planted yet. I'm spraying super-garlic mosquito barrier around the lawn using the hose attachment. I spray the well-kept part of the lawn first, then start in on the messy section, though I have my doubts since the garlic'd part will probably be cut off when it's next mown. Oh well. I also spray the garden, though I try to avoid the columns where nothing is growing. They're currently very very dry, making it easy to see at a glance where things have been planted, and I don't want to lose that distinction.
Now Leena's (our neighbor directly across the street from us) van is parked on the edge of our lawn. I moved it there so I could take pictures of it. Leena gets home, and I'm worried that she won't be happy, especially when I see her walking across to us. When she gets to me, she says not to worry about the van, but she needs a favor. Her grandmother is here and is hungry, and she needs something quick. If I give her my peanuts, she'll give my eldest daughter (something) in return. I agree and start to head for the house.
Now Leena's gone and I'm trying to cross the road to her house (without the peanuts). The little neighborhood road is incredibly jammed with cars, but only in one direction, right-to-left from my perspective. Since the cars aren't really moving, I figure I can just walk between a couple of them, but a strange long, thin, barrel-shaped car (like an old race car) cuts me off. I hang back until he's past, and the next car lets me though.
Now I'm in the passenger seat in Leena's van; she's driving. I hadn't realized we'd be going on a shopping trip; I thought it was to be a quick exchange at home. I feel a bit odd and realize I'm not wearing a shirt. I must have taken it off while working and not put it back on. I'm annoyed at both Leena and my wife (who's in the back of the van) - I really think one of them could have mentioned that I'm shirtless. Somehow I end up looking at our path on a GPS app, and I see that our path ahead makes a right triangle crossing over where we've already gone: we'll be making two greater-than-ninety-degree left turns, functionally mimicing a right turn it seems we should have taken a while back. Oh well, the routing algorithms are pretty good these days, so it's probably right even if it seems weird.
Now we're at the store. Leena's gone off to pick something up, and I'm supposed to meet her past the checkout with the peanuts. I realize I can teleport home, grab the peanuts (and a shirt), then teleport back without her knowing. I'm off in a corner of the store without other people, so I should be able to do this unnoticed by anyone. I decide it'd be best to teleport back outside the store so they don't think I'm stealing their peanuts - this place is run by the mafia and I really don't want to get shot. Promptly forgetting about the plan to teleport back outside, I spend a moment really studying my surroundings, fixing them in my mind, since that's what I'll need for the return teleport. Once I've got it, I then start thinking about my home, picturing it really clearly so I'll jump to it. In my mind, I'm looking at it from about a fourty-five degree angle, with the road to my left, as if I'm standing at the road and the right edge of my property (as seen from the road). I see my front step, the green lawn, and the bricks of the walls.
Now I'm back home. My wife's grandmother is here and she needs some stuff from the store. I decide to go shopping with a friend of mine (who seems a combination of various people I know) and split the money. Now we're at a thrift store trying out a monitor. It's got a terrible resolution, though I wonder if that's because the testing rig is bad. It's hooked up to a cheap KVM that's strung all the way across the table, and my friend thinks that's the problem. Now we're walking back to the house, bags in hand. The goods we're carrying are worth $42, so each of us gets $21. Not bad for an hour or two of work when I wouldn't have otherwise gotten anything. Of course, the amount we make could vary hugely depending on what people need, so I'm not sure that being a paid shopper is a great side job.
Fragment: I'm walking through an airport with a couple of other guys. It's night.
I finish recording the dream at 5:55 and try to get back to sleep but don't manage it, getting up at 6:30.