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    Visiting the B's / Getting a haircut

    by , 10-16-2014 at 09:26 PM (647 Views)
    I go to bed at 11:30 PM, intending to get up between 6:30 and 7 AM. I read over the last couple of days in my dream journal before going to sleep (with my red filter enabled, of course). My wife's coughing wakes me at 4:30.

    Visiting the B's
    Mrs. B has asked my eldest daughter if she'd like to go over to their house, so she's come to ask me. I say yes, then back-pedal, saying I need to check with my wife. My wife assumes I don't approve and is surprised to hear that I'm inclined to say yes. She's not a fan of the idea, but if I *really* want my daughter to go, then she's (sigh) OK with it.

    Getting a haircut
    I walk into a generic cheap hair salon to get a haircut. After the lady behind the little counter takes my name, I go back outside. Right by the door is a large newspaper dispenser with a sign saying it's for people who are waiting for a haircut. I take one, then head back inside. As I'm walking past the counter to sit on a padded bench on the far wall, I see that an effeminate man (black, with a fairly light shade) is doing something behind the counter. As I'm sitting on the bench, the woman who took my name looks up at me, addresses me by name, and says they'll be with me shortly.

    I consider how odd it is to be in one of these places again. My wife has cut my hair for many years now, but I'm here since she's so tired and stressed and needs a break. She'll be surprised that I was willing to spend the $13 (plus tax and tip), but she'll appreciate the gesture. I think back to the Art of Manliness video on how to talk to your barber about a haircut. I remember the need to specify sideburn length and decide on mid-ear, and I think I need to specify the length on the top of my head as an "8" tapering all the way down to nothing at the base of my neck.

    Fragment: Hundreds of barrel-shaped objects are laid out in a grid on a very green field.

    I decide that the hair salon would be a great place to pick up a dream, since it's a place I never go. Before returning to sleep, I visualize finding myself in the salon, realizing that I'm dreaming, and doing some goals ... but I never actually get back to sleep. Around 4:30 I take a short shower, and I feel more relaxed and sleepy, but I still don't get any more sleep before my wife's alarm goes off.

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    1. PercyLucid's Avatar
      Keep up the visualization for a few nights (and also during the day) and you will soon have that lucid

      Keep up the good work!