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    The most guarded pyramid

    by , 12-11-2013 at 02:59 AM (963 Views)
    Date: 8 Dec

    Entry 2/2

    [Summary of non-ld part]:

    In school, invited by teacher and classmates to go to the movies. One of them forgets an item belonging to her husband and we go back. On the way back, I lose sight of my classmates and go to bring another item to another classmate that was previously in the room, going to her place.

    Her place looks pretty weird with some guys going to a sauna room next to her door. The room turns into a bathroom and I have a look at my reflection, my hair's different but I like it too much to realize something's off. After a while of vanity staring, with the place now a trailer on the street, I identify that my features aren't exactly supposed to look like this and it finally hits me.

    My memory is kind of blurry about the surroundings but I remember getting out of the trailer, then walking to this U turn, where I begin to feel the dream thinning. I immediately start rushing without any purpose, can't think of any tasks either, which adds to my worries. I tell myself to stop doing this and try to look around instead, notice some sort of store where I try to read the name. This seems to take the attention off dream instability and helps fix things.

    I'm in the middle of a heavy traffic road, cars going in both directions. I feel like I want to push couple of vans off the road to test my abilities. I try pushing one, but to my surprise, it feels heavy as a real van. I continue until managing to make a number of vans lift off in the air, then throw them using tk near the road. Then I turn around to the traffic behind me, lift a number of cars, allow them to stay in the air for a while then tk drag them to the same place I left the previous ones. At some point a few of the cars in the air start to morph into chunks of metal and emit this strong metallic smell.

    There's a bit of green (like grass and trees) on the scene but overall I don't like the composition. I command the traffic to stop and try to mentally prevent any new cars from coming and think about cleaning up around. How should I do that, erase the pile of metal crap? Then I remember I wanted to try drawing with the finger. The scenery in front of me has many levels, but I find an empty spot where the end of the scenery meets the blue sky and draw a triangle here and concentrate on seeing what's going to happen. Indeed, there is a ghost-like shape and especially in the beginning it is the Great pyramid, the right proportions and color. A bit later it becomes somewhat pointier and the stone darker, more like a Nubian pyramid. I give it a try to fix it a bit, but it more or less remains the same. And of course, it is unfortunately too far. I know I have to reach it as fast as possible.

    Not too used to flying, I start swimming in the air, floating towards the pyramid pretty successfully. Interestingly, I also breathe the same way I would during swimming. The scenery in front of me is an mix of steep hills and walls. I keep swim flying, reaching one of the walls, see cameras and barbed wire. At this point I think about the title of the journal entry, this is the most guarded pyramid in the world (already thinking about journaling!). Swim flying and climbing, I am getting closer to the top of the structure, when I see that the pyramid has turned into a number of houses and radio tower. I want to do the drawing again, but the dream fades.

    (Now, I kind of feel a bit guilty of drawing exactly the same thing as CL, but it was the first thing that came to mind. Also, should have thought more about the pyramid, rather than titles)

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    Updated 12-11-2013 at 03:04 AM by 61764

    lucid , non-lucid , memorable , task of the year , side notes


    1. CanisLucidus's Avatar
      Wow, amazing dream control throughout this whole thing, Nyx! I loved all of that calm practice at the beginning moving large objects, rearranging them, trying to take large-scale control of the scene. The weird side effects (morphing and metallic smell!) were interesting... classic dream stuff!

      And you did an especially great job with the drawing! You took it much, much further than I did! That was great (not to mention very encouraging.) You kept a coherent scene going for a very long time, just not long enough to avoid thinking about dream journal composition. But hey, great title! One that literally came to you in a dream.

      All in all, I loved the low-key confidence and sharp dream control you displayed in this whole thing. No reliance on gimmicks like my recent bluster and profanity. Just the belief that you can do it and then coolly putting it into practice. Great work here! And of course, very nice attempt on Task of the Year!
      NyxCC and WakingNomad like this.
    2. Highlander's Avatar
      Congrats on the lucid NyxCC.

      I liked the TK skills with the cars and the control/drawing skills.

      I found it interesting that you were already considering the title and the journaling like as though there is a lot of cognitive processing going on. (Overlap.)
      I've had similar (in a LD) where I was conscious in needing to try and memorize the parts of the dream (for when I needed to record later.)
      It did sometimes create worry and anxiety about remembering details instead of letting go and experiencing the dream on occasions.

      You, on the other hand seem to have it licked.
      NyxCC likes this.
      Updated 12-11-2013 at 12:54 PM by Highlander
    3. NyxCC's Avatar
      @ CL

      Thanks! Playing around and moving objects using tk feels so great and I'm so happy I got to test out the drawing technique (thanks for the inspiration too!) It is extremely interesting how something can appear or disappear in front of your eyes. I happened to have the speed to catch the process in both situations (here and with that chimp that disappeared). It's the same process, appearing/disappearing from transparent contours. I think that realization opens up the door for more experiments and tech refining or variations in the future. Must keep that in mind!

      @ Highlander


      Yeah, being closer to daily awareness/cognitive functions can be both a blessing and a curse. While I might be able to think slightly better, too much thought can cause me to let the dream slip away, and that's the second (but hopefully last) time my distracted thoughts cause a dream scene change. Ok, it probably won't be the last, so I might have to start rearranging the scene myself, using any means necessary
      CanisLucidus and Highlander like this.
    4. CanisLucidus's Avatar
      Thanks! Playing around and moving objects using tk feels so great and I'm so happy I got to test out the drawing technique (thanks for the inspiration too!) It is extremely interesting how something can appear or disappear in front of your eyes. I happened to have the speed to catch the process in both situations (here and with that chimp that disappeared). It's the same process, appearing/disappearing from transparent contours. I think that realization opens up the door for more experiments and tech refining or variations in the future. Must keep that in mind!
      Cool, I'm glad you got to actually take a good look at this appearance/disappearance process! It is still somewhat mystifying and confusing for me when it happens. It's just like a change in perception, sort of like how you think you see someone standing just down the street... but not, just a strangely-shaped tree next to a trash can (or whatever.)

      All of the dream world is sort of like that. I'm glad you got a good handle on what it looks like when it happens. Looking forward to your coming experiments!
      NyxCC likes this.
    5. NyxCC's Avatar
      Oh, I am still extremely mystified! Need to experience it more times to eventually understand it better. The comment that all of the dream world is like this is very accurate (yet I equally have no idea what it is!). The interesting part is when you get the chance to think about the structure of the dream and experience it. But most of the time we are so busy, trying to remember tasks, execute them, getting rid of distractions, keepying things stable, etc. to be able to notice the details. However, with more practice and experience, we might have both the ability and confidence to examine and play around even more directly with dream matter.

      And who knows, you might encounter some similar or even better super cool effects sooner than my experiments.
      CanisLucidus likes this.
    6. CanisLucidus's Avatar
      The interesting part is when you get the chance to think about the structure of the dream and experience it. But most of the time we are so busy, trying to remember tasks, execute them, getting rid of distractions, keepying things stable, etc. to be able to notice the details. However, with more practice and experience, we might have both the ability and confidence to examine and play around even more directly with dream matter.
      Agreed! One exciting thing I think we've discovered in the past few months is that deeply experiencing the dream in this way actually increases stability. The hard part is freeing the mind of worry, doubt, and distraction so that we can simply do this!
      NyxCC likes this.
    7. Baron Samedi's Avatar
      [url=http://www.dreamviews.com/blogs/wakingnomad/whats-up-city-nowhere-2814/]WHAT'S UP from the City of Nowhere - Dream Journals - Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views[/url]

      WHAT'S UP from the City of Nowhere Edit DJ Entry
      , 07-01-2010 at 02:20 PM (192 Views)


      I am in a pirate radio station in a grass hut in the City of Nowhere. I am shooting out radio waves from an antenna on the top of the Temple.
      YO, WHAT'S UP DREAMERS? This is Nomad, Juargawn, Nate, Indigo, whatever you want to call me, I am The God of Lucidity, broadcasting from the MOON BABY, YEAH! Tonight we have a line up of some kick ass drum'n'bass, glitch, and DUBSTEP, MU-FUKKAS! And I will play the didjeridoo with my mouth into the mic tonight. How can I do it? THIS IS A DREAM, BABY! THIS IS A FUCKING DREAM![/I]

      I fly through the roof. I sense myself in many dreams, in many dimensions. I cover myself in dream-orbs like armor. I shoot them into as many dreams as possible.

      Yeah! I am the funky monkey goat god, Pan-Cannabis! Bachus Magnus! I fly through your dreams on wings of power!
      NyxCC and CanisLucidus like this.