• Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views

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    Oneirin's Dreamworld

    Lucid: Blue
    Approaching Lucidity: Gold
    Non-Lucid: Black
    *Color Coding hasn't worked in my DJ since mid June 2023, so LDs are simply marked with: (LD) from that point on.

    1. 1. Lizard In Meadow (LD) 2 . The Bonfire of Syrano (LD)

      by , 09-17-2023 at 02:21 PM (Oneirin's Dreamworld)
      1. Lizard In Meadow (LD)
      I make my way to a bathroom in the Meadow main house trying to find a way to clean up liquid that's dripping all over. I pick up on a sense of worry and go for a nose plug.No way...maybe I'm not quite pinching...NO! It's a binary answer Eric, you're dreaming! I'm quite calm, but feel a sense of surprise this time...it all felt so...real.... I make my way to the balcony and begin to glide over the rail into the reception area as usual, considering dream goals. I phase through the glass window on the second story and drift down onto the front walkway in the night. The dream is a bit blurry, so I set my mind to stabilizing. I start with verbals:
      "I'm dreaming. I'm dreaming...I'm dreaming..."
      Then tactile. I start rubbing my hands all over the concrete. I start moving my dream body and begin doing a series of three burpees, feeling the sensation of the concrete on my palms. I then start doing some yoga asanas. I focus on lizard pose and feel my limbs stretching thorough the movements. It feels surprisingly like waking life. No wonder athletes talk about using lucid dreams for training.
      I look up and take in the view around the town in meadow. Everting is very...crisp...vivid. It appears to be a winter night with a slight sheen of frost over everting. I wonder if my mental acuity raised since my mind actually thinks I just exercised a bit...
      I see some lights on in houses down the streets and a few DCs standing in front. What were my dream goals again...oh yeah! I wanted to dilate time with an hourglass. I set my mind to advanced summon an hourglass as I bring my right arm in front of me while walking down the concrete walkway. It doesn't materialize. I fly toward the house across the street as the garage door begins to open. I imagine an hour glass around a bush, on the back side, but don't find one. Roughly five young dream characters begin coming out of the garage and heading down the driveway. I snap my fingers and go invisible. They glance in my general direction, yet look right thorough me and continue walking. Once toward the end of the driveway, however, the male in front, who appears to the leader, seems to have caught onto something. He begins to investigate in my general area, ruffling though the bushes. I crawl backwards to the bush behind me, not feeling like engaging the group of DCs. This is ridiculous, it's a dream...if they head into this bush, Im just going to pound them and move on. The leader heads toward the bush I'm in and the dream fades.

      *False awakening in which I'm explaining the whole LD to H.

      2 . The Bonfire of Syrano (LD)
      I make my way into the main area of the Syrano main house and suddenly become lucid.
      "I'm in Syrano and I'm dreaming...I'm dreaming! I'm dreaming!"
      I say it with a bit of a melody, it a sort of giddy mood. It was easy this time!
      The dream isn't as sharp as I want it to be, so I repeat a couple burpees, then a yoga asana as in the previous lucid of the night.
      The dream becomes a bit sharper. I consider what to do next. I could explore the area to the back again and check out the cliffs...and the sky island...no I should explore the front area; I've only done that once.
      I head to the front of the house. I decide to open the door manually rather than phase; I don't want to risk teleporting somewhere else. I open the door which has a thick, blocky metal knob right in the center. I expect to find a 'woodsy' area as in a previous dream but I find somewhat of a courtyard in the center of an apartment complex. There is a family lounging on a couch beyond the sliding glass door on the first floor in front of me - they appear to be having some kind of gathering. I turn to the right, and the main courtyard is quite beautiful. There is some green grass, a bit of lush green foliage, lounge chairs, and small 'nooks' to hang out in. I make my way to this area and see that roughly five to six stories of what appear to be apartment/condo style buildings tower overhead. I turn tot he right expecting to see the rustic meditation area and porch connecting, and I find it as expected. I see the fireplace set against the wall to the left and head in this area. I head into this area, then decide to explore beyond as I see very tall trees in a strip of forest ahead. This is the area that connects to the cliffs of Syrano. I float farther down, within small recess in the terrain. I set my mind to using mass telekinesis on the massive trees, yet they don't move. I then see a massive bonfire roughly one hundred yards ahead. It's burning intensely and is roughly eight meters in diameter. I continue to approach it, interested in checking it out. The dream fades rapidly.

      Updated 09-18-2023 at 10:56 PM by 50425

    2. 1. Swerving Vehicle (LD) 2. Late For Caves (LD) 3. Cave Wall Phasing (LD)

      by , 09-16-2023 at 02:20 PM (Oneirin's Dreamworld)
      1. Swerving Vehicle (LD) 2. Late For Caves (LD) 3. Late For Caves Again (LD)
      The SUV rotates farther, past the left most lane and into the grass. I really hope this is a dream so I don't have to worry about itI look at H in the passenger seat with a sense of calm and go for a nose plug. Breathe...[I]thought so. I look at H with a smile and she smiles back. I lean in and give her a kiss. Bright sunshine if flooding into the car and we seem to be in a very colorful area; there's a lot of foliage nearby. The scene is quite vivid and I look down. The bottom of the vehicle is very dark, and as soon as I look down the dream becomes very unstable. I wake up.

      2. Late For Caves (LD)
      I'm standing in a dark area and my awareness begins to raise rapidly. I begin thinkin about lucidity. That would be sweet it this was a dream...oh I am dreaming! I turn to my right and become lucid as I see a massive arched passageway leading to my left. I appear to be in the central hub of a dark cave, and this passageway leads farther into the dark. It's roughly ten meters tall and fifteen meters wide. I head in that direction, but believe I'm waking up.

      *False Awakening

      3. Cave Wall Phasing (LD)
      I'm in a dark cave area and the visuals aren't very pronounced. I'm going to need to do something to work with this dream. I suddenly decide to teleport and head toward a nearby cave wall. I phase right in and the dream goes to void. I feel my dream body distinctly and begin waving my arms a bit instinctively, waiting for a scene to form, although I don't actively try to visualize right away for some reason (1). I start feeling vibrations and believe I'm waking up.

      *Another False Awakening. I literally record all of my lucids into a voice recorder.

      (1) I'm going to start the habit of visualizing right away when I phase. It seems this is the most reliable method for me, for now, to not lose the dream

      Updated 09-16-2023 at 02:28 PM by 50425

    3. 1. Shapeshifting In Meadow (LD)

      by , 09-15-2023 at 11:32 PM (Oneirin's Dreamworld)
      Autumn Competition 2023 - Night 14

      I’m talking to a dream character downstairs in the main house in Meadow and my awareness begins to raise. I notice the dreamlike quality of her face, and I become lucid. We're sitting on a brown couch facing each other and I’m impressed by the level of detail in her face; I can see the fine lines and texture of the skin. I leave the lounge area and walk to the kitchen area, considering where to go. I fly through the window to my right and into the backyard, under the night sky. I rise upward taking in the view of the yard and the fence to my right, the neighboring yard beyond. I begin reflecting on the fact that I should get started with some dream control. I fly a few feet farther, then land on a concrete surface and begin to focus on conjuring tornados, however none begin to pick up. I fly to the neighboring yard and turn to my right. The house looks slightly different; the walls are gray and the windows of the second level are quite expansive. I decide I should phase through the wall and explore the structure. I approach the gray concrete wall and phase right through, Once inside, I see a couple of females who appear to be office workers, milling around toward the end of the room. I make my way between the two, and get inspired to become invisible. I snap my fingers, and the two look straight through me as they turn their heads, not realizing that I’m there. I snap again to stop the invisibility, and the two look at me. We catch glances, and the two begin giggling at me – I smile back at them, finding the situation entertaining. I glide back outside by phasing through the wall to the right at the end of the room and head toward an outdoor area with a concrete walkway. I begin saying:
      “I’m dreaming…I’m dreaming” out loud to stabilize. I see a student near a playground area and head in that direction. I then see several more student dream characters. I decide I want to turn into a dragon, so I begin to fly upward a bit and feel my body change shape. My wings begin to beat against the air, and my body elongates. I land on the slide, focusing on transforming into a mouse. My dream body begins to shrink, and I quickly change to focusing on cat transformation. I decide to check my appearance out and conveniently find a mirror directly behind me, propped against a building. Instead of seeing a cat, however, I see what appears to be ‘dream me’ in a red polo shirt climbing on a slide. I then transform into crow form, raising into the air, yet feel as though I still have fairly long legs. The human reflection persists. I notice even more kids playing in the area, so I decide to leave. I begin to consider more dream control, yet the dream fades.

      Updated 09-17-2023 at 02:30 PM by 50425

    4. 1. Single Arm (LD) 2. House Flight (LD) 3. Sky Island of Syrano

      by , 09-14-2023 at 11:18 PM (Oneirin's Dreamworld)
      Autumn Competition 2023 - Night 13

      1. Single Arm (LD)
      I’m staring at a banister half a level above me and my awareness begins to raise. I suddenly realize I’m dreaming. I jump, yet don’t begin to fly. I turn around and notice a massive drop into the darkness. I think of starting some dream control. I fly up, phase into the wall, and the scene goes to void. I begin imagining a town scene. After about a minute in the void, I suddenly appear within alleyway inside of a small town. I take in the sights of the one story buildings around me I make way around a corner and see a couple small group of young dream characters. I then invert my dream body and hold a single, bent arm handstand for a moment. I feel the pressure of the sheer 'weight' coursing through my deltoid. I flip back and begin walking into the alleyway. I decide to transform, and think of a mouse first. I start shrinking down, and once I hit roughly the size of a cat, I imagine becoming a cat instead. I decide to check my reflection in a mirror situated against a wall roughly ten meters from me. The mirror is roughly three feet tall and is essentially on the floor, leaned up against the wall look up and see that I look fairly normal, yet in prone position, in the mirror. I stand up and walk farther into the scene. I see a small kiosk to my right where DCs appear to be selling items, possibly snacks and beverages. I begin saying:
      “This is a dream....this is a dream...this is my dream...this will last an hour” to stabilize. I turn to my left and see a few tables. I approach a couple of DCs, then snap my fingers to go invisible, they turn their heads a couple of times, gazing right through me, oblivious to the fact that I’m there. I consider finding something to drink. I head to a long table slightly to my right and I imagine a hot water heater to make some cocoa, yet don’t find one. I decide to switch to a different drink instead. I decide on Pepsi, but don’t find it in the area in front of me, slightly to the right ton the long table. I look slightly farther to my right and see a round glass chiller which is cooling cans. I decide to switch to try to basic summon Mountain Dew, yet don’t find the exact cans – simply cans of various colors with writing on it that look somewhat like Mountain Dew cans. I wake up.

      2. House Flight (LD)
      I’m getting water in the main house in Syrano. This feels…dreamlike…I suddenly realize I’m dreaming. I walk toward the main entrance and begin to fly upward a bit toward the top of the vaulted ceiling. I wake up.

      *I decide not to record the dream and go for a DEILD. I imagine a fiery lotus in my throat. I'm soon aware of my mind and body…sinking…sinking…sinking....into…a dream...

      3. Sky Island of Syrano (LD)
      I find myself standing in the center of the first floor of the main house in Syrano. I’m looking at the top of a counter which has a phone on it. I can earn some points for using an electronic device…let me check it out. I pick up the cell phone, which looks just like my phone in waking life, and begin touching the screen. The screen responds very slightly by increasing the brightness for a short moment, yet nothing major happens. I put the phone away. I head toward the back of the home and phase through the glass onto the Lanai. I see a couple pockets in the night sky and want to head toward them so as not to lose the dream in the darkness. I begin to fly upward, then transform into a small dragon. I hear the roar of a young dragon as I do so, feel my body morph into dragon shape, and feel and hear my wings beating against the air. I decide to check what my wings looks like, and notice that the tip of my left wing looks somewhat like a human hand. I then morph into crow form, yet feel as though I have legs dangling. I rise higher toward what appears to be a floating island, high in the sky. The sunlight is now piercing through this area. I enter to a white void and after a short moment, find myself in….Meadow! I’m in the back of the main house and it’s nighttime. I look toward the left portion of the yard and see several piles of sticks and a dark mound beyond and to the right. I walk forward and decide to see what a vision test looks like, by shifting my glasses, which I now become aware of. I see that I have small areas in my field of awareness that are clear and some that are blurry. I move on from the test and notice couple of dire wolves with glowing red eyes begin to approach from the left. Their appearance doesn't phase me, although they look quite menacing. I ask them,
      "Do you know if there is a dragon companion nearby?"
      I try to basic summon a dragon companion, but don't see one as I turn to the right. I head farther in this direction and see a few kids playing with a ball as I approach the pool. I begin to feel like I'm going to wake up, so I instinctively relax all of my 'dream body muscles' and slump to the ground totally relaxing. It seems to have a strong stabilizing effect; the dream stabilizes and becomes more vivid. I stand back up and continue my way around the pool. Once in the back area, I hang out near a couple small groups of young kids. I snap my fingers to go invisible, and the group of DCs look right through me, unaware that I'm there. I decide to basic summon a hot water heater to make some cocoa. I don't see one as I look around the pool filter, so I decide to look for a cocoa thermos. I don't see one initially, but keep looking around to the right and finally find a small blue bottle with a nozzle. I pick it up, drink a bit, and it tastes great! It tastes like warm milk with a bit of cocoa. I decide to recline in the alcove in the deep end, simply enjoying myself and the lucidity. I begin to repeat:
      “I’m dreaming, I’m dreaming, I’m dreaming!”, making a tune out of it with happiness. I look at my hand, reflecting on seeding the location with reality checks, setting up situational memory ques.
      I reflect on situational awareness and reality checks, looking at my hand. I finally get up and head into the pool. The area is completely void of water; it's simply a dark bit which extends toward the back, culminating with a large wall unit. The wall unit has a small, old school TV in one of the alcoves and I get the desire to use telekinesis on it. I attempt to move it, and feel like it budges a bit, but it's not a solid move. I begin to wake up.

      Updated 09-17-2023 at 02:30 PM by 50425

    5. The City Train (LD)

      by , 09-14-2023 at 01:07 AM (Oneirin's Dreamworld)
      Autumn Competition 2023 - Night 12

      I moving rapidly on what appears tot be an open platform on a train. My awareness raises rapidly and I become lucid. I take in the sights as I rush through a city. Buildings with tan colored bricks are on either side and the train platform starts turning slightly to the left. I begin to consider jump off. I see a young woman with a blue shirt to my right jogging as we continue the turn and head into a suburban area. There are many small one story houses with varying colors and I feel this would be a perfect place to explore. I jump off and begin flying toward some houses, and choose one with brown paint. I fly rapidly and appear in front of it in a split second. The visuals then shift, and it feel as though the houses move rapidly, farther away, then slightly closer. I wake up.

      Possibly this area was on the outskirts of The Metropolis

      Updated 09-17-2023 at 02:30 PM by 50425

    6. 1. Dragon Wings (LD) 2. Midnight Fields (LD)

      by , 09-11-2023 at 11:22 PM (Oneirin's Dreamworld)
      Autumn Competition 2023 - Night 10

      1. Dragon Wings (LD)
      I’m looking into what appears to be a downstairs room in the main house of Meadow. I wish I got lucid tonight…why didn’t I get lucid in that last dream. I start to notice the dreamlike quality of the dream. Maybe I can just slide my dream body into the scene… I begin to enter the scene and it my mind snaps into lucidity. I turn and fly through the wall to my left, into the backyard area. It’s a fairly bright scene, and I’m standing out in the daylight. I should focus on some dream goals. I search my memory for what I planned to do. What was the last part of my three step task… did I need to teleport? I phase through the brick wall to my left. I then remember that I need to do a full transformation! I thought I would end up in the void, yet instead I end up in a wide alleyway of sorts, between three story brick buildings, with an area that open up ahead to the right. I walk forward, then shrink down rapidly, morphing into a quadrupedal corporeal form. I begin to imagine myself becoming a mouse, yet quickly shift to imagining a cat transformation. I suddenly remember that I wanted to transform into a small dragon. I fly into the air and my dream body takes the shape of a small dragon. I feel my wings beating against the air. I become curious as to what I look like as I’m flying, so I look at a window on the brick building to my left. I see a small dragon that looks like a toy, with a person walking below it. Neither the dragon nor the person are looking in my direction, however. That’s strange. Then transform into crow form, yet feel as though I have long arms hanging from the from the now airborne form. I land and continue walking to my right. There are many people milling around the busy outdoor area which appears to be a strip mall. I shout: “This is a dream…this is a dream” to ground my awareness. I turn to my right and see escalators up ahead. I head toward them and begin to search my memory for dream goals again, yet the dream fades

      2. Midnight Fields (LD)
      I’m looking into a mirror with an elderly, wizard like figure looking back. He’s not wearing a shirt, and has a fairly long gray beard. Wait…this is a..dream! I turn to my right, look at my hands and say, “This is a dream”. I quickly fly upward into into the neighboring room, ready to start getting some points. I reflect on how I completed the three step, so I can focus on anything at this point. I look around the rectangular room with white walls and begin to think of ways to score points. I decide to head farther into the room, and think of phasing. I simply phase into the wall to teleport. I visualize Uburu Migu and repeat the words, intending to travel there. I suddenly appear in another room, which feels as though it’s the first level floor of the house, and I realize I may have just been in the basement. I see a lamp on a table in front of me which looks antiquated, along with much of the other furniture. I begin exploring the house. I explore several rooms before heading out into the night. The scene is quite dark, with several tall trees looming overhead. I consider dream control for a minute and think of super strength. I see fairly tall pine tree, roughly twelve feet, and head over to it. I rip it out of the ground, transfer it to my right hand, and throw it like a javelin far into the distance, over the roof of the long two story structure to my left. I look around and notice how dim the scene is. I don’t want to risk the scene fading, so I search for light. I see several lights coming from a house to my right. I head toward the lights and head inside. I begin to explore and notice several people toward the back area which appears to be a sitting area next to a bar area connected to a kitchen. I decide to get something to drink. I imagine there will be a hot water machine on the counter and quickly find a fairly large black contraption. I hit a button and a small green light turns on, signaling that it’s ready. I imagine some mugs in the cabinets above, reach up, and grab one. I then imagine some cocoa mix. I start rummaging quickly through the cabinets and find several canisters of white powder. I hurriedly dump some into the mug, add some water and drink. It tastes slightly sweet, yet doesn’t have much flavor. I walk up to a couple of the nearby groups I then decide to go for invisibility. One man is looking right at me, yet I snap, and he looks through me then to the side, oblivious. I walk up to a couple of guys sitting at a round table across from the bar and repeat this process. I snap to come out of invisibility, then begin to ask the guy seated to the left if he knows any dream teachers I could learn from. He begins to ponder, and I take in the incredible vividness of his face. He comes up with an answer, yet I don’t focus very much on following through. I then remember my goal of finding a dragon companion. I imagine one around the corner, yet when I make my way around it, there’s nothing there. I leave this area and try to head to Uburu Migu once again. I walk into a wall, repeat the visualization and phrasing and soon end up in the middle of many fields which extend far in all directions. There is cattle in each field in the middle of the night with a small barnyard structure nearby. There are several large trees, and I can see the faint outline of a far distant galaxy in the night sky. I begin flying, yet want to head out of this area. I head toward a green colored building in the night which is glowing with yellow light. As I fly past, I look into the windows and see several pieces of furntiure as well as decorations which appear to have a Christmas theme. I fly past this one and toward a much larger building in the far distance, slightly to the right. I fly quickly toward the building and phase inside. There are many people sitting around in tall chairs, a large fireplace on the far wall, and dressers behind the people sitting in the tall chairs. I think of phasing into a dresser like Theshire cat mentioned. I find the group very strange and cult-like, and make a comment out loud, finding it amusing at the time. I phase into the far wall to teleport to Uburu Migu once again, and begin moving my arms. I wake up

      Updated 10-01-2023 at 12:50 AM by 50425 (Putting 'Night' Titles on all autumn comp posts)

    7. Wall of Glass (LD)

      by , 09-10-2023 at 02:30 PM (Oneirin's Dreamworld)
      Autumn Competition 2023 - Night 9
      I make my way around the side of the massive building, walking down the slope, toward the back. I turn left to view and my awareness begins to rise. I see the massive glass wall which comprises the back of the building and become lucid. I tell the dream character who followed me that I'm going to go explore it. I wonder if it'll become persistent. I take a step to head into the building, but wake up.

      Updated 09-21-2023 at 10:06 PM by 50425

    8. 1. Frog (LD) 2. The Metropolis (LD)

      by , 09-09-2023 at 01:48 PM (Oneirin's Dreamworld)
      Autumn Competition 2023 - Night 8

      1. Frog (LD)
      I’m aware as I’m in bed, looking at a door at the end a small hallway at the end of a room.
      I have to be careful sliding into this scene; I don’t want to lose it.
      I cautiously begin to encourage my dream body to slide out of bed and into the scene. I stand up and begin moving forward. I head down the corridor, and think of full transformation. I begin to imagine Djinn transformation and see a turban in the shadow on the floor in front of me. I’ve been doing that too much lately…how about a cat? I begin to shrink down to a very small size. I feel my front limbs in front of me. I want to check the image in the mirror to my left, so I hop up. Instead of a cat, I see….a frog in the reflection! I walk a bit farther forward and check my reflection once again in the full body mirror to my right. This time I see a creepy zombie figure, with grayish streaks on the skin, blackened teeth, and a mouth that is ‘hissing’ gazing back at me – essentially a zombie me with only the front half of the body. It actually doesn’t bother me or creep me out one bit – I simply find it amusing and move on. I move into the next room and the scene gets brighter. I’m on the first floor of a house with a kitchen to my right, a sliding glass door in front of me, and a hallway to my left leading to another room. I can basic summon a cocoa machine and earn come points! Two appliances, one appearing to be an espresso machine, is within view. I can’t use that - I need to imagine one nearby. I imagine that as I turn to my right, another appliance will be there. I turn and see a small black appliance which looks like a small K-cup coffee machine. I click the button and it turns on. I search for a mug in the wooden cabinet above and place it under. Vivid black liquid begins coming out, but it looks more like coffee. I mentally encourage it to become more like cocoa and it starts emitting a very dark brown, frothy liquid which appears to be steaming slightly. I begin walking and take a sip. It tastes pretty good – like a mocha which is more on the chocolate side; there’s barely any hints of coffee. I continue toward the central area and begin consider some dream goals. I imagine pulling out the Dark Woods Wand. I see a faint image of it in my periphery, yet it fades as I draw it up. I try once again, yet the image fades. I see some items strewn about the room and go for telekinesis, yet they don’t budge. I then turn my attention toward phasing and teleporting. I phase through the glass, into the yard in the back of the home. I look for some brick nearby. I phase in, yet simply pop out on the other side. I begin looking for corners to phase into, where the brick would essentially be thicker. The same issue happens again. Instead of phasing, it’s almost as though the interior is revealed, like a glitch in a video game. I try a third time before heading a bit farther into the yard. I wake up.

      2. The Metropolis (LD)
      I’m looking into a mirror and see the reflection of a sage-type character. I have asian features, am shorter in stature, and appear elderly. I get the attention of a teacher figure in the room.
      I continue to look at my reflection in the mirror.
      “It appears that this would be real”. I show my hands counting five finger.
      “But if you look more closely…” My head turns into a horse head.
      I turn to the right and notice the ‘dream glow’. This is a dream! I turn back to the dream character.
      “Now we need to score some points. I need to teleport”.
      I phase through the mirror, yet end up in a similar looking room. I try to phase into the next mirror, but once again end up in a similar looking room. I need to try the wall. I phase into the wall and the scene goes black. I begin visualizing the druid sanctuary, but nothing materializes for quite a while. I hold, maintaining awareness in the void. I then decide to imagine a simple, barren setting: the desert. I lay down and imagine myself standing up in a sand-swept scene. All of a sudden, as I rise, I see small pockets of sand dunes to my left. I then see a large truck further to the left and a train in front of me. I look further and see a massive metropolis spreading in all directions. A brown brick building ahead and to the left reminds me slight of the structure from my elementary school. I look around further to see a mix of absolutely enormous temple structures – possibly one hundred to one hundred fifty stories or so tall with massively wide foundations – fixed in with more futuristic, steel structures. The scene is within he middle of a sunny day with few clouds.
      “Oh my God!” I’m swept away by how vivid the scene is. It looks as vivid as real life, yet has more of a glowing sheen to it. I wonder if this will become a persistent realm… I think as I continue to take in all the buildings stretching as far as the eye can see. I see one very interesting steel, cube shaped building with a massive orb on the top. I gaze into a section with massive buildings of various sizes and attempt mass telekinesis on a large square building built of brown brick. It doesn’t budge after two attempts .I turn around and begin flying to explore the metropolis and soar upward. I enter into the first building and weave my way forward and back to a back room. It appears to be a warehouse. I should basic summon and get some cocoa!...I’ve been doing that too much…a chocolate bar?....I’ve been doing that too much too. I see many stacks of boxes which look like cereal. I’ll go for some Fruit Loops! I imagine that as I make my way around the corner in the dim room I”ll find a Fruit Loop box. Nope…those are just cheerios I think as I see a white box with the cheerios logo. I look around the corner a bit further and see a colored box with Tucan Sam. I don’t want to waste any time, so I pick up the box, shove my hand directly ithrough the top and the bag and begin eating them. They taste pretty good! Just a bit muted. My mouth begins to feel extremely full. This always happens in dreams…I’ll just ignore it. I decide to continue exploring with the box, munching to ground the dream. I see two tall figures in the warehouse near a window. One turns to look at me. I should use invisibility – that’ll earn some points. I snap my fingers and the massie dream character looks right through me. I walk to the window, but his foot bumps into mine as he begins moving. He begins to notice I’m there. I should use some super strength. I grab the seven foot figure by the wrist with one arm and begin to swing him wildly from one extreme of a swing to the other, pounding him into the ground. He become immobilized. The other worker comes to check on him. I then head to the window, but feel I’ve been a bit rough. I realize he’s just a part of my mind, but I feel I shouldn’t be so violent toward these aspects of myself. I walk over to the immobilized figure, place my right hand on his back, and begin channeling a healing energy into him. I wonder if healing will earn point as ‘other dream control’ in competition. The figure begins to stir. He looks up on the ground in front of him, where his previously dislodged cell phone now lays. I look up and begin heading toward the window. I wake up.

      I’m in a room that resembles a college classroom with several rows of long white tables lined up, students seated at each. I have a Brandon Sanderson book in my hands which I’m reading. I see all the other students pull out the same book. I’m surprised by it, yet get excited and begin talking to the student to my left about how good the book is as she opens to chapter one. The teacher begins lecturing about the book.

      Updated 09-23-2023 at 10:09 PM by 50425

    9. 1. Tree Roots (LD) 2. Bookshelves and Whirlpools (LD) 3. Meadow Lucid (LD)

      by , 09-08-2023 at 12:02 AM (Oneirin's Dreamworld)
      Autumn Competition 2023 - Night 6

      1. Tree Roots (LD)
      I’m standing in a road as my awareness begins to raise. My right hand comes out in front of me. This feels dreamlike…I look at my fingers and begin counting. It seems as though there are five, but it still feels dreamlike…I’m dreaming! It appears to be the middle of the night and it seems as though I’m in Meadow. I see a dream character in front of me and slightly to the left. I don’t get a good view of the face, but I get the strong sense that it’s…me… I give the character a hug with my right arm, filled with appreciative joy.
      “Congratulations on your five hundredth LD man. I’m proud of you”
      The dream character doesn’t respond, but I sense a bit of appreciation for the kind words. I then begin to speak to him about dream goals.
      “Let’s go earn some points. First we’re going to do some basic summoning.”
      I walk over to the front yard which contains a plant surrounded by a circle of rocks, similar to the one in the meadow.
      “Let’s just imagine there’s some hot cocoa around these plants, and then we can drink it.”
      I search around the plant area, but don’t find anything. I ignore it and fly further toward the entrance to the house, however I notice that it’s not Meadow. I see a light switch and decide to ‘use an electronic device’. I hit the first switch to my left, but nothing happens. I continue toward the switch to the right of the door with determination to make something happen, although I realize it doesn’t quite matter whether it’s successful or not in competition for points. I hit the switch…and it works! The lights turn on. I then turn around and decide on using super strength. I see a two to three foot shrub to my left. Too small. I then see a much larger pine tree, roughly ten to twelve feet tall, and grab with trunk with a firm clamp grip. I tear the entire tree out of the ground. I then decide to use my strength to shove the tree back in. I shove into the same area, and the tree returns, roots sinking into the earth. I then decide to use mass telekinesis and head toward the road to lift up the house. The ‘me’ DC follows me. As I reach the street, I look into the far distance, to my right, and notice in the nigh time scene and nightmarish figure of a tall, lanky, naked creature rolling along on a massive wheel. I find It strange and creepy, but ignore it. I turn toward the hoes with concentration. I extend my arm and lift the house rapidly, and it hits against the roof of what appears to be a tunnel which it is inside of, yet I didn’t notice earlier.
      “Did you see it hit the top?”
      The dream ‘me’ agrees by nodding yes.
      I then place the house back down and fly toward it to enter.
      I enter the house and notice that it has three stories, all connected via a central reception area. The central area connects to the other levels in an open concept. There seems to be a light, honey colored lighting spread throughout the interior of the house, lending it a very cozy feel. I hear a middle aged female character on the phone and think it best to avoid her. I get the sense that engaging her will lead to massive distractions. I briefly scope out the rooms from the central area, then head to a room in the back left. I see a black vent and consider phasing into the backyard through it and pursing earning points, yet decide against it. I turn around and begin exploring the house once again. I fly down and slightly to the right, yet the dream fades.

      2. Bookshelves and Whirlpools (LD)
      I continue riding down the road in a vehicle without a roof in the middle of the night.
      This place feels dreamlike…My hand comes out in front of me. I’m dreaming! I turn to my right and glide into a large room which appears to have no ceiling. It is adorned with a great deal of wooden shelves, light in color, containing a wide variety of items throughout each of the shelves. It seems like a gift shop of sorts, with many stuffed animals and boxes of interesting toys. I’m interested in exploring and make my way around a few of the shelves, and checking out some of the items on the ends. I then decide to work on earning some points. I think of dream character interaction, and tap a female on the DC to get her attention, she turns and I smile at her playfully. I see a group of males and females and decide to use invisibility. I snap and go invisible. I’ not sure if one is in fact looking at me, so I head to another group and snap again. I walk right past the group and the simply look straight through me, oblivious. I’m fascinated by all of the dream characters milling around, and begin to people watch for a moment. The dream begins to feel like it’s fading slightly, so I begin rubbing some shelves to restabilize it. I make way a bit further into the room, then hang a left. This section of the shop is filled with a long row of shelves containing shelves of books that extends the length of the left side. I think of facing and slowly walk into a bookshelf with my eyes open, watching as the visuals slowly change into darkness, then emerge into the scene beyond. I see that the scene extends toward a balcony area which curves left. I head in the direction of the balcony and notice what appears to be a clothing rack on the far end with some dream characters near me. I try out some super speed, and imagine myself zooming toward the clothing rack. I try visually imagining the rack drawing closer several times, yet the super speed doesn’t work. I flry down this corridor, then hang a right and descend a corridor into a large circular room at the bottom with a circular pool of water. One dream character begins to antagonize me, saying that I’m there to bother them, so I simply ignore and fly through the open section in the wall to an area beyond. An even larger circular body of water sits beyond. I enter the water and begin to feel a bit of suction. A whirlpool is pulling me strongly toward the center. I swim hard against he current and float out, into the dream scene, noticing the darkness of the night. I’m feeling as though my dream body is wet. I begin to wake up.

      3. Meadow Lucid (LD)
      I’m standing in the front of the main house in meadow. As I’m overlooking the front yard from the front patio I become lucid as my right hands comes out in front of me. I glide over the dirt to my left and fly into the center of the front lawn. I notice a large white pickup truck coming down the road, and a male driver turning his head to look at me. I begin to consider mass telekinesis. The dream fades.

      Updated 09-17-2023 at 02:29 PM by 50425

    10. 1. Giant Djinn (LD) 2. Black Cat Reflection (LD) 3. The Scorpion Dreamer (LD)

      by , 09-05-2023 at 11:28 PM (Oneirin's Dreamworld)
      Autumn Competition 2023 - Night 4

      1. Giant Djinn (LD)
      I find myself in center of the first floor of the main house in Meadow. Why are there so many people over this late? Who are these people actually? This is strange...Nose plug...breathe...I'm dreaming! I'm excited and lift up to begin flying. I fly into the family room area where my parents are reclining on the couch. I fly over the center and say:
      "Check out what I'm doing guys!" finding it amusing. I feel that showing them is a waste of time, so I return to the kitchen area as I begin to think about scoring points. I'll get something to eat from the fridge before I go adventure! I go into the freezer deciding I'll find ice-cream to get some points but decide on chocolate bars instead. I open the freezer, pull out a top shelf, and finally pull out three large Hershey's chocolate bars. I put two away and hold onto one as I make my way to the front of the house. Oh...I should take a bite for the 'eat/drink something' points. I take a bit, out of the corner, and it tastes pretty good! It's almost like real chocolate. I decide to go to the front and head toward the doors, then slightly to the right, phasing through the wall with little thought. I find myself in the front yard, on the patio, in a quite vivid dreamscape. I head a few steps down the walkway and think about earning more points. I imagine myself becoming a Djinn, and suddenly begin to enlarge to an enormous size. I hear a primal roar as my body enlarges to roughly eleven feet tall, my head towering above the shrubbery. I feel my shoulders getting massive. I check my reflection in the shadows on the grass and notice a turban as well as my lower body tapering to wisps of mist, my dream body levitating. I continue to head a bit farther into the front yard and think of element manipulation. I go to cast a tornado, yet nothing happens to my surprise. I walk a bit farther down the front yard and consider heading toward the Greek Temple area, yet decide this would be too far for now. I see a small black car head down the street to my right, and go for mass telekinesis, yet the car doesn't lift off the ground and I feel a slight mixture of frustration and confusion about the dream's resistance. I then consider element manipulation via creating quakes with an earth stomp. I imagine my dream body having a leg and foot and stomp then ground, yet the quake doesn't ensue. I feel that I'm waking up.

      *False Awakening

      2. Black Cat Reflection (LD)
      I'm in the basement of the main house in Meadow. I attempt to record the "Giant Djinn" lucid on a mobile app, yet the app keeps guiding me through setup screens. I then get a text from H saying: "What are you up to?" Why is H texting me in the middle of night? This doesn't make sense. Nose plug...breathe...I'm dreaming!! I take in the view of the basement which closely resembles the waking life basement. I set my mind to stabilizing the dream. I shout:
      "Clarity Now! Stabilize!"
      I take a few more steps and job my memory for dream goals and consider how to earn points. I'll do some levitation meditation for my 'Old Personal Goal'! I focus my mind, cross my legs in meditation posture, and levitate up about four to five feet, holding this pose in the air for a few seconds. I lower back down and consider additional goals. I decide on 'Full Transformation' and begin to shrink down to very small size and feel my dream body becoming a mouse. I then reflect: I keep doing mouse and Djinn...let me try something new. I feel that my front limbs are still in front of my dream body as I shrink down, attempting to become a cat. I have a view of a Final Fantasy VIII figurine front childhood - Zell Dincht - laying on the floor right in front of me. I turn to my left to a black object on the floor. I catch my reflection and notice a vivid black cat staring back at me. I look at my dream body and take in the features, along with the two different color eyes gazing back at me. It reminds me of a cat I had years ago. I then hear a cat screech and notice the figure in the reflection is making different movements then me. I start to feel vibrations and wake up.

      3. The Scorpion Dreamer (LD)
      I continue to practice yoga inversions in the opposite corner of the large room. I go into a scorpion pose, and male dream character is to my right. I say:
      "This is a dream"
      My awareness begins to rise. This really is a dream! I stand up and begin to consider dream goals and earning points. I find myself in a large, dim square room with several pieces of furniture strewn about. It feels slightly like a warehouse of sorts. I look around the room and notice a few tan candles in the center of the room, situated at various levels on top of different pieces of furniture. I reach my arm out for telekinesis, yet the candles don't budge. I walk a bit farther into the room and go to pull out the Dark Woods wand. I see my arm raise up, yet there's no wand there. I continue to float into the next room with intent to basic summon a machine to make some cocoa to drink. I enter the room, look around some desks to my left, yet don't find
      a drink dispenser. I do find a computer, however, and hear some music that sounds like lofi playing. I click the mouse a couple of times and the screen changes. I then crank up what appears to be a volume knob and the music starts getting loud! It sounds great! I turn around and head to an area with several brand new offices in a hallway. I see very thick glass on the outside of the office in front of me. I fly up and phase through it. I find myself in a pristine office with light tinges of sage and gray. I feel this was too easy, so I look for a thicker wall. I approach the desk to the left of the vivid room which has something resembling a lava lamp on it. I phase through the wall and into the next room. I approach the next desk and see a picture which has my boss on it. I fly up a bit, yet the dream resists me getting to the top. I pull the entire desk down, climb up, and phase into the wall. The dream goes into a black void. I maintain my awareness for nearly a minute, visualizing a druid sanctuary. I maintain the imagery, relaxing into it. I start feeling some sensations from what I believe to be my waking body. I continue to try to relax, focusing on the imagery, but I feel stronger vibrations and wake up.

      Updated 09-17-2023 at 02:29 PM by 50425

    11. 1. Conjuring Flame (LD) 2. Oburu Migu (LD)

      by , 09-03-2023 at 02:04 PM (Oneirin's Dreamworld)
      Autumn Competition 2023 - Night 2

      1. Conjuring Flame (LD)
      I enter into a dim room and I'm standing on a slightly elevated platform overlooking a lower central area. My awareness rises and I say "I'm lucid in this place". As I say the words, I become lucid.
      A boy and his father, who appear of Indian decent, leave the central area and into a room to my left. I ignore them, thinking of scoring some points for competition. I'll focus on teleporting. I turn to my right, raise a few feet into the air, and fly into the wall.
      I enter into darkness as expected. I begin to visualize a forest, intending to go to a forest sanctuary. I continue to hold a visualzation of trees, yet nothing forms. I continue to sit in blackness. After some time, it begins to feel unsettling for a brief moment. I then remind myself of a previous lucid where I could have improved upon that area. I think of Andrew Holocek's advice to me as well. I continue to simply maintain awareness. I find myself in a dim square room. My arms appears to be pinned up at right angles. I continue to walk around a couple of times, then notice an open doorway. I walk down a dim corridor, make a left, and then notice I'm in...Meadow!
      I see the two double doors in the front and the glass window above. I decide to phase again. I go partially into the wall, yet it gives some resistance. I partially enter, close my eyes for a brief moment, then find myself phasing out the other end in front of the main house. The scene is very vivid in the night sky. I think back to a recent lucid in which I explored and found Joraggu's lair. I decide not to head down there and rather focus on points. I focus on Djinn transformation, but it doesn't feel as though I'm getting the full size; my shoulders and height don't seem to be enlarging like usual. I then think of mouse transformation. I head to the end of the walkway, near an area with plants, and shrink down instantly to roughly the size of...well a mouse. I hear faint mouse squeaks, and feel as though my head is situated in front of my dream body, as in a mouse's body. I explore the edge of the plant area for a moment, yet decide on my next goal: dilating time with an hourglass. I begin to revert as I wind my way around to find a circle of rocks enclosing a large shrub. The scene is very vivid with a dim blue hue to the rock circle. I continue to expect to find behind a section of rocks, but continue not to find anything on several attempts. I leave this goal and head toward the driveway. As I approach the mailbox, I snap my finger to go invisible. I see a group of about seven girls approaching as I near the mailbox. One head turns toward me and I worry that they may have detected me. I want to test the invisibility, so I walk directly in front of the group, roughly a foot and a half away. They gaze directly through me, oblivious to the fact that I'm right there. I feel as though I cleared the group, yet one of the girls on the end clips the end of the back of my shoe with her step. The group becomes angry and begins swinging frantically, trying to sense where I am and grab me. I scamper backward as an angry dream character continue to grab at where she believes I am. The dream becomes a bit unstable and I consider how to deter her. I think of element manipulation. The scene begins to fade to white and I visualize a fireball. A rolling mass of quite vivid white flame, with some black accents, erupts as the scene transitions to white, in the direction of the dream character. There is a slight blur to the edges as if where you'd see a blur due to intense heat. I have a false awakening in which I'm recollecting the lucid.

      2. Oburu Migu (LD)
      I get out of the shower and notice a door propped open, giving view to a staircase.That's strange...this place feels...dreamlike...This is a dream! I'm lucid and begin making my way to the door. I see a large bottle of something on the edge of the desk and begin thinking of scoring points. I can drink this! Oh man...I hope this isn't soy sauce! I pick the bottle up, notice the red lable, and figure it's probably coke. I begin drinking and it taste similar to Coke or Pepsi. I drop the bottle, then begin thinking of earning more points. I'll try some telekinesis! I look at the bottle, extend my hand, and raise it a bit. It drops back down and I go another couple times before maintaining it statically in the air. I decide to head toward the stairwell and let it drop. The dream feels as though it's becoming unstbale, but I'm determined to maintain it. I shout:
      "Clarity now! Stabilize! Stabilize! This is MY dream! I decide when it ends!"
      The dream restabilizes and becomes more vivid. I turn around and head towards the staircase.
      I walk up the stairs and decide to transform into a mouse and rapidly shrink my body. I once again hear a couple of mouse squeaks as I explore the upper level of the stairs for a moment. I revert my dream body ands begin to transform into a Djinn. I feel my size increase to roughly nine to ten feet and my shoulder become massive. I feel lower body disappear into wisps of smoke and I begin floating across the scene. I head toward a window on the far edge of the right side of the next room. I see my reflection faintly and notice that I'm wearing some type of turban in the form. I see that my lower body is essentially tapering mist. I float through the glass and down to the grass area on the ground level. I see my shadow in distorted proprotions along with the Djinn's turban. I turn to my right and see an beatiful Japanese structure that resembles a monastery or a ...temple! The Mountain Temple! I'm excited to be back in the realm. I gaze ahead and the scene is absolutely beautiful a cyan/teal aura hangs over a structure of wood in the far distance, seemingly where they create bonfires. Another elongated monastery structure is to the right of the bonfire area, yet a bit closer, and another taller one is situated to the left. I need to get the name of the Mountain Temple! I approach the far side of the temple structure, turn and faintly, through the window and blinds, see a monk inside a room with long table set up in several rows. He appears to be of southeast asian decent and roughly five foot six or so. The room appears to be a dining hall of sorts at first glance. I phase through the window and blinds and approach the monk eagerly. He is sitting at the table with what appear to be several rolled up scrolls strewn in front of him, working on something.
      Excuse me, monk" I say with respect and reverence. "What is the name of the mountain temple?"
      He looks at me with only the slightest bit of surprise, yet answer with respect in turn. He says a name.
      "I'm sorry, can you repeat that?"
      Monk: "Oburu Migu"
      "Thank you"
      I bow to the monk and then head to my left to leave the temple room, back out into the temple ground in the night. I make a right and soon find myself at a street with a shop to my immediate right and several more across. There are many people milling around and someone drops a jacket in front of me, but I ignore it. I need to start thinking of some more dream goals - what can I do?I make my way across the asphalt street/walkway and notice a woman scooping ice-cream at an ice-cream shop. Quite a few people are gathered outside getting cones. I can't believe how vivid the scene is; it's as if I'm there in waking life. I'm intensely enjoying the feeling of being part of the realm, like this is a place I can come back to. I decide that I'll come back to this place. I approach the lady as she's scooping some chocolate ice-cream into the cone. I consider telling her I'm dreaming, but then think: That's so cliché; everyone tells dream characters they're dreaming in lucids. Why does that even matter? I instead decide to be...creative, persuasive, and enigmatic all at once. I say:
      "Excuse me ma'am. I'm from another world. Do you mind if I have some?" insinuating that I'd like it for free if possible.
      She smiles at me in agreement
      Ice-cream lady: "Of course!" she goes to scoop the last scoop.
      "Can I have some Rocky Road? I haven't had it since I was a kid."
      She agrees and begins to scoop ice-cream.
      I decide I should ground the dream a bit as I wait for her to scoop the ice cream. I begin rubbing some of the items on top of the counter, which appears to be napkin holders.
      She hands a cone of ice cream with the scoop of vivid rocky road on the top. I can see the chunks of chocolate in the scoop. She hands me the cone and I taste a bit. It's great! I try to knock off a little bit of vanilla that made it's way to the side. I turn to the tall male working to her left.
      "What's the name of this town?"
      Man: "It depends. It goes through several stages depending on how it's doing." He seems to be referring to some type of status of the town; it appears to change ranks depending on how the town is performing in several domains.
      Man: "It's either Garyn or Sharyn"
      He then explains that currently it's somewhere in-between, yet there's also a third ranking.
      Okay I'll call it Garyn-Sharyn
      "I'm going to use this as my dream hub!" I say with wonder as I look around. I look down the right side of the shop and notice that a very long walkway extends down into an area which resembles a mall of sorts. The mall area is lit up with bright lights and appears well maintained.
      "In what direction is the temple?"
      The main points diagonally to his right, toward a wall in front of the shop, yet in the general direction of where I remember coming from. I make a mental note of it, deciding to return.
      I begin to wake up.

      Updated 09-04-2023 at 01:28 AM by 50425

      Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Redskins VS. Packers --- G.W.B VS. J.F.K.-japanese-monastery.jpg  
    12. 1. Meadow Phasing (LD) 2. Sliding Into Syrano (LD) 3. Over The Class (LD)

      by , 09-02-2023 at 01:43 PM (Oneirin's Dreamworld)
      Autumn Comp 2023 - Night 1

      1. Meadow Phasing (LD)
      I'm lucid in the middle of the first floor of the main house in Meadow. I'm standing between the chill room and the kitchen, and I see my brother on the far side of the kitchen. He's opening the fridge, his back to me, and looking for something. I decide to start scoring points for the competition and think of my three step task. I begin to fly up a few feet, quickly turning to the left in order to phase into the wall. I fully phase into the wall and begin thinking of teleporting. Hmm maybe I'll teleport to Syrano. I briefly begin visualizing the cliff area but think again...actually, I'll teleport to the Mountain Temple since that's where one of my personal goals is. I switch the visualization to the temple. I feel that I'm beginning to wake up.

      *False Awakening
      I find myself waking up on what seems to be the couch I went to sleep on, in the same position. Am I awake, or is this still a dream? I feel that I can begin moving, but don't want to risk stirring my physical body if I'm still in fact in a dream. I begin to "encourage/will" my body to slide off the couch.

      2. Sliding Into Syrano (LD)
      My body begins sliding toward the floor and I'm lucid. Yes! I'm in a prone position, and my body slowly makes its way fully to the floor, curving around the area where the coffee table is. Okay, time to stand up I stand up, and I find myself in the middle of the first floor of the main house in Syrano. It's a bit dim, so I begin to stabilize by shouring "Clarity Now! ... Stabilize". It helps slightly. I begin to think of dream goals, and time dilation via an hourglass comes to mind. I look down toward the coffee table, imagining an hourglass to be there. The small dark figures on the table don't appears similar enough to an hourglass shape to warrant me looking closer. I turn to the table behind me searching yet again, but there's nothing that resembles an hourglass. I'll focus on something simple for now in order to score some points...I'll get some cocoa to drink!I imagine there is a mug to the right on the long cabinet and as I look in the direction and approach closer, I find a dark blue/green mug with some liquid in it. I hope it's cocoa I think as I pick it up, attempting to influence it. The liquid appears thin, and more watery however. I take a sip and it's pretty good! It tasks like a cross between chamomile and peppermint with a bit of sweetness to it. I carry the mug with me and begin walking toward the staircase, thinking of the next dream goal I want to focus on. I feel the handle of the mug in my fingers. I wake up.

      3. Over The Class (LD)
      I find myself in a room facing a doorway. A teacher is situated within the doorway, facing me, with a line of student heading through. I suddenly realize I'm dreaming. I'm just going to fly over them...I'll score some points to. I fly to the left of the student and over the head of the teacher, through the doorway. I enter another square room with an open doorway to the right (1). I begin thinking of dream goals and consider teleporting somewhere. I float to the right, and wake up.

      (1) I believe this was actually the inside of the Mountain Temple.

      *Library Theme (NLD)
      I’m in the back of library area with several rows of books. A co-worker enters and I try to avoid being seen by heading down one of the isles as she makes her way to the end to start a conversation with a DC. I leave the area and head further into the library, which is far wider, containing shorter bookshelves, roughly 5 or so wide becoming progressively shorter. I make my way around the right side to the opposite end of the library.

      Updated 09-02-2023 at 10:02 PM by 50425

    13. The White Room (LD)

      by , 08-31-2023 at 10:32 PM (Oneirin's Dreamworld)
      The White Room (LD)
      I wake farther into the room, and as I begin turning right I start thinking about wanting to become lucid. What if this is…I’m dreaming! I’m lucid and consider what I want to do. I don’t want to stay in the area, so I immediately decide to try teleporting, deciding on Syrano. I phase into the wall in front of me and everything goes black. I begin visualizing the cliffs of Syrano and they’re fairly vivid. I hold it for a short while with patience, yet nothing materializes. I wonder how long it’ll take. I white screen then pops up with blinking blue buttons. I wonder why it’s displaying. I then appear in front of a wall in a dim room. I’m not sure if it’s the same room. I turn and begin to explore, yet my lucidity slips.
    14. 1. Third Floor Tomes (LD) 2. Dark Woods Wand (LD) 3. Just My Subconsious (LD)

      by , 08-30-2023 at 07:30 PM (Oneirin's Dreamworld)
      1. Third Floor Tomes (LD)
      I find myself sitting on a dark couch in a dim room. This feels...dreamlike Nose plug...nose plug
      I'm lucid and begin considering what to do, feeling the excitement. It feels a bit dim, so I shout "Clarity! clarity!" truly wanting the dream to become more vivid and stable. I then shout "stability!" and the dream begins to become both more stable and vivid. I consider meditating, but feel that I've been doing that a lot in lucids lately, and that I'll do something else. I walk up to a nearby counter. I begin narrating to engage working memory and say
      "this is going to last one hour... last an hour".
      I decide to leave the area by teleporting, and possibly finding a dream guide. I think of element manipulation, but don't bother trying to shoot fireballs. I see a dark door in the back and I head toward it to teleport. I head toward the back wall, phase through and enter a bright scene in full daylight. There's a two to three story brick structure roughly 30 meters away, situated on the far side of an asphalt lot. I remind myself I'm in full control, and can simply fly wherever I want with control. I raise up and head toward it. I mentally adjust how I'm moving my dream body - a dance between feeling that I'm moving toward the destination and that the destination is moving toward me. The dream begins to pull me upward, yet I remind myself I'm in control and swoop down. I turn toward building on the opposite side. There are several stories, complete with ornate cream colored balconies. I swoop down and land gracefully on the second story. I enter the building and begin to explore. I notice that there are several rooms on the floor, daylight streaming in the window, creating a yellow/orange hue. The doors are close and it seems to be a dorm type setting. I consider looking for what DCs are inside. I enter the first room and notice some ruffled covers. No one is there, so I enter the second room. I pull the covers back and notice a dark skinned female I don't recognize. I then decide to look for H. I enter the third room which has artwork on the door, seemingly done with various colors of crayon. I enter, pull back the sheets, and see a figure who looks like H. I small alien type creature then comes out and I back away. I say that she looks a bit like my wife. She states;
      "Most people are fooled by that"
      I feel relieved, and decide to explore more. I think of finding a tome to use as a dream item for element manipulation. I ask:
      "Do you know where I can find a tome shop"
      She states that there is a store nearby, similar to Best Buy. I think it's silly decide I don't want to venture that far into the dreamscape. I appreciate how long the dream is lasting and how stable it is. I feel like I can just hang out in these worlds... I then say to the dream:
      "Last an hour"
      I head out, deciding to travel to the third floor, imagining that it's a wizard's quarters - one who has tomes. I make my way to the third floor by floating up a spiral staircase. I think I'm waking up, but slip into a non-lucid.

      2. The Dark Woods Wand (LD)
      I walk to the next room which has white walls and double windows with blinds at the far end. I'm thinking about wanting to get lucid
      Maybe...this is a dream
      I begin to look more intently at the environment, picking up on the dream-life quality of the windows. I'm dreaming!
      I turn around and head toward the room prior, considering what to do. I jog my memory, pulling up several dream goals, but don't have a location I want to teleport to immediately. I decide to enter the farthest room, where I believe more co-workers are. I sense my boss is there and feel it would be very interesting to ask her a question I make my way to the far end of the room, which has many tall brown standing desks strewn around. I don't see her, but sense she's to my sharp left. I turn and see her working feverishly at a standing work station. I walk over and ask her why she works so hard...why she does what she does. She essentially states that it's in her nature, how she's designed. She doesn't break concentration from her tasks as she explains, moving back and forth between various tasks on her desk. I make my way to the fart back right of the room and decide to teleport, phasing into the wall. I feel that I'm spinning rapidly, and feel that I may emerge on a ship caught in a maelstrom. I suddenly end up in Meadow, facing the Dark Woods. I see the pool in the center and the shed beyond, and simply fly past them, deciding to explore the Dark Woods. I see the dark edge of the woods and fly into the woods. Surprisingly, once I penetrate the outer layer, there is plenty of sunlight entering into the Dark Woods. Another body of water, similar to the pool, is directly in front of me. Beyond it, massive piles of what appears to be dirt have thousands of buzzing insects flying above. Two are situated in front of me and I exercise caution, floating beyond. I see a gray colored structure in the back of this area and decide to explore. I decide that this area contains a wizard of sorts who is possession of a wand. I feel that I can use this wand for element manipulation. I enter the building and hear the clinking of what appears to be a knight patrolling the area, on guard duty. I get the sense that it's animated armor. I snap my fingers, becoming invisible. I enter farther into the building, evading the animated armor, and ducking behind the first wall in the center area. I think of drinking hot chocolate, reflecting on scoring points in competition. i imagine a mug on the counter above me, grab a mug and drink a bit. It doesn't taste like much, but I'm not focusing too much on it. I exit the room through back door and make my way into an upper area which contains living quarter. To the right is a small passage which leads upward via very tight stairs I squeeze through the entrance, make a sharp right, and begin squeezing through the right of two small ladders upward. I sense a family above along with a dark wizard of sorts. I wake one of the two boys in the back and he approaches, yet doesn't see me due to invisibility. I continue to squeeze up, constrained by the sides and making noise, as he heads down the other way. I enter the small attic space and see a room to my right containing a baby sleeping. I decide the wand isn't there. I walk into the back right room containing a large bed with two sleeping figure, one of which is the wizard. I had to the far side of the bed, reach under, yet don't materialize anything. I imagine intently a chest is there, containing the wand. I reach underneath, pull out a dark wooden box, flip the lip, and remove the black cushioning layer. I take out the dark, rosewood color wand and begin to turn to phase through the wall to escape the room. I rouse the dark wizard and he grabs my wrist or slap something onto it. I begin to phase through the wall, thinking of the Mountain Temple.
      I believe I'm waking up, but have a false awakening.

      3. My Subconscious (LD)
      I stand up fully in front of the two dream characters I'm speaking to, my awareness beginning to raise. I suddenly realize I'm in a dream. I say something similar to:
      "Later guys I'm going to explore"
      I begin flying upward and head a bit to my right, feeling the excitement and freedom. I turn to my left and see many DCs sitting at square metal tables, which extend out into the street. They appear to be outdoor patrons of a cafe, hanging out and talking. 'm feeling a bit silly and whimsical, and decide to shout out at the group:
      "F*** you guys!", laughing to myself
      Crowd: "What?..what...?"
      The groups are confused, and begins to whisper amongst themselves in hushed tones.
      "Relax guys, you're just my subconscious
      I see a built tan guy at one of the back tables, turning to talk to another DC.
      I consider what to ask the dream/DCs.
      "What is the best thing for me to be doing in my life?"
      I wait a few seconds, yet there's no immediate response.
      I wake up.

      Updated 08-31-2023 at 10:36 PM by 50425

    15. 1. Lounge Flight (LD) 2. Facing Fears (LD)

      by , 08-29-2023 at 11:13 PM (Oneirin's Dreamworld)
      1. Lounge Flight (LD)
      I'm in a second story area which resembles a kitchen area, and many plants are knocked on the floor with green foliage strewn about. I look at several of the clocks on the appliances and notice the time displaying: :: ::.
      That doesn't make senseNose Plug...[I]I'm dreaming!!![/I take in my surroundings and love how chill the area feels - it's a lounge-type of kitchen area with an island in the center and a balcony which overlooks a first floor area below. The kitchen is complete with dark brown granite and appears quite upscale. I consider what to do, realizing there are so many things I can do, and make my way to the edge of the kitchen, feeling that I want to explore simply because I like the area so much. I wonder if the area is a place that I may return to in future dream - if it'll have some persistence. I float upward and begin to glide down to the lower level. I begin to narrate to engage working memory stating something similar to: "Now I'm going to explore". I hear some people speaking and notice two dream characters below: a young boy and his mother. I float closer and decide to interact with the characters. I ask the mom her name and she replies:
      Emily: "Emily"
      I continue to follow the two. The boy appearsts to have low self-esteem and I step in order to assist him. My lucidity begins to fade as I explain in his innate ability to do whatever he sets his mind to.

      2. Facing Fears (LD)
      I'm standing at a counter in a house, playing a game on my laptop. I suddenly realize I'm dreaming. I experience a burst of bliss and peace.I love being in...this place I reflect, feeling a love for the 'lucid feel' and just being in the environment. I make my way around the counter, consider what I want to do. I become inspired to practice meditation, and begin to head to the center of the room. I sit down and begin to practice zazen. I take in the view through my half-open eyes of blinds situated against the far wall. I feel that my awareness may fade a bit, so I move my dream body a few feet to the right and continue. I feel I once again may lose the dream after a moment of zazen, so I stand up. The dream begins to dim. I begin engaging my tactile sense to stabilize, and shout "visuals!" as the imagery darkens. I move to a nearby couch and begin rubbing in vigorously, feeling all of the texture. The dream begins to stabilize and visuals return. I head to the stairway and notice the darkness above. I gain an ominous sense, and feel that something nightmarish may be looming above. I almost turn away, but think back to dream yoga and facing nightmares. I imagine that I can conjure light - illuminating the dream literally and dispelling evil and the dream scene brightens slightly as I make my way up the stairs, as fear begins to diminish; I reflect on how it's just a dream. I begin to hear voice chattering in hushed tones. I see a room to my left but it seems vacant. I pass to the back room and enter. I make my way inside and see that in the back is a large bed/couch with an awning which covers partially up above. It appears to be a child's room and is quite beautiful; a lot of care has been put into the decoration. At the far end of the room, the entire wall is simply glass, with a view that overlooks a large city. Buildings glow in the night, a beautiful scene to take in. I feel a sense of wonder and peace overlooking the scene, admiring the pinkish hues of the city (1). I begin to wake up.

      I feel that this dream represents my fear of having kids. While there is some sense of overwhelm, I feel that the dream is telling me that the reality is going to surprise me in many way; it will bring more joy that I expect, and far less fear. This was a beautiful and revelatory dream.
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