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    Oneironaut Zero: Dreamwalker Chronicles

    01/03/2011 thur 01/04/2011 - Fragments

    by , 01-07-2011 at 06:33 PM (527 Views)


    Something to do with having to fend of some attacker, using the knives from a kitchen set.

    Fragment One

    I was in an enormous food court, filled with people. The only thing I really remember is trying to get some Chinese food, and the woman behind the counter didn't speak a lick of English. It took forever to get her to understand what I wanted. I tried to say something to her in Chinese, and had to repeat it 3 or 4 times before I realized I was speaking to her in Spanish, and not Chinese (which makes sense, since I don't really know any Chinese/Mandarin).

    Fragment Two
    Something about a shooting? I had to kill someone, for some reason that I can't remember. I believe it was self defense, because I remember being really upset about having to gun this person down. They had gotten drawn into some situation that involved and XBox360, I think. I remember a sign which said to turn off all 360 'transponders,' so that no more people would come, whatever the hell that meant.

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