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    Oneironaut Zero: Dreamwalker Chronicles

    10/20/2011 - 1) Fragment, 2) "The Kidnap Kid"

    by , 10-27-2011 at 01:01 AM (521 Views)
    Dream Fragment One
    All I really remember is a brief fragment of having sex with a girl whom I don't really recognize.

    Dream Two:
    "The Kidnap Kid"

    My daughter had been kidnapped. I went to the police, but they were proving to be kind of useless. They were taking way too long to find her, and forbade me from taking matters into my own hands, or they would persecute me to the fullest extent of the law. It seemed that the person's main target had been me, to begin with, but when they couldn't get their hands on me, they had decided to go after CJ instead. I was just seething about the whole thing. I wanted so bad to start my own, personal manhunt, but I tried to exercise as much restraint as humanly possible, to let the law do its job. My patience was wearing extremely thin.

    The police had put me under some kind of 'protection', where I had to leave my house and stay with some old guy, in an unfamiliar home. I remember him giving me a tour of his house, showing me where he keeps a pistol - just in case - and where the best place in the house is to hide, where I can still get a good vantage point with the pistol, if need be.

    Later, the kidnapper's identity was discovered, and it turned out to be some little bad-ass kid, that was probably 13 years old or so. He'd brought her back, but was still furious about something or other. I don't remember much about this moment, but some kind of strange, Dragonball Z type of battle, in which CJ's hair was sticking straight up on her head, and she reminded me of young Gohan. Her and the kid had started fighting in the living room, and he'd given her a pretty good shot, which sent her sprawling across the floor. Out of nowhere, my mom came flying in from out of nowhere, dressed in something that reminded me of Chi-Chi (also from DBZ), whirling a staff or broom or something over her head. She landed in front of the kid and swatted the staff down onto his head with a loud 'CRACK', that I practically felt, myself. All action immediately ceased, and the little kid looked up with this enormous pout on his face, holding his head, and just calmly said "....ow..."

    That was apparently the end of the fight, and the whole situation defused after that.

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