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    Oneironaut Zero: Dreamwalker Chronicles

    So, this is my new journal. (Ask me about a link to my old journal, from 2005 - 2010) Not much to say, that my original intro didn't say. I began lucid dreaming as a response to vivid nightmares, as a kid. Over the years, I learned how to wake myself up, when I knew I was having a nightmare, which later developed into a curious resolve to stay within the dreams, instead of trying to escape. Now I practice lucid dreaming and dream control regularly (or as regularly as my undisciplined ass can stick with it). Most of my lucid dreams are still spontaneous, but I have my fair share of successes with induction methods, when I apply myself. Lucid dreaming has become a beloved hobby of mine, both for adventure and because of my deep-seated interest in consciousness, psychology, and the human mind, in general. It also just happens to be a hell of a lot of fun.

    So...that's about it. I guess all that's left on the agenda is the ol' disclaimer:

    In short; by reading my dream journal, you are hereby in agreement to forfeit the right to use any
    information or situations, herein, against me...for any reason...under any circumstances...

    (After all, they are just dreams.)


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    1. 12/15/2010 - "Captain Cockblocked", "Tygra's Tale", "Genetic Swimgineering", "Fish Memorial"

      by , 12-16-2010 at 09:04 AM (Oneironaut Zero: Dreamwalker Chronicles)
      (Pretty epic night of dreaming, last night. Wasn't feeling too good, when I came home from work, so I ended up going to bed early and actually getting a full 8 hours of sleep! Haha. Woke up a couple of times, throughout the night, take some notes on my dreams.)

      Dream One:
      "Captain Cockblocked"

      I was the Captain of a brigade on a huge, futuristic ship. The whole dream took place inside the ship, so I honestly don't know if it was a water vessel or a spaceship. But I could tell, from the our uniforms and technology, that it was definitely in the future. As Captain, I had a really hard time getting my unruly platoon in order. They were quite a band of misfits, and would only listen to me when I really came down on them. I'm really not sure that I liked all of the responsibility for such a wily bunch. There were two stand-out soldiers in this dream, though. Two women. It seems that there was something of a love triangle going on, between us. One of the women and I were definitely seeing each other, and the other woman (who looked a bit like a cross between Angelina Jolie and the Baroness from G.I. Joe) was vying for my affection.

      My official love interest and I were sparring on a large platform made of metallic grid-work, set high above the rest of the platoon. The "room" we were in was enormous - more like a hanger - and the rest of the platoon was watching from down below. The spar was actually pretty interesting. It was a strange dance of attacking/evading, without ever coming in contact with each other. It was quite graceful. If I was facing away from her, she would slide in for a leg sweep, and I would do a slow, precise, back handspring over her, landing on her other side. Then I would throw a high kick at her, and she would bend sideways, beneath it, and cartwheel away. It was a lot like Capoeira, actually, but more straight-forward, and with less dancing. It wasn't intense, in the slightest. It was kind of erotic, really, and we were just enjoying how connected we felt with each other, in being able to anticipate each others' movements. Apparently, though, this didn't sit very well with the other girl.

      During a move where I was about to throw/spin my lovely opponent away from me, the other girl had made her way up onto the platform with us. I tried to throw my lady-friend with enough trajectory that she might be able to pull herself out of the barrel-roll spin through the air, and land on her feet. However, when I saw that the 'other' girl was standing in the exact spot that I'd intended to throw my opponent...I fucked up. Having been startled by this other girl standing on the platform, I under-threw my sparring partner. She spiraled a couple of times through the air, directly toward girl #2, who was actually in a perfect position to catch her. Instead - after having initially put her hands out, to catch the oncoming person on instinct, girl #2 swiped her hands away, at the last moment, and allowed girl #1 to crash to the metal-grated platform, face first. The impact was so loud that it echoed through the entire chamber. I could practically feel it, myself. Girl #2 just looked at me with a sarcastic sort of "Oops" expression on her face, obviously not the least bit apologetic.

      Girl #1 was injured pretty badly, and I felt horrible. I went to her side to console her. She was holding her face, and it was clear that she was in a lot of pain. Eventually, the medics came, and helped her away to get checked on. While they hauled her off, I began walking to the other side of the platform. Girl #2 quickly caught up and kept pace with me. Quite adorably, she locked her hands behind her back as she walked, a huge smile beaming while she told me how we (her and I) never used to have 'accidents' like that. Trying to dismiss her, I barked that we never used to run drills like that. As if her response had been ready, she answered back that "we never had to." She said that we always just kind of "vibed, in the field." Through this, I get the impression that her and I had something of a thing going on, in the past, and she was trying to rekindle it. Still kicking myself over dropping my new girl, I sat down on the edge of the platform and actually held a conversation with girl #2, though, the whole time, I really wished she would just leave me alone.

      While we were talking, our Commander stormed into the room. A grunt yelled out "Ship on deck!!!" and everyone jumped to attention. Under my breath, I said "It's 'ATTENTION on deck, you idiot." The Commander wasn't very happy. He let us know that we were headed for a battle, and my platoon still looked like a rag-tag bunch of cretins. As if to prove his point, some of the grunts started mocking him, and copying the things he was saying. My mind was a mess of emotions at the moment, and I decided to stay quiet about it. The Commander then went into a spiel about how he started this platoon because of the potential he once saw in a 12 year old boy, who he knew would one day be a great leader. And he made it a point to say that he "did not see that 12 year old boy in this room." Even though he was facing the rest of my soldiers, I knew he was talking about me...and it killed me. After what seemed like an eternity, he left, and I knew that I would have to muster all the strength I had, to get my soldiers into shape, before our next battle began.

      Dream Two:
      "Tygra's Tale"

      I was a lonely, troubled, version of Tygra of the ThunderCats. I had an underground base, which looked much like the hanger/chamber in my first dream - a large room with metal walls and an obscure, blue "screen," which took up the entire front wall and illuminated the whole chamber. After pretty much just sitting around and sulking, by myself, I found my lair being invaded by an entire army of mutants and robot sentries. There was a massive battle; myself vs. the entire army, which had just kind of 'teleported' into my lair. I had Tygra's trademark bolo-whip, and it was just the most fucking awesome weapon ever. The three balls on the end would cause explosions, whenever they made contact with a target, and the whip, itself, was amazingly accurate and effective. I distinctly remember thinking to myself - during the battle - how amazing it was, that I was able to wield such a weapon with such extreme expertise. (I vaguely know how to use a whip, in waking life, but would be completely lost, using one in a battle situation.) The battle was very fast an epic - involving a lot of high-jumping and anime-styled dashing; moving around the area with a speed that pretty much made me a match for everyone in the room, and throwing all kinds of projectile weapons at my attackers.

      After some time, the fighting came to a stand-still. It turned out that I was being tested by this group. They were actually the rest of the ThunderCats, come to see my skill level and invite me onto their team. One of the smallest of the group was a young girl who said that she and I had the same mother or father. (Can't remember which.) By her markings, I could tell that she was a young Cheetara. She told me to check my records to see if we might actually be brother and sister. Forced with the decision of whether or not to join their team, I went off to be alone with my thoughts for a while. I found myself in a targeting range, flicking shuriken - rather sloppily - at targets. I was really apathetic about the target practice, and just kind of tossing shuriken everywhere; even sticking some of them in the ceiling. Above all else, they had just caught me at my most depressed, and I had a hell of a time shaking the sensation of hoplessness.

      Reluctantly, I decided to join their forces, officially becoming one of the "ThunderCats." I don't remember anything after letting them know that I would sign on with them, though.

      Dream Three:
      "Genetic Swimgineering"

      I was with some friends and family members, in a beach-side hotel. Standing on the balcony, we watched the water and saw some large, shell-like....thing move up toward the shore. It was about the size of a small yacht, but seemed completely organic. Some of the people down on the beach flocked toward this object, which began spewing water out of an opening at the top. This water mixed with the water around it, and soon coated the shoreline, and all the people on it. When the beach-goers started emerging from the water, it was apparent that many of them were much younger than they had been before. This water apparently had some regenerative properties, and once people saw this, they immediately began bathing in it. It was a veritable fountain of youth. Some of the girls/women in our group - my mom included - just could not resist the urge. They made a bee-line out of the hotel and down toward the water. I tried to tell her not to do it, because we knew nothing about this thing, or where it came from. She wouldn't listen, though, and neither could many of the other girls in our group. They saw the opportunity to preserve their youth, and literally jumped in it.

      As with the others, they came out looking younger than they previously had, and were completely happy with the results. I still had a bad feeling, though. My suspicions were then confirmed, when those who went into the water began mutating. Some of them grew scales. Others grew soft, mushy skin that seemed to hang from their bones. The girl I was with began to grow scales, as did my mother. While we panicked, they also began losing their memory, and were constantly having to be reminded of who they were, and what was going on. It was just a horrible situation, all around. Things just progressively got worse. My mom ended up actually turning into a fish - a very sinister-looking fish with large spines that came out of her dorsal fin...but there was still something very human about her.

      After a while, my dream skipped ahead. We were now on a large boat. We had figured out that there was a "mad geneticist" behind the whole thing, and myself - along with a large squad of friends and strangers - were on our way to storm his island stronghold, to put a stop to whatever the Hell he was doing. My mom, still in fish state, was in a water-filled bowl, on deck. Suddenly, in the middle of our voyage, she jumped out of the bowl and into the ocean. Without so much of a second thought, I jumped off of the boat and into the water after her. I remember being absolutely terrified, in the open water, not knowing what to expect might be swimming around with us. Reluctant to open my eyes, I did, grabbing my mom/fish and paddling for the surface. I saw the boat do a wide turn, eventually coming back around to pick us up. Something wasn't right, though. I had a - almost telepathic - feeling that my mom/fish didn't want to leave the ocean. She was being called toward it. The more I swam toward the boat, the stronger the feeling got. When I was climbing onto the boat, she began squirming in my hand, and I actually saw a very human tear fall from her fish eye. For all that she was, she knew that she belonged in the ocean, and even considering the circumstances, I couldn't deny her that. With a heavy heart, I tossed her back into the ocean, and we continued our voyage to put a stop to this mad-man's experiments.

      Soon, we were on his island. My comrades and I stormed the base, fighting through his forces and trying to get to the bottom of just what the Hell he was doing. I don't remember much of the battle, but it was fierce, and I ended up losing a couple of close friends in the fight. The last thing I remember was being drawn into the scientist's final hiding place - buried within a wall. He didn't know I had followed him in, and I ended up getting the drop on him, rushing him and tackling him into another room. The room was like a huge auditorium, and we were on the top flight of stairs. The villain was facing me, and away from the rest of the room. What he couldn't see was a horde of some of his failed experiments coming up the stairs behind him...and they looked hungry. Giving one final push, I shoved the guy away from me and toward his 'children,' slipping out of the room and shutting the door. Without even being there to witness it, I knew that he was being torn to pieces (and most likely eaten) by the monsters he had created.

      Dream Four:
      "Fish Memorial"

      (Which is hilarious, if you're familiar with Fish Memorial Hospital, which isn't far from my house.)

      I was coming home from work at night, and I saw that there were about a dozen cars in our driveway (only it wasn't my house, but my friend Kellen's house, from back when I used to live in Texas). When I went inside, my mom told me that she was having a memorial for Chris B. (an old friend of mine, who'd died in the previous dream. I would almost think this was the same dream, but I have the distinct feeling of having woken up, between the two). I didn't think too much of the fact that I had no notice of this memorial, but I did notice that I didn't actually see anybody in the house. Figuring everyone must be out in the back yard, I went to 'my' room to change clothes. Changing turned out to be one hell of a task, though. Nothing in my closet matched. Nothing. And even when I found something that could pass for a matching outfit, all of my shoes were de-laced and/or broken. I spent the rest of the dream throwing clothes and shoes around, trying to find something suitable to wear before going out to meet everyone.

      Updated 12-16-2010 at 05:37 PM by 2450

    2. 12/13/2010 - Fragment

      by , 12-15-2010 at 10:00 PM (Oneironaut Zero: Dreamwalker Chronicles)

      Don't remember much about this one at all. It was something to do with being on a God of War / Castlevania type of quest, battling creatures of the night and making my way through treacherous terrain. The main thing I remember is being on a high cliff face, having to scale the structure with my bare hands. There was a lot of cliff-hanging and crazy maneuvering, but most of the details are gone. In a hilarious twist, by the end of the dream, I was working in a childcare center, and I had to balance my time on the job with my mission; constantly checking the time and plotting out where my adventure would take me next, after I got done with my shift.

      Something about having to climb over a massive mountain or something. I had to fight some kind of creatures of the night, and the whole thing kind of felt like God of War, or something similar. There was a lot of cliff-hanging and maneuvering. I just don't remember much. By the end, I remember having a job at like a childcare center or something, and had to balance being on time, with my mission.

    3. 12/10/2010 - "The Mighty Pen"

      by , 12-15-2010 at 09:58 PM (Oneironaut Zero: Dreamwalker Chronicles)
      "The Mighty Pen"

      I was really broken up about a death in my family. I have a strong feeling that it was my mom, but I'm not exactly sure. My dad was actually alive, and in this dream with me, though my mom was nowhere to be found. Whatever the case, I was in my old house (Canterbury) and crying about it. Trying to get me to snap out of mourning, my dad came into my room to talk to me. I just wanted him to leave me alone. There was really nothing that he was able to say, to make the pain go away. And, in his usual way, his cold words did more to agrivate me than they did to help rid me of my emotions. Finally, fed up, I said something that got him to piss off. I can't remember what it was, though.

      He left the room, and went to the bathroom down the hall. Alone with my thoughts for another minute or so, I eventually began to clear my head. It was then that I heard my alarm chirp, as if someone had just walked into the house, unannounced. (Funny thing is, we didn't have the alarm, back at that house. The only alarm we've ever had is the one installed in the house I live in now. I didn't even think of this as strange, in the dream.) Whomever it was, they made no effort to let us know that they were here, and unless they were sitting in the living room, by themselves, they were coming down the hall toward me room. I also knew that we had hollow floors, so if they were coming down the hallway, they were purposefully trying not to make any noise. Quickly, I looked around for a weapon. The only thing that was within arms reach was a pair of ink pens on my desk. Without a second thought, I grabbed them up, holding them - one in each hand - in downward positions, to make them effective stabbing weapons. Waiting patiently at my room door, I took a fighting stance, anxiously poised and ready for the intruder to make his appearance at my doorway. A hand appeared, and I lunged. Stabbing the first pencil out toward my target, I drew it back when I noticed a gorgeous young girl, with light-brown skin and cornrows, standing in front of me. Startled, she said "It's just me," throwing her hands up and staring at the uncapped pen aimed at her throat.

      Apparently, her and I were friends (though I have no idea if she's actually someone that I know in waking life). She told me that she knew about what had happened to my family member, and she just really wanted to hang around and cheer me up. I actually wasn't in the mood for 'cheering up,' and I believe I was going to be leaving the house soon, so I kindly walked her back out the front door. We had a short conversation on the porch, and I kept calling her "Jessica." Finally, after having put up for quite some time - and being really classy about it - she just gave me a friendly smirk and said "It's Vanessa." I felt really bad for getting her name wrong, and even worse for asking her to leave, when she just wanted to try to lift my spirits. I knew I wasn't able to hang out at the time, though. After spending a few seconds with her, I went back inside. I remember doing something with the alarm keypad, but I don't believe I armed it.

      (After this dream, I woke up to the sound of the real house alarm going off. I came to find out that my mom had been in the living room, with the alarm company, and they were testing it for some kind of trouble. It seems all of their beeping and fooling with the system had worked its way into my dream.)

    4. 12/08/2010 - "Blackmail: Return to Sender"

      by , 12-10-2010 at 06:33 AM (Oneironaut Zero: Dreamwalker Chronicles)
      "Blackmail: Return to Sender"

      Some goons had kidnapped my daughter. They were using her as leverage, to blackmail me into coming along with them, and helping them commit an armed robbery. With no other choice, I went along with it. I don't remember very much of the whole situation, at first, but it involved being something of a point-man in the heist, within a massive house. The squad of thugs were charged with keeping the people in the house at bay, while I was supposed to be the one who actually went in to steal whatever was in the safe. It wasn't long before the occupants of the house began fighting back, though, and soon there was an insane firefight going on. I wasn't fortunate enough to be given a gun so, once I had what I came for, I had to haul ass through the house, ducking and dodging as guns were blazing around me. For the most part, the folks in the house were completely outgunned, and there were innocent people dying all around me. The inhabitants figured me to be one of the bad guys, so I ended up having to grab a pistol off of a dead man and shoot my way out, rounding the stairwell and rushing down, level after level - covering my own ass with frantic shots until I made it to the ground floor.

      I rushed outside of the house, gunfire still crackling in all directions. As I was running, a van hurriedly pulled up beside me, and the door opened. Still at a sprint, I jumped inside the van and we sped off. I had completed my mission and got the goons whatever it was they were searching for (though I don't remember what it was. The whole thing felt much like Cobb's attempted escape at the beginning of Inception). All I could feel, was that the victory was a bit dubious. I wanted my daughter back, but I felt horrible about all of the people that had to die for me to complete my objective. To make things worse, I was greeted with the old bait-and-switch, for my services. The goons refused to give my daughter back. They said that they would need me for another job or so, before they would consider returning her to me. Needless to say, I was furious. I was not about to be made into a lap dog for these bastards. I knew I had to do something about this.

      Half-heartedly, I agreed to the mission. It was supposed to be another armed robbery, much like the last one. I was told that the head guy was going to be there, himself, so I had a 'plan' on how I was going to end all of this. It was half-baked, but it was the best I had. Somehow, I had the luxury of having Todd be my transportation to this heist. We were in a car that I don't believe was his Jeep, and he was driving. We had to circle the neighborhood a few times, and wait until the goons had already secured the house, which seemed like a cross between an old house of mine, in Houston, and my Grandmother's house, in Daytona Beach. Also inexplicably, I knew that there was a rack of weaponry waiting for me, down the street from the target home. My "employers" didn't know about this, and it was my intention to get close enough to the leader of the group to take him at gunpoint, and bargain his life for that of Cierra.

      Making one of our rounds, we stopped over at this rack of weapons (which was, amusingly, set up right beside a house - all out in the open) and stocked up. Todd already had a handgun and ammunition in his car, just in case, but I needed to get my own. Going up to the rack, though, I saw that the only gun it had was a model of a real piece. I didn't even think it was functional, but for some reason, I packed it anyway. There were no bullets on this rack of weapons, but Todd's bullets were able to fit in my 'model' gun, and that made me a little more confident that it would fire. After loading it, I didn't dare test it, though, because we were in a neighborhood, and couldn't draw too much attention to ourselves before getting the job done. I also grabbed a samurai sword from off the rack, and slung the sheath over my shoulder. We went back to circling the block. On what I thought was our last pass, we saw the goons storm into the house. I knew that I was going to be on, in just a few moments. Todd was beginning to lose his nerve about having any part in this, though. I told him that he was going to have to stop and wait for me, but he didn't want to stop. We just kept driving around the block while I argued with him about how I had to go through with this. Another pass. Now, there were people streaming out of the house, some of them dragging their bullet ridden bodies under their own power, clinging desperately to their lives. I knew that there was going to be no other chance. Again, I told Todd that he had to stop, so I could get this done before the cops came. And, again, he doubted the situation just long enough to role passed the house again. Sure enough, on our next trip around, there were cop cars in the driveway. I knew that, If I were to go in now, I would have bought myself a 1-way ticket to prison. It was too late to complete the job as ordered, anymore...I had failed.

      Then I got a phone call. The leader of the goon squad said that he wasn't even present, during the heist. He had been testing me, and I let him down by not completing my task. He told me to report back to him, because we had some things to 'discuss,' and it was the most ominous thing I had heard in ages. He still didn't know that I was armed, though (if you could call it that). We drove down the block, still in my grandma's hood, and I got out. I didn't plan on making much small talk...at all. I was going in there determined to get my daughter back, by any means necessary. Clutching the gun and sword, and making my way up to the door - practically on fire with anticipation - I suddenly realized that I was dreaming. I was absolutely ecstatic. Lol. All fear instantly disappeared. This entire scenario had just done a complete 180, and now, even though I was fully aware that this was not reality, I damn sure wasn't leaving the scene without settling the score.

      I burst into the run-down old house, immediately stepping in and waving the gun around. There was one guy on a couch to my right, another standing in a hallway to my left, and the leader was directly across the room from me. He sat in a chair, smuggly, with a gun in one hand, and my daughter in his lap. She sat rather stoically, looking at me with a calmness in her face as if she was just waiting patiently for this to be over with. I glared at the leader, beginning to walk toward him (before this time, I had never actually seen him, and he reminded me a lot of Victor Sweet, the dementedly egotistical bad guy from Four Brothers). The guy on the couch suddenly threw out his arm and aimed his gun at me. I aimed back at him and tried to pull the trigger. Nothing. I squeezed it harder. Still nothing. Even though I was lucid, the gun was still acting like a damn model. I just couldn't squeeze the trigger. Even when I clutched it with two hands and both index fingers, it wouldn't budge. I thought that it should be easy, since I was lucid, but no matter what I did, this gun just would not shoot. Frustrated, I began taunting the guy on the couch. I dared him to shoot me, telling him that he could take all the shots he wanted, but it wasn't going to stop me from killing every single one of them, beginning with him. I began to slowly walk in his direction.

      He fired. Anticipating the attempt, I swung my hand up in front of me, imagining the bullet hitting my palm and snatching it out of the air. He fired again. My other hand raised, slapping the bullet off to one side while I continued on toward him. His shots came in quicker as I advanced, and I simply stopped paying attention to the bullets, stalking toward the increasingly terrified man. His bullets pelted lightly off of my chest like grains of rice against cowhide. And out of the corner of my eye, I could see that the leader was getting uneasy, too. He tried getting my attention stalling me with some talk about how he "knows me" from somewhere, but I completely ignored him. I would get to him...in time. But for now, I was relishing in the moment.

      By this point, I was standing right over the man on the couch. He had stopped shooting, and his eyes were wide with fear. He was shaking. Again, I tried to squeeze off a few rounds into his stomach, from point blank range, but the gun I held was completely useless, and I just didn't have enough control of the dream to overpower it. I finally threw it to the ground, having had enough, and reached around behind me to pull the samurai sword out of the sheath over my shoulder. The last thing I remember, before waking up, was the look on the goon's face when he realized that he was about to be carved into tiny little pieces.

      Updated 12-10-2010 at 09:14 AM by 2450

      lucid , memorable
    5. 12/07/2010 - "The Z Hunters"

      by , 12-09-2010 at 07:19 PM (Oneironaut Zero: Dreamwalker Chronicles)
      "The Z Hunters"

      I was on a relic hunt, a member of a team of people around my age. Opposite us was a rival team, who I believe was lead by DV Member JEFF777 (Geoff). The object of the hunt was some old metallic article of clothing that gave the wearer immense power (a glove, I think. Not sure, though). We actually started out with powers of our own, comparable to DBZ characters, and we had to complete all of these different challenges, to get ahead of the other team. Hilariously enough, the first challenge had something to do with our teams fighting to make the craziest sandwich, out of ingredients that were being stored in this secret, underground produce aisle. It was literally a mixture between a grocery store aisle - tile walls, lighting and all - and a rocky, cavernous tunnel. I don't remember much of this contest, or who one.

      Later, the teams had whittled themselves down to just Geoff. There was a lot going on, and we ended up coming upon an event where cops had a house surrounded, and there was some sort of hostage situation going on inside. We had been told that the relic would be inside the house, and we had to somehow make our way inside to get it, without drawing the attention of the police. We stood on a nearby rooftop, staring over at the chaotic scene - each trying to gauge the best way of going about this. Suddenly, we got our break. For some odd reason, the cops had the 'genius' idea to act as if they were leaving the scene, and succumbing to the will of the hostage taker. Instead, what they did was take the entire force - cars and all - and move them...to the house next door. They then climbed over the rooftop, trying to stay hidden - even though it was broad daylight - and moved into the backyard, making their way into the connecting yard and trying to storm the house from the back. Geoff and I immediately took this as our chance.

      Racing each other, we both launched off of the roof, streaking across the sky and busting into the house through one of the walls, neck and neck. We knew we had to work fast, because the police were coming up, and would be there any second. We subdued the criminal, and saved the hostage, who was some pretty attractive chick that I believe was tied to a chair(?) After that. We scrambled to look for the relic, but soon found out it wasn't there. The girl was actually a part of the 'game.' She was a piece of a scavenger hunt, and informed us that the relic was actually somewhere in the mountains (but she gave us more precise directions than that. ). And before the cops even knew we were there, Geoff and I blasted off again, taking flight toward the mountains. The chase was insane. We were more like dog-fighting fighter jets; each jockeying for position and trying to knock each other out of the race, all while we sped over the terrain, toward the relic. We spared nothing, firing energy blasts at each other, along the way, and then streaking into close-quarters, mid-air melee before rocketing away and trying to gain the lead once again.

      I don't actually remember who ended up winning the race. (Imagine that. ) All I remember after the battle is returning to the house where the girl had been held hostage, hanging out with her, and then the two of us having some pretty intense sex.

      All that power, and no lucidity, though.

      Updated 12-09-2010 at 09:17 PM by 2450

    6. 12/06/2010 - "Invasion Evasion"

      by , 12-06-2010 at 09:57 PM (Oneironaut Zero: Dreamwalker Chronicles)
      "Invasion Evasion"

      (I watched Skyline, for the first time, last night. It was an 'ok' movie, but the visual effects were tight as hell.)
      The earliest thing I remember was being in a camp-like atmosphere, with a few friends, in a trailer. Someone had a dog; like a lab mix or something, and I was playing with her, rubbing her belly. After a short while, the dog began to get really agitated and started glaring at the door. Some creepy shit happened, where a person came to the door and then turned into an alien, and we had to escape the trailer. I believe we pushed the creature into the bonfire and burned it, but this part is all really hazy. Soon after, I was alone, and running through the streets. The major attack had already begun, and there were larger aliens - dozens of stories tall - walking amongst the buildings and roadways. The city was completely destroyed and, no matter where I went or tried to hide, these things would always find me. The creatures that were too big to fit inside the buildings, would send out these long tentacles (like the ones in the movie), and snake them through the buildings to find me. I ended up dying, over and over, in this dream. Every time the tentacles would find me, they would either pull me back into the main body of the alien, or just splatter me all over the place, wherever I had been hiding.

      After respawning a couple of times, I knew I had to get out of the city, so I began to make a bee-line toward the edge of town, sprinting as long and hard as my body would allow me - and I remember being able to run for miles, without losing steam. But these tentacles were relentless. An alien could shoot the tentacles from its "hand", and the rope-like appendages would literally travel for miles - seemingly to endless distances - through the air, to chase their target. Again, I died quite a few times, while trying to escape the city; simply respawning again at the beginning and continuing to run, taking another route. There were times that I would try to steal cars, and some of them would have this "gunk" on them. Whenever I drive those cars, the "gunk" would begin to spread around the outside of the vehicle, trying to 'cocoon' itself in this alien sludge. I would see this happening and have to bail out of the car, before it completely encased me. What's more, is that some of these droplets of "gunk" would actually spring to life, and form whole aliens - each maybe 10 feet tall and built like bipedal elephants - which would then join the chase. Running from these things kind of felt like maneuvering through the game Prototype.

      It was like I was the only person in the city, and this entire alien force was centered on me, the whole time. There were just so many of them, and I was beginning to feel hopeless. After having to repeat this scenario, over and over, upon each death, I just wasn't feeling very confident that I would ever get out of this Hell. Suddenly, thankfully, just as despair was kicking in, I realized that this all had to be a dream. I was still on the run, though, as these things just weren't letting up, and anytime they would catch me, they would just annihilate me before I could do anything about it. Still respawning after each death, I took to flying, instead of running. It took me a little while to get up to speed, in my flying, as this dream was very vivid, and I was having a hard time manipulating it. I tried some telekinesis on the pursuing tentacles, but wasn't able to affect them.

      Once I got the hang of flying, though, the flight/chase sequences were absolutely sick. The easiest way I knew to keep my speed up, was to imagine myself as a missile. The thing was, though, that these tentacles were just as fast, so just because I could fly, didn't mean that I was getting out of the city an easier. I was empowered by my lucidity, though, and was more having fun with it, than frantically fleeing for my life. I weaved through the city at breakneck speed, an expanding trail of tentacles, following closely behind me. It was one of those zigging, zagging, dizzying, high-tech chases that you would see in any major, sci-fi blockbuster - just screaming through the sky, with impossible agility. Sometimes I would land on the street, to gain my bearings - pivoting and then launching off in another direction, just as the tentacles whipped passed me and then arced around to follow once again. I remember being chased at just the same height of some of the tallest rooftops, and then dropping toward the ground, head first, to try to throw off the oncoming appendages. I was going so fast that there was a single moment, there, where I worried about 'what happens if I'm not able to pull up, in time?' Even though I knew that I was dreaming, I wasn't really looking to slamming headfirst, into the street, so I pulled up on my own trajectory, as I could, nearly skimming the ground and then continuing to rocket down the street, the tentacles still keeping pace at every twist and turn. I also recall that the aliens could talk, and they all spoke with the same voice - as if it were a collective consciousness - which reminded me something of the Joker, from The Dark Knight.

      I don't really remember whether or not I ever made it out of the city. I don't think so, though.

    7. 12/04/2010 - "Kumite", 12/05/2010 - "Fragment"

      by , 12-06-2010 at 09:48 PM (Oneironaut Zero: Dreamwalker Chronicles)


      I was in an underground fighting ring. It was more like a Naruto tournament, really, than anything else. The fighting platform was something like the one used in Bloodsport; elevated at the ends, and a short drop to the ground. Throughout the fights, I did take my fair share of hits, but - on the whole - I was completely owning everyone. I ended up beating 3 guys, back to back, and had them all piled up on the ground, at the far side of the mat. The martial arts moves we were pulling off were just awesome. The floor rules were something like those in WWF, where you could touch the ground, outside the mat, but for only a certain amount of time. In the middle of an exchange, there was a moment where one guy knocked me forward, off of the mat. I landed on the ground, in a crouch, and immediately sprang back up, backward, toward the mat again. In the air, I rotated my body around to face the guy and whipped a flying spinning heel at him, knocking him off of the mat, while I landed on top of it. Pretty sick.

      We then started getting into magic and other, physics-defying, signature moves. The last guy I fought had moves where a bunch of hidden blades came of his uniform. Another one was where a bunch of "ghosts" of himself flew in and attacked from all angles - kind of like Cloud's new 'Limit Break', in Advent Children. The guy was really hard to beat, and I actually don't remember who won.

      Dream Fragment:

      Vaguely remember hugging TamiDoll, and just hanging out with her.

      Updated 12-06-2010 at 09:50 PM by 2450

    8. 11/30/2010 - "Punks 'n a Bat"

      by , 12-06-2010 at 09:43 PM (Oneironaut Zero: Dreamwalker Chronicles)
      Dream One:
      "Punks 'n a Bat"

      I was in some sort of older city. It was modern, but just seemed like an old, sea town. The Keys, maybe. MJ was hanging out with the group, and there were a bunch of punks that were going around and starting shit with people. They came up to our group, and one of them started hitting on MJ. She dismissed him by saying something really slick, and he didn't like it. He stepped up to her, as if he was going to hit her, and I stepped between them. The dude just got in my face and glared at me, anxiously rocking side-to-side. He was shorter than me. I could see in his eyes that he wanted nothing more than to fight me...but he was scared. Had I been someone smaller, he would have relished the chance, but he saw the way I was looking back at him; cool and calm. He knew that I knew I could kick his ass. From behind him, his friends moved in closer, silently signaling to him that they had his back. I knew my friends were standing behind me, as well, so I wasn't really too worried about his squad. He ended up trying something on me. We made a brief exchange of movements, and I ended up dumping him over the short, rope fence on the marina, and into the ocean. I don't really remember his friends trying anything at the moment.

      Later, I was walking through the streets, by myself. Still, obviously, in this old, red brick town. Cutting down a wide alleyway, I came upon the same kid from earlier. This time, he was alone, as well. He had something in his hand, though...a baseball bat. We were walking straight toward one another, at the time that we noticed each other. Recognizing me, he ran toward me. I wasn't going to run from him, and the best thing I figured I could do was slip into a range a little too close for him to effectively swing the bat. In a somewhat surprising mood, knowing that he was going to swing the bat as soon as I came in range, I slid to the ground, leaning backward to let the bat pass right over my head. I goofed, though, coming to a sliding stop in front of him after having not traveled far enough. He looked down at me and swung the bat down in my direction, from above. I rolled to the side and stood up, rushing in toward him again. He took one more swing, but I was already in too close. Bracing my left arm for an impact, I swung it up in an outward block, taking a shot from the lower half of the bat while I stepped further in. Confident that I was going to be too close for him to do much damage with it, I completely ignored the impact, now face to face with him. I could tell he wasn't expecting me to just step into his attack like that. I caught just a glimpse of it, when grabbing him by the collar, just before dropping him to the ground with an immediate hay-maker.

      Once again, I ran into the boy and his entourage, later the same day. They wanted absolutely no problems, and were trying to act all nice.

      Dream (Frag) Two:
      I had put together an experimental, makeshift ultralight, in front of my house, out in Canterbury. Apparently, this thing was remote controlled. I don't even remember whether or not it had a seat in it. I had a companion in this dream, who was a small, talking, shape-shifting animal 'demon' (I watched The Golden Compass, for the first time, last night), which just kind of scurried around me, the whole time. Not sure whether or not I could have actually ridden this ultra-light, I took it for a test flight, using the remote control and driving it around the grass around the ditch outside my house. The body of this 'plane' was made out of a lawnmower. And since I couldn't yet figure out how to fly the thing, it was going around in circles and actually mowing the grass. Lol. I finally figured out how to get it in the air, and it took a short flight over the ditch, just before rounding a huge tree, quickly descending, and smashing into my friend Jesse's mom's house. However, instead of being Jesse's mom and dad, who lived there, it was Todd's mom, and a different husband than the one she has now. Pretty random.
    9. 11/27/2010 - "You Picked the Wrong House, Bud!"

      by , 11-27-2010 at 07:07 PM (Oneironaut Zero: Dreamwalker Chronicles)
      "You Picked the Wrong House, Bud!"

      I was hanging out with Josh. We were in a house that was supposed to be "mine", but it wasn't like the house I live in now. This one was two stories tall, and we were on the second floor. It was night out. We were the only ones in the house but, while we were chillin, I could have sworn I heard my alarm chirp, downstairs, as if someone had opened one of the doors. At first, I didn't say anything about it, and thought I was just hearing things. It wasn't until we actually had to go downstairs for something, that I remembered the chirp and actually began to take it seriously.

      Before leaving my room, I grabbed one of my knives. On the way down the stairs, Josh asked me why I had it, and I quietly told him that I thought I'd heard something. We crept through the living room quietly, and I looked in all the corners and behind all the objects I could. Nothing. By this time, I had reverted back to thinking it had just been my imagination. There was only one other possible hiding spot; around a corner and down a short corridor, to the other bedroom. The corridor was dark, but I was just going to peek around the corner, pretty sure that we were the only ones here.

      I had let my guard down at the wrong time, though. As soon as I peeked around the corner, a shadowy figure was standing directly in front of me, pressed up against the wall, in hiding. I was completely caught by surprise. I swung the knife around, toward his chest, and he actually caught my arm by the wrist, using his other hand and immediately wrenching the knife out of my grip. Now he had the knife. Instinctively, I grabbed him in a hold, securing his knife hand with one of my own, to keep it away from me. Wrestling each other back into the living room, we struggled for control of the knife, at first. Then, I was able to take the guy to the ground and just began pummeling him in the face, with my free hand. (A lesson I've learned is that, when a weapon is involved, you always go for the attacker, and not the weapon.) Once the man was dazed, he dropped the knife, and I just started dropping bombs with both fists. Everything happened so fast that Josh just kind of stood back. While I was annihilating this guy, with punch after punch, I think Josh came by and picked up the knife, seeing that I had things under control. I don't remember much of that situation, other than leaving the guy on the ground with probably every bone in his face broken. He turned out to be just some random guy that broke into my house. Never got around to finding out whether he was just a crook or what.

      The next day, Josh and I were at work, and we were talking about what had happened. I was dramatically retelling some co-workers about it, and just when I got to the part where I was raining down punches on the guy, Josh butted in and said something like "yeah, and Greg beat his ass", kind of dismissing any sort of dramatic tension I was building. I don't think he did it to be a dick, but it just came out that way.

      Afterward, I remember telling him something about sticking to letting me tell the stories, from now on.

      Updated 11-27-2010 at 07:14 PM by 2450

    10. 11/25/2010 - "Ex Box", "How to Cook (for?) People"

      by , 11-25-2010 at 05:56 PM (Oneironaut Zero: Dreamwalker Chronicles)
      Dream One:
      "Ex Box"

      I was with MJ. There was a lot that went on, toward the beginning of this dream, that I don't remember. It had something to do with boxing and/or martial arts, though. Somehow, I'd ended up getting a call from Mike Tyson, and he said he saw me fighting somewhere, and that I had potential. He said that he wanted to teach me a couple of things. We met him at a gym somewhere, and he started training us. There was a long period here, of us being taught by him, but I don't remember much of it. I do vaguely remember walking back out of the gym, later on in the day, and going over a few last minute details with him.

      Later on that night, we were all back at my house, including Mike. He was teaching us to scramble, touching on the idea that most fights end up on the ground. He had placed 4 buttons/switches around my driveway (which sits on a hill at probably a 45-degree angle); one at either side. This was to be a bare-knuckle match, between MJ and I, with the objective of keeping the other person from hitting the switches. The first person to hit the most switches, within the time limit, won. It was absolutely insane. We were just completely beating the shit out of each other. MJ had apparently been training before this, also, because she was doing her thing. I had her outmatched, though. I felt like I was pulling my punches to her face, little; going kind of easy on her. It just felt too weird, punching her in the face; even though it was just the natural course of the dream. The hits were still solid, though - especially the body blows - and we were just scrambling all over the place, running from side to side, top to bottom, as if doing sprints. I would hit a switch, and then she'd tackle me as I changed direction, and we'd roll around on the ground punching the shit out of each other. Then we'd scurry to our feet and rush across the driveway to another switch, tripping and punching each other along the way. There was one point, where I got penalized because they said I threw a kick at her, but I don't believe I did.

      MJ kept having trouble with the switch that was at the bottom of the hill. Since my driveway is so steep, our forward momentum, while running, was so great that it would make us tend to overshoot the switch. I got the hang of it, before she did, and I would baseball-slide toward it, hit the switch, and then trip MJ on her way by. She'd fly down the last leg of driveway, hit the pavement hard and roll to a stop. This gave me more time to get up and push another button, before she could recover and get back into the fight. I remember one particular moment, when we were both on the ground, and I was just punching her in the ribs, over and over, as hard as I could, trying to wear her out, a bit.

      (Don't really remember anything after this, but that was a crazy dream. The fighting was just so frantic and realistic. Reminds me of the dream where I was sword-fighting with my other ex. Lol. Except, in that one, we were actually trying to kill each other. Much less fun. This one just felt more like a spar.

      Also, I had read/seen THIS story, about what happened to Christy Martin, in the news last night. I was also talking to MJ for a while on FB. I'm guessing that's what brought this dream on.)

      Dream Two:
      "How to Cook (for?) People"

      I was in a restaurant being run by Todd's parents. I don't remember much of this dream, but I somehow got tipped off that this was a cannibalistic restaurant, Todd's parents were serial killers, and we were all about to inherit our own places on the menu. Immediately, my instinct was to get the hell out of there. I stood up, and made my way toward the door. This was just at the time when Todd's dad was about to lock it, to keep us from getting out. He tried to stop me, when I approached, but I slipped passed him and out the door, before he could close it. I saw the fury in his eyes, at my escape, and watched him open the door again and follow me into the parking lot. Not wanting any part of whatever the Hell was going on here, I hurried away from him and got in my truck, speeding out of the parking lot. Todd's dad, never breaking stride, stalked over to a big rig and climbed inside.

      He began chasing me in the rig, and I remember going the wrong way, trying to exit the parking lot, and nearly getting stuck in deep sand. I was able to double-back and around him, though, making my way onto a main road. After driving for a while of driving, without incident, I got this lumbering feeling of something huge coming up from behind my truck. The road was now dark and, otherwise, deserted. I don't think I ever got a good look at what this thing was, following me, but I know that it was not a big rig. I remember a vague sense of the silhouette, and I believe it was some kind of mix between machine and living creature. I know it was massive, and I do think it had wheels, but I have no idea what it could have been. I was scared as hell, though.

      Updated 11-25-2010 at 06:17 PM by 2450

      non-lucid , memorable
    11. 11/22/2010 - "Undergroundwater"

      by , 11-23-2010 at 07:24 AM (Oneironaut Zero: Dreamwalker Chronicles)

      I was in a small, snow-covered town. The town was very close-knit, and everybody was friends with everybody else. Many of us were playing a huge game of manhunt (Thanks to Sam and Lisa, for bringing that up!), and some people were even burying themselves in the snow, for hiding places. I remember one of my female friends changing clothes and trying to blend in with those pedestrians who weren't playing. I don't remember much of the game, itself, besides digging through the snow and tryin to find some of the people hiding within it.

      At one point, though, a bunch of us ended up falling into what seemed like some sort of mine/tomb, deep underground. It was a huge chamber, with story-telling drawings and other enigmatic patterns on the walls. We spent a while exploring this chasm, joined by many other townsfolk, who had followed us down below. After some time of poking around the chamber, someone pressed a 'button' that activated some sort of mechanism. The floor beneath us began rumbling. Fire jetted upward, like geysers, from all points around the area. The fire spouts gave way to small explosions, which were soon too much to withstand. We all ran off of the rectangular floor area, fleeing the basin and up to higher ground, looking down at the spectacle below us. The ground opened up; black stone cracking down the middle and splitting apart to swallow the flames. Beneath a few feet of stone lay a crystalline pool of water. It was, easily, half the size of a football field, and took up most of the chamber. The slabs of stone flooring peeled away and locked into place, out of sight, leaving us all to stare, in awe, at this huge pool that had opened before us.

      This was just too weird. The 'tomb.' The huge, underground pool. The spectacularly explosive 'booby trap.' The realization just hit me, as we were all standing there, gawking in apprehensive awe. I was dreaming. It was the only logical explanation. As soon as I became lucid, my excitement rang out through the chasm. I yelled out to everyone - knowing that they were all stricken with fear - that "THIS IS A DREAM!! IT'S NOT REAL!!" I seemed to have been more reminding myself of the fact, than actually trying to get a point across, to these dream characters. But they all took it as just as much a relief as I did.

      I led the charge, and we all ran down the steps toward the enormous pool, jumping into the water with no further anxiety about what might have come from the explosive chain reaction we'd just witnessed. It instantly turned into an enormous pool party - our dozens of party-goers secluded away within this cavern of ice and stone. Even though the pool seemed to be just a hole in the earth, it was clearly marked with the paintings of a regulation swimming pool, as if just swimming in it was the main reason for it being there.

      While in the water, I was showing the DC's some "lucid tricks." I focused on my own body, and lifted myself out of the water with telekinesis, hovering just a few inches over the surface. Everyone looked on, in wonder, while I floated above the water. I felt really heavy, and wasn't sure that I could keep myself hovering, the way that I was, so I decided to get a little more control of the situation. I released my telekinetic hold on myself, dropping into the water and sinking down to the floor of the 15-or-so-feet-deep pool. Once my feet touched the ground, I pushed off as hard as I could, bursting up through the surface of the water and soaring up to the ceiling - some 30+ feet above. I slapped my hands against the warm stone ceiling and pushed myself back down into the water below. There were a few other people in the crowd copying me, flying up and out of the water, touching the ceiling and splashing back down, afterward.

      After some playing around, I got out of the water and walked around the area. Everyone was having a great time. I saw that some of the characters had gotten into some vampiric hedonism; slumped in a corner with blood streaming down their faces, obviously having fed on each other just because it was something to pass the time. (I would call that random, if not for the vampire dream I had, the other night.) They all looked completely drunk. I just walked passed them and continued on, taking in the sight of my surroundings. One of the girls in the group called me over to her, asking me if I wanted to go back to her place for some "one on one lucid fun." I just kind of smiled at her and waved her off, not wanting to waste this lucid on sex - though the thought crossed my mind.

      Much more time had passed, and I began to realize that I'd probably be waking up soon. By this time, my lucidity began waning. Even though I still knew I was dreaming, I was thinking of these dream characters more as sentient beings. I called an assembly together, and made a small speech, simply conceding to the possibility that these could all be conscious entities within my dream. I told them all to "remember the dream", because we would soon be waking up, and our memories of this moment would be fading quickly. I told them to go back over the events of the dream, in their minds. I told them to remember the game of manhunt, and falling into the mine, etc. - basically recounting all of the events in the dream. Above all else, I knew that I would be waking up soon, so I wanted to just go ahead and end it. Not really wanting to leave everyone else, I gathered a group of them in the center of the chamber, and we all lowered our heads. When I was sure I had enough of the dream's details to carry over into waking life, I put all of my energy into waking up, and pulled my eyes open.

      Dream (Fragment) Two:
      I was at my old house, in Canterbury. A pizza woman - and what I can only describe as her bodyguard - walked into the house, with a large stack of pizza boxes. They said that they had "like 1000 pizzas here, for free, if [we] wanted them." She also told us that the only catch was that the crust was like 2 months old. I wasn't very comfortable with this, but someone (I believe it was MW) said that he'd be more than happy to take them.

      Later, we were hanging out, outside my house, with a bunch of people - some of which, I think, were from the previous dream. My daughter was with us, and she kept wanting to fall asleep on the ground, and kept rolling around in the spot of oil in the garage. After a while, my mom came home, and - for some reason - she hung most of my artwork upon the wall, in the house; just various, loose sheets of paper tacked to the wall, all over the living room.

      Don't remember anything after that.

      Updated 11-23-2010 at 07:48 AM by 2450

      lucid , dream fragment
    12. 11/20/2010 - "I Am Batman"

      by , 11-21-2010 at 04:08 PM (Oneironaut Zero: Dreamwalker Chronicles)
      "I Am Batman"

      As you might have guessed, I was Batman, in this dream.
      The first thing I remember was sneaking across a dark road, at night, out in the middle of nowhere. There was a large compound, surrounded by a fence, on the other side of this road, and I knew that it was the hideout of a gang of thugs. (I have to start noticing these criminal HQs as dream signs. They have been showing up a lot, lately.) Hoping over the fence, I came upon a parking area, moving swiftly between the cars and keeping my head down, trying to stay to the shadows. There were apparently hundreds of people here, though, and some of them were still coming and going. I could not help being caught in a few headlights, while moving from place to place, but no one who saw me really seemed alarmed - at least, at first. One of the cars sped passed me, missing me by inches. Tracking it with my eyes, I saw the car turn around and come back to make a second attempt to hit me. Again, I dodged at the last second, slinging my fist out and smashing it through the driver's side window, punching the guy in the face. Having shattered his face with the heavy blow, I reached in and grabbed the man, interrogating him and getting information about the people inside.

      I was now in the base. It was basically a slum within a large, industrial building; drugs; goons; women; small, ratty apartments; etc. I knew that I was vastly out-numbered, though, so I relied mainly on stealth. Even though the compound was pretty well-lit, and I didn't have many shadows to work with, I used any nooks and crannies I could find, to stay hidden as I moved from room to room. I had the infamous utility belt, with a seemingly endless array of non-lethal weapons, which I used to subdue key criminals and gather information. One of these detainees was a monk of some sort. He was the one that gave me the most information about the organization, and revealed it to be - at its core - some type of cult. He took me to a room where, on a stone wall, I saw something written in what looked like blood. It said something about the coming return of Quetzalcoatl, and that being the whole reason for the cult's existence. It was around here, that I realized I was dreaming. I was still in the Batsuit, and it felt amazing. Enjoying the scenario way too much, I hid the monk in a bathroom, but I couldn't find a pair of cuffs or anything, on my belt (surprisingly), to lock him down. Since I knew I was dreaming, I tried to create a pair, between the man's arm and a steel bar. I could almost see it flicker into solidity, but it just would not make that transition into a tangible object.

      Not really wanting to waste too much time on it, I just left the man unchained, and went on about my search for more information. I continued slinking through the hallways, like only Batman could, and it was so much more than just doing an 'impression' of him. I felt like I was him, yet still very conscious of the fact that I wasn't. Interesting feeling, and I was enjoying every minute of it. I came upon a room with two thugs inside, and felt like I could use a quick scrap. They were both sitting in chairs, near each other. I could tell that one of them was much bigger than the other. Knowing that there were two of them, I decided to rush them and take them by surprise. I burst into the room (which wasn't much bigger than the three of us), and sucker punched the smaller guy, laying him out, slumped down into the chair. Immediately, I turned to the left, about to attack the other guy, before he got out of his chair. But that's when I noticed how big this guy was. He hadn't even flinched. He just sat there, within my arm's reach, glaring at me. Slowly, calmly, he stood up. This dude was some 7 feet tall, and like 300lbs of muscle. I felt like a kid, compared to him. And I could tell, by his demeanor, that he and I were on the same page.

      Unfortunately, I don't remember too much of our fight. Just a myriad of punches and dodges. I do remember, at one point, he hit me with a punch to the gut that would have crippled a rhinoceros. I actually felt the armored padding in the suit soften the blow - even though, before that point, I hadn't really thought about how thick it was. (I love that the subconscious just fills in these little details, on its own. Always amazes me.) By this time, I was just having the time of my life, being Batman. I was taunting one of the goons and even threw on an imitation of his voice, from Batman: the Animated Series (which is about my favorite incarnation of Batman), and I actually surprised myself at how much I sounded like him. Can't remember what I said, though. Also, while navigating the maze of hallways, I was just kind of "creating" which weapons I would need, from my utility belt. Anything that fit my situation, at the time, I would find. This part of the dream seemed like it lasted a good little while, but I can only recall certain, blurry, flashes of images.

      Finally, I made it to the quarters of the compound's leader. He was a young, Spanish dude that kind of reminded me of that crazy muhfucka Peoples Hernandez, from the Shaft movie. It was just he and I, standing in a service area, surrounded by steel pipes and concrete - metal grates and steps. I actually saw something of a HUD come up, in my field of view, as if this were a boss fight in some video game. There was a reticle "on-screen", that showed stats and everything, as we fought. It was an awesome hand-to-hand fight, but I don't really remember too many of the details of it.

      (Also, THIS has been my desktop, for the past few weeks, so I'm not surprised about having another Batman dream. Haha.)

      Updated 11-24-2010 at 07:15 AM by 2450

    13. 11/18/2010 - "The Not-So-Old West", "The Good, the Bad, and the Under-Age"

      by , 11-20-2010 at 11:13 PM (Oneironaut Zero: Dreamwalker Chronicles)
      Dream One:
      "The Not-So-Old West"

      I was at a school, or in some other similar building, during major function/convention/assembly type of thing. It was a modern building, but the assembly had a Wild West theme to it. There were a lot of people around, and I remember being both inside and outside, but none of the transitions between the two. At one point, I was supposed to be cooking some of the food, but someone ended up dropping the ladle into the fire and burning it. Everyone thought it was me, and I was getting ridiculed about how I couldn't handle the food anymore. I knew that it was some other woman that had dropped the spoon, a manager or something, but she was playing it off - rather well, actually - and I couldn't prove it.

      Of course, as is to be expected, a battle broke out, seemingly from nowhere. The gathering was outside at this point, and a pack of dogs/wolves were sent onto the premises, along with the opposing forces - though I can't remember who we were battling. The western atmosphere quickly turned from a simple theme to an actual, old west gunfight. The dogs flushed people out, everyone scattering around while the guns blazed. Soon out of bullets, I picked up a knife and held it at the ready, waiting for the dogs to converge on me, but they never did.

      Later, the group and I were back inside the building, but I was in a "secret" section, which was something of a police department. There were people dressed in civilian clothing, cops in riot gear, and a few others and I were dressed in all black, like ninjas. Apparently we were a part of some mysterious tactical squad. There was a meeting going on, and some kids and somehow wandered into the hallway outside of the room we were meeting in. They kept trying to creep in the door and see what was going on, but I kept shoving them out wedging my foot up against it. Eventually, they found a window into the room and slipped in. By this time, everyone was sick of them, so a few of the cops intervened. Having not known the cops were going to get upset with them, the kids were now terrified that they were going to be in a lot of trouble.

      Dream (Frag) Two:
      All I remember, here, is being at a water park. Don't really remember anything that went on.

      Dream Three:
      "The Good, the Bad, and the Under-Age"

      Was back in the western theme. It was more of a modern/outback kind of feel - where you could tell it was modern times, because of the technology, but most people were still wearing old western clothes. I was much younger, in this dream - maybe around 13ish, and was attending some kind of class, and the speaker was a reknowned female gunslinger, who was something of a vigilante and considered, by some, to be an outlaw. (She reminded me a lot of Sharon Stone, in The Quick and the Dead.) To us kids, though, she was a hero. I believe the lesson was a sort of safety class, where she was talking about the latest bad guy on the scene. He was a shape-shifter, who could sometimes just sort of "materialize," out of thin air, sometimes.

      During her lesson, though, the inevitable happened. I heard a digital noise that sounded kind of like a Transformer transforming. At the front of the class, a bunch of various black shapes sprinkled into view and attracted themselves to one another, quickly forming a humanoid shape. The mass then morphed one last time, creating the finishing touches on a full-grown man. There was an immediate reaction of panic, throughout the classroom. We knew, exactly who it was. In that same instant, without wasting any words. The villain drew his guns and began firing into the rows of students. Chaos ensued. The children, myself included, scrambled for the exit, a number of them being blasted from behind, while what had to have been large-caliber rounds, judging by the impacts they made. It all happened so fast. I don't even remember what happened with the gunslinger woman, at this time. I just remember scrambling out the door, along with a mass of my fellow students.

      Later, we had gotten back in touch with the 'outlaw.' She had decided that she was going to go looking for the villain, and that she had to put an end to all of this. Still an early teenager, I - along with a girl around my age - insisted on going to help her. At first, she refused, but we absolutely would not take 'no' for an answer. Eventually, she gave in - or so we thought - and she handed us two, matching rifles. We were walking through a large park area, supposedly on the hunt for information, as to where the murderer was hiding. Whatever the case, though, it turned out that he was the one to find us. Again, he just sort of materialized, out of nowhere. I don't even remember him showing up, this time. He was just...there. Before I had time to even react, the older man grabbed my rifle and ripped it out of my hands, quickly spinning it around and aiming it back at my face. Instinctively, I reached out and grabbed the barrel, trying to wrestle it away from him. I was able to turn to where my back was facing him, and pulling the gun forward, over my shoulder. He was just too strong for me, though, and would not let go. Instead, he began pulling the barrel downward, twisting it toward the front of my body. I went from trying to pull the gun from him, to trying to keep the barrel from swinging down toward my crotch, which it was steadily approaching. I was no match for the older man, though. Anxiety shot through me, at the point where I knew I was not going to be able to stay out of the line of fire. I braced myself to be shot, still straining to keep him from shooting me in the groin.

      The gun went off twice, but there was no loud report, or searing burn from a riffle bullet. It was a pellet gun. Nothing more. I can only assume that she gave us kids pellet guns because she had no intention of letting us get caught up in the fight. But, seeing as how the bad guy found us, we didn't have much of a choice. While he his attention on me, the 'outlaw' got the drop on him, blind-siding him and taking him to the ground. She stood over him with her shotgun, blasting away mercilessly and the downed assailant. Pellet guns or not, the two of us kids joined in with her, emptying whatever ammo we had, amongst the deafening sound of her shells. Soon, it was over, and we were walking back toward the car, to make our escape, knowing the cops would be on us, in no time. Inevitably, they showed up, just as we were reaching the parking lot. Before they had a chance to see our weapons, we hid them behind a tree, trying to play it cool while we walked toward the cops and our getaway car. (Funny that we - or at least she; I can't remember - were still wearing wild western wear, and we were going toward a car. Lol.)

      The cops intercepted us, and there was this really pissed off Sheriff, who had apparently been hunting the outlaw for a while, now. They had already been tipped off about there having been a gunfight, here in the park, and were here to investigate. The Sheriff seemed certain that the outlaw was up to something, and started grilling us about where we'd just been. We tried to play innocent, and the woman made up some story about what we'd been doing. It was rather slick, and it seemed that he was just about to buy it. But, absurdly, the girl beside me, an avid fan of the gunslinger woman, whispers to me over to me. She says something about how even though the gunslinger 'was a murderer, she was good, and knew how to cover her ass'. She was so starstruck that she said it just loud enough for everyone in the group to hear - including the Sheriff. We all, simultaneously, turned to the girl with a collective stare of "WTF??" I remember kicking her in the shin as if to say "shut up!" The Sheriff just grinned. He leaned in close, glaring at all of us, and called out and order for his men to search the area. He knew something was up.

      They ended up finding the body of the villain, and taking the woman away for murder. They told us (the kids) that we had another year before we had to worry about receiving our punishment for our involvement. By this time, there was a crowd that had gathered in the park, watching the situation unfold. Apparently the outlaw had a lot of fans because, as they were taking her away, there were many people crying and pleading for her to be set free - myself included. I remember telling about how I'd seen the villain killing a room full of kids, with my own eyes, and that the woman was just doin the right thing. The police weren't hearing it, though, carrying her toward the vans. In the crowd, I remember hearing someone whisper "Look. She's...crying" (talking about the lady gunslinger). It was just a sad moment, all around, watching her getting hauled away. We were all heartbroken.

      That's all I remember.

      Updated 11-20-2010 at 11:31 PM by 2450

    14. 11/17/2010 - "Blood in the Water"

      by , 11-19-2010 at 05:54 AM (Oneironaut Zero: Dreamwalker Chronicles)
      "Blood in the Water"

      I was in a sunlit cove, but deep within the hull of an enormous, old ship. Also on the ship was a coven of vampires, and I vaguely remember a small number of lycans, but I'm not 100%. MJ was with me, along with a few other unfortunate humans, and we were being held in the ships bowels. Apparently, I and a few others were going to be turned, against our will. MJ and the rest were going to be completely drained, and/or eaten. This coven consisted of dozens upon dozens of vampires on board, and only a handful of us. We knew we had no chance of escape, but we were going to fight like Hell.

      ...It wasn't really much of a fight.

      There was a long sequence of watching the vampires just rip through our numbers, brutally tearing humans limb from limb and gorging themselves on the seemingly gallons of blood that soaked the chambers and hallways. People screamed and ran for their lives. The sounds of a slaughter filled the entire vessel. I don't remember what it was, but a few of us - the last alive - figured out a way to blow up the ship. It was something of a suicide mission, but it was the only possible thing to do.

      I remember the explosion. The ship's hull had been completely sealed from the sunlight, for obvious reasons. But when the ship exploded, nearly killing me and - as far as I could tell - the other survivors, all of that sunlight was unobstructed. It flowed into the void that used to be an enormous ship, while the ship, itself, was literally blown to pieces. Most of the vampires were instantly obliterated. I was thrown into the water, and remember beginning to sink. I swam toward the surface, as fast as I could, but I kept feeling someone grabbing at me, frantically, from below. It was a vampire, and there were more of them surrounding me. I paddled for the surface with my arms in a panic, kicking my feet - more to keep the pursuing hands from getting a grip, than trying to actually go upward. Luckily, when I got to the surface, I was floating in a bath of sunlight. The vampire completely stopped giving chase. Not a single one of them could swim those last few feet, to reach me. Looking down at the vampires, with my head still underwater, was an amazing sight (though creepy as all shit). The top section of the water was a layer of orange from the sun, and it just got progressively darker blue, beneath. And there were those creatures; just staring at me, descending into the darkness because they couldn't come any further. (It sticks out in my head as the most distinct visual of the dream. I may draw it, one of these days. Here is a photo manipulation, for now. )

      On the surface, rescued by a blistering sun, I slung my arms over a piece of debris - exhausted. Incredibly, I had no fear of the vampires being able to reach me, and I completely relaxed, with the lower half of my body still hanging in the water. I looked around and saw no one. There was nothing but wooden planks scattered around me; remnants of the great ship, which was probably still sinking beneath me. I was sure I was the last one to make it out, though I was not surprised, since there weren't many of us left, in the beginning of the end. But I was wrong. I finally spotted another figure in the debris, hanging on for her life, just as I was. It was MJ. She and I were the only ones that had made it out alive.

      I swam over to her and we just allowed ourselves to float with the current, for a moment. By this time - seemingly out of nowhere - there were other people in the cove, large boats just floating passed and around us. One would have guessed that the massive explosion had never happened, if not for the large piece of wood we were floating on. We tried to wave people over, to pick us up, but all of the boats just traveled on by, as if they didn't see us. We could see that the driver of one of the larger boats was a man with a shotgun. We called out to him to let us aboard, but he just glared at us as his boat hummed passed, not saying a word. Finally, though, we made it back to land, on our own. The atmosphere seemed to have changed again, and this was now just a massive party; people dancing and drinking in the, quite beautiful surroundings of rock and water. Instantly, our spirits were lifted. We got to partying our asses off, with the unspoken understanding that some serious 'We fucking survived!' sex was in order.

      Woke up before we got that far, though.

      (Source Pictures can be found HERE)

      Updated 12-02-2010 at 05:13 PM by 2450

      non-lucid , nightmare
    15. 11/16/2010 - Fragment

      by , 11-16-2010 at 12:47 PM (Oneironaut Zero: Dreamwalker Chronicles)

      The only thing I really remember is that I was being detained by some group of people. One of them was this huge, hulk of a guy who looked like he might have been a butcher or something, judging by the filthy apron he was wearing. Most of the dream, I just don't remember, though I do recall one scene were lightning struck, somewhere on their property. I saw the bolt hit the building in slow motion. The electricity scattering across the area and ignited a combustible tank, causing a massive explosion, which injured at least one person. The whole thing played out in slow-mo, and I think I was watching from a disembodied perspective. That's about all I remember, though.
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