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    Non-Lucid Dreams

    1. 09/25/2014 - Fragments

      by , 09-27-2014 at 06:03 AM (Oneironaut Zero: Dreamwalker Chronicles)
      Fragment One

      I was laying in bed, with a few friends in the room. Behind me, a girl was curled up to my back, an arm draped over me. She was fast asleep. My left hand was resting back there with her, rubbing along her thigh and the curvature of her behind while she slept.

      Fragment Two
      I remember going into a bar, at night, in a strip mall / shopping center. I really don't remember anything that happened inside, though.
      Tags: friends, girls
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    2. 09-23-2014 - "No Free Lunch"

      by , 09-25-2014 at 07:53 AM (Oneironaut Zero: Dreamwalker Chronicles)
      "No Free Lunch"

      The only thing I remember is going into a restaurant and sitting down at a table where food (tacos/fajitas, I think) were set out, buffet style. I started to fix a plate and asked the waitress something about whether or not the food was still free, referencing some sort of sign I think I had earlier seen. She said that the free food was just for a temporary promotion, which was now over, so I would have to pay for my food.
      Tags: food, fragment
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    3. 09/22/2014 - "Breakaway Beach", "What Pills?"

      by , 09-23-2014 at 05:54 PM (Oneironaut Zero: Dreamwalker Chronicles)
      Dream One
      "Breakaway Beach"

      I was walking around on the beach, along the base of a cliff-side that approached the shoreline. With the left side of my body hugging the wall, I began to notice that the tide was steadily coming in, toward me. I started shifting my path to the left, getting pushed in toward the cliff by the water which came further and further up onto the beach with every subsequent wave. Eventually questioning just where I was, and how I got to this beach, I realized I was dreaming. I tried to think of what my goal was, once I became lucid. I knew there was something I was intent on doing, but couldn't quite put my finger on it, at the time.

      I was then distracted by the tide, which proved to be continuously rising, and I gradually started to climb up the side of the cliff as the water was now starting to flood the entire beach. The higher I climbed, the more the water level rose. It was soon breaking off large chunks of the cliff beneath me, causing me to scramble further, faster, toward the top. Looking down, I could see that I was a few dozen feet above sea level, but now I could see that not only had the tide come in, to cover the sand, but the clear, green-tinted waters of the shallow beach had turned almost black beneath me. This wasn't because the water, itself, had turned black, but because the shallow ground seemed to have completely dropped away, below the water, meaning that what once was a shallow beach in overwhelming tide, was now a deep, ocean trench. There was no hint of a ground beneath the surface. The water just stretched down into absolute nothingness.

      Getting really disconcerted by my situation, being on a cliff-side over all this open water (which is a situation that always makes me uncomfortable, even when lucid), and with the ominous way this dream was heading,
      I lost all lucidity and just kept trying to climb higher and away from this crazy ocean.

      Dream Two
      "What Pills?"

      I was camping with friends (my roommate, and his wife, I believe. We had all done some camping recently in waking life), and we had some swanky log cabin, which sat out in a clearing the center of the woods. Sometime during our trip, I was wandering around through the woods, eventually rounding my way back toward the cabin. On the way there, I looked down and found a clear, plastic bag on the forest floor. A few, dozen yards away, there was a service truck parked, facing me, which looked like it might belong to a ranger or worker or something. I could see that the driver had noticed me, but didn't explicitly seem to be paying much attention to me.

      Inside the bag, I could what I knew, immediately, were 3-4 pills of ecstacy (which I used to do, back in the day, but I know that this particular part in the dream was inspired by a story my roommate just told me, this past weekend). I discretely reached down and picked up the bag, balling it into my hand so as not to broadcast what it was I had just acquired. Nonchalantly, I set my hands in my pockets and continued off on my walk. When I passed the man in the truck, he watched me out of the corner of his eye. Then, when I had gone by a good ways, he started up his truck, turned around and began following me.

      The more he followed, the more nervous I got. Finally, before making it back to the cabin, I pulled out the pills from the bag and popped them all in my mouth, so that if the guy was a cop, I wouldn't get caught holding them, or seen tossing them. The guy pulled up and actually started heckling me, because he saw what I did, and he was joking about how fucked up I was about to be. I played dumb and told him that I didn't know what the hell he was talking about, then just continued off to the cabin. The guy turned around and left, seeing as how there was nothing he could have done at the time, even if he was a cop.

      When I got back to the cabin, having actually held the pills in my mouth, and not eaten them, I spit them all out. Since they hadn't completely dissolved, I believed I saved myself from having been too messed up, at a time when I hadn't even planned on taking them. The others and I enjoyed the rest of our time, and even had a fun sparring session, out in front of the cabin. There was a point where I was hanging from a wooden platform, by my hands, and I was using my feet to fight off the other two, blocking and pushing them with kicks and evasive footwork. I also remember letting go with one hand, and only hanging by the other, and using that free hand to aid in holding my own against my friends on the ground. We also played a game where we threw sponges at each other like shuriken. LOL. I dunno. It was weird...but fun!

    4. 09/13/2014 thru 09/17/2014 - Fragments

      by , 09-23-2014 at 02:39 PM (Oneironaut Zero: Dreamwalker Chronicles)

      Something about being in a car, beneath an overhang. It was a canopy/overhang, though. One of the small ones that we use for camping.


      I was selling a bunch of bud to someone, in a clear, gallon-sized, plastic bag. There was more to this dream, but I can't remember it.

      "Cabin in the Wood"

      I was camping, with friends, and we had a cabin that was actually carved into a massive tree. It was fully, furnished, and had a stairwell that traveled part-way up the tree's base. At one point, I remember foot-racing two of my friends down an incline, through the woods. Then, later, we were being summoned to attend a 'Sleep and Consciousness' meeting/simintar/class/etc., that was taking place, somewhere out in the wooded area. I remember walking toward the structure where it was being held, but nothing more.

      (Upon waking, I was disappointed that I didn't make the 'Sleep and Consciousness' connection with dreaming and become lucid.)

      Updated 11-04-2014 at 10:52 PM by 2450 (Format Change)

      non-lucid , dream fragment
    5. 09/10/2014 - Fragment

      by , 09-10-2014 at 10:27 PM (Oneironaut Zero: Dreamwalker Chronicles)
      "Parking Fee"

      The only thing I remember is driving toward the beach, in the daytime, and then having to make a U-turn in order to find a free parking spot. The beachside parking was, apparently, too expensive.

      (I did make another attempt at the totem experiment, but I only got about 5-6 hours of sleep and don't remember much of anything.)
      Tags: cars, fragment, money
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    6. 09/08/2014 and 09/08/2014 - Fragment; "Totem Experiment #2"

      by , 09-09-2014 at 04:23 PM (Oneironaut Zero: Dreamwalker Chronicles)
      "Bladed Djinn"

      Running through an array of back yards and hopping random fences, I was trying to get away from a creature that reminded me of the djinn from the movie Wishmaster. It could also shapeshift, and merge itself with the surroundings. It would frequently disappear into the earth and move within it, then it would morph sections of itself into blades, stabbing upward at my feet and legs as I scurried up and over the residential properties. It was like fighting an ugly version of the T-1000 from Terminator 2.

      "Totem Experiment #2"

      (Another small success, this morning, though my quality of sleep has been less than great, and my recall is still suffering. I had been checking my totem, all throughout the day, yesterday. One of the last times checking it was when I was driving home from work at midnight, rolling it around in my hand and getting a feel for it while asserting that I was dreaming. I tried to levitate it in my hand, while willing it to point me toward my (as yet confidential) objective/destination. After going home and hanging out for a while, I went to bed, clutching my totem and setting my focus upon it.)

      I was driving down the road at night, seemingly on the same highway by which I make my way to and from work. Holding onto my totem, I began to check my state and gradually came to suspect I was dreaming. To confirm this, I looked down at my totem and attempted to move it with my mind. It suddenly stood straight up in my palm, like a football standing on one end. I believe that I focused on either my hand or the object, to bring the dream into more clarity, but I'm not 100% sure.

      As was the plan, I then willed the totem to lead me to my intended destination. The magnet/totem then flew forward, off of my hand, and went through the windshield (without impacting it). I then started to drive after it, following it down the highway toward wherever it was trying to lead me.

      The next thing I remember, it was daytime, and I was standing on a high, grassy cliff with an unknown person. It is assumed that lucidity had already left me, but I can't really recall. The only thing I could see, beyond the green grass beneath our feet, was a bright, almost overwhelming, blue and white sky (I was actually looking at both of us from behind, in third-person). I can at least tell that this person was a friend, and we were having a conversation about something being "wrong" or "not working", although I don't remember what that particular thing was.

      (In hindsight, I have to wonder if we were talking about the lucid dream experiment? I really don't know. I don't think I was lucid for this part, though, so it's hard to tell exactly what we were referring to.
    7. 09/04/2014 and 09/05/2014 - Fragments

      by , 09-09-2014 at 03:51 PM (Oneironaut Zero: Dreamwalker Chronicles)

      The main thing I remember is that I was hanging out with an attractive friend of mine and a male ‘friend’ of hers. They were getting increasingly close, to the point where I thought they had something going on, but it was all really ambiguous. Later, she had told me that he was "part gay" and that there was nothing between them. That night, she and I were hanging out. I was about to give her a back rub, which she said she was all down for, but she ended up talking herself out of it, which was irritating…

      Fragment One
      "Robot with a Minigun"

      There was a war going on, and we (humans) were on the run from heavily-armed, tank-like, killer robots. I was hiding out with someone, in a trailer or a small, elevated home, and one of the hunter robots were coming down the street, firing indiscriminate, large caliber machine-gun fire into every new trailer-thing it approached. When it eventually came to where we were trying to hide, my ally and I knew had to make a run for it. Bright flashes of tracer fire started ripping through the structure, and we charged through one of the walls, running across the dirt road and fleeing among the hail of bullets.

      Fragment Two
      "Backseat Zombie"

      Zombie apocalypse. My family and I had to leave the house, getting in the car and peeling out of the driveway with zombies slowly lumbering after us. After a few moments of driving down the street, a zombie grabbed me from behind ( I was in the passenger seat), and began trying to bite my head and neck. I thought it might have been my mom's boyfriend, assuming he had been bitten earlier, and the last thing I remember is trying my hardest to fight him off.
    8. 06/19/2012 and 06/20/2012 - "Pre-emptive Scare" and Fragments

      by , 06-20-2012 at 03:13 PM (Oneironaut Zero: Dreamwalker Chronicles)
      Dream Fragment One:

      I was in some large, cylindrical chamber, and had just 'acquired' a bad-ass, jet-black racing motorcycle. I spent a little while in this chamber, spinning the tires and riding up and down elevations in the architecture. Later, I had gotten the bike on the night road, and was riding along side some friend of mine, but don't remember the rest.

      Dream Fragment Two (I think):
      (I'm pretty sure this was a separate dream, but can't say that I'm certain.) I was with BR, T and maybe one or two other friends. We were riding BMX bikes and jumping some dirt ramps in the woods. At one point, BR jumped off a short ramp and didn't quite clear the gap, but was able to jump his feet off of the pedals with enough time to catch himself on the elevated platform, before falling back down into the gap. A short time afterward, I was going back the other way - jumping from the elevated platform, and using the short ramp as a catch ramp - and caught my front tire on the catch ramp, face-planting in the dirt. I remember getting up and wondering about how strange it was that it didn't hurt, though I wasn't aware enough to become lucid.

      Dream Fragment One:

      I was splitting two adjacent hotel rooms between myself and about 4 girls, some of whom I recognized - some I didn't. It was just all kinds of fun. Lol. I really don't remember all that much, besides all having a lot of laughs as we moved from room to room, and then sharing a bed with two of them, when it was time to crash. The next morning, something happened to where we found out that there were some people after us, and the 3 of us in the room I was in had to use some secret tunnel to take us from our room and (somehow) across the hall to the other room, so that we wouldn't be there when our pursuers busted in our door.

      Dream Two:
      "Pre-emptive Scare"

      One of those strange "in-between" dreams, where you can't tell if you're fully-awake, dreaming, or just having some hypnopompic hallucinations...)
      I was lying in bed with my eyes closed, facing the wall, when I heard my mom getting ready for work and talking to my daughter out in the hallway. I then heard someone messing with my doorknob, which is locked. Then, I heard CJ whispering to my mom to unlock the door, so she could come in and scare me while I was sleeping. Somewhat smiling at myself at this, I decided to play possum for a minute, to see if she would really try.

      The door quietly creaked open. I could hear it from behind me as I continue to face the wall with my eyes shut. I began wondering if this was really happening, because it was so out of the ordinary (my daughter would have never unlocked my door to come in my room), but the more I questioned it, the clearer I heard her feet softly shuffling across the carpet toward my bed. Still not really sure whether I was really awake or not, I turned really quickly and sort of half-shouted "raaah!" at where I knew she would be.

      But she wasn't there, and I was now fully-awake, and staring at an empty room, feeling a little foolish for having tried to scare someone who wasn't there.

      (As much as I'm fascinated by those 'threshold-of-waking' tricks that our minds play on us, they do have a way of making you feel stupid when you fall for them. Lol.)
    9. 06/05/2012 and 06/15/2012 - "Canyon Rock"; "Makin' Hulk Angry"

      by , 06-16-2012 at 05:44 PM (Oneironaut Zero: Dreamwalker Chronicles)
      "Canyon Rock"

      (There was so much in this dream that I don't remember. =/ I know that I was trying to complete the Grand Canyon task in the "Warriors of Dreamviews" thread, and that I became lucid at many points throughout the dream, but there is so much that was just plain forgotten...)

      Most of the 'beginning' of the dream was just exploratory; walking around the streets at night. Not sure what city I was in. During this time, I became lucid. I remember being in a park area and trying to walk through a chain-link fence. It kept resisting, as if this were waking life, even though I kept reminding myself that it was a dream. I tried to relax a little bit and sort of 'forget' about the fence, in order to walk through it. I began to sink into it a little bit, but I was still having a lot of trouble actually getting through it. On the other side of the fence, I could see a man standing across the street. He was laughing at me, watching me try to walk through this fence, and it beginning to agitate me.

      With a bit more determination, I forced myself through the fence - without breaking it, I believe, but am not sure - and walked over to this guy. Unfortunately, I can't remember quite how I exacted my revenge on him, but I did.

      Later, I was in someone's apartment, again just wandering around, taking in the lucid scenery, thinking of what to do next. Throughout the dream, I used the nose-plug reality check often, which was fresh in my mind after having been talking to IvyCloud about it, keeping me attuned to the fact that I was still dreaming. Looking at the bed, I noticed that the sheets were the color of sand, which made me think of a desert. I then thought about the Dream Warriors task, and that one of them was in the Grand Canyon. Trying to figure the best way of teleporting to that kind of scene, I ended up just staring at the bedsheets, letting the print fill my field of vision. Soon, it was like I was looking down upon a desert area, from the sky. The image grew wider and closer in my perspective, until my feet touched down upon the sand as if I had just dropped out of flight. Raising my eyes to my surroundings, I saw that I was suddenly in the wide, yellow desert surrounding the canyon, and there was a fierce battle raging around me, involving tanks, RPGs, ATV's and other toys.

      The last thing I remember was doing the nose-plug check one more time, being able to breathe, and then rushing in to join the battle.

      "Makin' Hulk Angry"

      I was with my best friend T, and...the Hulk. We were in a building, that I believe might have been an apartment, and there was (another) face-less, name-less enemy faction closing in to cause all kinds of trouble. (Isn't there always?) So, for some reason, the Hulk was reluctant to fight. The three of us were standing in the living room, and T and I were trying to get Hulk worked up, so that he would take out all of these bad guys who were about to descend upon us. For some reason, though, he was just really mopey and depressed and insecure, almost like he was Banner trapped in Hulk's body. Then, we said something that touched a nerve - I think it had to do with something that we knew happened to his parents that (conveniently) had to do with these villains that we were about to face.

      That triggered a reaction in him, and we could see that infamous scowl begin to return to his face. I can't (now) remember what the dialogue actually was, but we kept on pressing, mercilessly recounting to him all the details of what these enemies have done to his family in the past. We were bombarding him with horrible memories, our tone increasing with each emotional hit we gave him. We could almost see his blood boiling. He began to absolutely quake with anger, huge white teeth baring down upon each other, in the open. He looked as if he were literally about to explode.

      Finally, not being able to take it anymore, Hulk suddenly let out a thunderous roar, bent his legs and then, enraged, jumped straight up into the air like a rocket, tearing through the many floors above us and leaving a gaping hole all the way through the top of the building. T and I looked at each other and grinned, knowing that - whomever these clowns were that were looking to attack us - they were in for a world of hurt.

      Updated 06-16-2012 at 06:05 PM by 2450

      lucid , non-lucid
    10. 01/23/2012 and 01/24/2012 - "What 15-minute Break?" [+Fragment]

      by , 02-15-2012 at 05:49 PM (Oneironaut Zero: Dreamwalker Chronicles)

      Dream One (a)
      "What 15-minute Break?"

      I was hanging out with my ex and a few other people, when out of nowhere, she slips a hand underneath the table and sets it in my lap, rummaging around down there for a bit and shooting me a mischievous grin. Later, it was just the two of us and we were laying down, watching t.v. We began to hold hands, and it was just kind of nice being that way again, since it had been a while since we'd dated.

      Sometime during this (though I can't remember the timeline), I was at our job and had left on a break to go hang out with her, not realizing that she didn't have to be back to work at the same time as me, and that I was running late. Somewhat ridiculously, we'd decided to go to the beach during our break, and I was now speeding to get back into town, pretty sure that I was likely to get fired, as soon as I stepped in the door. There was also a brief moment here, where I remember pulling up to a house at night, and someone jumping out of a parked car nearby and running away as if feeling the scene of a crime. I woke up shortly after this.

      Dream One (b) (Dream Re-Entry)
      I was back at her apartment (where we'd been in the previous dream, watching tv), and she had gone somewhere, which was funny, because I was trying to return her keys to her. So, I waited up on her porch for her to return. The buildings had this weird, seemingly unfinished architecture, where you'd practically have to jump over gaps and climb walls to reach each apartment. There was a kid hanging around her porch, and when I asked him what he was doing, he said he was waiting for [my] 'girfriend' to return. After a while, she pulled up in her car and I went down to meet her. She had a friend with her, who seemed to recognize me, but I can't remember who she was.

      Dream Fragment

      I was Batman, in some insane scenario about fighting werewolves and other large creatures. At first, it was just an all-out brawl against them, but then we ended up having to team up to face a bigger thread. Killer Croc was a part of the situation, and we had to reluctantly ally with each for the same reason. I don't remember much of the following battle, but we had to fight hordes of generic henchmen and figure out puzzles (much like in the game). The last thing I remember is taking on the Joker, one on one, who was armed with what I believe was a switchblade knife.
    11. 01/13/2012 thru 01/22/2012 - 1) "Tatano", 2) "Indecent Proposal" [+ Fragments]

      by , 01-29-2012 at 10:04 AM (Oneironaut Zero: Dreamwalker Chronicles)
      Dream Fragment One

      I had gone to a club with T, in Orlando, and we had taken some 'skates'. During the course of the night, I'd seen him about to get into a fight with some random, really tall, dude. They were in each others' faces, and apparently only seconds away from throwing hands. Attempting to intervene, I stepped between them, somewhat sliding them apart with my hands. Obviously upset with this, the tall guy reaches over and shoves me backward, forcefully, as if trying to knock me to the floor. I instinctively rebounded back at him with a lunging fist to his jaw, completely laying him out. In no time at all, I was being ushered outside by the police, and questioned about what happened. I don't remember much of the interrogation, but they ended up letting me go.

      Dream Two

      I was exploring a mine, or some other sort of underground cave, which was flooded with waist-deep water. A small ledge rimmed the outer edges of the chamber that I was in, along with a few friends of mine. The water was very murky and someone soon exclaimed there was something moving in the water. Shortly afterward, a surge of current came through this waterway, and some of us began to get swept away and toward a dark tunnel ahead. We were able to hang onto the wall, where the current was much weaker then in the center, and pull ourselves out of the water and onto the ledge.

      While we were sitting there on this leg - pretty much stuck, until the current subsided enough for us to make our way back out the way we came - we encountered another group of people coming (somehow) out of the cave that we were almost just swept into. They were of either Native or Latin American descent, and all carrying guns. Apparently, it was some kind of illegal faction or cartel. I also had a small pistol on my hip, but there were more of them than there were of us, and I figured drawing on them would probably be the worst mistake I could make. The leader of the group made some rambling threat to us about how "the Tatano Comes" for the people of our region, however, they didn't really go into detail about just what 'The Tatano' was. After holding us for a brief period, they let us go home. We were all terrified, though, because they had issued the threat not necessarily to us as individuals, but to all of the people in our community. They were extremely vague, though, so even though we knew that they were planning something, we didn't exactly know what. Once back in our community (apparently, we shared a neighborhood), we started theorizing what they meant by 'The Tatano Comes'. I couldn't figure out if they meant some kind of abominable monster or if 'The Tatano' was the name of their outfit, and they were going to raid our community with guns and whatnot.

      It turned out to be the latter. A short while after our encounter, the men had begun to invade our neighborhood. It was now the dead of winter (and was snowing heavily, even though I live in Florida), and I was now watching the dream from a disembodied perspective. I was watching a tiny Latina friend, from my earlier group (whom I believe is someone I know IRL, but am not sure), and she was dressed in a ninja dogi. My perspective followed her as she sneaked around through the night time snow flurries, using stealth to sneak up on the individual, occupying members of 'The Tatano', silently executing them, one by one.

      (Sometime during the day after this dream, I came to realize that this dream was directly influenced by a mission that I'd played on Skyrim, before bed. I'd tried to incubate a Skyrim related dream, while playing, and didn't even recognize the similarities, because of how well-hidden they were. In the game, I had to break into a cave belonging to a group of bandits, who wore primitive, Native American-esque outfits. The cave was slightly filled with water. There was a lot of tension building up, while I made my way into and through the cave, stealthily taking down as many opponents, individually, as I could. The apparent 'boss' of these bandits was a female, which might be the reason why I found the tiny female in my group to be such a prominent character.)

      Dream Fragment Three
      (This entire dream was disembodied, though I only remember two very brief scenes.)
      I was watching Marty McFly (Back to the Future) test out a hoverboard in Doc Brown's garage/lab. I got the distinct impression that this was still the 1985 reality, and that the hover-board was either brought back from the future or built from the design of the one he had in the future (and then the past). There was some little kid hanging out in the garage, too, and he said something like "whoa! A hover-board!" and, even though I was just kind of observing this dream, passively, I remember wondering just how this kid from the '80s knew what a hover-board was.

      Later, Marty was at home with his girlfriend from the movie. She'd gotten around to telling him that she was pregnant and they were going to have a baby. They were both overjoyed with the whole thing, and began making love on the couch. Again, even though I was nothing but a spectator, I remember becoming a bit jealous at the amount of raw emotion and passion I was seeing in the scene.

      Dream Fragment

      (Unfortunately, I've pretty much lost all of the details to this dream. I had watched the movie The Immortals before going to bed, so the dream was heavily based upon that.)

      There was some epic, mythological battle going on, and I was entrusted by the Gods to wield Poseidon's trident. Of course, I was reluctant to take on the responsibility, but the deities (whomever they were) were convinced that I had it within me to succeed in destroying Earth's foes. The main thing that I can remember is a part in the battle where I was treading water in a seemingly bottomless ocean or harbor or something. There was an opponent coming up at me from the depths, and I kept firing shot after shot of golden light from Poseidon's trident, down toward my attacker. Every desperate shot pushed him/it further and further deeper into the water beneath me, as I just continued frantically blasting away from the surface. There was so much more that went on in this crazy, action-packed dream, but I really don't recall anything else.

      Dream Fragment

      (I successfully incubated a guitar-related dream, after a night of guitar practice.)
      The only thing I really remember was that I was teaching someone to play guitar, focusing mostly on fingering the fretboard. That's about it.

      Dream One
      "Indecent Proposal"

      I was in my old neighborhood, at the house my baby's mom and I used to share with her dad. It was late at night, and some unknown guy comes by. I happened to see him standing on the porch, through my bedroom window, and was wondering just wtf he was up to. When I went outside to question him, he told me that he was new to the area and thought that someone else lived here. We started talking for a moment and he told me that he'd been going around the neighborhood meeting people and had been set up to meet some girls in a nearby house, for some fun. He said that I seemed pretty cool, and he invited me to tag along. Apparently, my ex and I were still together, and I told him that I wouldn't be able to join him. He then smiled and asked if my girl was a freak, because I could just bring her along. Lol.

      Again, I respectfully declined and sent him on his way. After that, I remember having a brief conversation with my ex's dad, whom I was surprised to find was actually home at the time. Then, sometime later still, I was out on the porch again and saw that the guy I'd met earlier was coming back around in the direction of our house, with a girl on each arm. He noticed me standing around outside and, just as he was restating his offer for me to come hang out with them, I woke up.

      Dream Fragment Two
      I was with some friends and family, at some kind of massive protest downtown - like an OWS function or something. There was an insane crowd in the street. My mom was with us, and I think my friend JS was there. The more the night went on, the more volatile things were becoming, and we were beginning to fear that violence was going to erupt, any moment. Indeed, in one corner of the sea of people, a commotion started. The small scuffle led to a lot of pushing and shoving and angry words, in that region of the crowd. The last thing I remember is my group wading through a crowd of the potential rioters, in order to have some words with the more important figure heads of the event, and try to help them restore order.
    12. 01/11/2012 and 01/12/2012 - 1)"This is a Raid!", 2) "Deady's Little Girl" [+ Fragments]

      by , 01-29-2012 at 09:57 AM (Oneironaut Zero: Dreamwalker Chronicles)
      "This is a Raid!"

      I was hanging out with a bunch of people, in someone's living room. My daughter CJ was there, and we were all just kind of sitting around watching TV. All of a sudden, some girls came into the house/apartment and blurted out [At work. Censored for Now] My kid perks up and says "really??" as if she was so excited about what she was about to witness. Later, I was with CJ (who was now a bit older than she is now) and she was driving us around in a car. While she was driving, I was explaining to her - for some reason - what a police raid is. (It's been a topic around Extended Discussion, lately.) I was telling her how a raid was, put simply, when the police barge into your house without warning. I don't remember whether or not I actually elaborated on this, but I figure she only focused on that one concept.

      So, having this fresh 'understanding' of what a raid was - and once we pulled back up to the friend's house, where we once were - CJ slammed on the gas and crashed the car directly through the outer wall and into the person's dining/living room area. Needless to say, I was mortified, though she, completely unfazed by the crash, suddenly yelled out to everyone in the house, "THIS IS A RAID! HAHAHAHAHA!" as if infinitely proud of herself at having so quickly applied her new knowledge of what a raid was.

      Lol. Kids...

      Dream Fragment One
      I was ghost hunting with some chick. We'd begun the hunt during a non-lucid portion of the dream, but I ended up becoming slightly lucid after realizing we were searching for ghosts. I didn't really choose to interfere with the narrative at all, and we just continued looking around for any ghosts that might be in the area. On the street of some unknown neighborhood, I'd thought I'd caught a glimpse of some sort of bright apparition, reflected in the metal surface of the trunk of a nearby car, but I didn't really see anything else around us. I figured it to just be the reflection of the moon, but didn't spend too much time confirming it.

      Dream Fragment Two
      I was discussing the previous dream on the forum, and Omnis Dei (whom had been participating in the raid conversation, in ED) had commented on it. I can't remember his comment, though.

      Dream Three
      "Deady's Little Girl"

      I was on an upper floor of an old apartment building and happened to be looking out of a window, when I saw a woman in a compact car getting her vehicle flipped by an angry mob. Once the vehicle was turning over onto its roof, I could see that there were also kids in the car, and they were terrified. Immediately, I ran downstairs. I don't remember much of the actual confrontation with the crowd, but I was able to reason them into leaving the woman and her children alone, and they ended up dispersing. While they were clearing out, I began helping the woman and her 2 children out of the overturned car. She had a little boy and girl - the boy being the younger of the two, at the age of maybe 2 years old. He was just the sweetest kid. We'd gotten along really well, within the first few moments of my meeting him. Sometimes, he'd just come up to me and hug around my legs. The mother, who was maybe in her early 40's, was quite attractive, and very thankful for my help. She had short, black hair, and a bit of a 'punk' kind of look to her, and it was easy to see that there was at least some level of mutual attraction there. I asked her if she wanted to go and grab something to eat sometime, if for no other reason than that she seemed like someone I'd like to get to know.

      Later, after we'd gone out for food, we ended up back at her apartment. It wasn't long before we started fooling around and [Censored for now]. Eventually, I was just not able to ignore it, and I told her that I had to stop, before we'd even really gotten down to business. I didn't really go into detail as to why, not wanting to hurt her feelings. She was noticeably upset, but ultimately seemed to understand. Her father, on the other hand - whom I met later in the dream - well...he wasn't quite so understanding...

      Apparently, her father was some kind of immortal, invincible being. On the outside, he looked like your typical, southern-ish old man. (Kind of reminded me of Abraham Whistler, from the Blade movies.) He'd caught wind of the fact that I'd refused to sleep with his daughter, and was soon Hell-bent on causing me major bodily harm. This 'man' spent the rest of the dream hunting me down and trying to kill me, often brutally murdering anyone that I'd recently associated with, in order to pick up a trail that would lead him to me. Every now and then, he would track me down, and we'd square off. I actually ended up killing him at least 4 times, throughout the course of the dream, but the bastard just kept coming back. This was quickly turning into a slasher flick type of scenario, and no matter how I would get away from this guy, he would just keep on coming for me. There was one moment when I was being stalked through a school or something like that. I'd grabbed some sort of weapon and was about to kill the man again, when I realized that it was the police that were following me this time. I'd almost killed them, by accident, because I was so rattled. They told me they'd heard something about the situation and were coming to investigate. However, while I was talking to them, the chick's old man popped up suddenly, and completely mutilated them both, right in front of me - carving them up in gruesome fashion. I believe I bolted, after that. After a little more cat-and-mouse, I remember one more confrontation with him, where we in the back of his pick-up truck (which was somehow stretched into an RV-like structure, with four walls and a ceiling). We'd gotten into another fight, and I had begun slipping in and out of lucidity, by this time. Feeling much less threatened by him, I attempted a few 'Hadouken' fireballs on him, but was not able to manifest a single one. Then, still having the upper-hand, I pushed him into into some sort of industrial shredder that he had inside his vehicle, painting one wall with his crimson remains. There was literally nothing left of him that could be identified.

      Having slipped out of lucidity again, and wondering if I'd actually managed to get rid of him, I made my way to the woman's apartment; where she and her kids had been, throughout the whole ordeal with her father. Despite our earlier 'problem', there was still a level of friendship between us. When I got there, though, instead of being happy to see me, like her kids had been, before this, there was an almost palpable hostility in the air. Somehow, they had gotten word that I had 'killed' the grandfather. Out of nowhere, the - once sweet and affectionate - little boy comes running up to me and bites me on the hand. Hard. I drew my had back and looked toward her other kids. She had three this time, instead of two, the third of which was an older, teenage daughter. All three were giving me a look that I could see was the spitting image of their grandfather's evil glare. But, where her younger children didn't seem to pose all that much of a threat, it was the teenage daughter in whom I could see an explicitly dangerous level of rage building, though she remained silent...just staring at me. It was then that I knew he was somehow 'influencing them', from beyond - possessing them, somewhat, in order to carry out his revenge. The mother was also visibly hostile, though not on the level of the children. As I pleaded with her to let me explain the craziness that I had just been dealing with, she insisted that it was best for me to leave and take my daughter (who was now with me, for some reason), because I was upsetting her children. On one hand, I could see that she didn't really want me to leave, but with the tension the way it was, she seemed to be demanding as if she had no other choice. Feeling more than a little dejected, I left the apartment.

      After walking downstairs, I noticed her father's pick-up truck in the parking lot. Inside, was the man himself - fully whole - and he smiled evily while getting out of the truck and walking in my direction. By now, I felt completely defeated. I knew that he was just going to keep tracking me, no matter how many times I killed him. There was some stranger nearby, and I started raving about how I'd chopped the old man up, and how he kept coming back to life. The stranger just said "no, man...no...." and shook his head at me like I was losing my marbles. Again, I turned to face the woman's father. He had a bottle in his hand, with a cloth sticking out of the top of it - a molotov cocktail. For a moment, we just stared at each other, him with this smug look of victory on his face. About here, my lucidity began coming back, and really the first thing that I was thinking about was just waking myself up from this horrible dreams. In the middle of my train of thought, though, and without actually lighting it first, the old man suddenly chucked the bottle directly at my head. Almost instinctively, I focused on a bit of telekinesis and pretty much 'force-pushed' the unlit molotov directly back at him, accompanied by a wave of my hand. Before I got to see if it actually hit him or not, I woke up.
    13. 01/09/2012 and 01/10/2012 - 1) "Two Left Feet", 2) "Illusionista" [+ Fragment]

      by , 01-29-2012 at 09:50 AM (Oneironaut Zero: Dreamwalker Chronicles)
      Dream Fragment One
      I was boarding a train, but I can't remember where I was supposed to be going. What I did come to find out was that I'd gotten onto the wrong, and the one I was on was heading 'non-stopped' to Australia (which made perfect sense. ). I began to panic a bit, thinking that I was going to be stuck on this train for God knows how long. But, not too far from where we'd boarded, we came to another station, where I was able to hop onto a different train and head back the other way. For some reason (probably because I didn't have a ticket for this new train), I had to share an 'undercarriage' beneath the train - which had about as much room as the space beneath an 18-wheeler's trailer. There were a few other people down there, and we were holding on for dear life, to the small planks that separated us from the train tracks which were whizzing by, beneath us. With the way we had to hold onto the planks, I kept getting nervous that my fingers were going to get caught in the wheels and severed.

      Dream Two
      "Two Left Feet"

      I remember being in an apartment complex type of setting. There were a few women there, who were around my age, and a couple of little kids that were running around the area. I was having a lot of fun, playing with the kids, and this one girl - in particular - was really checking me out. She seemed to be watching how I interacted with the kids, and by the huge smile on her face, I could see that she approved. Later, I was at a nightclub and saw her in the crowd. When she noticed me, she grabbed my hand and dragged me to the dancefloor, just as "Ice Ice Baby" came on. We just laughed at how corny the song selection was and danced to it, anyway.

      While we were dancing, I kept having problems because it seemed like random things were just cluttering up the dancefloor, and I kept stepping on them. First it was a broom, that had hap-hazzardly made its way onto the floor. Then, once I was able to navigate clumsily around that, I somehow got my foot stuck into a pillow case. What had once been an attempt to dance now simply turned into me trying to get the damned pillowcase off of my foot, to no avail.


      There was a crazy alien invasion scenario going on. (Unfortunately, I lost most of the details of the dream.) It was all very intense, and dramatic, with lots of emotional moments between myself and my friends and family. I don't remember too much about the nature of the aliens, themselves, aside from their larval form; they were these small, centipede-like bugs that would burrow into our skin, wherein they would multiply and eventually take over the person's mind, which them became the 'host'. There was an extremely horrific scene in which some of us - myself included - were forced to take knives to our own bodies and cut these parasites out of our flesh (much like in the movie The Ruins), to keep from becoming completely controlled.

      Sometime later, I also remember an extremely emotional moment, when I was with my mom, and we were trying to get out of town as the aliens were destroying everything. We were looking back toward the city, and watching an enormous mushroom cloud swell up from where we'd once called home. My mom was sobbing at all we'd lost, and I was trying to console her.

      Later, still, we'd come to find out that the entire scenario was an illusion. It was forced upon us by some crazy powerful witch, or something. I can't remember how we'd done it, but we were able to defeat her, and got her locked up in an asylum for the criminally insane. She was being wheeled away on a gurney, and, once she got passed a certain point - and deeper within the bowels of the asylum, she broke free and tried to launch some sort of counter-attack from the inside. She transformed, showing us her true figure, which was human from the torso up, but had the enormous abdomen of an insect. We'd gotten into a final battle, down in a dungeon-esque corner of the building, and were able to inject her with something from a syringe, which made her inhuman abdomen swell up even bigger than it was. Inevitably, it burst, splattering a thick, translucent liquid all over us and the room. After that, though she was still alive, the witch was apparently unable to continue her fight.
    14. 12/27/2011 thru 01/09/2012 - 1) "Beachside", 2) "ET Eviction" [+Fragments]

      by , 01-29-2012 at 09:44 AM (Oneironaut Zero: Dreamwalker Chronicles)
      Fragment One
      There was a huge war going on between the Autobots and Decepticons. I was Optimus Prime, and just going around and completely destroying all of the Decepticons in my path; ripping them apart with my blades and cannons. At one point, I was having an argument with one of the other Autobots about whether we should drive into battle, in our vehicle forms, or just run in on our robot legs.

      Dream Two:

      A had a white horse, which I was riding up and down Daytona Beach. After a while, I had gone into one of the larger hotels and was riding the horse all through the building, while people tried to dodge out of our path. At one point, I remember dismounting the horse and was petting it, then it dropped down onto its back and 'offered' its stomach to me, like a dog waiting to have his belly rubbed, which I did.

      Later, back out on the beach, I was 'bodysurfing' on some of the waves. I remember catching one that seemed endless, and pushed me back toward the shore, for what seemed like a half mile. I achieved a very low level of lucidity around here, and I began to wonder if being out in the ocean was going to make my subconscious manifest any nightmare creatures. I kept bodysurfing, but was getting increasingly worried about that, so I ended up making my way back to dry land. While walking around the beach, I spotted a gorgeous girl, sitting on a wooden deck about 20 yards from me. Having thought back to the conversation I'd been having the other day about using lucid dreaming as an arena to practice social activity, I began making my way across the sand, to talk to this girl, which isn't usually something I'd just up and do. The walk in her direction seemed to take forever. In fact, it seem that, the more I walked, the more I was just really not getting anywhere. It was like the ground was stretching as I was walking across it.

      I don't actually remember making it over to her, before waking up.

      I was with a group of people that were breaking into someone's house. (I believe I was younger, in this dream.) There was really no reason we were breaking in. It was just an empty house, at the time. Later, the owner of the house - who was supposed to be gone longer than he was - came home. We all tried to bolt, but some of us couldn't get out fo the house in time, and had to hide. One kid was caught, and was getting interrogated by the house owner, so he ended up telling where some of the rest of us were hiding. Just I was about to be discovered I became lucid. Knowing it was just a dream, I decided to save the guy the trouble of coming to look for me, and I just walked out of my hiding spot to give him an explanation of what was going on.

      That's all I remember.

      "ET Eviction"

      I was practically at War with this little, red, alien thing that had found its way into my house. It was a thin little red tube of something - kind of like a parasitic worm or something - that was really thin and about 8 inches long. On top of that, it could stretch to a much greater length and had a tooth-filled mouth on one end. With its malleable, stretchable body, this thing could fit through the smallest cracks and hold onto most surfaces, no matter how hard I pulled on it, because all it would do is stretch like elastic. Sometimes, I would try to shove it out a door, and then it would squeeze itself back in through the cracks in the doorframe. Or, if it was holding onto something and refusing to budge, I would pull and pull - stretching it out to about 5 feet or so, and then it would 'snap' back onto my hands and wrap itself around my wrists, like a child holding onto your leg to keep from being made to leave your side. Sometimes, I would get it way out into the field outside my old house, and throw it at the ground, and then I would haul-ass back to my house and try to close the door, only to have it somehow arrive at the same time and we'd continue our struggle again.

      Finally, after what seemed like dozens of minutes of work, I was able to get the thing out of the house, again. It was latched onto my wrists and just biting the shit out of my hands. I was trying to take it even further than I had before, but I woke up before I was able to get it unlatched from my hands.

      My friend and ex-g/f MJ was telling her present b/f lies about me, to justify our hanging out together. She had been telling them that I was now gay or had HIV or something, in order to convince him that we weren't sleeping together when we were hanging out and he wasn't around (which we haven't been). I'd found out about this, though, and became really upset that she took to lying about it instead of just telling him straight up that I was still her best friend and we will still be hanging out, even though we're both straight (which is the actual situation now). I confronted her about it and she got irrationally crazy about the fact that I was even bringing it up, and she stormed off.

      All I can remember is that this was a short fragment about having an extremely badass bicycle, which was something of a cross between a touring bike and a mountain bike. I was riding toward MJ's house, who apparently lived in Longwood, in this dream, though she doesn't in real life. I really don't remember very much at all, though.

      I was in an apartment complex and getting attacked by a porcupine. It ran out of the bushes and I got its quills stuck in my foot - straight through my shoes. Dropped to the ground, from the pain, I crawled my way away from this advancing porcupine, dragging myself up the nearby stairs, which the porcupine was not able to climb. Once at the top of the stairway, I began pulling all of these twelve (or so) inch quills out of my feet. It was excruciating. (It was a lot like the old Freddy Kruger dream I'd had, years back, where I was pulling the long nails out of my gums, but this was in my feet.) The last thing I can remember is the few agonizing minutes I had, trying to get the barbs from out of my feet and toes.

      Dream Fragment Two
      My best friend was leaving for Australia again (which he is), and we just spent the whole dream hanging out with each other and enjoying each other's company before he ships off again.

      Getting to 3rd base with TW, an ex-co-worker of mine who extremely attractive. There were a bunch of people in my house, who kept interrupting us, every time things would start to heat up between her and I. One of those people happened to be my baby's momma.

      It was the middle of the night, and there were three Hagravens in my house. (Been playing a lot of Skyrim lately.) The only thing I really remember is running into my room and trying to slam the door behind me. The trio got caught in the door frame and I had to keep pushing and slamming my shoulder against the door to beat them back. I was also trying to take care of them as quietly as possible, because my daughter was asleep in the next room and - Hagravens or not - I was really trying not to wake her up. After a short scuffle over the doorway, they were finally able to bust into my room. I woke up as soon as they smashed the dooframe in.
    15. 12/14/2011 thru 12/25/2011 - Fragments

      by , 01-29-2012 at 09:37 AM (Oneironaut Zero: Dreamwalker Chronicles)
      I don't remember much besides making some kind of life or death deal with someone at a fast food drive-thru, driving an old muscle car with a TV in it (watching Deathproof), and demanding that my kid go to bed while she kept pestering me because she wanted to stay up and play Skyrim all night.

      I had met a girl who had been severely injured near my home, and I brought her in to try and help nurse her a bit. While we were there, I'd come into contact with some other girl who had recently died and was haunting my house (which wasn't my waking world house, btw). At first, I was the only person who could see the ghost, and I didn't know whether to bring it up or not, but then the other girl started to see the female ghost too. She would show up in mirrors and reflections in windows and whatnot. The girl I was helping began to think she was going insane, even though I told her I could see the ghost as well.

      Fragment One
      I was test driving a Dodge Viper on a quarter mile track, and the one thing I really remember is getting down to the end of the track and pulling the e-brake, slinging the back end around in a pretty awesome 180.

      Fragment Two
      My friend and co-worker MJ stayed at work later than she usually does, and we got to hang out for a little while longer than normal. It was nice.

      Fragment One

      Something about using hamsters and weapons. I think it was kind of a Wanted scenario, where we strapped bombs to them or something, in order to use them to infiltrate some sort of facility. I don't really know for certain, though.

      Fragment Two
      I was apparently living at T's place, and had gotten into some kind of argument with his dad, who was implying that I shouldn't be living with them anymore, and looking for a place to live, myself, instead. Fed up with his words, I decided to pack my crap and leave. I ended up moving into some strange aircraft/helicopter thing with 3 women. It kind of looked like the 'Bunny-faced' mobile suit from the movie Sucker Punch, but with props and more room inside. The last thing I remember is being in the cockpit of this aircraft (which looked like an office interior), and having a conversation with them about something.


      I was talking with Auron about the hip hop group Smif 'n Wesson. Of the two group members, he said that Tek sucks, and that he was 'mad at' Steele, for some reason, but I didn't even really know what he meant by that, because he wouldn't explain why. He was also testing out some racing video game, during our conversation, and he was racing a 'ghost car' - which is a phantom car that tracks the best time for the track and saves the data. After some time, though, we'd come to figure out that the 'ghost car' was actually being controlled by the invisible ghost of a young girl, who was sitting in the room with us, manipulating the 2nd player controller.

      I don't remember anything else, though.
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