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    Oneironaut Zero: Dreamwalker Chronicles


    by , 11-18-2014 at 03:07 PM (892 Views)

    I just wanted to acknowledge that counting the lucid dream that I had just woken up from, this morning, brings the total success rate of the "WBTB + Brain Teasers" method, that I mentioned earlier, to 5 out of 5. That is the absolute best and most consistent success rate I have ever gotten out of any method to intentionally induce lucid dreams.

    Needless to say, I will be trying this much more often!
    RedKali likes this.

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    1. RedKali's Avatar
      I'm always down for some reliable lucid inducing techniques. Where can I learn more about this method?
      Oneironaut Zero likes this.
    2. Oneironaut Zero's Avatar
      Here is where I had first mentioned it (top of the page):
      10/23/2014 - "Inception-Style" - Dream Journals - Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views

      I haven't really had a chance to go looking for the thread where I'd first read it (I'm pretty sure it was DV, but I don't know), because it was quite a while after first reading the proposal, before I was able to give it a shot.

      But, basically, you do the normal WBTB method, but while you're awake, you do some brain teasers or logic-related puzzles. That way, the 'logic center' in the brain - which is normally dormant while we're dreaming - gets a bit of a jump start. The intention is to keep it a little more active, when you drift back off to sleep, so that your ability to recognize the dream state will be greater than if you'd just 'coasted' through your short awakening before WBTBing.

      Makes sense to me, and when I posted it on Facebook, somebody mentioned that they tend to have better chances at LDing when they wake up and do study math for a short period.
      RedKali likes this.
    3. RedKali's Avatar
      Makes sense why it would work for gaining lucidity; the contrast between the two worlds are enhanced. This might work well for WILD's too, no?

      Sounds like a cool idea. I have an alarm that requires me to do a math problem before I can set it to snooze or dismiss it. I've noticed dreams are better after I've shut it off and gone back to sleep. I sort of thought it had to do with the fact that I'm not dead tired, so more energy can be devoted to dreaming objectives but who knows. Might be the logic center waking up a bit more. I'll give it a go and see if it helps. Thanks.