Lucid Dream Searchers
, 04-20-2015 at 02:59 AM (442 Views)
1. I was inside of my house, in my own room playing GTA V on my T.V. Suddenly I become Lucid and I stop and think for a moment. "What should I do?". I look around my room, and as usual all of the lights are off in my house. It is day time outside though so I can see perfectly around my house. I realize that it is odd for my xbox 360 to be in my room. The only time my xbox used to be in my room was when I was a young teen. My television set had the same setup as it did when I was younger as well. I look back at my T.V. screen and at GTA V itself. "That's what I'll do, I'll go into the game itself" I thought to myself.
I then bring all of my focus onto the screen and GTA. Almost instantly I feel myself starting to be sucked into the game. It feels as though my vision is zooming into the game itself, along with my entire body. Now I am inside of the game itself. I look around. Everything has the same video game graphics as GTA does, except for me. I am in a huge city in the game and there are skyscrapers all around me. Each building is a different color. One building is red, one orange, the other green, and alot more other colors. I look up to the top of one of the buildings, "Wow, that's really high" I say. I then bring my attention back to the ground. I look at the street I am standing on and it too has very video game-looking graphics. I then look around me. There are people of all sorts walking around simply minding their own business. There are also cars driving around at about 5 to 10 miles per hour.
I look directly in front of me and I see a girl wearing a short green dress, and even though I am inside of a video game, my animal instincts come to me. "Come on, not right now" I say to myself. But I can't control myself at the moment and I find myself running to catch up to this girl. "Hey, do you want to bang?" I ask. "Sure" she says. Even though we are literally out on the sidewalk in the middle of a huge city, I bend her over and rip off her dress. She then stays bent over but sits on her knees in doggystyle and I start giving it to her hard. Suddenly I go out of 1st person and I am now looking at myself bang this chick in 3rd person. It feels really weird- just the fact that I am controlling my body while in 3rd person.
2. I was outside sitting on the front lawn of a house in some neighborhood. My friend Josh was sitting right next to me. Our job was to watch the house in front of us to make sure no intruders busted in. "Dude, it feels great to be a Lucid Dream Searcher. I mean just think about it, we're constantly practicing to become lucid in our dreams. We'll be master lucid dreamers in no time" I say as I look over to Josh. "I know dude, it feels amazing". I look up to the sky and it looks beautiful. The sun is a dark golden color and a good 75% of the rest of the sky is covered in dark clouds. I look down at the lawn we are sitting on and I feel the grass. It feels like turf and even looks like turf because of how healthy it is.
At this point I am now semi-lucid, but not just quite. Suddenly the front door of the house we are guarding opens, and my Architectural design teacher Mr. Barber walks out. "How's it going boys?" he asks. Me and Josh look at each other. "How did he even get inside the house" I whisper to Josh. "Dude I have no idea" he replies. Just then a helicopter flies over the house. Coming out of the helicopter and aimed right at me and Josh is a red laser. The helicopter never shoots us, but we were scared that it might. The helicopter itself looks like an Apache with heavy machine guns on its sides. After it flies off into the distance I bring my attention back to the house and the lawn we are sitting on.
"I can't wait until I go to sleep tonight. I know being a Lucid Dream Searcher will pay off" I think to myself. I look back at the sky and then reflect upon the situation I am in at the moment. "Wait, is this a dream?" I ask myself. Just then my mom walks into my room in waking life and wakes me up and asks me if I want to go to an Italian restaurant called Carabbas.
Note: this dream felt extremely real, just a bit more real than the usual.
3. I was inside of a classroom inside of a school sitting down at my desk. This classroom was pretty big and there seemed to be about 100 or more desks in this single room. Most of these desks were full. The teacher was in the front of the class talking to us. Nobody else talked while he talked. Through the windows at the back of the classroom, a strong yellow light shone through and left a yellow tint on everything in the room. The teacher finishes talking and I sit at my desk wondering what to do next. I see a girl sitting a few seats in front of me. She keeps looking back at me. She has medium-length black hair and looks like a girl I know from school named Liz.
This girl gets up and walks down the aisle to my desk. "I'm sorry but um, I think you're really cute and I couldn't help but ask....would you like to date me?" she says. I look at her now as she is right next to me. This girl has beautiful blue eyes and rosy pink cheeks with freckles on them. She looks really pretty to say the least. "You know what, yeah why not? Lets date" I tell her. Her face lights up with a smile and she walks back to her desk at the mean time. Before she sits down though she walks to the far left side of the classroom and for some reason picks up a desk(the desks in this school are pretty light, so it's no big deal. I'm thinking she is getting this desk so she can sit next to me?). As she is picking up the desk from the corner, she accidentally tips over another desk and it falls to the ground with a loud bang.
She looks around and I can tell she is embarrassed. Everyone in the classroom looks at her for a second and then quickly go back to doing whatever they were doing. The teacher comes over and picks up the desk that fell onto the ground. I look at the teacher as he does so. This teacher is wearing a tucked in yellow long-sleeved t-shirt with a white tie that has blue stripes. He is also wearing black pants and black shoes.