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    Ophelia's Book O' Fun II

    - Red means lucid, yeah!
    - Ophelia's Book O' Fun (my first DJ)

    1. Telekinesis & Rock Star ToTMs - DILD

      by , 05-13-2014 at 04:51 PM (Ophelia's Book O' Fun II)
      I woke up at 6am and couldn't get back to sleep until after 8am. I began to drift off to sleep and immediately started dreaming that I was standing in a room staring at a painting. I felt confused for a moment, then remembered I was just trying to get back to sleep. Yay dream! So I started walking and thought of the telekinesis task. I felt like my mouth and voice were paralyzed though. So much for the performance task. I tried to speak, and I could make noises but my mouth was locked shut. You know, like when you try to speak without opening your mouth? Really weird.

      It wasn't long before I realized that my vision was beginning to get all washed out. Not a very stable lucid at all. So I just stood there for a moment, then this is weird: I felt another set of eyes open, and everything was stable and I could speak. I didn't do anything to 'stabilize' the dream, it was more like I needed to wait out some kind of transition phase. This isn't the first time it has happened to me during a DILD, but it's the first time that I had the understanding that I just need to do nothing and wait it out.

      I'm skipping some stuff due to time, but there were a couple things with mirrors. Anyway I decided to lift a cell phone without touching it and I did it. First time for me. Then I started lifting people. One was my store manager and I lifted her, made her to horizontal, and spun her around and around and she was screaming the whole while haha.

      Then I thought to try the performance task. Singing wouldn't be an issue but where was I going to get a band and an audience? I went outside and saw an amphitheater with a band at the center! I ran up to them and asked if they wanted to perform some Heart. One guy said sure. I wondered if I could 'lift' people from the horizon with telekinesis. I focused on the horizon and lifted my hands, and a row of maybe 10 people appeared and I dropped them into the audience seats. I did that maybe 3 more times. I started singing a Heart song but forgot how it went, and suddenly the band and I were performing some Barbara Streisand.

      I'm running out if time gotta go to work. Ill post more later but I have to say that I got booed really bad for singing Streisand hahaha. I just laughed in the dream and decided to get really obnoxious and sang Magic from Xanadu. A fun dream for me.