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    Ophelia's Book O' Fun II

    Non Lucids with Control

    by , 07-24-2012 at 07:52 PM (564 Views)
    I've been having some frustrating dreams lately. Non lucids with high levels of control, low regard for consequences, but no lucidity. I even have been getting pretty frequent and intense vibrations. I just can't figure out exactly what's missing.

    Anyway, early this morning I woke up at 7am and had really strong vibrations, but I just couldn't sink into them. They were more just, jolting. I took 2 5-htp last night too.. cheaters never prosper.. or rarely do? At any rate, here are the non lucid bits I remember:

    • I went outside to check on my garden. It was really really foggy. I couldn't see past 1 block either direction. I noticed my mimosa tree was having some issues, like it was growing up at an acute angle. I lifted it slightly, then looked around for a stick or branch that I could prop it up with. Then I noticed people emerging from the thick fog down the road. I didn't know if they were neighbors or what! I started to panic, and I let go of the tree. It flopped all the way over and rested on the ground. I could see where it was severely bent at the trunk, but not damaged (mimosa trees are really flexible.. should have seen that sucker during that last hail storm, I thought I was gonna loose it!). I ran-climbed up an oak tree, trying to focus on the people emerging from the fog. Then I heard my son say "Hey mom, whatcha doing?" Then I looked back at the people, and they were just the neighbors doing yardwork. I got out of the tree and went to the driveway, when Chris suddenly ran at me all hyper like he does, talking a mile an hour. I snapped my fingers and said "AH! Turn around, go back to where you started, and walk toward me slowly, speaking clearly." We had to do this a couple times before he got it right, just like in real life. Then a lady came at me doing the same thing, which also took several tries to get her to shill the fuck out. She looked like that alien in mel's avatar lol. That's all I remember from that one.
    • Then I had had a m-f-ing FA. I can't believe it, I haven't had one of those in ages that at least didn't turn into a brief lucid. Anyway, I got out of bed because Chris wanted his friend Jordan to come over and play. He was already in the living room, playing x-box, and fighting like they always do irl. I pointed at both of them and spoke loudly "If you two do not stop fighting, the x-box turns off, and Jordan goes home." As I said this, the boys cowered and shrunk down to the size of 3-years-olds. before I could even ponder this, my cat Ziggy woke me up irl.

    There were some other tidbits but I forgot them.

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    1. Mindraker's Avatar
      Ah, I miss the mimosa tree back at my house when I was a kid. I'd play with the long branches and make the little pink seedlets fall off. We eventually had the fire department gripe at us that the branches were going to touch the electric wires, and we had to cut some of the branches down. When I went looking at the house on google maps 27 something years later, the tree had grown back as I remembered it as a kid, lol.