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    Ophelia's Book O' Fun II

    Shared Lucid with my Son

    by , 01-08-2013 at 10:58 AM (506 Views)
    Well, it wasn't ACTUALLY a shared lucid, but here's what happened (so weird):

    I had a DILD, but I don't remember what triggered it. But I was in my livingroom with my son, and I remember being lucid. And I was talking to Chris about lucid dreaming, and he said that HE was also lucid dreaming right now. In fact, he believed that it was HIS lucid dream and that I was just a dream character in his dream. I said "No YOU'RE a DC and this is MY dream." We finally agreed that we were both having a shared lucid dream lol. So I began instructing him on how to stabilize, and perform reality checks etc. I remember telling him to look at his hands, and I looked at mine, although mine looked fairly normal at the time. Then we got distracted because there were a bunch of dog peepee puddles on the wood floor, so I was getting towels and trying to instruct Chris to step between the puddles. Then I was like "Hold on! We're sharing an LD and I'm wasting time on pee puddles!" So I made to decision to take Chris outside and teach him to fly. Then I woke up.

    Ahhhh I was so mad! I mean, I know we didn't actually share this dream (you can disagree if you want, I just don't believe in it), but I really wanted to teach Chris to fly in an LD, while the DC version of him actually believed he was lucid. I think that would have been a cool experience. Yeah it would have been even cooler if it actually WAS a shared dream, but real life Chris has no memory of it. And I don't believe it anyway. I already said that.

    Oh and, I have been reading a story where these 2 people keep having shared lucid dreams, and they had the same argument "It's my dream, and you're a fabrication. Nuh uh, this is MY dream and YOU'RE the fabrication." So I blame that dream on that story. Still fun though.
    CanisLucidus and Linkzelda like this.

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