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    Re-acuring stuff

    by , 10-21-2015 at 09:37 PM (424 Views)
    Dreaming about something I have dreamt about many times befor - a reacuring theme - a habitual dream.
    Some colours, dots turing into blobs turning into pathways - routes - entrances - ways in to buildings - people - actions - wheather - big changes - chaos etc etc
    Some one says all this is a leading up to some stuff thats gonna happen and that we cant do anything about it ... So I trace it back with my mind...- I start doubling back on myself on the visuals of what I have just experienced everything , back and back and finaly I see it all came from no- where...it is non sensical....As if it was a message left for a mind to pick up... like a message being put out there to be found and believed - But I see clearly its a load of crap. Total crap. Nothing is gonna happen thats been " told " to happen - nothing bad is gonna happen. Really.

    I have a vague memory as I awaken of this all being seen befor ... ina dream. It feels like someone is experimenting with our minds to see how much bad stuff we can actually make manifest if we believe in it ( not something I believe usually make stuff happen by picking up this message and buying in to it... I remind myself I am waking up from a dream; its nothing sinister - its my mind throwing up something for me to see and learn from thats all .

    ...These sort of dreams come often and I always feel I am On the cusp of understanding what it is about - when I am close to my moon cycle they appear more I am getting it slowly but surely

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    Updated 10-21-2015 at 09:41 PM by 87274

