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    Percy's Void of Thoughts

    Pata Negra madness

    by , 11-08-2010 at 08:15 AM (398 Views)
    Pata Negra madness (Non-lucid)


    Two dreams.


    I was at the Pata Negra store. The store itself was different with different employees. It was like bigger. One of the co-workers asked me to find the Magno soap. I pointed were it was stocked in waking life, however, it was not there. I was stunned and I started to search around the entire store.
    After a while, more employees were searching for it without any success. I was mad because nothing was on its place. I saw a customer and I offered assistance. He asked me how much it was a whole shoulder for the Bellota Iberico pig. I grabbed the ham and it looked a lot darker than usual, which surprised me. I told him that the whole thing was about $2000. The customer complained about the price and asked for a piece instead. The slicer was not on its position and I had two scales. One of them was very weird, it had four round buttons. I was worried that I was not able to find it.

    I could not find the slicer, so I decided to search for a knife to slice the ham manually. I found no knives either. I tried to search for sliced up packages to just handle one to the customers. The ham was not stocked either. I found a second refrigerator and it had a few hams stocked, but none was the one I was looking for.

    Missed dream signs:
    -This whole madness.

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    Updated 11-08-2010 at 08:21 AM by 31830

