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    Taking a nice flight

    by , 02-03-2015 at 10:58 AM (568 Views)
    Taking a nice flight (DILD)


    Full Dream (1 pts)
    First DILD (10 pts)
    Advance Flight (10 pts)
    Stabilization (1 pts)
    Advanced Telekinesis (10 pts)
    Invincibility (4 pts)
    Bet (5 pts)
    DC Interaction (2 pts)

    Apparently I was in a shopping mall. We were driving to some place for vacation and we needed to pump gas. As we were in the gas station we found a shopping mall that sold Japanese stuff. We saw a Pokemon store and they had a lot of gadgets. There were some pokeballs and the store owner told me they were real and they had real pokemon. My wife opened one of the Pokeballs and a bastiodon came out:

    I was excited because it was my favorite pokemon and I was wondering if I could take it with me. My wife told me, "Well, this is worth a reality check, because I did not thing they actually existed." I laughe and I said, "I know right?" And kind of looked at my hand making a joke out of it, while I was convinced it was real.
    To my surprise that I had a missing Index finger and realized I was indeed dreaming.

    I think my wife might have left, but I decided to start flying to make my dream stable.

    I wanted to fly at high speed because it always feel very fun to me. I flew very high and I started to see stars, but I did not want to go to space because I wanted to do other dares. I decided to fly like a Kamkaze airplane and see what happened when I hit the ground. I crashed in the ground a little shortly and the ground felt the same like a jumping bed, it was very soft and the ground bounced, even though I did not bounce.

    I wanted to look for a store and find Pandora's box, so I entered a (indian store I believe) and asked for a Pandora box. The retailed said that they did not have that. I was almost insulted saying that it was a lot of non-sense and that I could not buy that anywhere. I then got pissed at him and I wanted to make a big mess in the store. I tried to use Telekinisis but did not work at first. I started to do small jumps and imagined that all the stuff would fall to the ground. A lava lamp, I believe, fell to the ground and the store employee told me I had to pay for that. I kept concentrating and little short after I saw several small items (lavalamps, some soccer balls and I believe, some vases) were flying all around moving randomly around the store. I was laughing and I was told he was calling the cops. For some reason (maybe loosing lucidity) I felt uncomfortable so I visualized all the items crashing to the ground. Most of them crashed but I think some either vanished or just kept levitating.

    I left the store looking for another store to find a pandora's box. As I was trying to find another store, I felt the dream to get very fuzzy and even though I tried to stay in the dream, I failed.

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