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    Percy's Void of Thoughts

    Trying to reach the gladiators

    by , 07-07-2010 at 07:13 AM (428 Views)
    Trying to reach the gladiators (DILD)


    Fourth dream of the night out of five dreams (three lucids)

    I had a false awakening in parking lot. It was very big. There were almost no cars at all. At the very end of the parking lot, there was a building, I think it was a school. On my back, there were a few stores.
    I had my dream journal in my hand, it was big, and different from waking. I wanted to leave it in the trunk as I was planning to do something else.

    I realized I was dreaming. I levitated and I realized I still did not place my dream journal in the trunk of my car. As I was gaining height, I just threw the dream journal. It was not mine after all... just a dreamed one!

    I flew towards the building and I planned to open a portal to the gladiator's colosseum. I do never have problems with that, but I had little control in this dream. I was against the wall and I ordered a void to appear, but nothing happened. I did not want to concentrate too much, as I have not been dreaming for a long time.

    I flew high, above the clouds and I saw the roof of the builiding and a small circle. I decided to fly headon to destroy the circle and hopefully, find a void to my target. I crushed in the building but I did not feel pain. Nothing happened.

    I saw a roman old school statue. It was a small fountain. It had a stoned door. I opened and saw a hole. I though if I jumped in I would teleport to the roman age and meet some gladiators. I jumped in the hole and everything became dark, however, in half a second, I touched the ground, still in the same place. No way to teleport.

    At some point I lost lucidity. I saw one of my co-workers at the olive oil store. I followed her. She entered a cell phone store and I woke.

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