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    Flying Through Things

    by , 08-18-2010 at 01:48 PM (186 Views)
    Type: DILD.
    Lucidity: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
    Vividness: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

    I really wish my lucidity would've been higher last night, but there's not much I can do about it now.

    This dream continued directly after the one written previous in this journal, Grisly Room; I didn't wake up in between the dreams. To start, I was in the anteroom of my house, which consisted of very light gray tiles, beige walls, and dark wooden molding. There were two white doors that opened towards the walls, and I was about to open one of them when I became lucid. "Finally, another lucid dream," I said out loud, but not as strongly as I would have if I were more lucid.

    I decided to fly (not to complete a dream goal, or the TOTM, but to fly). :eyeroll:

    I looked for a way to exit the house without using the door, because at the time I felt doors were too provincial for a dream. As I looked above the door, I saw a large rectangle of solid frosted glass. Backing up a bit first, I then took off by imagining I had rockets on my shoes. It was a different method than I normally use, but it worked nonetheless. I hit the glass and it shattered, but I traveled through it with no problem, and without my speed faltering too much.

    I ended up in a new room, it looked the same as the room I was just in, but it was twice as large. I decided to direct myself towards the ceiling to blast out of the building entirely, so I began to travel towards it. I broke through the layer of ceiling, but there was another one just after that; I got through both of them and was finally outside. I continued to rise up into the air, and looked down as I climbed. My house was no longer there, and instead I was looking down on vast city.

    The dream ended; my lucidity spiked right up but it was too late. I tried to DEILD with no luck.

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    Updated 07-03-2011 at 06:38 AM by 28408

