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    Maps and the Lucid Dreaming Craze

    by , 08-05-2010 at 06:48 PM (176 Views)
    Type: regular dream.
    Lucidity: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
    Vividness: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

    I was in the art room of my school. It was a large rectangular room with white brick walls, solid light gray flooring, and large windows paneling along one of the long walls. There were very long desks going from one long side of the room to the other. On one end of the room against the shorter wall, there were plastic tubs and black racks with students' artwork, scrap paper, scissors, and possibly anything else you could imagine. In real life, our art teacher isn't that organized, and this reflected somewhat in the dream.

    There were many students sitting in chairs at the desks; some I recognized and others I didn't. We were making feather cutouts out of paper at first. I was at a desk too; one of my friends was sitting across from me. I had to get some more tan paper though, because I had accidentally cut mine too much with a pair of scissors. I went to the back of the room where the artwork and scraps were, and I saw one of my friends cutting a certain size of paper with the paper cutter. I needed to use it, so I stood and waited for her to finish.

    She turned around and handed me one of two pieces she cut, smiling a bit but not saying anything. "Thanks," I told her and started to head back to my spot.

    I must have gone down the wrong row, because my friend was two desks away from me. She waved and mouthed something like "over here". I pointed underneath the desk and rolled my eyes, popping down underneath it, and then ground-hogging back up on the other side. I did this twice and I was back at my spot; half the class was laughing. When I was underneath the second desk, there was a sudden, random flash of the Game Boy Color logo.

    Once I got back to my desk, I began to hear people talking about lucid dreaming. They were discussing induction techniques as I colored in the edges of the sheet of paper with brown to make the edges of a map.

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    Updated 07-03-2011 at 06:41 AM by 28408

