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    The Meerkat's Lair

    Wave 26: Sigh... another shitty one

    by , 08-24-2010 at 03:05 PM (548 Views)
    Yay another DILD where I wake up instantly! Sigh... but NEW RECORD! 6 DREAMS in 1 NIGHT!

    Dream 1: Something to do about my schoolbus.

    Dream 2: I am Spongebob trying to infiltrate Squidwards house, which is a maze. I think of laying flat on the wall til he passes but he sees me. Damn it.

    Dream 3: Sometimes im on the comp, sometimes im not. Depends First im not. I am in a car with Russell
    Crowe. When our car ride is done, I decide I will collect celebrities. There was a name, but i forgot However, to get a celebrity, you need to go through a series of hallucinations, mostly scary ones (like SP). I pick Cameron Diaz on my comp, while Amelie is watching me. Im not in front of my comp anymore, but inside a purple tunnel. A big smiley face appears before being crushed by spikes in a bloody scene. I dont recall aquiring Cameron, and I pick another star. The screen starts with HI but then the screen comes back to the home page. I immediatly think something scary will pop up and the home page is part of the trick. This proves shocking enough for me to wonder if im dreaming. While im doing a successful RC grandma is walking towards the room. Now I think to myself: Ok, im dreaming. Great. And of course, I wake up. Again. Nice

    Dream 4:
    Part 1. Im a thief running away from cops. On rooftops. Video-game style. The kind of burglar like in a cartoon. You can also pick your character, all I remember is that the burglar holds a bag of money that slows you down. So at some point im cornered by two policemen. One has a gun but doesnt fire, the other a HUGE fan. He turns it on towards me and I fight against the wind to shoot it with a Charged Beam which I apparently have. I remember thinking: Come on thats not fair! I manage to keep running on other rooftops. Then I start again. All over again. Until I somehow hear about a secret escape through a prison that baffles police dudes. I try to find it but my mom calls me to go in the pool. So I quickly find my secret which is like a place you jump in and pop out at the other side.
    Part 2. In my backyard it is foggy, cold and even raining a little. I ask my mom if we really have to go today, but its because Francis, who is fat, needs to train and do more physical exercise for his ankles. Me and my sister hop in while he hangs around. Suddenly his ankles start hurting like hell and he screams in pain. He leaves the pool.

    Dream 5: I have lived this dream before. Today? A week ago? A month ago? I dunno. But it was not my first time in the following dream. I have to save a princess, or something like that. Not sure what, but its very important. I am in a church with tons of persons on the benches. In a dramatic entrance, my partner Arnold Schwarzenegger comes inside with a ray of light. We both go in the middle and he does a ritual with an onion. While he does this bad guys jump to attack us and prevent whatever were doing. In them is Fonzie (but old, like in AD) and Lindsay Bluth. There are more I cant recall. Arnold throws me the onion and in reflex I throw it to the bad dudes. I immediatly recognize my mistake and manage to take it back. Once the ritual is complete, the princess is born inside Camille, and shes gonna have to blow up to give it birth. Nice. A parade storms all around. A woman is wearing a big orange afro wig. Another has puppets.

    Dream 6: I am talking to an old man in front of a shelve full of music CDs. He talks to me about how he loves Billy Talent and other Alternative/punk bands. Hes wearing a red jacket. I propose to him other artists from my music library, including Daughtry and Nickelback. Then when I mention Green Day, he says: Oh yeah, that was his girlfriend in hockey! And im like: Yeah! Uh...What? Thats it.

    Six in one. Yay! Thats gotta be like the whole freakin night! But with all this, 6 NIGHTS LEFT. I decided tonight is my last shot. If I dont get a respectable, full lucid dream in the following night (like my second one ) im pulling out THE HEAVY ARTILLERY

    That means RC every freakin minute, DEILD, MILD or WILD if fail, WBTB, even CAN-WILD if required. Im gonna read, watch, post, live the dream. The clock is ticking, but I WILL fly until school. Thats guaranteed. I will even talk to my parents about it and listen to MP3s if it is absolutely needed.

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    lucid , non-lucid


    1. ReachingForTheDream's Avatar
      What's this "six nights left?" ^.^ GL on your goal, whatever it is anyhow. Just know that it could take years of training yourself, and you must be patient.