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    Wednesday, December 14

    by , 04-05-2023 at 11:04 PM (162 Views)
    I am in some small building or single room. It kind of seems like a small, furnished shed. It’s carpeted, and I think there are some cabinets. It seems to be a perfect square, and there’s a window or two. I’ve now eaten an egg yolk from somewhere in here. It seems to be in a membrane and, purposefully, I swallow it whole, it catching slightly on the way down. (I noticed that the yellow yolk was especially embryo shaped. I now have a psychedelic hallucination. It is intense (completely altering my current reality) and profound.

    I’m at a bar or some other entertainment venue. The building seems to be a large square. The bar counter, another square or rectangle, is in the center. There is an event happening, or it is just generally busy. Ben from work comes in and sits at a chair not at a table. His eyes are red and very heavy-lidded, and sure enough he starts saying how ‘this strain’ got him really high. Now, I notice a girl sitting at the bar who looks like Reilly. (I think that it is her, enough though she looks different). She is alone and remains so for a while. I watch as her and the female bartender flirt with each other.

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