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    Vitamin B-6 (My story, dosage, risks.. etc)

    by , 12-09-2014 at 02:12 AM (879 Views)
    My ToC (Table of Contents)

    I decided to switch up my DJ from the norm. Instead of just posting about dream related things, I'd also like to talk about different substances and daily occurrences i've had that somehow relate back to dreaming.

    One of the first things I did when I joined this forum was research. After countless philosophical lessons on 'lucid dreaming' (something I never imagined putting THIS much time into) I decided to give it a shot. To be frank, I honestly thought it was some easy 3 step process that would work. One of the first things that deterred me was having to remember dreams, considering I can't even remember 99.5% of them, let alone what I ate for breakfast two days ago.

    The first night I joined the forum I repeated the mantra I learned about, "I will wake up and remember my dreams" and surprise surprise.. I didn't remember my dream the next morning. I figured, "OK - you're not going to remember your dreams or even some of them JUST like that." The next day I put heavy emphasis throughout the day on remembering my dreams the next morning. Still, that morning, like the countless ones before it, no dream recall whatsoever. I figured I was just hopeless at ever becoming a lucid dreamer.


    I then did some investigating on the forum itself about household items I could find that would help increase my dream recall. So I told myself I'd set an alarm that night and try apple juice after a WBTB. (we're now 3 days in since the first time I researched LDing). The reviews on the thread were 50/50, some claiming they had awesome reactions and greater recall because of drinking the AJ, while others said nothing new happened, or no recall happened that night. I was a skeptic, I knew, because I'm a diabetic who is constantly pounding back AJ before bed, it WOULDN'T work.

    Again... surprise surprise.. it didn't work for me. I was bummed out, and now at rock bottom. SO I went online and heard about dream herb. Ordered it, and I'm still waiting for it to arrive; however please do expect a DJ on its reliability and what I experienced with it when it arrives *hopefully* tomorrow.

    ----- THE B-6

    After the apple juice sadly didn't work, I then researched b-6. I honestly didn't even think to check my cupboards (I already had it at home). The next day I bought the vitamin, still a little skeptical about it working since the AJ didn't work. That night I popped a 100mg capsule before bed with a glass of milk and a handful of pistachios because they both contain Tryptophan (T) - an essential amino acid, also needed for the b-6 to fully work (or so I heard.. honestly i'm not even a chemist, but I thought it wouldn't hurt anyways to eat T loaded substances before bed).

    The morning after a fresh, 10 hour sleep, I woke up with 2 dreams in my dream journal. Literally the first night taking this pill my dream recall went from 0 to 2. I recalled two dreams just by taking a freaking pill!

    The next day was filled with me drinking milk, eating nuts and pistachios, and I had a cherry smoothie with a bunch of other antioxidant fruits. Before bed, like usual, I had my milk and pistachios. I woke up with 4 new dreams in my diary.

    The very next-next day (this morning).. I did the same routine again.. and viola! I had one of the longest, most extensive dreams i've had. It was amazing.. my recall went from 0 in a year to 7 in 3 days, with one of them being a very detailed dream for me. You can see my dreams leading from DJ 1 - 7.

    DJ 1 & 2 - The first night taking B6.
    DJ 3, 4 , 5 & 6 - The second night taking B6.
    DJ 7 - Last night after taking B6.


    Scientific UPDATE:

    Dosage/Risks of B6:
    * Start off by using 100mg. I had my sister try 50mg the first night and she had no change in recall or vividness, however when I tried 100mg I had double the recall.
    * Do not take more then 300mg at once, and especially not for prolonged periods of time.
    * KNOW the adverse effects. Long term use is UNSAFE and can lead to brain and nerve problems.
    * If you're breast-feeding, please note there is not enough information to condone the use of B6. Avoid it.
    * If you're a pregnant, please note that it is LIKELY safe to take b6 in small quantities. Overuse can cause the newborn to have seizures.

    ALSO, keep in mind i'm NOT a doctor. Any of the information was found online. Use this information and the vitamin itself at your own risk, and PLEASE DO research before trying anything.

    Foods with B6 in them:
    • Cereals
    • Beans
    • Vegetables
    • Meats
    • Eggs
    • Nuts

    Take B6 around 30 minutes before bed, or during a WBTB. I have not tried B6 during a WBTB though, and only have before bed. Taking it with Tryptophan (T) rich foods is recommended. These foods include: Turkey, Milk, Meat, Bananas and some Nuts... There are many more foods containing (T).


    Anyways, if you're new to lucid dreaming and have tried things out but still have a bad dream recall, or you'd like to just flat out improve recall, i'd 100% recommend B6. Check your cupboards for some b-6 and try it out, but please DO research before taking anything in your cabinet. Just because it's safe for me, doesn't mean it'll be safe for you. I'm no physician either.. so I can only post scientific information that I find online.

    ** Fair Warning: extensive and prolonged B-6 use is UNSAFE. Do your research before trying anything new!
    And if you're interested, heres my b-6 thread for any questions you've got.. or you can post them below.

    Cheers to B-6 and happy dreaming.

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    Updated 12-09-2014 at 03:54 AM by 72072

