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    Serenity's Silver Millennium

    July 2, 2010

    by , 07-02-2010 at 08:40 PM (536 Views)
    Slept between 12:00a-11:00a

    Car thieves
    This dream was part of a slightly longer dream, but I can't remember what came before this scene. I vaguely recall being with Dad and my brother, Mike. I had to go out to the car, to drive somewhere (I don't drive IRL - no license). As I was putting stuff into the car, two guys approached. They were trying to be all friendly, but I got some bad juju from them (DS = criminals).

    They started coming into the car (from the backseat, I was in the front seat, but turned towards the back). I remember stabbing one of the guys in the arm with a fork. Repeatedly. It sank deep into his skin and he just laughed at me. I remember screaming, "What kind of freak are you?! How is this not hurting?!!"

    House patrol
    I was at a house with some guards, including Cliff and Rachel. Cliff and some other guard went into the house to patrol it (I vaguely remember hearing it was haunted). I was chatting outside with Rachel while we waited for them.

    Rescue dog adoption
    I had planned to adopt a rescue dog from the shelter. I saw the dog out the window, coming up to the house. He was a gorgeous gold retriever. I went outside to greet my new friend. We sat on the porch and I was petting him and fussing. He got a little riled up and wanted to play fight. I was a bit afraid he might get bitey, so I commanded him to sit and stay, by touching his nose. He did so, quite obediently. I said, "Calm down."

    "I'll behave!" the dog said. For some reason, I was not surprised he was communicating with me ??? "Thank you for not hitting me," he said, somewhat sadly. "My previous owners would just hit me if I started misbehaving, but I'm really a good dog!"

    This made me cry and I gave my poor dog a big hug.

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    non-lucid , dream fragment


    1. Hazel's Avatar
      For some reason, I was not surprised he was communicating with me
      That happens to me all the time. I don't see how it's possible to see an animal talking and find it totally ordinary.
    2. Samael's Avatar
      I guess all three of us dreamed about dogs last night.

      This dream was part of a slightly longer dream, but I can't remember what came before this scene.
      Gah, I have that too. I get the feeling that I had a couple of really epic dreams last night, but I only remember pieces.
    3. Serenity's Avatar
      That happens to me all the time. I don't see how it's possible to see an animal talking and find it totally ordinary.
      I believe it was actually via telepathic communication. I don't remember the dog actually using his mouth to speak. But it's still very unordinary!!

      Gah, I have that too. I get the feeling that I had a couple of really epic dreams last night, but I only remember pieces.
      Bleh! Well, I'm fairly certain my dreams were all boring as hell, cos I was paying a sleep debt to the insomniac night I had the night before