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    Serenity's Silver Millennium

    June 28, 2010 - Part Two

    by , 06-29-2010 at 09:41 AM (592 Views)
    June 28, 2010 - Part Two

    I had to do a night shift tonight, so I settled in for my nap at just after 4:30 this afternoon. Actually, it was probably closer to 5. I had decided to do a WILD attempt, since I read and got some instructions on two very neat-sounding techniques. Essentially, if one didn't work, the other might.

    As a side note: I forgot to deprive myself from caffeine, so unfortunately, I didn't do a proper CWILD. But, I did find out that Tylenol Ultra has caffeine in it, but it's 65mg to 500mg of acetomenophine (spelling?). I remember reading that anything less than 120mg of caffeine wasn't really enough, but I didn't want to take 1000mg of acetomenophine, so... that's why my CWILD failed.

    Note: CWILD is a technique I learned from another site. It stands for Caffeine Withrdrawl Induced Lucid Dream. It can be combo'd with any induction technique, including DILDs and has no direct relation to Wake Induced Lucid Dreams (other than it can be combo'd).

    Anyways, so I settled in and got to work on relaxing each area of my body. I don't really have a set relaxation technique (like the 61-point. That is a brutal tech). I just focus on each area, like feet, calves, thighs, etc and imagine that with each exhale, there's energy floating out of my focused area. It works like a charm, for me). I felt good and relaxed and decided to work first on the "anchoring" technique.

    The gist of the technique is to find something to anchor your consciousness/awareness (passively) as you're falling asleep. Normally, I would use my clock, because it ticks really loudly, but today, I was using earplugs. So, I twisted my fingers in a weird position. It... kind of worked. Not really as well as the tick-tock works. I talked myself into sleep and did notice that I was losing focus on my hand and becoming a little too involved in the dreamlets. I noted I was experiencing some visual hallucinations in the form of yellow swirly light playing across my eyelids, but I didn't really pay too much attention to it. Some dreamlets rolled in... again, noted, but not focused. I drifted like this for a bit. This was all set up to be a good start to the WILD.

    Unfortunately, my throat was a huge distraction for me. I had ate a grilled cheese sandwich before sleeping, cos I was super hungry. So this made a horrible mucous-y feeling in the back of my throat, which, once I started drifting into the HI, got a bit easier to ignore. But, it certainly delayed the whole process; triggering my body's constant need to swallow. I found breathing through my nose helped bypass that, for some reason.

    The other problem was that I'm a bit sick, so my throat started getting massively tickly. To the point where my body decided to say, "Fuck you, I'm coughing," and it wasn't something I could control or supress. It did this twice And wrecked my efforts, twice.

    Rebuilding the SP wasn't too difficult, but I will note a few interesting sensations.

    1) At one point, the strongest point of the SP, my legs felt all hard and brittle. Like, if I moved them, they would break and crumble. I thought this was pretty neat. I decided to try wiggling my toes, and it took a lot of mental effort to do so.

    2) It seemed like each time I "shifted" into a deeper phase of the SP, my heart would race. I had to do a little mental focusing to calm it back down. This was accompanied by my light hallucinations pitching me into complete blackness (each time I shifted). It actual resembled a light being shut off in the room (even though I wore a sleep mask).

    3) I noticed some very subtle vibrations. Unfortunately, they were so subtle and weak, that it was difficult to use them of an indication of falling asleep.

    So, once I hit that deep stage of leg-brittle, I decided this anchoring thing wasn't helping, nor did I seem to dive into a scene. I began to wonder if I had done the same thing in all my other WILDs... I'm already asleep, and trapped in a mental prison. I was chatting with someone about this a few days ago, who had the same problem as me. He'd get to this point and move, but he kept moving his real body. He said he had to learn how to separate his dream body.

    So, I gave up on the anchoring, and I instead tried to activate my dream body's senses. This... pretty much didn't go very well at all. Not much to say other than I couldn't float out or move any dream part or anything. Ughhhhh.

    Anyways, once I was wracked with my second bout of coughing, I decided maybe rolling over would help alleviate my throat. I rolled over, got myself all re-relaxed and passed out! I hadn't really intended to pass out. I'm not entirely sure what happened there, to be honest. I never consciously decided to give up and pass out. In fact, I was quite keen on being successful.

    Anyways, so once again, I'm thwarted by the ever-elusive WILD.

    Hospital Audit
    I was in a doctor's office. They asked me to do an audit on the place, like ensuring the equipment was working and such. At this point, I was too tired to do the audit properly. I was half-assing it, walking around the building and not really paying too much attention. I decided to leave it for now and went for lunch.

    I was in a Safeway, which had a mall-like food court in it. But only the KFC was open. I didn't really want "Kentucky Fried Suicide," but seeing how my options were forcibly limited, I got some food.

    [Back at the doctor's office]
    I got lost in the building. Also, my clothes were now covered in some-foul smelling liquid and I had some dirty yellow stains on my clothes. This part is choppy, but I remember finding my way into a dark room, and watched a movie on the big TV in there.

    I left the room when I remembered I was supposed to be auditing. I walked along hallways and wandered into a ward. It seemed to be a maternity ward. I felt like I was trespassing, and left before anyone saw me.

    I continued to walk down the hallway and came upon these small cubby-like lockers. There were pink on one side and blue on the other. Then, some nurses appeared. They asked me why I'm covered in stained clothing. I don't remember what I told them.

    I completed the audit and snuck out.

    Game Show
    I was competing against my mother in a game show. We each had to run these obstacle courses 5 times through. Although I didn't know which course would be the harder one, I was in the points lead, so I got to choose the course to run. I chose the one on the right. As our host was explaining the course, and what constituted as a win, I woke up.

    I wanted to at least hear the rest of the instructions, or run through the course once. I started a DEILD and was near-successful at chaining back in, but I dragged myself out of it cos I really did have to get up and get ready for work

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    Updated 06-29-2010 at 09:50 AM by 28724

    non-lucid , dream fragment , side notes


    1. Samael's Avatar
      ...once again, I'm thwarted by the ever-elusive WILD.
      I hear ya.

      Damn, that obstacle course sounds like it would have been fun.
    2. Serenity's Avatar
      Have you ever seen the show, Wipeout? It was starting to look like that. I wanted to go through it so badly