Many dreams! Like, 7, I think...
, 09-22-2010 at 03:22 AM (503 Views)
September 21, 2010
Long night, decided to skip the WBTB. So as a result, I really only remember things in fragments...
Dreamed these between 12a-5a
Knee Clinic
Jack and I driving to a knee clinic near the train station. This clinic did all sorts of odd surgeries. I also remember having to go in, myself, for my gallbladder (which was removed a year ago). They were going to pump it out somehow without making any incisions?!
Lucid aids
Names kept getting tossed around in casual conversations in my dreams.
Expensive Lunch
I was with a DC at a buffet. They were serving sides you couldn't pick (steamed baby carrots and mashed potatoes), but you could choose your meat. He chose a roast chicken with gravy. It looked really good, but I declined eating there, because I was meeting my parents for lunch (so I said). The guy paid for his food and it was $56
Convenience store guard dogs?
Jack and I went to a convenience store, cos I was really hungry and still hadn't ate. Approaching the store, I see two dogs leashed up outside. They don't seem to like me, and get visibly upset when I try to step closer. They don't mind Jack, though, so he goes to the door. He doesn't see anyone inside, so, he starts pulling the door open very slowly. The owner sees him and pushes the door open, causing this shelving thingy next to the door (outside, still) to fall over, startling me, Jack, and the dogs.
Dreamed between 5am-10am
Swimming pool
I'm a a large indoor pool with mum. I happen to be holding a garden hose, which we're using to fill the pool with water. It's almost full, I'm waiting for the water to reach a certain number on a display. It has to read 29/30 before I'm done (or something like that). All the while, I'm complaining that a garden hose to fill a swimming pool isn't really the best option. I try to come up with other things, like, the hose is spitting more air than water... No avail though. The reading numbers keep changing oddly, and I decide when it hits 28/32, it's good enough. There's two barrels full of liquid now, to pour into the pool (chlorine? A disinfectant of some sort?). The man over-seeing this whole operation asks us to smell them before we dump them in. Mum smells hers, and it's good to go. Mine smells funny, and it's agreed to not use it.
At a gym with Jack or something. Notes say it, I can't recall it, now.
At school
I'm at my old elementary school in Ottawa. The neighbourhood isn't quite as I remember it, but the school looks the same. I walked across the yard towards the road. I recall to myself that when the buses leave the school, they act much the same as city buses, and they pick people up at stops, and this is where I'm heading... to one of those bus stops (this has no bearing in real life).
As I'm walking on the sidewalk between the road and the school, this large truck comes around the corner pulling a very long... trailer? Load? I dunno what to call it, but I worried that because it was so long, it was going to cut unsafely into my path. The thingy straightened out perpendicular to me, but it actually was off the road now, and on the sidewalk. I walked alongside it, edging away from it, on the grass (it's moving in an opposite direction to me). I pass by this one bit that looks almost like a clothes rack. I tell myself it holds a magnetic field, and as I walk past it, I can feel my earrings being attracted to the field, but no harm done.
I reached the bus stop across the road. There are parents with their kids. The parents are upset the buses haven't come by, yet.
A Jack Entry
Although he isn't writing this... I am
He dreamed that he was at a past elementary school, with his actual past classmates, only, everyone was present age. They were learning magic at this school. He recalls having to defeat a dragon.on the recall, babe!