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    The Erratic dreams of StaySharp

    Lucid in the dream of someone else...

    by , 10-11-2014 at 11:20 AM (707 Views)
    ...or at least that's what the dream and my behaviour claimed.

    I remember sitting together (with people unknown to me) in a room that was rather bleak and normal, a weird exception to my dreams, where (as I noticed upon writing this) most of the few not-fancy rooms tend to be my fake bedrooms. We were talking about stuff, but I can't remember what. Eventually I realize I'm dreaming, doing the nose-pinch RC to fully confirm my suspicion. For some reason I tightly believe that I'm in someone elses dream, and thus I have less control than usual, and I'm not trying to act up either. The scene breaks as somehow the room is filled with water and I'm busy keeping someone above the water...

    And here comes the odd part, I both remember waking up for real after the dream, and I remember it continuing in a way I can't quite chronologically put the waking up after. The rest of the night is a weird blur of things, not really typical for me and my usual direction and type of dreams.

    And whether I was in someone elses dream... I don't think so. I mean, there were some very atypical things in there I could imagine coming from somenoe else rather than me, and I don't consider it impossible, but if I'd have to take I guess I'd still say it probably was just me being fooled by my dream mind.

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    Tags: 1st person, day
    lucid , non-lucid


    1. PercyLucid's Avatar

      Do you know whose's dream this might be? If so, ask him/her if there is a recall and what is recalled,maybe it was a dream share!
    2. StaySharp's Avatar
      Well, I've tried shared dreaming a lot with my girlfriend, so far without success though, and this was not a shared dream with her. Knowing my brain and the fact that whatever I once try to learn never rests, even when I stopped evenconsciously thinking about it, that might have contributed to me doing it randomly.
      If it was a real shared dream. Unfortunately I would not know whom it was shared with, but I figure if it was shared the 'owner' of the dream must've been one of those sitting in the round. Maybe it was that someone whom I kept above water.

      Also my assumptions about it not being my dream within the dream came in the shape of what I'd call "Infused Knowledge", where I know things within the dream without them ever appearing themselves. This infused knowledge also is MUCH more reslient to being forgotten, often leaving me with entire consistent background stories after a dream.