I was walking with my friend and I wanted to go to Old Trafford. We took 2 shortcuts when the first one failed and then we were at the entrance. I walked to the Stretford End and sat down the stand was full and Manchester City walked out. We all started booing. The security tried to kick me and my mates out because we didn't have any tickets but we stayed anyway. The match started and Michael Carrick nearly scored against Pepe Reina (yeah, I didn't notice the fact that Man City were no where to be seen) Then some Liverpool player fouled a Man United player and the stupid referee didn't give us a free kick. I started a chant "United,United" and "It's all gone quiet over there!". It went dark and then Shawn Michaels came out of nowhere and then a Rhino insulted everyone.
Dream 1 I was at a penthouse sort of thing and I walked out onto the porch cafe. There were loads of girls and and one fat girl with no top. Thats all I remember.
Dream 1 I was in my old school's computer room and was listening to my college teacher say stuff about my current project. He said it was due on friday. Dream 2 I was in a futuristic city, the rays of the Sun reflected off the buildings and made the city glow bronze. Three/Four girls (I can't remember) came to me and we started having sex (yeah all 3/4) like a foursome/fivesome. One girl really caught my eye, she had greenish/blue hair and a nice body. I spent most of my time on her. Fragment I was on the Island of Sodor, yeah Thomas The Tank Engine land and I saw loads of diesels in te work yards. I saw one truck tied to a train that was on a track next to the train. It was weird.
I was outside a warehouse, it was dark and there were spotlights around. Me and Jackson were crouching behind a fence waiting for the right time to go in. I don’t know what we were doing there but we got clocked (noticed) a few times.
I was in my bedroom and saw my Mum and Dad, I then activated my PS3 and started to play some Transformer game. This game was weird it looked liked Star Wars Battlefront 2 mixed with Transformers:War For Cybertron. First I was Starscream and as I was flying over a planet's blue atmosphere I saw two Imperial Star Destroyers, I somehow switched to Megatron and transformed into his tank mode. I then fired at both ships and they exploded. As I fell down a victory message from Star Wars Battlefront 2. It said something like "Victory or "You Won".
Its more of a fragment than a full dream. I was in my house with Scott Pilgrim and Ramona Flowers. I was playing "Party Tonight" on what looked like an electric guitar it was a bit rusty but it came out alright.. I then switched to bass and performed the bass battle from when Scott fought Todd.
Fragments 1. I was walking down my street and I saw a massive aeroplane. I think I went in but I'm not sure. I really should've gone lucid at that point. I think it was a jumbo. 2. I was in in a videogame and some family were in an apartment. The boy did something in his room, he was wearing a checkered vest and shirt. 3. I was in a new WWE'12 videogame. I saw Magneto and he did some magnetic pulse thing that pushed the ropes.
Dream I was in boxing and the class had nearly finished but my coach asked me if I had my gumshield. I said yeah and he told me to spar. There were lots of stuff in the ring and I had to clear it out. The gym looked inverted, everything wa son the other side and such. Fragment I remember Batman and Robin in a car flying or something.
Fragment I was on a highway with other guys loading cars into trucks and racing them. Dream Something didn't feel right so I did a nose plug and I could breathe I looked around and noticed the hilly surroundings. I was with 2 of my friends and I fought some other people. It wasn't clear what they looked like but one was a girl. I turned the sky to night and made it rain and pulled out a gun and made the dream go "bullet-time". The dream started to fade so I rubbed my hands together. The dream started to fade 3 times and each time I rubbed my hands.Now I'm in my kitchen with the mate from the LD and he has put a bag of dump in my fridge. Side Notes I don't know why my recall was so bad.
Dream/Fragment I was in the middle East and I was running with some of the cast of Kinnikuman. I climbed over a bridge and saw Robin Mask. He said something sad and took his helemt off, he then looked like Ashuraman.
Fragment There was a boxer on the greenway. Dream 1 I was at a bus stop with my friends (I think) and a girl I know walks past and starts talking to me. I think she's scared so I follow her until I see another girl who was in my old class, now she was peng (hot) so I followed her instead. We were then at the greenway and for some reason she wanted to fight with some guy who walked past. I told her to chill. Dream 2 I was in school and a girl asked me to go to her house after school. I said ok but first I went to talk to my friend. We talked and then as we were leaving we passed two teachers who started talking to us in the hallway. Then the setting changed and we were in my kitchen, still talking to the teachers but then something clicked inside of my head, that girl lives closer to the school then I do, so why am I at home? I then became lucid, I did the nose plug but I knew I was dreaming. The detail and realism of the dream made me real excited. I was thinking cool I looked at my hand and saw it turn red then I yelled "RED RAIN OF PAIN" in the voice of Jaeger from Ultimate Muscle which was all well and good till I chopped my friends head in half or some other guy I don't really remember. I ran out into the street and it was night or atleast early morning. I then jump and tried to fly but only moved a little distance I then saw a bus that was underneath a tree. I think it was a 86 186 bus. I kept jumping trying to fly instead of remembering my current Dream Task. I got scared and thought "what if this isn't a dream?". "What if someone's watching?" I turned around and saw a silohoutte looking through the top window then I lost lucidity and woke up.
Fragments Alex Ferguson was in my kitchen. Dream I was in a reveresed version of my auntie's house and we were throwing a surprise party for my big cousin. Some of the family I recognised but some other people I did not. When he was near the house everyone ran out of the house, when he pulled up everyone cheered "Happy Birthday!!!". We then went inside and it gets hazy from there, then I wake up.
Dream 1 I was in my garden wearing these cowboy clothes, a security guard from my college was there and he was guarding me, it wa so weird. I asked him if I could leave and he said yeah, I satrted walking around and went into my house. I saw some kids from my college. Dream 2 I was in M.I High and I was talking to someone who resembled a little bit of Mel Blanc. As we went through the scene the man said "I didn't nail the line". The dream then zoomed out and I saw previous characters sitting at a table and the scene I was at was just wallpaper like when you set up a backdrop for a studio photo shoot.
Dream 1 I was in a room at college with my friend who was checking something on a computer. A girl I know was there she said that her cousin was going to straighten her hair. Also and I dry humped her. When I went to leave the college the gate looked like my old school gate and a bus was stopped outside. We were then walking near a park another bus went past and I saw an advertisement with JLS on it 2 of them were wearing Michael Jackson’s thriller jacket. There were loads of roofs, I jumped on them and started running across. Fragment A woman punched a man, but the haymaker she trhough was so sick that she floored him in one punch. False Awakening I went down stairs and turned on the computer, it was much closer to the edge of the platform. I went onto youtube and clicked a video that had nudity, but it wasn't blocked. When I went to search for a rapper named K Koke youtube tried to finish my search so it had stuff like K Kai and some charcter from Bakugan was in the corner next to the youtube logo which was on the right instead of the left. I exited the application and when I saw the other window it had loads of tabs full of some useless stuff. I heard my sister upstairs and I quickly tried to X all of them. Side Notes I woke up and went back to sleep atleast three times, when I RC'd I kept plugging my real nose instead of the one in the dream. I saw a load of images like Robert Downey Jr and such.