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    Night of Wednesday 7/31/24

    by , 08-07-2024 at 05:34 AM (106 Views)
    I'm at a party with some family. It's a surprise visit, and I'm annoyed that I didn't get a heads up.
    We're in a small-ish apartment, with a big crowd filling it up.
    There are some puppies, one of them is an Aussie.
    There is some texting mix up with K, so they think my girlfriend is pregnant.
    I'm outside now in a questionable looking street.
    There is a cartoon character doing voices walking down the street.
    One of them is Peppino from Pizza Tower.
    I'm with my coworker J, and we have taken on a life of crime.
    We're going to sell some stolen things at a pawn shop.
    It's a small place on a corner, similar to a gas station but even tinier.
    I'm feeling nervous that we'll get caught, and also jealous that J has better stuff to sell.
    He has electronics while I have toiletries.
    I'm looking for my girlfriend's Dad at a library. It has at least three levels to it.
    There is a science show happening in a main hall. I'm annoyed that I can't find him.
    He is super social, and I wonder about natural versus unnatural extraversion.
    Sweven likes this.

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