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    Lucid Dreams

    1. LD: An animal shares its thoughts about me

      by , 08-01-2012 at 05:09 AM
      Soooo many dreams to catch up on. I have thousands written up in my other DJ. But I will slowly keep moving them over and tagging them all etc.

      Old Ld from 11-17-07

      Lucid Dream:

      It starts out fuzzy. I can backtrack it only to a part where Jeff is taking to me about allergy medication. Then for some reason I go out to Walmart at 6:00am to buy milk.

      I am driving into the parking lot, and I almost get hit by a truck. I watched the truck stop, and a Mexican guy got out. He joined a few others who were going to haul off an old van in the parking lot. The van had all its windows cracked, and the broken glass windows were hanging out of the sides.

      I parked and headed toward the store. As I was walking I was almost hit again by the same guy. This time he was on a forklift.

      I finally made it to the store. I then ran into D. I said "hi", and was about to go on to buy milk. He then said, "I haven't seen you for a while...don't I get a hug?" I then said, "That's right...it has been a while." So I gave him a hug.

      Then I remember suddenly being lucid. I really don't know what triggered it--if it was the hug or something else I have now forgotten.

      As soon as I was lucid I saw that I was standing next to a telephone. I decided to try and see if I could remember my phone number and address while in the dream. I said them both--but in retrospect, I don't think I got my address right. I don't remember what I said, but I don't remember saying the correct thing.

      Then I flew into the store. I decided that so often when I lucid dream I completely change what's going on in the dream. I decided that this time I would try to go with the flow and see if I liked it better.

      So I flew in the store to try and find milk. As I floated above the aisles, all I could see was the Pet section with dog food etc. I turned direction, and found that I saw the same set of items. I kept turning and every way I looked, looked exactly like what I had seen in the last direction.

      So seeing that I was kind of stuck with the Pet section, I decided to do the first thing that came to mind--try and to the Pet Task from months ago where I needed to talk to a pet and ask what it thinks about me. I had never completed that to my satisfaction in the past.

      So I landed in front of a row that had tanks on it filled with small animals. The first tank I looked in had a small frog and another animal that I am having a hard time remembering. I don't think it was actually a real animal. I know it was quite small (3-4 inches) and it was a mammal--but it wasn't a mouse.

      I asked this small creature to talk to me. I asked it to tell me what it thought about me. It said, "You are light. And you smell like peanut butter and garlic." As wierd as that was, it satisfied me a bit.

      But I went on to ask the frog to talk to me. I asked it if it liked me. It knodded its head and said, "Uh huh." in a very small voice.

      Again, I was somewhat satisfied at the response. But then I remembered I had really wanted to ask a DC about my future. I figured that a dream animal could answer that as well as a person. In the next tank below there was a tiny raccoon (about 4 inched long).

      I told it, "You need to tell me my future. Can you tell me something that I will need to know about my future?"

      It looked at me like I had asked it the one thing that it did not want to tell me. It looked like it was trying to think of something to say without answering the question.

      While it was thinking, I saw Mike B come up to the next cage. He, like me, decided to ask an animal about the future. He asked something like, "Tell me about the comet. Is it something significant? Will it change our lives?"

      I thought it was interesting that he asked about the comet since I had just been observing it. I wanted to hear what his animal was going to say about it, but then I looked at mine again. The little raccoon suddenly grabbed a bag and then flew off and was gone.

      At that point I woke up.

      But it was just a FA.

      I remember laying on my parent's bed in our old house and trying to write the dream down. For some reason I had an envelope with me like I was going to mail my dream off to someone.

      My father came over and talked to me. [I didn't noticed this at the time but this was not really my father but Claire's father from Heroes. My sister had me watch some episodes with her recently.] He acted like it was a very bad idea to send this dream away to someone.

      I also remember him telling me that we needed to get rid of our dog which was a great big English Sheep dog. I noticed that he had red eyes. I wondered what was wrong with him.
    2. Recent LDs (Notes)

      by , 07-24-2012 at 03:17 PM
      I have had 5 LDs in the last month or two that I haven't recorded. Not sure why I have been so lazy in getting them written up. For now I will start with a some key words to make it easier to come back and write them up.

      LD#1: Jeff falling, flying in canyon

      LD#2: Flying

      LD#3: Falling back off roof, sex, closet

      LD#4: Asking questions, kissing

      LD#5: Fish, question, flying over London, red canyons, break machine, girl/guy, sick
    3. LD: Flying fish, flying, jumping rooftops

      by , 07-24-2012 at 03:14 PM
      I had another LD a few days ago.

      I was in a room with all these fish tanks. I noticed a tank sitting on what seemed like my bed, the water and fish were spilling out becasue it wasn't level. I scrambled to pick up all the fish I could find.

      The dream went on like this for a while. I kept trying to pick up fish that had jumped or spilled out of their tanks. At one point I reached my hand in a smal tank with baby fish. They all started sticking to my hand like little leaches. i tried to get them off and back into the water, but some of them smeared. It was stressful.

      I also remember picking up a dogfaced pufferfish off the floor. I remembered thining that it was odd that I had a pufferfish since they were salt water fish and I had only fresh water tanks.

      And then I noticed all the fish "swimming" in the air.

      This was the thing that finally made my question my state. It only took a second to realize that this was a dream. Of course at that point I wondered why it took so long to figure it out.

      Suddenly I was with Carl so I took him flying. I noticed how vivid the wind and motion of flying felt. We were at my grandparents house. I also wanted to jump from rooftop to rooftop like I had in the past, but I didn't have very good luck. I remember flying towards my grandparent's neighbors roof, but I don't think I got to any other roofs. I'll have to keep trying that one. When I did it in the past it was so exhilerating...possibly better than flying.
    4. LD: Mirror Portal to the Moon/Tom DeLonge

      by , 06-05-2012 at 11:10 AM
      Older LD from 9-27-10

      I did an unplanned WBTB. I had trouble going back to sleep. Two hours later of telling myself that I was going to lucid dream, I was suddenly in a dream. I remember nothing of the transition. Only the "oh, cool. I'm in a dream now."

      This wasn't my best LD. I didn't seem to be as "aware" as I was in my previous LD. And when I awoke I did the "oh crap--how am I going to remember everything I just did?" thing. But I backtracked the best I could and came up with this:

      Lucid Dream:

      As soon as I realized that I was dreaming I started to fly. I was outside in the desert. I landed next to a car and looked at my reflection. I could see myself and I could see a person standing behind me. It was Tom from AVA. For a short time I watched him, and he watched me. I had this feeling that if I turned around to see him, he would be gone. It was a bad thing to think, because I was right....and he was gone.

      I decided to go look for a full sized mirror next because my current goal was to make a Mirror Portal and go to the moon.

      I flew just a short ways and saw a clothing store. I knew that there would be lots of mirrors inside. I went in and ran at the first mirror I saw. I hit the glass and fell back into the store. Determined I ran at it again...but hit the glass. I knew I just had to believe and I would be able to go through it. But time after time after time I kept hitting the mirror.

      Finally a store clerk came up to me. She told me that I needed to leave the store. I ran at the mirror again. I wanted to show this lady that I knew what I was doing. But I bounced off the mirror again. I was starting to get frustarated. The lady threatened to get the police if I didn't leave.

      I ran at the mirror again and bounced off. I finally decided that this wasn't working and that I needed another plan. I tried to leave the store, but the lady had barricaded the doors. I guess she had called the police about this crazy person that kept runing into her mirrors. Maybe I don't blame her.

      I was able to fly over the stuff she had put in front of the doors. We were both suddenly outside the store, but now in this small corridor that seemed to have no way out.

      I looked at the walls of the corridor. They were all mirrored. I looked at my reflection again. This time I was Tom. I looked carefully at my eyes and my hair. I squinted a bit and changed my expression fascinated by this unexpected transformation. I reached up and ran my fingers through my short hair.

      Then the dream shfts. I am outside trying to fly. I am having all sorts of difficulty getting any elevation at all. I'm frustrated bacause flying is my specialty in dreams. I shouldn't have trouble with this.

      There are these teen aged boys that keep trying to grab my legs. I try to fly out of their reach but can never quite do so.

      Finally I picture rockets on my feet. I seem to go somewhere. I am now in a canyon with this huge arch in front of me. It looks a bit like Birthday Arch that I have hiked to and climbed on. I fly through the arch and touch my fingers along the rock as I go by. That is very satisfying. I fly to the cliff above the arch and jump down to the arch. I remember being really nervous in real life about climbing to this point. And I feel slightly nervous again. But then I tell myself that I can fly if I fall. So I jump down and run across the arch then fly off the other side.

      I must have started to lose lucidity around here becasue I remember landing by the arch and talking to Kyle about fossils. And I know I wasn't lucid by the end.

      My Reflection:

      Mirror Portal Fail:

      The Arch (me at the top):

      Updated 10-26-2012 at 05:35 PM by 5578

      memorable , lucid
    5. The Most Pissed Off I have felt when Becoming Lucid

      by , 03-19-2012 at 05:48 PM
      I got lucid night before last...and it was the most pissed off I have ever felt when becoming lucid...haha.


      I was in a gym and I saw a pull up bar. I decided to see if the new workout program that I started was helping with my pull ups. I grabbed the bar and started pulling myself up. I was amazed at how I was able to pull myself up so easily. I completed my first pull up and lowered myself back down. The bar was sort of low, so I bent my knees back so I wouldn't touch the floor. I decided to give a second one a try. Again, I was able to pull myself up with ease. I felt this huge surge of joy.

      I continued to do pull ups. I could feel my muscles working hard, yet the pull ups were still coming. I went to find a few people I knew to come watch me. I continued my pull ups. I counted....17....18....19...

      Suddenly I had this horrible fear.


      No no no no no no.

      I wasn't dreaming. I couldn't be dreaming.

      But I started to wonder why I had improved so quickly. I mean, really...how many people suddenly can do 20 pull ups...20 easy pullups?

      But I didn't want to think about the fact that it could be a dream. So I didn't RC. I hoped that I could somehow make this reality.

      I continued doing pull ups. I called more friends over to watch me.


      I knew I was dreaming. How could I deny it any longer?

      It made me mad. I didn't want to fly. I didn't want to do any cool lucid things. I just wanted to be able to do pull ups in real life.

      I went over to Daron. I sort of jumped on him. I wasn't sure what I was doing. I didn't want to make out. So I climbed up to his shoulders and jumped back off.

      I knew I shouldn't waste this LD, but I couldn't think of anything I wanted to do. I was mad and sad and frustrated.

      And I think that was it.
      lucid , memorable
    6. Lucid Dream: Thinking a DC was Real

      by , 03-06-2012 at 04:47 PM
      Lucid Dream:

      I had been talking to someone about this show that would be filming in an area close to where I lived. It was something that I thought would be shown on Discovery Channel.

      Then I am at the place where they are filming. I am sitting at a table. It is a kids' show. There are a couple other moms there with their preschool aged children. I am sitting by myself, but I decided that I didn't care. I wanted to be there and was enjoying what everyone was talking about (which I no longer remember).

      Later, after the filming, I asked where this was taking place at. I felt odd asking that question. Shouldn't I know where I was? I had to have gotten here somehow. The lady told me, "PJ Island, Utah." I repeated that a couple of times...."PJ Island...Utah??"

      And then it hit me. No wonder things weren't making sense.

      This is a dream.

      I announced to the two ladies that were still there that this was a dream. I flew a few feet in the air to show them. I then flew back down to one of the moms. I asked her what her name was, It was Stephani B--something. I said, "Stephani--come fly with me...and later when we are awake we can talk about how cool this was, okay?"

      So I got her flying a little in the air. Then a little girl who was about 4 wanted me to help her fly. I went to pick her up. She was extremely heavy. I tried to get her in the air, but the best I could do was to jump and slowly land. I was a little frustrated. Usually people I fly with are instantly weightless. But I did this for a little while because it was at least somthing the little girl could enjoy.

      And that's all I remember.

      This was one of those dreams where I was a little mixed up in my thinking. Even those I knew that it was a dream, I was sure that Stephani was dreaming with me and that I would somehow meet up with her later to discuss this experience.
    7. Lucid Dream: Floating in the ocean and...uh...other things.

      by , 02-27-2012 at 10:39 PM

      I had a dream that was at least semi lucid. My recall was not great, so I can't really appreciate it.

      I do remember being in the ocean and having the waves pass over me. I remember thinking that the waves didn't feel as wet as they should have. Later I remember running around through some stores at the shore, and pulling up my shirt and showing everyone my boobs. So typical of my dream self.

      To be honest this is one of the reasons I don't talk a lot about lucid dreaming to real life people (except those really close to me) because I am afraid they will want to learn more and if I point them to Dreamviews they will find my DJ with all my odd dream habits.
    8. Lucid Dream: Doing flips into the ocean

      by , 02-27-2012 at 10:32 PM
      Lucid Dream:

      I was running around on some docks by the ocean when I suddenly knew I was dreaming. I decided I wanted to do flips off the dock into the ocean and see what that felt like while lucid. So I tried to run to the end of the dock. For some reason the end wouldn't come. I was always about 4 feet from the end. Finally I had to stop running and just take it one step at a time to the end. Then I jumped and flipped. I seemed to go in very slow motion. Slow enough that I could watch the land as it spun upside down around me until I landed in the water. I found that so fascinating that I got out and did it again. This time my flip was faster. It was like the first time my mind really wanted to see and appreciate the motion of the flip. Once it had, it let me do the next one in a more normal speed.

      But that's all the dream I got. I woke up before I could try anything else.

      But I woke up happy because this was my first lucid in weeks. I had been stuck in a dry spell.
      Tags: flips, ocean, running
    9. LD: Flying through the clouds at night and eating cheesecake

      by , 02-04-2012 at 08:15 PM
      I had a lucid dream last night after a dry spell.


      I can't remember where I was, but I lifted up something and saw two black widows. One was really big and the other was smaller. I watched them for a moment. Then I started to notice that one looked strange. It looked more like a stuffed animal than a real spider. It suddenly dawned on me that I was in a dream, that finally something odd had triggered lucidity!

      The first thing I did was to fly up in the air. I enjoyed the feeling of the wind moving against me. Then I remembered what I had been thinking before bed--that if I had a LD, I would eat something really good, because in real life I am on day 6 of a juice feast, and I know in the past I have used LDs to satisfy desires for foods I am not eating IRL.

      So I flew down and saw a fridge. I opened it hoping for something really tasty to be inside. I was disappointed to find that it had mostly condiments and a doxen eggs. Finally I willed something to appear..and there on the top shelf was a plate of cheesecake. I grabbed the plate and put a piece in my mouth. It was lemon cheesecake with a layer of solid dark chocolate on top. I was quite happy that this is what appeared. I stuffed piece after piece in my mouth. I was a little disappointed that my sense of taste was less than normal. But all in all it was satisfying.

      Before finishing the plate I decided I wanted to fly again. So I took off. Above me I could see clouds. It had been a while since I had flown up to the clouds. I kept flying as fast as I could and finally entered the cloud. For a few moments I couldn't see anything. Then I popped out in a space in the middle of the cloud. The space was like a cave becasue I could see a place to exit the cloud on one side. So I flew up and through the hole and saw to my excitement that I was about to come up to the top of the cloud. The sky had light but was dimmer than sunlight. I realized that it was light from the full moon. I couldn't have been happier.

      So I burst out over the top of the cloud and could see the whole top of the cloud glowing in the moonlight. I flew over the cloud for a while, then I wished I could just lay on the cloud, so I tried. I found that the cloud felt like a fluffy sheepskin blanket. I rolled around on it for a while. It was quite warm and so comfortable. Finally I rolled to the edge and hung my head over and looked down. I then let myself roll head first down off the cloud and enjoy the sensation of falling.

      And that's all I remember.
    10. Brief Lucidity

      by , 01-05-2012 at 06:01 PM
      Old LD from 10-22-07

      I forgot to add this one from a few weeks ago. It wasn't a long one, but it had a lucid moment. I think I'll add it here because I think every moment of lucidity should be accounted for.


      I had an interesting stretch of dreams this morning after a WBTB. I even had a lucid moment.

      In the dream I was back with my sister that has cancer. [Ususally when I dream about "my sister" I'm talking about my younger sister. My older sister doesn't show up as often.] We were in a little room that was supposed to be in her new-ish house.

      We were looking through all these pictures and reminiscing. Then my sister pulled out a large picture and say, "Hey, you've never seen this one yet , have you?" The picture was of myself with her 14 year old son. In the picture he looked more grown up. It was a very flattering picture of us. We both look like we could be models.

      I then pulled out a box that not only had pictures but a pair of my sister's socks. The socks were a pinkish tan color with chocolate brown stripes. I told her how cute they were. Then I remembered that they were similar to a pair of socks that she had supposed gotten me for Christmas last year. I figured she had gotten them at the same place.

      Then my mom and other sister were there too looking through these boxes with us.

      The next thing that I remember is walking through her kitchen and seeing the little black boy there. He was about 3 years old . At first I can't figure out why he is there. But then I remembered that she babysat for a few kids.

      I reached out and try to hug this little boy, but he wanted nothing to do with me. I then looked over and see two little black girls. I also try to talk with them and be friendly, but they both walked away from me. I felt bad.

      There seems to be a transition here. I think this is still part of the same dream, though.

      I was walking though a college campus with a preschool group. One of the little girls was Japanese. She seemed to like me and let me pick her up. We somehow got a little behind the others, so I finally had to run to try to catch up. At one point I tripped and we rolled on the grass. Neither of us were hurt at all. I got up and felt like something was missing, but couldn't figure out what.

      I looked a ways ahead and saw the last of the preschool goup head into the store/restaurant. I finally caught up and walked in. The group was now gone. I didn't have the little girl anymore. The lady inside asked me if I wanted any of the free lunch they had been serving to the preschool group. I said, "Sure".

      It was then I realized that my purse was missing. I started to panic. I had lost it on the college campus. I knew that it was very unlikely that I would ever see it again. I started telling the lady I was with how I had lost it. She was sympathizing with me.

      Then I remember saying, "You know, I think it's going to be okay. When I wake up my purse will be there. It's not really gone. This has happened to me before, and when I woke up the purse was there. I just need to try and stop worrying about it now."

      Then I have no idea what happened next. I do know lucidity ended (if it was ever really there to begin with. Even though I was saying that, I never had that "Ah ha, I'm dreaming" moment. This is the first time I can think of there I made reference to myself dreaming with out truly becoming lucid. )

      I then remember being in my basement. There was a crack in the wall and my cat was watching some silverfish bugs come out of the crack. She was swatting her paw at them.

      I really think something is missing from my memory here. But the next thing I remember is being attacked by these large metal bugs. They were black and about a foot across. one looked like a spider and the other a scorpion.

      I was upstairs at this point and I ran down into the basement. I frantically started looking for a hammer or something to smash them with. All I could find were a pair of roller blades. I picked one one of them and when the bugs came down the stairs I started smashing them with the roller blade.

      Amazingly they both just fell apart like they were cheap toys. I then ran my hands through the pile of pieces. I suddenly thought about movies that I had seen. I figured it was a very good idea to put the pieces in separate bags to dispose of them, just in case they all came together and came to life again.

      Then my alarm went off...
    11. Lucid Dream: Changing Gender

      by , 01-05-2012 at 05:54 PM
      Old LD from 11-7-07

      I finally had a decent sized lucid dream this morning. I did a WBTB (woke up at 5:30, went back to sleep at 6:30, had the LD and woke up at 7:30). And I took some B6.

      Dream (Lucid):

      I remember being with some people and going into the Caldwell's old house on the corner. I heard someone comment how they liked what the new owners did to the backyard. The group I was with walked into the backyard. I was expecting something pretty, but all I saw was junk. The rest went through the back door and into the house.

      I started to follow, but then I saw my friend RD and her 19 month old daughter Catherine. I went over to her. I suddenly felt that we needed to go somewhere or we'd be late. But Catherine wanted to get on the swing in the yard. I felt impatient, but RD put Catherine on the swing. I gave in and started to push her gently on the swing.

      As her daughter swung on the swing, RD started to sing the most beautiful song I had ever heard. I was mesmerized. I sat down and watched RD as she sang. RD then looked right into my eyes as she sang. I had the strongest feeling that there was something I was supposed to understand. I knew she was trying to pass me a message. I suddenly realized that this was a dream and the message that I was supposed to get that I was supposed to have a baby. I felt shocked for a moment.

      Then realizing that I was lucid, I decided that I needed to go on and try the Task of the Month, that the message would have to wait, and I would deal with that when I was awake.

      There is a fuzzy moment here that I can't explain.

      At that moment I felt that I wasn't entirely asleep. That I was aware of my physical body still in bed and that I was only barely in the dream. But then I stood up and moved, and my dream body moved and not my physical body. I always know that when that happens after a WILD, that I am fully in the dream. So I really felt that I had just WILDed even though I'm pretty sure that I got to this point from the previous part of the dream.

      But however I got here, I was now running around the house trying to find a mirror. As I got to the driveway, I saw a mirror that looked like a side mirror for a truck, but it wasn't actually attached to a truck. It was about 12 inches wide. I decided that even though it was small that I would use that to help me transform into a guy.

      I looked at myself. At first I looked just like I did in last night's mirror LD. My hair was longer that it is and slightly curled. I concentrated on looking more like a guy.

      At first I just started to look kind of deformed (as is typical of many lucid mirror experiences of mine.) Finally I started to look a little more masculine. I had no make up, my skin looked a little rougher (though I couldn't quite get stubble to show). My hair, even though it was still long and blond, looked more matted.

      I reached down to touch my body to see if the transformation went beyond my face. First I touched my crotch. I didn't feel anything extra. Disappointed I moved up and touched my breasts. They were a bit smaller than normal.

      I wondered if I should keep trying to make the changes more complete. But before I could, a group of guys walked past me down in the street. I decided I needed to see if I could pass for a guy. So I ran out to them.

      I said to them in as much as a guy voice as I could create, "Hi, dudes." That sounded really funny to me, so I couldn't help but to giggle at little after that. The giggle did not sound man-like at all. I wondered if I had blown it.

      The guys didn't say anything but were looking at me like they thought I was a total loser, and that they wished I would disappear. A group of girls met up with them, and everyone was still ignoring me.

      So I tried again. I asked loudly, "What do you guys see when you look at me?"

      One of the guys snorted and said something like, "Do you really want us to tell you??" And then the others joined in, laughing and making rude comments. But none of the comments gave me the answer I was looking for--did they see me as a guy or girl ?

      This wasn't working out at all like I had wanted it to. So I decided to leave this rude group and try again. I saw a building in front of me that I knew had a girl's bathroom in it. I ran into the bathroom. It was full of at least ten girls all standing in front of this very large mirror.

      I started shouting at them, "I need to transform! Help me transform into a guy!!" I started to push my way through the girls to the mirror.

      I remember thinking as I shouted at them that my dream self was far more bold than my real self is. I wouldn't dream of shouting at a bunch of girls in a bathroom like that in real life.

      As I got to the mirror I finally took a good look at what I had looked like out there with that group. I was surprised to see that I had clown make-up on my face. I wondered if that was why the guys had treated me like that. How long had my dream self looked like that? Or was this something that my mind had created just for this mirror scene. I didn't know.

      I just knew that I needed to look like a guy. The clown make-up had turned into a mask in the last few seconds, so I just pulled it off. I concentrated again.

      This time I made much better progress. Before I knew it, I was looking in the mirror at a guy. This was definitely a guy this time. He was nice looking. He had blue eyes, fairly short dark brown hair that had a bit of curl in it. I thought, "Wow...I'm good looking."

      I looked at my clothes. This time I was wearing a bike jersey and biking shorts. My body looked very athletic and was definitly masculine looking.

      But to make sure I reached down to my crotch. There was definitely a lump down there, though I felt no sensation touching it. I reached up to check on my breasts, and found that they were mostly gone--gone enough that they wouldn't be noticable by sight.

      I looked at my self once more in the mirror. This time I noticed these odd boots on my feet. They looked like Roller Blades, but without the wheels. I wondered why they were on my feet.

      As I looked at myself in the mirror, I thought back on everything that I had done in this LD, and I was suddenly worried that if I did much more that I wouldn't be able to remember it, so at this point with "mission accomplished", I let myself wake up so I could write it down.
    12. LD: Looking in the Mirror

      by , 01-01-2012 at 06:37 AM
      LD from 11-6-07

      Dream 1 (mini LD):

      I became lucid. I don't know what triggered it, or what I was doing before I became lucid. I just knew that I wanted to find a mirror. I don't remember if I wanted the mirror because of last month's mirror task, or if it was because I kept telling myself that to do the gender change dream I needed a mirror to see the changes.

      I knew I was wearing tan pants in the dream. So as I looked in the mirror, I was expecting to see tan pants. And sure enough, there they were, but they didn't seem to fit me right. I looked somewhat misshapen.

      I looked at my face. I looked more like I did when I was younger and wore my hair with more natural curl. My hair was also longer than it is now. I think I was wearing my orangish long sleeved shirt (the one from my old avatar).

      I stared at myself for a moment, not sure what I should be doing. And then it was too late. The dream faded.
    13. LD: Flying with my Sister/Trying to Move my Body in Real Life/Haunted House

      by , 12-31-2011 at 09:08 PM
      Old LD from 10-21-07


      I remember I saw my older sister that has cancer. I went up to her and said, "S, how are you doing? How are your legs doing?" [In real life her legs hurt so bad that she's now on crutches or in a wheel chair.]

      She talked to me for a few minutes about what the doctors had been telling her. She had all her hair, unlike in real life.

      The next thing I remember is that we are now in this park with the rest of the family having a picnic. I remember flying up to these powerlines and then back down.

      Doing this made me suddenly lucid. I went up to my sister and said something like, "Oh my gosh, S, I'm lucid! I'm going to take you flying with me."

      I took her arm and lifted her into the air with me. I said, "Let's fly to the mountains over there."

      She said, "I'm not sure I can make it that far."

      I said, "I think you can-- you're with me. But I'll stop when you need to."

      We flew out of the park and over the Safeway parking lot and over the stores.

      I noticed that music was playing really loud and was distracting me from the experience. I believe the band was INXS. For some reason I was sure that this music was playing in real life. I thought to myself that I needed to try to turn off the music with my real body while still remaining in the dream.

      I could feel what I thought was my real body reaching out and turning the knob on my car CD player. [Goodness know what I thought I was doing having my real body asleep in a car] I got the music turned down most of the way, to the point it didn't bother me as much.

      We flew a little ways further and then the dream faded.

      I thought I had awakened in this motel room where my family was suppose dto be staying. I was disappointed for not being able to fly to the mountains. So I concentrated on getting back into my dream.

      Suddenly I was standiing in the Safeway parking lot next to my High school best friend M and her boyfriend.

      I told them that I was dreaming and going to fly to the mountains that we in front of us. I invited them to fly with me. But I think only the boyfriend followed.

      When I got to the mountains, I was alone. I flew to the rocky ledge and touched the rock face. The rock was a brown color and very rough.

      I suddenly thought about the Tasks. At first I thought that being in the mountains made it impossible to do the Tasks. Then I thought, "Well I could just make a mirror appear right here."

      But then I thought, "Nah..I've tried that one twice now. I want to do the Haunted House one again since I only did that one once."

      I flew along the mountain side looking for an old house. I then saw ahead of me a place where the mountain went in. I knew it was a cave. I suddenly thought, "Wouldn't it be so cool if the haunted house was in the cave?"

      I got close and I indeed saw that it was a cave. I also saw that the front of the cave was built in. I saw it had shutters (for some reason I felt it had to have shutters to qualify as a haunted house). I flew to the entrance. It was actually built with very nice dark polished wood.

      I went inside and started to look around. My first thoughts were that I wanted real ghost in this house not just decorations. The inside of the house seemed small. Around me everything was built out of the same beautiful dark polished wood. On several of the tables and other flat surfaces there were large white candles.

      I flew to the back of the house and waited for something else to appear, but at the point the dream started fading again.

      I ended up "waking up" in the same motel room. I had been sleeping on the floor. I tried to stay motionless so that I could try to reenter the dream. But then other people inthe room started talking and made me fully "wake up". I went into the motel's bathroom and saw that there was something in the tub that looked like spilled arpicot jam.

      At that point I woke up for real, and felt that I needed to write this down.
    14. LD: Reading Things and Mirror Trouble

      by , 12-31-2011 at 09:00 PM
      Catching up...

      Old LD from 10-05-07

      I had a couple of lucid dreams this morning. I did an unintentional WBTB.

      I was dreaming that I was about to see a circus. But the longer we waited to see it start, the more I realized that this wasn't going to be a very big circus. In fact it looked like they were going to use teddy bears for on of the acts. I wondered if they had any live animals at all.

      At some point we moved to another part of the area. The circus still hadn't started.

      I don't know what triggered lucidity, but I had wandered off and was starting to walk through the city...and I was lucid.

      I looked at all the buildings. I wanted to really remember the details. I looked at a sign for a gas station. At first I thought it said "Tiffany's" in large red letters. I thought that was a strange name for a gas station. I looked at it again. This time I saw that it really said "Tiffy's". That seemed to be a more fitting name.

      I tried to think of a cool task to try. I suddenly rememberd that one of the suggested tasks that I wanted to try was to find a newspaper and read it's headline.

      The gas station would be a perfect place to find one. I ran to the doors. At first I saw a phone book and was tempted to open it and try to read it. But I decided that I really needed to do the newspaper first.

      I saw the racks outside the doors that usually have newspapers and ads. The first three things that I saw looked like newspapers, but at a closer look they had people on the front making out. I figured it was some sort of porno. So I kept looking. I couldn't find any newspapers.

      Finally a Mexican guy walked out of the doors and I saw that he had a newspaper. I asked if I could look at the headlines. He acted like I was very rude for asking him. But I said please again, and kind of helped myself to pulling the papers toward me so I could see. He didn't like it but he let me.

      Unfortunately when I looked at the pages, I could see that it wasn't actually a newspaper, but some sort of sports magazine. I was disappointed.

      I believe at this point I had a FA and I went on to other dreams.

      But at some point I was lucid again.

      I remembered that I wanted to try the Mirror Task again. I hurried into my bathroom. It was dark. I tried to flip the light switch. But it wouldn't work. So typical.

      But I could still see a little. I could tell it was my reflection in the mirror. I reached out my hand and tired to touch myself.

      I bumped the glass.

      I tried again. I bumped the glass.

      I remembered how last time I flew through the mirror to the other side. I backed up and dove toward the mirror. But instead of going through, my head bumped off the glass and I fell back into the bathroom.
    15. Lucid Dream: Grabbing myself through a mirror

      by , 12-31-2011 at 05:53 AM
      Old LD from 10-3-07

      I did WBTB with a little B6....

      Lucid Dream with Advanced Task attempted:

      I was in my church. I had just tripped over a ironing board that an older lady was using to iron her clothes. It suddenly seemed weird to me. I said to her, "This is just like something that would happen in my dreams."

      As soon as I said that I knew I was dreaming. I remembered the Advanced Task of Pulling my reflection out of a mirror. I looked around for a mirror. The only thing that came close was a picture hanging on the wall. The glass was very refective. I figured that this would count.

      I looked at my reflection. At first I could see an older man with grey hair. I didn't think this was any good, so I got closer to try to make it look more like myself.

      This time I saw myself. I had shorter hair that was slightly curly and I was wearing some strange black and white patterned shirt. But I decided that would work for me.

      I reached out my hand. It bumped the glass. I tried again--and once more it couldn't get throught the glass.

      I thought, "Shoot, this isn't working. I need to think of something totally different to make this work."

      I wonderded if it would count if instead of pulling my reflection out of the mirror if I could join it on the other side.

      I figured it would count as the goal seemed to be to just end up on the same side of the glass as the reflection.

      I backed up from the mirror and took a run at the picture. As I got close I jumped and dove straight into the picture. I went right through the glass and rammed right into the "me" on the other side. As I did I grabbed tightly onto my other self. I didn't want myself to get away. But as we fell and landed on the floor with a thud, it was too much. I woke up.
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