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    Lucid Dreams

    1. Task of the Month--Replacing my Head with a Carved Pumpkin

      by , 10-05-2012 at 04:51 PM
      Lucid Dream and Task of the Month

      Yesterday I realized that it had been a long long time since I had done a Task of the Month. For years I used to complete those faithfully each month. So I decided that the next time I became lucid I would do one. I read over the Tasks and decided that the one I would like to try first was the "Carve a Jack-0-Lantern and replace my head with it" Task.

      So I woke up in the night last night and had trouble falling back to sleep. As frustrating as that was I told myself that at least the chance of me having a lucid dream was way up--if I ever could go back to sleep.

      And I finally did.

      I remember I was in a moving car, and to my horror I noticed that there was no driver. I was in the back seat and I tried to slip up to the front between the seats. I didn't have time to get into the driver's seat. I was coming up to an intersection and I had to get my foot on the brake NOW. I tried to reach, but I was still a little far away. My foot could touch, but it couldn't press down hard enough. My only chance now to avoid an accident was to turn the car to the right so I would miss hitting the car directly in front of me.

      My heart was beating fast and I couldn't believe that this was happening to me. Wasn't this something that usually only happened in dreams? How could I have let this happen in real life?

      Then it hit me. Maybe I was dreaming. It seemed unlikely since this all felt so real. But since this was a big dream sign of mine--and since I really hoped this was a dream, I decided that I would test things.

      I'm not sure what I did, but I remember I was flying. Oh, thank goodness this was a dream. And now that I was lucid I remembered that I really wanted to do a TOTM.

      I landed and knew the first thing I needed to do was to find a pumpkin. I had faith that I would find one within seconds of searching. And, sure enough, I came up to one.

      Unfortunately this one was old and very soft. I knew that if I attempted to pick it up that it would turn to mush. So I set out again. I was inside now in what looked like a large kitchen. And there on the counter was a rather small pumpkin. It was already partly carved. I didn't care. I grabbed a knife and carved out another eye. The rest of the face was already carved.

      Now I needed to remove my head. I had done this before years ago for the TOTM "Stand on your Head" where I had to remove my head and then stand on it. It hadn't been as hard as I had thought it would be, so I was hopeful that I would be able to do it again with just as much ease.

      I grabbed my head and started to pull up. At first nothing was happening, and I remembered that last time I had had luck by looking at my shadow. So I turned until I could see my shadow. There. I pulled again. I then felt a very odd sensation as I watched my shadow pull my head from my neck. It reminded me of two different things at once. First it felt like my neck was made from Silly Putty, and as I pulled it stretched a bit before breaking off. The other sensation was like that of having a tooth pulled, but being completely numb. I could feel what I thought should have been painful, yet not really feeling much at all.

      I then set my head down on the floor. I noticed that my vision was still coming from where my head had had been. I reached over and picked up the carved pumpkin and placed it on my neck. I looked around and didn't really feel any different from before. But I felt quite satisfied to have completed the TOTM so easily. I hadn't lost my touch.

      I think I automatically woke up at this point. I had sort of trained myself to wake up after completeing the Tasks so I could re-live them in my mind again as to not forget them.

      In retrospect I regret not finding a mirror, so I could see what I looked like with a pumpkin head.

      Updated 10-05-2012 at 08:15 PM by 5578

      lucid , task of the month
    2. Lucid Dream

      by , 10-02-2012 at 01:16 AM
      And I also had a lucid dream this last week. It involved some Mexican guys and me being topless. I don't think I will give details on this one either. I feel that I was only semi lucid. I told myself I was dreaming, but then did nothing about it really until lucidity faded.
      Tags: topless
    3. Lucid Dream: Surprises at the Lake

      by , 09-17-2012 at 04:42 PM
      Lucid Dream:

      I was with an older couple and an older lady that I supposedly knew. We were hiking on a trail that overlooked the lake. The couple pointed out the remains of a 1000 year old Anasazi hogan. I was amazed since I had walked by that spot many times and had never noticed it. Next they pointed out a historic fireplace/pit that dated back to the 1800's. Again I was really surprised that I had never seen this even though I pass this spot frequently.

      We continued on this trail. It starts getting steep. I am having some trouble on this one spot where there is a steel handrail and you have to pull yourself up mostly with your hands. But I saw that the elderly people that I was with had no trouble, so there should be no reason for me not to be able to do this.

      Then I notice that we are down to lake level and are now in a boat that belonged to the couple. We zoom through a crowded marina. It's like a maze.

      I then suddenly realize that I am alone in the boat, and it's about to crash into some parked boats. Somehow I was able to slow the boat down so it doesn't hit too hard. I then find myself trying to get the boat going back the way we came. It's more like a paddleboard now and I am laying on it paddling with my arms.

      During this paddle I notice that the water is starting to have some debris in it. I look over at the cliffs and see that some rain water has come through the washes and are now dumping all this dark frothy woody debris in the water all around me. I end up right next to one of these areas and get this stuff all in my hair.

      The next part I remember is that I am back up on a dock and trying to get back to the shore. I first am in a gift shop area. I thought it was cool that we had a gift shop on the lake that I had never known about. I then go from store to store and restaurant to restaurant, and then this cool resort with rooms...all out on the lake. I was getting so excited to have found all this. The problem was that it was all like a maze and I couldn't find a way back to the land.

      Suddenly I had this thought, "Well, since this is just a dream, I should just fly over everything and then I could get back with no problem."

      I have no idea what triggered lucidity, but I was glad to be able to fly. I was obviously not lucid enough to move on and ignore my current dream crisis, but it helped solve my immediate problem. I took off in the air and looked down on the complexity off all the buildings that had been built on the docks out in the lake.

      Then I saw a man swimming in the water. I flew down to him and decided to interact with him. He was a little bit older, but still nice looking. I wanted to kiss him, but I didn't want to get in the water again, so I ask him if I could pull him up out of the water so he could fly with me. He seemed to like that idea. So I pulled him and I might have kissed him. But I don't remember where the dream went from there.
    4. LD: Practicing going through Solid Objects

      by , 09-10-2012 at 10:09 PM
      Lucid Dream from two nights ago:

      I don't really remember much of what was happening at the moment I became lucid. Somehwere in my memoriy I was at a hotel-like building and swinging on a rope around the sides of the building and going really high and loving the feeling, but getting nervous that I was going too high and would fall.

      At the moment I got lucid I was sitting on the ground. I remember just thinking, "Well if I am dreaming, I might want to practice some skills."

      The first thing that came to mind was that I wanted to work on going through solid objects. I have had trouble with that (thinking back to my mirror portal failing moments).

      I decided to just stay in that seated position and see if I could poke my finger into the solid dirt ground. I pointed and pressed down. I really had no idea what to expect. But I was really pleased to find that my finger went right passed what looked like the surface of the ground. I felt almost nothing at all..maybe the slightest little wisp of something being there. I went until my hand was in the earth up to about my wrist, then pulled it back out again.

      I then decided to be even more bold. I wanted to do the same thing, but with my head. I leaned over and got really close to the ground with my face. I had a feeling a lot like I was about to put my face in some dark liquid. I almost changed my mind because it suddenly seemed a little scary, like I might get stuck or not be able to breathe.

      But I took a deep breath and pushed my head in. It was dark, yet I could see this dark reddish black swirling color that moved as I entered. It was almost like liquid was moving out of my way and letting me get my face in. I was a little nervous taking my first breath. Again, I had no idea what to expect. But I breathed easily. I stayed in the ground for a few more seconds before I pulled my head out and decided to fly.

      And I don't remember what happened after that.

      Updated 09-20-2012 at 03:41 PM by 5578

      Tags: hands
    5. Lucid Dream

      by , 08-13-2012 at 05:03 PM
      I just had a long lucid dream that I hardly remember. I really hate when that happens.

      I remember the part where I was doing something and thought, "Why am I bothering with this since this is a dream? I need to be accomplishing some lucid tasks."

      I rembemer eating an apple with no flavor, and thinking that I needed to find something that actually tasted like something.

      I remember flying around quite a bit.

      I remember thinking about going to the moon, but I must have been to lazy to try.

      I finally reember being bored so I took off my shirt and flew around topless like I seem to really enjoy doing in my dreams--I have no idea why.
    6. LD: Convincing stubborn DC's that this was MY lucid dream/An exercise in dream control

      by , 08-07-2012 at 06:22 PM
      I was floating in the air with Tanya, Philip, Sarah, and Kierra when I suddenly became lucid.

      I decided that I wanted to begin my dream by asking them some insightful questions. So I blurted out the first thing that came to me. I turned to Sarah and asked, "What is the best thing about me?"

      She countered back, "Well, what's the best thing about me?"

      I said, "Hey--this is my lucid dream. I get to ask the questions."

      But she decided to be difficult and not answer. So I looked to Tanya. I asked again something like, "What's something good about myself?" I looked at her with pleading eyes, because I wanted her to answer the question. She looked back at my eyes and finally answered, "You're sincere." Ok...I would be satisfied with that.

      I then asked both Kierra and Philip the same thing only to have them ask the same question Sarah did.

      I started getting frustrated. I said, "Darn it. This MY lucid dream. And I'll prove it."

      I stuck out my arm, and said, "If this weren't my lucid dream, could I make my arm glow?" And for a second I was worried because I had never tried to make my body glow before. But my dream powers cooperated and soon my arm was bright.

      I then said, with my arm still out, "If this weren't my lucid dream could I turn my hand blue. And I focused on my hand until it turned blue.

      "Or could I make my hand big?" And soon my hand was growing and strangely large.

      "Or could I make it small?" And I then strank it until is was about half normal size.

      "Or could I make it white?" I turned it a ghostly white.

      Then I decided that I had done enough. I was feeling quite satisfied with this little exercise in dream control. I needed to move on. I wanted to try to go through a mirror again since this has been giving me trouble that last few attempts.

      I found a mirror. It was cracked in a few places. I think I was in what was supposed to be my aunt's house because she was suddenly standing with my in the hallway. I decided to run at the mirror and try for the spot that had the largest unbroken area.

      I took off running only to hit the mirror. Instead on bouncing right back I kind of hung there for a moment before I rolled myself down off the mirror. I tried two more times with the same result and concluded that I would probably never get through a mirror again since I had somehow developed a mental block.

      I decided to try to fly to the moon by going outside and just flying up. I was a little surprised that my dream was lasting this long, but I didn't want to waste it. I knew from past experiences that the quicker I run from one goal to the next the more focused on the dream I was and less likely to lose lucidity.

      It was night outside. I could see so many bright stars. The night sky seemed magical. I was in a city. I had come out of a large building. I saw a bilboard in front of me. It had Mickey Mouse and was an ad for Disneyland. It made me smile. I looked around and saw several more signs all for Disneyland. It made me feel really happy about this place that I had found. I started flying upward. I suddenly heard a conversation on the ground below of a man talking to a boy about finding this certain destination. I tried to follow the conversation, but never was quite sure what they were talking about. It reminded me of the odd audio hallucinations that I sometimes hear right as I am waking up in the morning.

      And it was right after that that I suddenly was awake. And my alarm went off about 20 seconds later.
    7. Nap Lucid Dream

      by , 08-01-2012 at 06:12 AM

      Nap Lucid:

      The beginning is fuzzy. I do remember playing on a playground. Swinging on the swings and going down the slides, etc. I also remember hearing a guy singing the song "Tomorrow" from Annie. I wanted to whistle along, but I couldn't seem to whistle...so I hummed.

      Then I was jumping off one of the climbers. I suddenly had a view of myself as if I were a video game character. I could see my body, but I was right behind it with a good view. I must have been with someone because I was saying, "Check this out...this is how it looks like when I fly in dreams. See how incredibly real this is. Doesn't this make you want to be able to lucid dream and fly too?"

      And then I noticed that as I watched myself fly I was actually feeling the motion. I had that roller coaster feeling in my stomach when I swooped down fast.

      I started to question this. And came to the conclusion that I was dreaming.

      I flew out over some buildings. I then had this feeling like I had entered the dream through a WILD. (This thought has been happening to me lately in LDs). I wanted to reach out and touch one of the buildings, but I was afraid to move my arms yet because of the fear I might not be fully in the dream yet, and I didn't want to mistakenly move my real arms and wake myself up. So I waited a moment, then I was sure I was fully in the dream, then I reached out and touched a building as I passed.

      There is a blip in my memory here. I suddenly remember being in a store. I had no idea how I got there. I saw two older men. I was looking at brochers when they noticed me. They apologised that the store was not open to the public this time of year, that there was not enough stock to sell things. I saw that this was a gardening store, but I also saw a card that had AM's name on it. Somehow I thought that having a connection with AM should give me permission to be in the store. But I decided that I didn't want to bother. I told the men, "That's fine".

      But I couldn't remember if I came in the front or back door, so I asked, even though I knew it would sound funny. But then I decided I didn't care. I would go out the back door. I opened it and jumped out and flew. I wanted the men to see me fly.

      I flew again over buildings. I wanted to remember details. I saw a carwash that had a sign that said "Tr" in big letters and had a picture of a treant from World of Warcraft on it.

      I was thinking that this was the town that I currently lived in. But something in my mind told me that if I flew to the edge of town I would find the ocean instead of desert. Sure enough, I saw the ocean. But I felt disappointed somehow. I looked up again and saw mountains behind the water. My mind had changed this to a lake.

      I started flying over the water. It dried up as I flew. I didn't like that, so I told myself to make the water stay. And finally I was flying over water.

      I decided I needed to do something creative. I immediately thought of Oneironaut's dreams and decided that there were strange creatures in the water below. I swooped down close to the water and was suddenly nervous that some giant sea serpent would reach up and grab me.

      I felt disappointed again. Because I had put the thought in my head that there were potentially dangerous creatures in the water, there was no way I wanted to go in the water now. Even if I told myself that I didn't want creatures in the water, my mind most likey would have one sneak up on me anyway.

      I landed at the far side of the lake. I needed to do something different. I finally thought of doing the Task of the Month for the first time in this dream.

      Sometimes I sense dreams coming to an end. I knew I didn't have time to go to another planet. I had to find a DC fast to ask my New Year's Resolution from. But I saw no one. And I realized that it was too late to do that one too...and I drifted awake.
    8. LD: A Friend's Death

      by , 08-01-2012 at 06:05 AM

      I had an interesting dream last night. I'm calling it a Lucid Dream because in the dream I realized that I was dreaming. Yet, the dream had such a hold of me that I didn't reach full lucidity and the dream pulled me back in. I'm not sure where to end the blue....

      Lucid Dream:

      I was in a store that supposedly belonged to my friend Jim. I was the only one in the store. I had somehow let myself in while it was closed. I walked to toward the front of the store and saw that there was a mess on the floor. A soda had spilled and there were torn newspapers.

      I decided that I would clean them up. I didn't want Jim to have to deal with that when he came in.

      When I was just finishing cleaning up, I heard the front door of the store open. A guy that I supposedly recognized because he worked in the next store over, and a lady I know (Elaine) walked in.

      I apologized that the store wasn't really open and that I should have made sure the door was locked. Elaine looked at me very seriously. I knew something was wrong.

      I asked her if something was wrong, and she knodded. She told me that there had been a lot of ambulances and emergency vehicles in front of Jim's house earlier. That there had been gunshots heard.

      I asked if Jim was alright. She slowly shook her head and said, "No....Jim is dead."

      I remember standing there in shock, then falling to my knees. I put my hands over my face and I started to sob. Jim had been my good freind. He was about to get married next Spring. He was so happy. What was Kim, his fiancee, going to do now? All their hopes shattered. I needed to talk to Kim.

      Then a funny thought went through my head. Jim lived in Rhode Island. I wasn't in Rhode Island. How could Elaine have just driven by Jim's house? This didn't make sense. Then it hit me. This must be a dream. It would be so wonderful it it was a dream. If this was a dream, then it probably meant that Jim wasn't dead. I stood up and took off flying. Yes..this was a dream.

      I was so happy that this was a dream that I started to sing as I flew around the store. I sung about how everything was going to be alright now. I thought I did a great job with the song and even remember that I was making it all rhyme.

      But as I landed I started doubting. I knew that I was dreaming. But I didn't know if this for sure meant that Jim was okay.

      I can't remember all the details of what happened next. I do remember my mom called me and did confirm that there were ambulances in front of Jim's house ealier. I started feeling upset again. If my mom saw the ambulances, it had to be real didn't it?

      I decided that the only was to find out for sure was to drive by Jim's house and see.

      Things get fuzzy again. I remember being in the car with Jeff and we were passing these big sequoia trees. I saw one house that had built its living room around the tree. I thought that would be so cool to have a tree in the house. I don't remember getting to Jim's house. And at this point there was no lucidity left.
    9. LD: Talking to DC about LDing, Kissing DCs

      by , 08-01-2012 at 05:55 AM
      Old LD from 12-26-07

      Lucid dream 2:

      This dream started out at my gandparents' house.

      I remember a part of the dream where there is a really big spider in the bedroom. It's body was blue and looked like it was covered in jewels. But still I didn't like it in the house, so I tried to smack it with my shoe (that was off). It missed and the spider started to run out of the room and down the hallway. I ran after it and stepped on it. I looked at the spot where the spider was and only saw a couple of large legs.

      I then looked down at my shoe, that I was now wearing and saw some large legs wrapping around the bottom of my shoe. The legs were still wiggling, and I was suddenly afraid that the spider wasn't dead and that it would crawl up around my shoe and up onto my bare ankle. So I stepped down hard again, just as my grandma walked out of her room. I told her about the spider. I apologized for the big yellow stain that was on her rug now from the squished and now very dead spider.

      She said it was okay, and that she got very big black widows in her room from time to time that she had to squish.

      I then remember being outside on her lawn. There were lots of neighbors sitting around talking. I overheard a guy talking about these candies that he had that were, "good for dreaming."

      I walked over to him and questioned him. I wanted to know what the candies had in them that made dreams better. I asked him if it was B6. He looked at me like he was surprised that I knew about these kinds of things.

      I then admitted that I was a Lucid Dreamer.

      There was a lady standing nearby, and she asked what was so cool about lucid dreaming. I asked her if she had ever had a lucid dream. She said that she hadn't. So I tried to explain what was so cool about lucid dreaming. I asked her if she had ever seen "The Matrix". She said she hadn't. So I tried to explain, "Well, just imagine that you "wake up" in a world that seems real in every way, and yet it's not. And you have the ability to fly and control things and to just expereince being in a world that's all in your head--yet seems physically real."

      She didn't seem impressed. I told her, "If this were a dream, I could go fly away right now." And with that I took off. I was slightly surprised because throughout that whole conversation I hadn't had a clue that I was dreaming.

      So I flew out over my gandparents' yard and wanted to continue to go straight as the land sloped downward to the rest of the city that was in the valley. But I couldn't stay high. I kept following the contour of the land and was never more than about ten feet above the ground.

      Then as I flew, the dream started to fade and I woke up. I didn't move I focused again and seeing the city in front of me. I started to see the scene. Then I got to the point where I felt I was back into the dream enough that I could start moving again. So I started flying again.

      This thing happened to me at least three times, maybe more. Each time I was able to re enter the dream fully lucid.

      One of the times I remember rubbing my arms when the dream faded and the kept me from losing the dream.

      I started to get tired of this and wanted to interact with DCs. I saw an older man with a newpaper in his hands walking along below me, I swooped down and without giving it much thought, I started to kiss the man. I told myself that I wanted to see if I would feel real. It felt pretty real. I started to fade again. I then was able to keep in the dream, and I started to fly around to find someone else to kiss. But every time I saw a guy, he was with a girl and I didn't really want to deal with that. Sometime I would come up to them and pull them toward to me to look at them. Each time the DCs just stood there and didn't really react. The one DC that did react was when I pulled a person toward me that ended up being a girl. She pushed me away.

      More happened at this point but I can't remember details.

      I do remember waking up and starting to write down this dream 3 times each time finally realizing that I was still dreaming. I was finally able to wake up and take real notes.
    10. LD: DV Member/Flying in Space

      by , 08-01-2012 at 05:43 AM
      Old dream from 12-26-07

      LUCID DREAM 1:

      I was in line waiting for a movie or concert or something that was supposed to be really cool. I was with a girl that reminded me of Cloe from Smallville.

      We finally get to the part where we buy our tickets. I see Burns there. I give Burns my money and she hands me a ticket. I look at the ticket and there is something brown on it. I looke closer and see that it's dried up dog poop. I show it to Burns and she apologizes and gives me another ticket. This ticket also had dog poop on it. I ask her if I could have another one. She is embarrassed and this time gives me a special big ticket. This one is about the size and texture of a mouse pad. It has pictures on it. I realize that this special ticket is kind of like a back stage pass. I'm happy to have it. I thanks Burns and move on.

      The next part is fuzzy. My notes don't help. They just say: " line, gym, hiding, lose ticket". I do remember the "lose ticket" part. I remember looking aound in that huge group of people and not being able to see my lost ticket. I then remember saying to myself," If I could fly I could find my ticket easier.....and if I fly, that will mean I'm dreaming."

      I suddenly took off flying above the heads of all the people. I started looking for the ticket. Then I thought, "If I'm dreaming, the ticket is not important". It took a moment for me to pull myself away from that task of looking for the ticket. But I then decided to fly out the door. I saw a double door that stood open. I swooped over the heads of the people and out the door. I saw Jeff sitting at a desk outside the door. I kept going. I flew over the buildings and tried to gain altitude so I could look down and see the whole city. But as soon as I tired this the dream started to fade.

      I made myself focus. I made everything clear again. i decided that I did most of the tasks I had in mind to do in the last LD. But then I remembered that I needed to go to space again. So I started to fly up. Before I knew it I saw that I was indeed in the darkness of space. I saw stars around me. I made myself go faster so I had the cool effect of the stars all passing me. The I realized that I really really wanted to find a space ship and go board. I start looking around and see lots of object all around me. Some are planets and some are space ships. I find a space ship that is rather close and head toward it. But before I reach it I wake up.
    11. LD: Asking DC questions, Falling Backward, Eating, Changing Seasons

      by , 08-01-2012 at 05:37 AM
      Here is a long one from 12-22-07:

      I was in my church. I remember thinking, if I'm lucid I'll be able to fly. And at that I took off in a float/fly over the heads of the people around me. I flew around for a little while noticing that I was flying swimming style again.

      I then saw Kyle. And the first thing that came to mind was the DC interrogation task that I am kind of doing in private so I'm not going to give details about what I asked. But I suppose I can give the answers because my DC was being uncooporative in answering those specific questions.

      After I asked the questions and Kyle looking at me like I was asking something that was forbidden to ask. He then finally said, "If you are looking for some secret answers, I'll tell you this: It will happen....in Asia....on midnight of December 31."

      I repeated that in my mind because I felt it might be significant.

      I don't remember the transition, but I next remember being outside by a house. I remember wanting to jump off the top of the roof. I ran up (I seem to remember a ramp), then when I got the the peak, I decided to let myself fall off backwards. There seems to be a thrill in that. Since I fly so much, it's nice to find something that is a little different and thrilling.

      As often happens when I fall backward, I feel a falling sensation, yet I don't hit the ground when I think I should, and after a while I just stand up and realize that the ground is right there.

      I remember doing that several times. Then I remember thinking, "I really should be trying to accomplish a task. I remember that I haven't done the Make it Winter" Task of the Month of December.

      I walk into a courtyard. There is green grass and some hibiscus shrubs. Before I even have to put out any effort, it begins to snow. I think, "Wow, that was easy." The I remember that I need to do more than make it snow. i realize that even though it is snowing, it is not cold. The next thing I know I feel an icy cold wind sweep around me and through the leaves of the hibiscus. I think, "Maybe I should make the leaves fall off the hibiscus." But for some reason, i just think, "Naw, they'll fall off on their own in this weather."

      I then go in the house. I see that I am in a kitchen. I remember someone suggested that we make a recipe and try it out as a possible future task of the month. I look around for thing to put together in a recipe. The only food I see in the kitchen is a large bowl filled with cake cut up in squares, grapes, and M&Ms. I think, "That will be my recipe--I'll put a piece of each one in my mouth and see what it tastes like. So I grab a handful and stuff it into my mouth. I realize that the cake doens't have much flavor. I'm disappointed. The grapes takes like sour-ish grapes, but not strong. Then I bit into an M&M, and a burst of chocolate flavor fills my mouth. I grabbed another handful of M&Ms and took them with me as I run back up to the roof, so I can fall backwards off it again before my LD comes to an end.

      As I am climbing to the top of the roof, I am thinking about how real the M&Ms taste, and how weird that is becasue I know that I'm dreaming and that there are no M&Ms, yet the sensation is so completely real, and how my brain must be using an old memory of myself eating M&Ms to make this so real for me again. I actually wonder at this moment what is exactly going on in my brain at this moment.

      Then I reach the roof top and fall off backward again. Instead of floating down for a fairly long period of time. I fall quite quickly and feel a slight thud and my back hits the ground. I think, "At least that didn't hurt".

      I decide I should really try something else if my LD was going to go on this long. So I decided that I wnted to find a DC to ask about my future. I have never had any luck in the past and I decided that I should try again. I walk back in the house and see Daniel standing by the stairs. I decide to ask him something quite specific, so I ask him where I will be in ten years. He looks at me and said, "You'll be living in a tent in the mountains." I am intrigued by his answer and start to question him about it. But before I can get too far, I finally wake up.
    12. LD: Asking DC questions

      by , 08-01-2012 at 05:28 AM
      Old LD from 12-17-07


      I was in a place. In my dream I was thinking of it as a bar. I was hanging out there like I was waiting for someone. I remember at some point it struck me as weird that I was in a bar because I have never actually been to a bar since I don't drink. The place was mostly empty. I remember at one point I was feeling very tired and almost dizzy so i went to a back booth and put my head down and dozed for a while.

      I then woke up and walked around the bar some more. I saw my friend KB. It looked like she owned the place-- which is strange because she doens't drink either. She told me about the new booth that they put up in the back corner by the fireplace. I walked over to it and sat down. It was more like a bench. But the corner was nicely secluded and made me feel comfortable.

      I remember looking up and seeing either a picture or a window. It was a snowy scene. As I watched it I suddenly was outside in that scene. I looked around and saw that I was on a snowy roof top maybe two stories high. I was looking down at a street. The street curved around and went uphill.

      I walked a little on the roof (which was flat) and found that it was icy and slippery. I had only socks on my feet and I began to slide around. I pretended (just like a kid on a slick floor) that I was skating. I went around and around. Then I saw Jeff. I "skated" up to wehre he was.

      Then I remember seeing a van or camper. I could see people inside. One of them looked like my grandpa. I really wanted to see him. (My gandpa has been dead for many years....and none of the unususal things that happened so far had mad me lucid).

      I went into the camper and saw a group of people. The older man I could see was not my grandpa. The place was all decorated for Christmas, with a tree and someone dressed as Santa. When I went in I had walked up to a blond girl.

      At this point I became lucid. I thought, "Okay here I am with a DC. Are there any tasks that I can do that involve asking a DC a question? Yes!"

      Me: "What is the next Lucid Task of the Month?"

      Girl: "Well, your task is to play Hayes IV. You need to find the paper and then you'll get your reward."

      Me: "Hayes IV...? I've never heard of it. I don't think there is such a game."

      Girl, ignoring my response: "You need to play Hayes IV and find the paper."

      Me, laughing a little: "I don't think it's a real game."

      Girl : "The only reason I'm telling you this is because I knew you'd ask."

      I was kind of surprised by that response. "Really...what's your name?"

      Girl: "Kristen."

      At that point I decided to wake up so I could wirte down this conversation.

      I was surprised to see that the night was still very early-- 12:52. I had gone to bed after 11:00, so it was an unusually early time of night for me to LD
    13. LD: Flying, Running on Water

      by , 08-01-2012 at 05:20 AM
      Old LD from 12-15-07

      I just woke up from one of the best, most detailed, intense, longest, flying LDs I have ever had.

      I don't remember what was happening before I became lucid. I do remember that I was in the hallway of my old LA house when it happened. I immediately started to float. I wanted to do dream flips that I like to do that feel really good. BUt the area was cramped and I decided that I needed to get outside.

      I left the hallway and went towards the kitchen. There were several teenage boys in it that I supposedly recognized but that I don't remember now (one might have been JH). I took a flying leap across the kitchen. The guys made noises like "Whoa, that was cool." I crouched for a moment by one of the cabinets, then I flew out the back door.

      I jumped up and flew around my yard for a bit. I remembered my dream from not long ago where I paid extra attention to the wind in my face and the feeling of acceleration on my stomach (the "I left my stomach behind" feeling) etc. I did the same now.

      I also flew up and over my yard. I remember coming to the powerlines and felt myself slow down and stop. I thought, "Crap, that's because I read that thread on DV about powerlines--I shouldn't read those kind of posts".

      I remember flying over to my neighbor's garage and rested on the edge. I remember thinking, "How long would I say this dream has lasted so far...? It's been over ten minutes, I know."

      I then took off towards the ocean which was just a few miles away (in real life from my house). On the way I felt the dream start to fade. I reached out my hands and rubbed my arms and gripped my hands together. As I flew I remember thinking, "This is about as real as I could imagine. Real flying couldn't be more real than this. How lucky I am that I am getting to experience something that most people can only daydream about."

      I got to the ocean. I flew across the shoreline for a while. I saw some people in little boats that they were pulling up on the shore. I felt like showing off a bit, so I started running across the water. I was sure that it looked really cool. So I kept it up for a while until I thought that they were noticing me.

      Then I flew again. I noticed that I was flying breast stroke style. That I was propelling myself along with each stroke. And if I stopped, my forward movement would stop. I never like this style because it is soo slow. So I streched out my arms to fly "superman" style. I kind of floated in that position for a moment, then I slowly started to move forward picking up speed as I went.

      I ended up back in my yard. I remember that I wanted to get past the powerlines. I flew up to them again. I reached out and grabbed one. As I felt the thick cable, I thought, "I probably shouldn't get used to grabbing powerlines like this." And then with extra effort I rose above the powerlines about 10-15 feet I floated there a while looking out over my neighborhood.

      And at that time, my alarm woke me up.
    14. LD: Flying, reading, TOTM

      by , 08-01-2012 at 05:16 AM
      Old dream from 12-2-07 (One of two)

      Lucid dream 1:

      I felt like I was WILDing. But in retrospect I had been asleep and got here from onother dream. This has happened to me before.

      I started seeing a dream scene in from of me. I was aware that I was lying in bed. I felt my physical body there, and knew that the scene was the beginings of a dream. What I was seeing was very fragile. Yet it continued on.

      I saw a blue sky and buildings. I wanted to get into the dream. I made the scene move as if I was flying. At first I wasn't sure if I was able to enter the dream completely, so I let it go on for a short while. Finally I reached out my hands, and could see that I was actually "physically" there in the dream--that I was now flying. I saw that I was wearing my dark blue jacket with the red lining.

      I continued to fly over the buildings. I saw a green hill in the distance. I could see a yellow exclamation point (!) and also an exclamation mark (?). I briefly thought about the fact that they were there because I had played World of Warcraft before bed. In retroscept I wish that I had flown to that spot to see what was there. I think I saw a little cabin under the marks.

      But I continued to fly over the buidlings. I looked down at all the businesses and read their signs. I wondered if I would remember them. idecided to at least get one of them in my mind that I would be determinded not to forget. It was a garage with a tow truck out front. The large oval sign said "Mee". The M was big with curled edges.

      As I flew I remembered that I wanted to notice how real the flying felt. Because sometime I wake up and think, "Well, I know I was flying but it didn't feel as real or thrilling as I wish it had". So I paid close attention to how it felt. At first I didn't feel any wind in my face. I sped up a bit until I felt a noticable breeze. Then I zipped up and over a tree. I felt my stomach do that thing like it does on roller coasters when you suddenly go down hill real fast. I wanted to make sure that I always remembered to create the details like this.

      I then remembered a task that I wanted to do. It is confidential at this point so I can't finish it. But I will say that I saw some people on the ground. They were elderly and were sitting in charis on a porch of what must have been a home for the elderly. They were talking, but I needed to talk to them, so I kindly interrupted.

      And I will have to finish this in January.
    15. LD: My Dream Name

      by , 08-01-2012 at 05:11 AM
      Old LD from 11-??-07

      Lucid Dream:

      I was at my sister's house. We had been talking. She is the sister that has cancer. In the dream she had all her hair unlike in real life. Her twin daughters were there in their pajamas and hugging me.

      Then I remember I was looking in a mirror. I noticed that something weird was going on.

      I called out to my sister, "Come check this out. Notice how when you look at my shirt, it's black. But when you look at it in the mirror, it's white."

      It came as no shock that I was dreaming. It was if I had known all along, but that this was the first time I had really aknowleged it.

      I remembered I wanted to do the Dream Name Task.

      I asked my sister, "What is your dream name?"

      She looked at me and said, "Janene." And then she came closer and as if revealing a huge secret, she added, "And I'm also from San Francisco."

      I took that in. And then I leaned to her and said, "And my dream name is..." And then I didn't know what to say. I thought for a moment and the names Brenda and Catherine came to mind. But they didn't seem that special.

      Then I remembered that I was supposed to ask someone else what my dream name was. So I asked my sister what my dream name was.

      She looked again at me like she was revealing something extrememly confindential, and said, "Your dream name is my old nick name....it's Suzy-Q."

      And at that moment of discovery, I woke up.

      I shared this with my sister, and we had a good laugh--especially at the "I'm from San Francisco" part. And she also thought it was cool that my "dream name" was her old nick name.
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