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    The Oneironaut's Odyssey

    #105 - the coolest thing that's happened for me in a normal dream

    by , 08-15-2015 at 05:03 AM (485 Views)
    Black: non-dream
    Blue: non-lucid
    Red: lucid

    Dream - running (semi aware of dream state)
    I was at my high school on the grass fields hanging out with friends I had during the first couple years. A guy called Steven was there and he was being pretty funny and the atmosphere of the dream was quite nice. Then for some reason we started running, some sort of race. Johnny, a guy who I was originally friends with (his personality turned extremely shallow and he just seemed to bully others towards the end) was running too. He absolutely shot ahead and I was a bit annoyed when I realized how slow I had become (after the dream I thought back to this and considered doing sprint training when I go running IRL).

    The characters in the dream seemed to disappear and the scene changed, either that or I just didn't realize I actually DID wake up and then fall back to sleep, starting a new dream. I was with a beautiful pure bred dog that had amazing white fur, it ran alongside me as we headed towards a river. The river itself was quite shallow and probably 5 metres wide. As I ran across the river things slowed down... I had just been thinking about how I was running so slow earlier, then I thought of whether or not I could make the world go slow motion... Upon thinking this, the world DID slow down and everything became suspended in animation. Droplets of water splashing up as I traversed through the river moved so slowly... I looked at my left arm, it had slowed down to a snails pace. I became slightly aware of everything in this state of stillness, it was strange.

    Things kicked back into motion quickly as the dream decided to progress, on the other side of the river was my friend Matt, he had a little mutt for a dog that was as big as a chiwawa. He said that he didn't want me on this side of the river because my dog was pure and it'd be bad for it if it had impure offspring, but he said it in such a way that sounded like he was being so sincere and looking out for me out of the kindness of his heart. True bro

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