#137 - After first day of ADA (All Day Awareness), and #1 + #2
, 10-23-2015 at 08:53 PM (487 Views)
Dream fragment
I remember some dream about being in my bed, I had woken up and was just pretty pent up from not 'doing the deed' because of the Brainbuddy app. Some stuff happened and I was annoyed because I convinced myself to do it despite knowing I didn't want to. I had watched Rick and Morty season 2 about a week ago which I think had some influence. When Little Rick is around and is like "a teenagers worst enemy is his own mind" or something along those lines - felt like I was under a similar influence.
Yesterday was my first day doing ADA (and some more meditation), I felt like at the end of the day I had some intense mental fatigue. My head ached slightly whenever I brought my attention to focus on the things I was doing instead of slipping into autopilot. I slept pretty well, it didn't take too long to fall asleep (an hour I think, which is really good for me). I think it was a combined effect of the mental fatigue from ADA and physical fatigue from running... But during the night I just had absolutely horrendous dream recall. My mind was just too exhausted to have the mental capacity needed to recalling a dream.
I decided I'd like to write up a dream from my book when I first started, before I transitioned to posting online.
Dream Journal Book
#1 - Rugby
Throwing around a rugby ball, I think with someone else? - the first dream I ever recordedI've come a long way lol
#2 - First death in a dream / Shapeshifting weretigers
Dream 1 - First death in a dream
I was some kind of official who had acquired some information, and I had some friends who decide to protect me by confessing to my crime for me and taking the blame. They then weren't in the room (I had left before) that I returned to because I had a bucket that had my shoes in it or something... O_O? I left again and went up a flight of metal spiralling stairs. I waited there thinking for a bit and then a high ranking official in a military uniform (kind of reminds me of a Gestapo) walks in and shoots me right in the heart. I can feel the blood warming my chest.. I'm lying on the ground still. The man walks away. I reach around and touch the wound and I'm overwhelmed with disbelief. Some part of me seems to think that everything will be okay though.
Dream 2 - Shapeshifting were-tigers
Shapeshifting were-tigers take over the town in part of a conspiracy. It's a place to use these funny flying things to take over the world (I drew a picture here, it looks like a cross between a manatee and a puffer-fish that is 15 inches long with brown skin and spots on it. It looks really weird). Third-person style dream, it follows a kid who is a were-tiger that is shocked to see so many were-tigers killing the human townsfolk mercilessly. Then the view shifts to a bunch of campers in these large double-decker bus-sized vans, some of which have colour patched up blankets all over them. The main camper-van leader sees what's happening and tells his friends to run and his wife to start the van so she can take the kids and escape.. He plans to be a voluntary scapegoat. Were-tigers approach in a gang-like style, and by this point it has become first person with me as the camper dude standing his ground. I punch the biggest were-tiger straight in the nose and start brawling to divert attention so my family can escape. The boss were-tiger makes a comment to his friend like "Haha you got socked in the face!", to which I add "Yeah he's the biggest so I figured I'd start with him". I seem to realise that I won't live if I continue fighting (since I'm outnumbered and well.. They're were-tigers O_O). I decide to cool it down and hang with them, biding my time. They're apparently cool with this and maybe I earned their respect?