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    The Oneironaut's Odyssey

    #71 - Pretty damn sexual...

    by , 03-02-2015 at 08:16 PM (526 Views)
    Black: Non-dream
    Blue: Non-lucid
    Red: Lucid

    So I absolutely refuse to right this up in detail here, instead I've just put it into my dream journal book. I'll right up subnotes here instead

    -Bath (from my home)
    -2 girls (a blonde and Lisa Ann)
    -sexy time
    -Conversed quite a lot with them
    -Lisa had to leave for a few days at the end

    Note: Only recalled this 1 dream, probably related to having such a bad sleep the night before. Also did a WBTB and looked at my hands for 5 minutes, then did a SSILD before going to sleep... Was extremely hard to focus on the SSILD yet again, and there was no success in lucidity (although the dream above was vivid and felt like I was there and I remember the details quite well).

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    Tags: bath, home, lisa ann, sex
    non-lucid , side notes
