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    Big Success, but stuck.

    by , 04-10-2017 at 04:36 PM (244 Views)
    This is a guide for myself,

    I don't have a name for it, but I did the technique where I do a WBTB, meditate, and go to sleep while watching my thoughts. I simply attempt to quiet my mind and meditate. Of course every time you try to do so, thoughts appear in the mind. Instead of fighting the thoughts, you focus in on them and watch them quietly. Let them unfold and do their thing. The goal is if you are tuned in enough, you will see FAINT IMAGES in your minds eye. The "mind's eye" is the same faculty used to conceive objects without them being in front of you. No need to conjure them, judge them, or control them. Just stay detached and watch these images unfold in your mind's eye. The caveat here is that you CAN NOT get sucked into the thoughts. The goal here is to watch the thoughts similar to how one would quietly watch a movie. Yes, the movie is immersive, but at no point in time does the viewer get sucked into the screen and lose awareness. The viewer is somewhat still aware of his or her surroundings in the theater.

    The cool thing about this technique is that your mind and body will do the WILD for you; you just have to get out of your own way. Your body already is tired and knows how to fall asleep, let it. I don't even have to lie completely still. The process is natural and relaxed. The hard part really is having enough discipline to watch my thoughts without getting distracted or impatient. It's just a matter of time, really.

    End Guide.

    Anyway, the FIRST lucid dream had me stuck inside of this dark room. And I mean stuck. I could not move. Was it the sleep paralysis crossing over into the dream world? There was a closed door ahead of me. I used every technique I knew to get out of the room but every time I tried to move there was AN IMMENSE pressure on my head. Like my neck was straining as if someone pressing down hard on it. There were small points in time where I could move freely but in the end....two powerful arms grabbed me and threw me. To be honest, I probably conjured that because I deemed the lucid dream a failed attempt and wanted to start over again.

    So I'm awake. I repeat the WILD induction and THIS TIME, it feels more like an OBE. I can feel like a second body loosening from my bed as I gently get up. When I can feel myself standing in the dream world I know I am lucid. This is how it always starts, tactile sensations of me standing up then the visuals once I feel my way out my bed room. I make it outside my house and do a twirl into the night because I know that I should have TWO HOURS OF UNINTERRUPTED LUCID DREAMING RIGHT???


    I spend the first minute or so walking around looking for Naomi, my designated dream guide. For some reason she is nowhere to be found in the usual spot I expect her to be. So I figure/expect she must be at the park 2 minutes away from where I am standing. I start walking in that direction...that's all I remember.

    So two lucid dreams. But short.

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