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    Inner World حلم Gamma Waves

    1. Dream DILD

      by , 11-21-2018 at 03:07 PM (Inner World حلم Gamma Waves)
      Was talking to a woman telling me that if I bought a stuff animal I would become possessed by it. I then become lucid and tell her I won't and she tells me a lot of bad things will happen to me then. I started telling her look at all the things I can do right now. I levitated a few objects and showed her that everything around us can be manipulated. She seemed to have froze in shock. The dream scenario changes to my room and I lose lucidity
    2. Library Dolls DILD

      by , 09-09-2018 at 03:03 PM (Inner World حلم Gamma Waves)
      Was crawling inside a cave that was too small but I was fortunately enough to fit through it. As I got to the end of it I made it in to a library. The library was wide and had numerous people reading and talking quietly to each other. I became lucid when I left the cave to the library. I roam around and notice a group seeming to have a interesting conversation.

      There was 3 people at the table one girl in a grey hoodie, one guy with a red t-shirt and I was not able to see the other person clearly. The two I could see were talking and I decided to interrupt them to ask questions. I eventually went to the back and notice I was holding a doll in my hands. A teacher came and told me that doll is too old now and that I should leave it on the ground.

      I eventually lose lucidity at this point.
      Tags: cave, doll, library, stdc
    3. Talking to my Brother

      by , 09-05-2018 at 08:21 PM (Inner World حلم Gamma Waves)
      I appear to be coming outside from school and I became lucid. I look around it was bright sunny out and decided to explore. For some reason I felt like this was my old middle school and I roam around climbing on top of the building and being on the roof. I had a desire to find my brother in this dream so I begin to look for him. I then notice while on the roof that he was on the far right building across from me.

      I jump from the roof with the attempt to fly to him. But it didn't happen, instead I landed on the ground hard but I wasn't hurt. I then see my brother on ground and we begin walking while talking. We started to walk to this big house that look fairly expensive. I saw his friends come from inside it and walk passed us. I waved my hand at them as my brother and I enter the place.

      We walk all around the area talking about all sorts of stuff like tv shows we use to watch and how some of his roommates rooms were a messed or what they didn't like to do in the morning. We then soon made it to the balcony and I could tell my time was running low. I turn around and look at him and said I have a question for you. I slide open the door so we could stand outside as it was night now. I look at him and said are you my brother from the future, the person I met when I was 14.

      He tells me no and we both talk about his life while laughing about some of the stuff he has done. I wake up shortly after.
    4. Happy Birthday DILD

      by , 08-28-2018 at 07:03 PM (Inner World حلم Gamma Waves)
      I appear to be in a house and my brother shows up. He says he would like to see the new s9+ phone I got a few days ago. I show him and he and I began talking about it and it's features. Eventually I notice my brother get tired and started laying on the floor which is something he does often. I notice from the window that it was dim sunny outside. I become lucid once I started walking to the front door.

      I open it and took a nice breath of fresh air. And began walking more while observing my environment. I notice the house was by itself with in a huge land of short trim grass and a few trails. I notice a playground connected to the left end of the house with a wire fence. I continue walking, looking up to the sky wondering about stuff. Then I decided I wanted to see my cousin as I could sense she was around and knew today was her birthday. I retrace my path back to the house and continue going a little bit to the opposite direction.

      I then notice her with a group of other older people. She was sitting down seeming to be talking. I greet her and ask her how is she doing and that it's good to see you. We greeted each other and I lose my lucidity after the dream change to something else.
    5. Restroom Play DILD

      by , 07-24-2018 at 06:42 PM (Inner World حلم Gamma Waves)
      Found myself back at my first job. I look around and notice a few changes here and there. As I run pass the hallway I look to my right which I expected to see an elevator but to my surprise it was no longer there. I then could see a new change of something more futuristic. I go in to the tight small corner that led me to the new break room or what they called the beehive.

      I went through many of the halls not remembering how big it was compared to the last time I been there. I finally got to the end as I realize I was looking for the men rest room. Once I made it I notice these group of people ding some kind of play. I sit back and watch them. Eventually the lights go out and could feel someone breathing against me.
      Then I felt something hit me, after that the lights came on and I became lucid. I was not too happy so I toss him to the ground and tore up some of there stuff for the play.

      I could feel my lucidity slipping and I prepare to focus on the ground getting ready to deild. But then suddenly my lucidity return back to being stable. I continue as this big guy came along trying to stop me. I eventually get bored of this and left the restroom and went back out to the break room. I told the guy I am leaving and to have no hard feelings. I went back in to the tight spots and corners and left my old futuristic first job. I then wake up
    6. Finding my way DILD

      by , 07-07-2018 at 03:35 PM (Inner World حلم Gamma Waves)
      I found myself in my old house in father room where my mom and dad were talking. I get up and open the door and close it back once the thought occured that I must be dreaming. I turn around to look at my father as still everything felt real but I knew this was apart of the vivid dream. I open the front door in to the living and approach the back door, the door I use many times to leave the house to begin my lucid dream.

      I could see the lock was already unlock which would be odd but this only confirmed to that I was in a dream. I open it and walk out to see that it was maybe night but it was really breath taking. When I look to the dark sky there was 3 suns in the sky in different angles that gave it this solar eclipse look. I walk outside on the grass and immediately saw two men in trench coats walking about to confront each other.

      I decided to turn the other way in till my lucidity started to fade and for some reason I got the feeling it would return if I continue the original path I was on. I continue walking that direction in till I step in something that made me realize I was in quick sand. Out of no where not able to tell from their appearance as it was also shrouded in a cowboy hat and trench coat. Said hey Anfernee, I look up and said hello to the person on a horse that was able to float. Then I notice the building they were standing on.

      Wasn't able to tell by their voice either if it was a man or a woman. The person ask me if I needed help. I said yes and soon they had this wrench that was quite long brought down to me. I had my hand out and I could tell this person was seriously trying to help me from the quick sand. It was interesting to me to see a dream character care so much about helping me. I was able to get out of it and thank the shrouded person. I then ask how did they know my name.

      The person said I don't know this stuff is weird. Lol I understand the feeling. Another person with a cowboy hat appeared to me and I could now see the people faces. It look like I was in a western old style town. Everyone was dress in a old style way. I thought it was cool and I was told by this person to go to the customer serve to identify myself. I did so and notice people taking phone calls and filling out sheets.

      I approach one woman talking on the phone but notice she was busy. I decided to walk around to find more available area's in till I false awaken.
    7. One ton DILD

      by , 06-24-2018 at 05:34 PM (Inner World حلم Gamma Waves)
      I find myself with a group others having an argument with guy who believes we were talking about him. I eventually walk away from them and back in to the house. I could hear through my window that they were still yelling at one another. Then all of a sudden the outside became really dark and there was some kind of gold shine coming from where they were all standing.

      I could feel a dangerous vibe in the atmosphere and knew I should probably try to go sleep somewhere. That's when I went sitting down around the bottom of my bed and could hear helicopters and gun shots happening around the house. I then got up and could see the house has been broken in to which made no sense to me as so little time has passed. But once I look up from my window and could see from another house a man on the roof holding a sniper aim at me, I knew I was in danger.

      I took cover in to the bathroom, I tried to get the door to close but it was not budging quick enough and I knew the sniper had direct aim at this particular area. So I ready myself at the bathtub for who ever dares comes this way. That's when I saw someone walk through. I prepared myself and notice it was a woman with no weapons and she seemed lost. This made no sense to me at all.

      I became lucid because of this, all the terror noise stop as the woman eventually melted in to a pool of water. I then found myself in some kind of store with a lot of people walking around. A girl then comes to me and says I look cool and wanted to take a picture. I accept and later walk around in till I woke up.
    8. Where dreams are born DILD

      by , 05-22-2018 at 07:31 PM (Inner World حلم Gamma Waves)
      I was in walmart and had a recent altercation with another customer there. As I am about to walk out of the store a employee stop me and said I needed to come inside for a talk. I thought to myself, maybe I should just leave and not waste my time. But instead upon seeing I had no car park outside in the middle of the night. I thought it was best to give time to the situation.

      He leads me to the room to where I can see the customer that I assaulted. He ask me questions with the idea that he thought I'd be going for the path of lies. But instead I disrupt his speech and explained the truth. He understands and we begin to speak about other things that I possess no memory of now. After the confrontation, I leave the store and now return outside. I still have no car in my environment and the desire to move became stronger.

      The dream scene went in to a state of constant change, to where there would be a one way road among a large field, then a one way road to a rocky mountain, many new things continue to change in till I could no longer drive to the end of the road and the scene would change to another. It was in till the dream scene had change to a place I was familiar with. It was an island named Dominica. I got off the vehicle that I could not see which had the power to change environments.

      Once I got off and took my bags I felt lucidity hit me. I was aware and amaze with the environment and how it look. I went towards the pink house that seemed to float perfectly balance on the ocean of no where. I could see the island not far from where I was. I then see another me hanged up on top of the roof. When I look closer it was like a toy version of me. The toy me was shirtless and attach to the roof. I examined it further and then woke up.
    9. Walmart stuff DILD

      by , 05-04-2018 at 04:46 PM (Inner World حلم Gamma Waves)
      While lying in my bed feeling tired I doze off for a few and find myself in walmart. My father and I are at the cash register and are going through the scanning part. As my father is about to complete his purchase he tells me to go get my stuff that I was going to purchase. I am confused because I do not recall ever going through the store to buy anything. I told my father where?

      He points to where there is a pile of things that I would never have gotten. I am confused as I have no memory of getting those things and putting it there. I then question that I must be dreaming and realize not to long ago I was lying in my bed. Upon this I return to being awake.
      Tags: father, walmart
      lucid , non-lucid
    10. The Past is No More

      by , 05-02-2018 at 01:40 PM (Inner World حلم Gamma Waves)
      It is grey with much cloudy weather, I go outside and begin to run to no where. I then see a bear with a yellow shirt and yellow shoes. I then decide to run the opposite direction of it as I knew it would try to eat me. I became lucid at this point and look back to notice it has a ridiculous run about it. I don't understand how a bear could run like that but I made it in to this van and took cover for a few moments.

      Before making my way to the old house I use to live in. I closed the door and recalled that in previous dreams like this, the door would never close all the way even when I would shut it. I look back and could see the door was still open. I slammed it in and gave a huge relief. I then woke myself.
      Tags: bear, running
    11. Little to none DILD

      by , 04-19-2018 at 03:09 PM (Inner World حلم Gamma Waves)
      A dream ends and I am lying in my bed looking towards the ceiling, it is night with no lights. My eyes feel heavy and tired and I feel like I have little energy to get up. I am already lucid despite the fact that my room looks completely intact. I decided should I just stay in this bed and wake up eventually. Or should I get up and see what I could find. I eventually decide to get up because of curiosity. As I am up from the bed I notice a few things wrong that confirm my lucidity.

      My body feels deformed in some way as if I have a broken arm or one of my legs can not move so well. As I am walking in a sluggish manner I try to phase through my front door since opening the knob would be too difficult of a task. I am unsuccessful. I walk my way to the window and tried to phase through it but it smacks me like a solid rock. I look around and figure I should just go back to my bed.

      That's when my body started moving on it's own. I tried to resist the the uncontrollable movements my body was doing this but it's like it had a mind of it's own. That's when something made me lift up and thrown towards one of the walls in my room. I could feel a lot of pain as my body began to merge with the wall. My bones felt like they were being ripped out of my skin once in contact with the concrete of my room.

      I don't know if I had fully merge with the wall as I had woken up from the experience.
    12. Imani 4 DILDS

      by , 04-18-2018 at 08:27 AM (Inner World حلم Gamma Waves)
      A dream scene ends of me and my father waiting in a room with a group of people. The new scene appears and it is me at a store, appears to be a clothing store. I look through a few in the section I am in. I notice a book that seems to be a part of the bible. I read some of it verse and brought it back to where I had originally pick it up. I then notice I was around a lot of baby clothes for children.

      I look around the corner where I heard a group of people talking. When I saw them I notice one person that means something to me. It was my cousin. She appeared different, as if she had gain a lot more weight recently. When I observe further as I notice her picking up baby clothes, it became apparent that she is pregnant. I continue browsing in till my path cross with her.

      I simply smiled and waved while walking away. I then decided to look for clothes that I could wear since I needed some new ones. That is when the dream scene change again in to my room. I had assume I was awake as it identical in every way, it was night with no lights on. But something was feeling off to me, I decided to ignore it. As I sat up from my bed something happened to me that I don't know how to explain. I felt like I lost control of my surroundings. I was standing up at the front door of my room.

      That's when I heard screams , it felt piercing and loud. It was a girl voice screaming in pain. I started looking around my room asking what's going on. That's when I started pacing my room to see if there was a way I could find her. For some reason information was toss in to my head against my will, that told me this girl I am hearing is my daughter. Even though I do not have children.

      There was such a desperate urge to help this person, that I started screaming when I kept hearing her. That's when I finally woke up, I was slightly breathing hard and clutch my covers. I was wondering why my dreams were a bit tense lately. Then some DC mentally answered my own question by saying some dreams are bad/ I ask mentally in my head is there a way where I can always have good dreams? He said unfortunately dreams are always good and bad depending on the individual.

      I was going to ask why in till I became lucid on sensing something was wrong. A voice began mentally speaking to me saying , so you have now seen apart of my inner world. Now you see how scary it can be when you will now have to suffer and I will be coming back. Once I heard this I told her no don't bother me anymore. No do not do this. The dream scene change again to me waking up in my bed. It was another false awakening. I got up out of my bed as I was finish sleeping. As I stood up on the floor that's when the feeling hit me again.

      I became lucid and was beginning to see another person in 3rd person and yet I could still see through my own self as if I was in 1st person. I notice someone running aimlessly in grey. Then I completely was back in 1st person with this intense fear around me. The shocking screams began again and I couldn't help but panic to try to find this girl that was in so much suffering. I kept looking around in my room and started saying this can't be happening to me. That's when my window turned in to a grey realm. I ran in there as I continue to follow the loud screams.

      However the grey realm only led me back to my room to where I couldn't see anything. I began to scream as I hear the screams of the girl and my own echoing endlessly. It made my head go numb after hearing that after constantly screaming I open my front door and bang on my father door. His door was lock which is not normal for him as he usually leaves it unlock. I began yelling him to open up the door and that I was being attack by someone. I could hear his television set come on as the door opened.

      I told him I needed his help and I was beginning to talk to him about what was going on. I wake up. This time I think I am really awake and the first thing I do is open my door to get to my father and to explain to him what is happening. I began knocking on his door again as it opened. His TV once again came on and he was not in a good mood. I told him something is wrong and that I was being attacked by some person. He doesn't care and tells me to leave me alone and ask me do you know how early it is.

      I look at the time and see that it is 2:02 AM . I told him he still has plenty of time to rest. He gets angry and tells me he is done helping me. That's when I found myself waking in my bed again. No I said, I was already lucid and yelled why are you doing this to me? That's when something on my bed sprang around like a spider. A woman out of no where appeared sitting in front of me on my bed with red hair. A voice told me in unintelligible words that it was angry with me. I knew it was anger because of how intense the sensation was around me. I began saying I am sorry for what I have done.

      It began showing me images and a vision that I would understand. I knew what the issue was now and said I was sorry. But it didn't matter I could tell nothing I was saying was getting through to her. Whatever this thing was. That's when I woke up again from my bed. I was already lucid and the same terrifying scenario happened again and again. I couldn't stop screaming and I remember falling to the floor which somehow made me continue falling endlessly further down. My head felt so much confusion that I didn't know what to do or think anymore.

      I didn't know when I had waken up or if I was awake all this time. My eyes were just staring at the ceiling. It was like I had been in a trance. I place my hand on my head, my head felt empty as if nothing was in it. I sat up to check the time and could see it is 2:02 AM. I am sorry.
    13. Thank you 1 DILD 1 DEILD

      by , 04-11-2018 at 06:30 PM (Inner World حلم Gamma Waves)
      I am with my brother and we seem to have broken in to a very expensive house. We could see body guards left and right as the lights were off with only security lights flashing in a few directions. It would seem they already knew something was wrong as they were looking around around in a suspicious manner. My brother took one direction as I lunge in to a near by lake stream with in the building.

      I began swimming and was stunned that inside the water I had no issue breathing in it. I eventually get to a gate that was closed and open it. I swim further and found myself in a room. I decided to sleep there for a bit and wake up to see the sun rise. I get up and was surprise that I still have not been caught by anyone. I go to the closet to see what luxury clothes were available for me.

      I am checking things out I hear someone knock on my door. It was a see through front door with numerous artistic line designs. I see my brother there and decide to open the door to talk to him. Somehow he had manage to convince everyone that we were apart of the group. I look at him wondering what did he wanted. He told me that all of this is boring. I had finally met him again.

      He saw no point in anything that was happening around us. He already knew I was lucid and ask me why waste my time here? I told him I had no reason to talk about this. I pick up a small wrap tortilla and ate it. I told him I just want to feel at peace. He then tells me that the real world is better than this and that there are greater things out there. Walking around the complex I tell him I am simply not interested in talking about this and to go bother someone else.

      I then walk out the huge front doors to see what I could find. He states something that sounded like an disappointment and use dream control to run really fast. He was gone. I did wish to talk to him but in all honesty not right now. I still need time. I decided to roam around a bit longer seeing a gathering of people clapping towards a presentation. After awhile I randomly talk to a few people before I could feel my awareness preparing to wake itself up.

      I use DEILD to continue my lucidity in the next scene. However despite becoming aware again, my consciousness was reacting badly. I could feel so much ringing and this loud beating sound in my head. I could see the where I now was in the new landscape but my awareness was too unstable. So I decided it was best to wake up.
    14. Regret 1 DILD 1 DEILD

      by , 04-10-2018 at 07:56 PM (Inner World حلم Gamma Waves)
      I am place under hand cuffs by my manager at Dominoe's , he and other co-workers guided me to this location where a lot of people were playing basketball and surprise me with it. Then let the hand cuffs off me and my manager told me I was on team sprite, the soda drink. I went out there and as I am running I remember I was suppose to tell my manager that I am quitting today. I bump in to him but he seems to be completely indulge in to the game.

      He points to a direction that he wants me to go and so I dash there and manage to get to the ball. The basketball feels a lot heavier than a regular one should feel. That's when I observed it closely and notice it is actually a bowling ball. I began trying to roll up mu sleeves to gain a better grip but was having trouble doing so. I could swear the shirt I am wearing is alive as it would roll itself down immediately. I then had a false awakening.

      I appear to wake up lying in my bed. My laptop was in front of me and had been running the game league of legends. It was in searching queue but as I continue to observe it I notice something was wrong. However it didn't matter if I observe or not I was lucid the second I awoke from the fall awakening. I just started thinking to myself, should I lay here and play league of legends or should I go outside and observe my inner world.

      I decided to observe my inner world as I knew it was something that needed to be done. I want to find peace, I walk out my room and in to the living room. It was a reddish color and dark rather than a yellow lighting. I then approach the front door which was now a huge wide white metal door. I open it and walk down the apartment complex stairs. I could feel my feet touching the water from the rain outside.

      I made it completely down and notice that the sky was heavily gray and the rain was pouring down profusely. I tried walking in it but the rain was hitting me so much that I had trouble walking through it. I then remember a lucid dream back in 2014 where i raise my hand and made all the rain stop in mid air. That was my favorite moment in all my lucid dreams. So I decided to try it again and raise my hand. I began to focus and all of sudden as I thought it was working as the rain began to slow down with in a few seconds.

      But I was wrong, instead the rain became intensively violent. I could hear the sky making a roaring sound that hurt my ears. I knew what I was doing was making things worse so I stop focusing. The sky and rain began to go back to the normal rapid pace it was at in the beginning. I walk through it as best I could in till I saw rough waves flowing my direction from a mountain. It hurled me to the floor as I regain my footing. I look around and realize there was a mini tsunami coming down another mountain so I decided to move out the way. A few other large waves came knocking me down.

      So I decided to climb up a few rocks to gain some form of shelter. I notice there was no one around at all. The outside had nothing but a clear road with some broken down houses and just a lot of flooding and rain. My hear began to beat loud and could now hear my waking life body breathing. I knew I would be awake soon. I close my eyes and performed a DEILD. As I was starting out a false awakening and could see my dream bed. I blink my eyes too many times and woke up.

      Updated 04-10-2018 at 09:30 PM by 67903

    15. Running DILD

      by , 03-28-2018 at 05:18 PM (Inner World حلم Gamma Waves)
      After awhile the dream scene changes to a street. This guy is having a fight with another man and eventually throws him to the ground and the man thrown to the ground is now laying there unconscious. The man who threw him and I begin to run in the dark as the street lights went out. He and I continue to run as I begin to take up speed while laughing about how the wind feels against me.

      That's when it occur to me that I can run faster that what I could in waking life and this triggers my lucidity. I begin running faster in till I was running in while in mid air. I then fly off telling the guy goodbye. The dream scene changes to a house where it would appear other family members like my father, aunties and cousin were residing. I get up from bed and lose my lucidity. Then a weird fluffy small animal came to me from the backyard.
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