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    My Official Journey Into Lucid Dreaming

    This my official journal. I intend to write it in every day. I can't write on paper fast enough, but I will do that at night so that I can get the best recall, and then transcribe it here. If this site goes offline, so does my journal!

    1. Hotel Stay

      by , 08-04-2010 at 04:23 AM (My Official Journey Into Lucid Dreaming)
      Stayed at a hotel last night. Had two false awakenings. It was bizarre..these both happened in the morning. I had several dreams, but don't remember them.

      The phone rings. (FA) I reach over and pick up the phone. It's my boss. We start talking about something important, but I can't hear him. The maid is coming in to clean the room. I'm trying to tell her to come back later, and all the while my boss is talking to me. I grow angy and upset that I can't get the maid to leave...fall back to sleep

      FA, I get up and start to get dressed...fall back to sleep

      Fell asleep: 2:30am
      WBTB: Several times.

      non-lucid , false awakening
    2. Isochronic Tones WILD with trigger MP3 (20 minutes)

      by , 08-01-2010 at 10:38 PM (My Official Journey Into Lucid Dreaming)
      Thanks to everyone that tried Sleep in 30 minutes. I have designed another Isochronic tones sequence specifically for use with WILD. This track is 20 minutes long, and takes you down to 6 Hz pretty quick. It stays there for a long time so that you can relax and get comfortable. At 19:11 into the track, a trigger goes off. This is to pull you back from going totally to sleep, and hopefully will induce your LD. You should downlod two files. One is the actual file. This is what you listen to. The other is the trigger file, which is the sound you will hear at 19:11.

      Follow these instructions:

      Download these files:

      1. WBTB WILD with trigger.mp3
      2. WBTB WILD trigger sound.mp3

      Prior to going to bed, listen to the trigger sound, and say to yourself, "When I hear this sound, I will do a Reality Check". Do this as much as you can to prep yourself. The more you do this, the more effective this technique will be.

      1. After a WBTB, put on the headphones or earbuds (it might work with just loudspeakers because they are Isochronic, not Binaural).
      2. Concentrate on the whooshing sound, and clear your mind. Let your thoughts take you where they may.
      3. At 19:11, you will hopefully be in the Transition Phase. You will hear wind chimes. This is your trigger.
      4. Do a RC immediately. If you fail, try again from step one.

      Good Luck!
    3. Of course I'm awake, how silly

      by , 08-01-2010 at 05:15 PM (My Official Journey Into Lucid Dreaming)
      Went to bed very late, and very tired. Did a lot of RCs during the day...

      I'm dreaming, but not lucid. I think to myself, this isn't a dream, of course, but I'll do an RC anyway. Of course I'll find that it's not a dream. I look at my hands. Whoops! This doesn't look right! I must be dreaming!

      Can't remember anything after that....bummer. Not sure if I'm going to count this as an LD.

      2400 mg of Omega03&6 Fish Oil (BB)
      1000 mg Vitamin B6 (BB)
      Checked hands (DD)
      Played on DV forum (DD)
      Alarm at 90 minute intervals
      Fell asleep: 2:30am
      WBTB: Several times.

      JBB=Just before bed after 9pm
      AB= At bedtime 11:30pm
      BB=Before Bedtime after 5pm
      DD=During the day between wake and 5pm

      Updated 08-01-2010 at 05:18 PM by 34275

      dream fragment
    4. New Isochronic Tones: No Recall at all - but a VERY interesting side effect!

      by , 07-29-2010 at 03:09 PM (My Official Journey Into Lucid Dreaming)
      I used my normal routine last night, really hoping to become Lucid. Alas, no luck.

      However, I stumbled across something. I created a 30 minute Isochronic beat track mixed with Pink noise. I started at waking frequency, and descended slowly to NREM frequency with a long stop at the REM frequency. The pink noise in the backround caused a beating sound similar to that of a helicopter, but softer. The purpose of this track was to put me to sleep in 30 minutes. But something amazing happened....

      As I was listening, I found these "whooshing" sounds to be fascinating. I concentrated on them.

      What I found was that I almost succeeded in WILDing!

      As the frequency descended, I found myself in that state where you are on the brink of sleep, and your subconscious mind starts strange threads that make it up to your conscious mind. I think this is called "Transition". They seem strange, which caused me to recognize that I was beginning to dream. I could not fixate on that and turn it into a WILD, but I'm new at this, and feel that in the future, I certainly could.

      I can't wait to try it again tonight! If anyone is interested, let me know, and I will post it. I would be curious to see if anyone gets the same results.
      Tags: eild, isochronic, wild
      side notes
    5. First WILD attempt - Chained Dream (non-Lucid)

      by , 07-28-2010 at 03:48 PM (My Official Journey Into Lucid Dreaming)
      I tried to WILD yesterday after work using a nap. I was already tired, so it seemed like a good idea.

      I had dinner, took my normal medicine, and then settled down for a nap at around 7pm. My intention was to try this for about 2 hours. The plan was to listen to some Isochronic tones to help me fall asleep (30 minutes), and then have some Binaurals take over in the 7 hz range, and finally a dream trigger to bring me to lucidity. The goal was to actually never fall asleep, but concentrate and move directly into the dream state after 30 minutes.

      I did fall asleep, but that was it, I stayed asleep. Even when I knew I should wake up, I decided to go back to bed.

      In doing so, I had a series of chained (sort of) dreams. I got up several times during the night (I think the dream trigger was still active, going off every 90 minutes).

      Fall asleep, I am at a college. it is a party atmoshpere. Lots of night lighting (all white), but still clearly night. The whole campus is having one big party. I wander around, running into some friends occasionally, and saying hi. I am with friends, but they change who they are throughout the dream, and I'm never really sure. I just know I am with friends.

      At some point, the party gets out of hand. People start to get violent. Things are being broken, and people are turning against one another. I run into a cousin. She is very sexy. I wish to have sex with her. She has the same desire. We move to a back room, but are interrupted. It's her boyfriend/husband. I am very bummed out. This guy was a geek in high school! (I'm in college, why is this guy there). He doesn't seem to care what she was going to do. Wake up, bathroom.

      Fall asleep, I am back in the same arena, but things have gotten much worse. My wallet, car, cell phone have been stolen. People are walking around with guns, shooting at other people. I am afraid. What am I going to do? How do I get back home? The school is deep in the woods. Someplace I have been before that is far away, and hard to get to. My father suddenly appears. He is drunk and mad (he's never either). He yells at me for something. Not sure what. I run away. Wakeup.

      Fall asleep, I am back again. This time I am running with my friends from place to place trying to find my wallet. I run into several black girls. They want to entice me into sex. I follow one of them. It is a trick! They are trying to trap me and keep me locked up! I sneak out by pretending I am not interested in sex. Suddenly my cousin appears. She is ready to go. She presents, and I am gleeful. Again, her boyfriend shows up, but he just wants to watch. I don't know if we started or not, but suddenly I notice she has a long tiger like tail. Hey, that's weird! Then I realize she is a demon of some sort. I run away. At some point, I see her with her boyfriend/husband. He is entrapped by her and her tail, and cannot escape. We feel sorry for him. Wake up.

      Fall asleep, Now I am running with more fervor. Something catastrophic has happened. It is global. I don't know what it is. Suddenly flood water appears. We panic. We've got to get out! We see others who don't seem to care. To heck with them! I find a phone and call 911. I somehow get some sort of global command center. I ask what is going on. They say in a very depressed tone that it is happening all over the world. They do not know when they can get to me to help. I hang up in a panic.

      I grab a bag of drugs which has been confiscated (don't know why) and run. They chase, but only a little. We get into a Hummer type vehicle just as the flood water picks us up with every other vehicle. We watch ourselves and the other cars move at the will of the flood water, which is moving very fast. We hold on as the ride gets wilder. A turn is ahead. The car in front of gets around it. We get around it, but others are flipped over. (This sounds A LOT like "The Day After Tomorrow").

      We finally reach dry land, and I start walking home. I am alone. It is dusk. I will have to walk the equivalent of 180 miles to get home. No one is on the road. I wonder how I am going to get there with just my clothes and no money, cell phone, or wallet. Wake up.

      This was a very interesting dream. Lots of danger and sexual desire.

      2400 mg of Omega03&6 Fish Oil (JBB)
      1000 mg Vitamin B6 (JBB)
      Two McDoubles and a Sprite Zero(BB)
      Checked hands during the day (DD)
      Played on DV forum (DD,BB)
      Inner Awerness for 30 minutes (Isochronic descending)
      Binaural at 7hz Beat, descending Base from 200 hz to 95 hz over 30 minutes
      Alarm at 90 minutes
      Fell asleep: 7:30pm
      WBTB: Several times.

      JBB=Just before bed after 9pm
      AB= At bedtime 11:30pm
      BB=Before Bedtime after 5pm
      DD=During the day between wake and 5pm

      Updated 08-12-2010 at 06:04 AM by 34275 (Error correction FA=False Awakening, not Fall Asleep..lol)

      non-lucid , side notes
    6. Dream, no recall

      by , 07-27-2010 at 02:19 AM (My Official Journey Into Lucid Dreaming)
      Another total failure.

      Tried to listen to "Inner Awakenings" an isochronic tone sequence. Total freaked me out. I can't describe it, but it was unpleasant, and disturbing. Won't do that again! Well, maybe during the day when I don't "have" to sleep. It was pretty freaky.

      Also tried to WILD using an alarm. It just pissed me off. I can't WILD at this stage, unless it's only very slightly awakened...

      Earbuds are getting annoying. Need some speakers instead. Losing faith in binaural and isochronic beats. Ironically, our air conditioner sets up isochronic beats of about 3 to 5 hz. Not sure why it does that, but it's relaxing as hell. Perhaps its mixing problem with the program I am using.

      I am using Gnaural. Maybe there's just too much beat amplitude and not enough pink noise amplitude. I should try to mimic my A/C, then I can vary the beat frequency as I want.

      Going to try a new one tonight. It's a form of DILD, but I'm going to use a "dream trigger" like Nova Dreamer. But this on is going to be audible. Hope it works!!!!

      1200 mg of Omega03&6 Fish Oil (JBB)
      1000 mg Vitamin B6 (JBB)
      20 ounces of Apple Juice (BB)
      Checked hands during the day (DD)
      Played on DV forum (DD,BB)
      Inner Awerness for 30 minutes (Isochronic descending)
      Alarm at 4.5 hours in and ever 5 for 20 then stop

      Fell asleep: 1:30am
      WBTB: ???


      JBB=Just before bed after 9pm
      AB= At bedtime 11:30pm
      BB=Before Bedtime after 5pm
      DD=During the day between wake and 5pm
      side notes
    7. Dream, no recall

      by , 07-25-2010 at 06:44 PM (My Official Journey Into Lucid Dreaming)
      Very disappointed. No LD tonight. Dreamt, but no recall. Beginning to think that audio stimulus during sleep is not very useful. If the body shuts off (e.g. sleep paralysis), then sound is deadened as well. I have experienced this. As I wake up, sounds go from almost inaudible to regular slowly. So, sounds during sleep would have to be a specific volume to get through without waking up. Going to look online for a sleep mask that detects REM sleep. If anyone knows of one, please let me know. Maybe this would help. Also thinking about buy "SleepPhones". Anyone have any experience with those?

      1200 mg of Omega03&6 Fish Oil (JBB)
      1000 mg Vitamin B6 (JBB)
      20 ounces of Apple Juice (BB)
      Checked hands during the day (DD)
      Played on DV forum (DD,BB)
      Subliminal dreaming MP3 from DV site on repeat

      Fell asleep: 3:30am
      WBTB: 8:00am


      JBB=Just before bed after 9pm
      AB= At bedtime 11:30pm
      BB=Before Bedtime after 5pm
      DD=During the day between wake and 5pm
      side notes
    8. LD: First Induced Lucid Dream

      by , 07-25-2010 at 01:45 AM (My Official Journey Into Lucid Dreaming)
      I'm sitting in the back of a cab between Elaine and Kramer. I wonder, "Where is Jerry?".

      What? Seinfeld is a show. How could I be in a cab with "Elaine" and "Kramer". I decide to check my hands. This was a gut reaction, there was no reasoning. It just seemed that's what I should do. My hands are really distorted. My left hand has only a few long fingers. My right hand is missing the ring finger from the middle knuckle up. My thumb are normal. Immediately, I realize I am dreaming. These are not what my hands are supposed to look like. Cool. I can even realize that I have been trying to LD. I know the steps I have taken, and that it is intentional. I am fully aware of what I want to do. I do NOT know what time it is, nor if it is light out or not.

      I notice that no one is speaking. They aren't frozen or anything, they just aren't talking. I notice there is no cab driver. The cab isn't even moving. I get into the driver's seat of the cab. No steering wheel. I think, "I can just make one, this is my dream". I try to conjure a steering wheel. No luck. I demand a steering wheel. Nope. I decide not to waste my dream time and climb out of the window of the cab (why not just open the door?).

      Now I begin to wake up. I immediately recognized this, and looked up and started spinning. It looked like when you play a first person video game, point your view up, and then just rotate using one stick. No dizziness at all. Now, I am stabilized and back in the dream.

      Now I am in the breezeway of an apartment complex. It is dark. I start running. I am not frightened, but deeper in the dream, and a little less lucid. I conjure a pool and jump in. No shock of hitting the water. I am underwater, and decide to try to breathe. I am now more lucid. I plug my nose and cover my mouth with my hands....and....breathe in. It works! I'm elated! I can do it. I move myself out of the water.

      I am running. No one is around, and suddenly I come upon a beautiful slim short brown haired women. She is about 35 or so. I think, I'm in a dream, I can do whatever I want, and this is a really nice looking woman. I immediately rip off her top. I can clearly see her breasts, and can only focus on those. I touch them. I put my face to them, they feel wonderful, then snap to....

      I am running through the streets of my youth, but the colors are much more beautiful. Not more vivid, just more of them. I decide to fly. All I can do is jump. What is going on? This is my dream, FLY dammit! At one point, I leave the ground for about 10 feet or so for a second or two. No luck from that point on.

      I keep running. I'm thinking how cool this is. I check my hands again, and my finger are really long. Yep, I'm still dreaming. I climb up on some big stones and jump off of them. It doesn't hurt. I try other high (not very high, no more than 8 feet, don't know why) and jump. No pain, or even feeling.

      I'm running again. I still know I'm dreaming, but a little less lucid. I'm not breathing hard, my muscles don't ache, I am not tired. I could run like this forever. The grass is slightly rainbow colored. The sky is a beautiful blue at the top, but it is either sunset or sunrise. It is fantastic. I am running towards it. I am overcome with joy. I cannot help but cry at how happy I am...

      I awake. I am not crying, not particularly joyful, just kind of normal. I am totally excited though. I induced my first LD!

      (sequencing unknown, this is recall)
      I am in a gun store store. I have bought a very large gun (.50 cal). I paid $699 for it. I am worried that I do not have enough money in my account to cover all my expenses, so I need to return it. Don't know why I even bought it. I has three barrels instead of just one. I have a reciept for it. I am relieved when I see that I only paid $99 for it. I am going to return it anyway. I look closely at the receipt. I can see clearly the numbers. On the right side of each item besides the gun is a very detailed color hologram of my parents in a picture pose. I know instinctively that this is a security measure.....

      1200 mg of Omega03&6 Fish Oil (JBB)
      1000 mg Vitamin B6 (JBB)
      20 ounces of Apple Juice (BB)
      Checked hands during the day (DD)
      Read some philosphy and LD (DD)
      Binaural Beats: Base: 95hz, Beat: cycled from 2 hz to 7hz to try to mimic a typical dream cycle; Pink Noise; Volume Med for both. Can audibly hear beats. Removed after 2 hours (annoying me)

      Fell asleep: 2:30am
      WBTB: 8:00am
      LD: 9:30am complete


      JBB=Just before bed after 9pm
      AB= At bedtime 11:30pm
      BB=Before Bedtime after 5pm
      DD=During the day between wake and 5pm
      lucid , memorable
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