Originally Posted by Letaali
Previously, when I wanted to open a door to the frozen planet, focusing on visualizing the destination made me wake up. I assume taking my focus off of the current dream is a bad idea.
You might want to avoid taking your focus off of the current dream until you feel confident that you won't wake up but instead will enter a new scene, the void or an FA, for example. Sensei talks about a closed-eye teleport where you intentionally take focus off of the current dream in order to teleport to a new location. I talk about the shift in thinking helpful to not wake up automatically in these situations in the link to the other workbook above (it is definitely in the link that that link refers to which is also the first link in my signature).
Once I became lucid near the end of a dream and saw all visuals fade away, like I had dropped into a dark pit. I focused on feeling my feet sinking into lava, to force visuals back and get into a dream, and that worked. Nothing else around me, just lava floating in the middle of nothing. Felt nice and warm having my feet in it.
Excellent, like you said you know can do it when visuals fade but you are still dreaming, so it is now part of your arsenal!
Originally Posted by Letaali
Day 4
Tonight I'll try to fall asleep at midnight. If I can manage that, I'll wbtb after 6h of sleep. I'll become lucid, my skin will feel metallic, I'll have my Witch Pistol and I'll find a burning building with an evil wizard inside. That's my incubation for now.
Like you eluded to before, I think getting to a good sleep schedule should be a big priority for your LD practice, if possible. Days like Day 3 with only 5 hours of sleep is not helpful for lucid dreaming. Day 4 with almost 7.5 hours of sleep is quite good but not really enough time for a good WBTB, but improving!
You might have a couple of lucid moment cues for that incubation. The metallic skins is great and when you see the burning building and later the evil wizard in your visualizations you can also remind yourself that those scenarios mean that you are dreaming…it should help strengthen your lucidity when it happens in your actual LD. You can add any other dream only cues that also remind you that you are dreaming to your visualization. I think this also primes your mind to be looking for opportunities to realize that you are dreaming, even if the overall scenario is a little different. This works really well when laying back down after WBTB.