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    Thread: rosetea's workbook

    1. #1
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      rosetea's workbook

      Hello everyone, I'm 21 and I have been a lurker on these forums for a while now. For more than a year in fact and I started a workbook here over a year ago but life got in the way and I got distracted from lucid dreaming. But I am back now and very motivated. I really want to make this happen and become a master lucid dreamer.

      I remember about 1-2 dreams per night and quickly forget them over the course of the day so I will be recording my dreams every time I wake up starting from now. I have had a couple of lucid dreams so far and I would like to increase this.

      I have been performing reality checks the past week and I am also practising all day awareness. This week I almost had a lucid dream. I was in a grocery store and I thought... hm wouldn't it be cool if I could control everything around me and I started knocking things off the shelves by just waving my hands. But I wasn't aware it wasn't a dream till I woke up.

      I'll be posting my progress here everyday. Thank you for your time in reading this!

      EDIT: I accidentally posted this in the wrong section. I wanted to post this in the DILD (gab) class...anyway I can move it there? Sorry! :S
      Last edited by rosetea; 03-12-2017 at 07:50 AM.
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    2. #2
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      Hello and welcome back! I've moved your post to the DILD class as requested.

      Sweet dreams
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    3. #3
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      Welcome to the DILD workbooks rose tea!

      That dream sounded like a good sign. I recommend playing with similar scenarios during the day: imagining that you are using telekinesis or whatever sounds fun at the time and saying to yourself I could be dreaming and do some RC's, maybe 2 or 3 different kinds of RC's. Whenever you do your RC's try to really stop and consider that any moment could be a dream. We have dreams all the time where we don't consider for a second that it is all a dream - so why couldn't any moment be a dream!?!

    4. #4
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      Thanks NyxCC and fogelbise!

      Yeah fogelbise, thanks for the tip! Whenever I perform my reality checks I try to really really doubt myself whether it's reality or not. Then I pretend that it is a dream and then pretend in my mind I'm doing my dream goals.

      Sadly no lucid dreams so far. Hoping for at least one this week! I am going to try the WBTB technique tonight as I have a day off tomorrow. Will update on my progress.

    5. #5
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      Quote Originally Posted by rosetea View Post
      Whenever I perform my reality checks I try to really really doubt myself whether it's reality or not. Then I pretend that it is a dream and then pretend in my mind I'm doing my dream goals.
      Very good

      I am going to try the WBTB technique tonight as I have a day off tomorrow. Will update on my progress.
      WBTB is a powerful boost way to your chances of having an LD. It is most powerful when performing something like MILD or SSILD when going back to bed after your WBTB time up. I personally need a good 30 minutes+ out of bed, but that could be too much (or just right) for you. It's all about experimenting. When I was starting out I tried to do WBTBs every weekend. Once I felt comfortable with getting back to sleep easily and was getting to bed early enough to work in WBTBs on week nights, I started doing WBTBs anytime during the week. I enjoy the quiet time to myself during WBTB time up and get down to business when I lay down (doing MILD, SSILD or sometimes both - but I would stick to one at a time until you are more experienced).

    6. #6
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      Welcome! Sounds like you're doing very well so far! Remember, to be lucid at night in dreams, we need to be lucid during our waking day, as much as possible. Check out some of the links in my signature that talk about this in more depth, and if you haven't yet, look through the "informative/interesting" links stickied at the top of this (DILD class) section.
      FryingMan's Unified Theory of Lucid Dreaming: Pay Attention, Reflect, Recall -- Both Day and Night[link]
      FryingMan's Dream Recall Tips -- Awesome Links
      “No amount of security is worth the suffering of a mediocre life chained to a routine that has killed your dreams.”
      "...develop stability in awareness and your dreams will change in extraordinary ways" -- TYoDaS

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