I've seen this topic come up a couple of times before, but I never really got a chance to really get engaged in the discussion, and I want to know what other lucid dreamers think of it.

First of all, I just want to say, got this idea a very long time ago, looking around the forum and saw somebody's post on the exact same thing; building a dream base. I never really read the post. It kind of sat in the back of my head for awhile, until a few months later I made it a part of my loose list of dream goals.
My first major question is does having a dream base work? Has anyone else done it? Are you able to return to your base? Most importantly, does building one help you to achieve lucidity more often?
I know from experience that you can never return to a location across dreams (or even within the same dream) and have it be 100% exactly the same. But if you dream that you're in school or at home, and the dream is 99% accurate to what that place looks like in real life. This accuracy can happen across multiple dreams. Then, logically, you could go to a made up place that would be 99% accurate every time you go there in a dream.
In other words, you could have a dream base, and It would be very similar every time you visited it, but never be exactly the same.
But does it work with a place that's entirely imaginary? More importantly, does having a dream base really increase your ability to dream. Could you use a technique like MILD to easily land in your base and have lucid dreams more easily and more often?

Anyways, I've already tried twice to build a base. Though it occurred to me that I could draw and plan out my base in real life, then it would be ready for me when I started lucid dreaming.