I learned to fly, after learning how to levitate objects. I learned that I could move myself through the air, just as easy as I move other things through the air. It gives me perfect control. |
AS skills go flying is very fun and often something people stive for. It did not happen instantly, I had to learn, and will tell more about my own efforts as people reply. I started with long strides, running while taking bigger and bigger steps learning to glide. I even tried hanging from trees and then letting go {Not the most effective. How about you. Can you fly? Sometimes or often? How did you learn? |
I learned to fly, after learning how to levitate objects. I learned that I could move myself through the air, just as easy as I move other things through the air. It gives me perfect control. |
Cool. In the end that is what worked best for me. I flew in crazy ways for awhile, but after I got good at levitating objects, I just started levitating my self. Now I basicly levitate fast and in a direction rather than super-man type flying. I actually like to float sitting up not fly all stretched out. It is cool you had a similar way of doing it. Thank for the post. |
What's happening with me these days is that I fly in the beginning of a lucid dream just effortlessly, like the happiness that comes with becoming lucid just lifts me up and I float through the ceiling and into the sky. Then later on in the dream, my confidence level goes down and I cannot get up nearly as easily. |
You know in the 10+ years I have been lucid dreaming I have never tried to fly. Ok we maybe once but it didn't work so concentrate on other things. I think I am taking the easy way out... |
Oh my god thats nuts man! your missing out on a lot. Being able to fly is one of the best things about Lucid Dreaming. I strongly suggest you get back to trying it. Well.. I think I did read one post, where the person said they did not like to fly at all. Thats even harder for me to understand, than somebody saying they don't like chocolate.:p |
i never try to fly in ld's either, and plus whenever i try it doesn't work anyway. |
I guess I'm considered one of the lucky ones because I was flying in my first LD. I can just jump up and fly. I don't have to be in a superman position or anything. It's quite an amazing experience. If I know I'm dreaming, I really have a lot of control because I realize everything around me is in my head and can be manipulated in any way I want it to be. |
CURRENT LUCID GOALS (LD's: 34) (Raised by Moonbeam)
->Listen to a song I've got memorized in waking life.
->Find my dream guide.
->Fly around with and idol of mine, Thom Yorke (Lead singer of Radiohead) [TOTM]
->Find a pegasus, tame, and fly it. [TOTM]
->Brownie camera [TOTY]
Hmmm.... I've never really tried to fly while in perfect clarity... Though I'd rather do something epic first. Like destroy an entire city. |
If you can lift up a car using dream telekinesis, then i'm sure you can pretty much lift yourself up easily as pie |
Last edited by LucidInCuB!zt; 07-22-2007 at 10:01 PM.
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Check out my dream journal. |
I agree that learning skills like sustaning the dream is most important, along with getting more clarity. Practice skills like flying instead of rape and pillage or what ever crazy fun you spend time on. You will be rewarded in the end when you can have long clear dreams in which you can pick up cars and fly. Great point. Thanks |
My flying came surprisingly easy I think. I only had 3 lucid's so far, and first started to fly in the second one. It didn't work, so with my short attention span, I moved on to something more interesting. In the third lucid, which I had last night, I tried it again. I jumped up in the air, and jumped a lot higher then one normally could. At the top of my jump, I just stayed afloat. I don't really know how I did it, but I know I didn't want to come down untill I woke up! :p |
Perfecting my ability to fly is my main focus right now. I had an extraordinary experience flying about a week ago, soaring up and down, hovering over trees in mid air, catching air currents with my body to influence direction of flight and so forth. |
Adopted Namwan, 2/6/08 Chris31, 3/14/08
I can fly easily and never had much trouble. There are several tricks I'd like to try next time I have a dream outdoors though, like barrel rolls and somersaults. |
Back in the day I was horrible at flying, but overtime I got better at it, and now it seems like second nature I am always flying in my dreams if I am headed somewhere. Basically practice is how I learned to fly. |
Ok, sivason |
In my first and only LD so far I have flown. I didn't think of a particular technique, I just took off. Somehow I knew I would be able to. |
I can fly by simply jumping up and swimming through the air, but I prefer a different method. I like jumping off of something that's really high. My arms act like wings and I just glide. |
i didnt learn how to fly. it just happened. I can just lift up off the ground and go. dont need wings or anything, just like levitating, but I can zoom around and go places. Flying is one of my dream symbols to pointing out that it IS a dream. (I tend to fly alot) |