One dream for now.


I am Walking up to my old house in didsbury. I enter and See an Asian woman standing around looking concerned. In the living room Is standing a woman who I feel is Persyd. She is around average height with brown hair that looks extremely unkempt. She talks to me, but instead of being unusually wary, I seem compliant, Like I am under some mind control.

She leads me to a table where a strange creature is sitting with a long mouth. It reminds me of a mouth an ant eater would have, It's long and has a sucking mechanism. The woman instructs me to extend my index finger towards it. I do so and the mouth grabs me. I get frightened, The dream fades out and then back in. PS says "This being can exchange energy with you. It will either accept you or reject you. If it accepts you Youcan use it's energy for sorcery. If it rejects you, You will be killed. This is no different when a spirit in an unborn child Rejects it's mother at childbirth, Therefore killing the mother. It is Impersonal."

I find my hand moving on it's own volition toward the creature. It takes my finger again. I feel like it's Draining my energy. Everything Darkens and I get sleepy. i am praying to myself that It will Accept me.

I wake up and can't sleep for a few ours.I then remember another dream i had a few days ago that I didn't write down. A dog was biting my arm (whenever dogs do this in dreams they are warning me of something). Some Medics intervene and they cut off the cirulation from my arm. The effect is dyzzing. I feel Like I am dying. As I'm fading out, My teeth begin falling out. But my teeth aren't made of bone. they are made of Moldavite pieces.

I tak the Dream as an indication I should use Moldavite as a dreaming Aid. I put a piece of it under my pillow. I then try to Re enter the Dream. I fall back asleep.

"Stops this." Asuka, is crying, she sounds as if she's been hurt. "Why are you doing this?" I get a brief image of a woman Crying while holding the side of her face. I'm not lucid but I have an idea of what's going on. My finger is still being sucked by the creature. I Shoot a tentacle from my left hand and insert it into the brain of the creature. I Mind control it and tell it to accept me. It does and I am released.

I look at PS and say " Stay the fuck away from me and My family." I then Shoot Astral tentacles from my hands, which Grab onto her and then I throw her through the living room window. I float out to the street where she is getting up. She then tries another mind control spell on me.

"I learned this one from your bitch friend, the one she used on me, All it took was a recap to the AP position of that dream where I captured the essence of that spell." She says.

"Alright, Then Recap this one." I summon a guitar and use a healing spell on her. She laughs arrogantly. Just then raven And Nomad emerge from a portal. PS then gets a sullen look.

"I'll be back." PS warns. "And next time I won't be alone either." she disappears. Me Raven and nomad, assist Asuka in a healing. Afterwards I say.
"Asuka, You must go to a safe place for now". She suddenly looks depressed. and says she doesn't wanna go.

"I want you to go to ***'s place for now." Asuka, enters one of the rooms and emerges a minute later carrying a baby. nomad and Raven Took off somewhere. I went through a portal to ***'s. I have vague memories of walking into an apartment building. Meeting ** and leaving Asuka there. I remember coming back sometime later and Asuka not wanting to see my at that time. A small dog was barking at me and biting my ankle.