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    Thread: Nomad Chronicles

    1. #901
      Night Stalker <span class='glow_000000'>Baron Samedi</span>'s Avatar
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      Deep Dream State

      I am at the airport with E and D. I go to New Hampshire with them. Party. Angel gets pissed off at me for drinking with her underage cousin. She goes in the house and cries.

      (this was a shared dream with Angel.)

      Scene change

      We are at a witch ceremony at night, under a full moon. Three witches walk counterclockwise in a circle...

      scene change

      Angel and I are in a field of wildflowers on a mountain. We talk about what a weird dream we just had.
      ya gwan fok wid de Baron? ye gotta nodda ting comin. (Formerly known as Baking Nomad.)

    2. #902
      Night Stalker <span class='glow_000000'>Baron Samedi</span>'s Avatar
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      Vampire Dream

      abridged, exact date unkown

      Deep Dream State

      I am Soulkyst, the Vampire. I am perched atop The Great pyramid. Pyramid Song by Radiohead is playing. Day becomes night, and Moon rises. I roar at the Moon. Claws grow out of my feet and hands, and my fangs protrude. My pupils become vertical, and I growl.

      A gust of wind makes my cape billow out behind me. I leap off the Pyramid, and fly over the desert. Angel joins me. She is a beautiful vampiress in a purple and black dress, with violet cat eyes. She grins, and her fangs grow.

      Many vampires join us in a line. We land in a town with a carnival. We attack the people and laugh. We decide to stop feeding on people, and feed on cattle instead. We raise cattle to drink their blood.
      Serenity likes this.
      ya gwan fok wid de Baron? ye gotta nodda ting comin. (Formerly known as Baking Nomad.)

    3. #903
      Night Stalker <span class='glow_000000'>Baron Samedi</span>'s Avatar
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      Battling the Self-Hatred Demon

      Nap Dream


      Hypnogogic Hallucinations:

      Voices... I am with Veronica. She has violet irises. We are in space. We push off rocket boosters.

      I keep resisting images, trying to shape them into what I want, but I don't know what I want... then i go with the flow.

      A noose appears around my neck. It is stiff like steel. I grab it, and pull it forward. I toss a strange bird-like demon out of myself. Now it's a leash.

      lost time

      Deep Dream State

      I am on a beach in Japan. I am chanting to the Gonhonzon. A strange bird-like demon appears, a mixture of a character on the scroll, and an essence within me.

      I draw my Inner Demon Sword.

      "You know you I am, you idiot. I am Self-Hatred. I am an aspect of yourself. You think you can destroy me?"

      I lunge at it, swinging my sword. A shield appears on it, and it deflects the blow.

      "Think again, you fucking coward! You stupid little child!"

      I sheath my sword, and spread my arms out. The demon mirrors me. It changes into a wooden thunderbird statue, like a Pacific Northwest Indian carving.

      dream diverge:

      Dream 1:

      "You see, boy? We are one." The statue and I become like eagles. I mount him, like a horse. He takes off into the sky.

      We fly through clouds, and over beautiful tropical forests. "You see? We are beautiful."

      Dream 2:

      The statue changes, and looks like me, exactly like my physical self. He looks deep into my eyes. He looks very sad. His eyes are bright yellow, like a cat's. His hair is fluffy and brown. He is wearing the same green T-shirt that I fell asleep in. A cold wind blows.

      "I am sorry. I am sorry for everything. I fucked up. I fucked up. I did it, in all the planes. I can't remember what I did, what I was supposed to... I can't even think straight. Nothing feels real any more. Everything feels like a dream. I feel so sane, and so... something else. I'll try harder, I promise. I know I've failed you, failed M (my ex-wife), failed Dad, failed Mom, disgraced our family, disgraced us... I'm sorry I've been such a loser. I will try harder. i am not going to be the same person I used to be. I am changing. Remember the molt? The centipede? I have molted already... I am trying. I keep failing, but I am getting back up now. Honestly, I am not pitying myself... I... when Chris died... everything changed... I just, I started bleeding, and it hasn't stopped... I just keep bleeding."

      Suddenly, I see wounds on his forearms, and blood is forming on his chest. Drops of blood are forming on his forehead. I embrace him. I feel like I am my best friend (who's name is also Nate) embracing me after my wife left me. My other self cries convulsively, and feels hot and sweats.

      "I'm sorry. I tried to heal myself. I don't know what else to do. I thought I was tough. I am so weak... so weak... I don't know what to do... I tried..."

      My other self calms down. He stands a step back, and looks at me. The blood is going back into the wounds. The wounds seal up.

      "You see? You can do it! You are in the boddhisattva world, the world of compassion. You must feel the same compassion for yourself, that you feel for others, all those homeless people living under the freeway in the crawlspaces. This compassion is power, and it starts with you having compassion on yourself. There is nothing gay, or silly or weird about it. It's good."

      My other self smiles at me. Golden light pours from his eyes. He cries tears of joy. "How very Buddhistic of you, self! Now, I will go back into the Gohonzon. He becomes one of the characters on the scroll, as we bow to each other."

      I chant Nam-myoho-renge-kyo and bow to the scroll. Thank you.
      ya gwan fok wid de Baron? ye gotta nodda ting comin. (Formerly known as Baking Nomad.)

    4. #904
      Night Stalker <span class='glow_000000'>Baron Samedi</span>'s Avatar
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      Aw, yeah!

      I am driving my old Toyota down Kalanianaole Highway in reverse, but going the right direction. Someone tells me I am driving backwards. I spin the car around and go the right way.

      There are a bunch of flashing lights ahead. Goddammit. I have to pull over for a bunch of buses coming the other direction. Why don't the buses have their sirens on? And since when did buses ever have spinning lights like emergency vehicles? There are so many buses, we all get out of our cars, and wait for them to pass. I am walking with a group of people. Someone makes a remark about it being a stupid dream. A dream?

      I do a nose pinch RC. I can feel my breath. It confuses me for a second. Maybe I should pinch my nose harder. Nope... this is a dream.

      BAM! Lucid. I tell this cute redhead chick to censored... Then, another girl, then another chick says no. (I think she might've been real. Oops!) Then, another girl, then another, and another. Aw.... yeah...

      The dream fades, and I woke up. dammit! Just when I was getting to the good part. I tried to stay asleep, but I couldn't.
      Last edited by WakingNomad; 04-21-2010 at 07:10 AM.
      Raven Knight and Serenity like this.
      ya gwan fok wid de Baron? ye gotta nodda ting comin. (Formerly known as Baking Nomad.)

    5. #905
      Night Stalker <span class='glow_000000'>Baron Samedi</span>'s Avatar
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      Dreaming with the Homies

      Deep Dream State

      MoSh and I are on a lake in Washington State. It changes to a New England Atlantic Coast. We skip rocks into the water.

      MoSh: So are we dreaming?

      Me: I think so.

      I have the vague sense of entities around us, like ghosts. I can almost see them, like colored mist. I can't skip the rocks very well.

      I chuck a huge rock into the water, in frustration. It's entirely unsatisfying.

      Me: What's the point?

      MoSh: Dude, what are you talking about?

      Me: Everything's pointless. We are so weak and helpless, like baby birds in the nest...

      MoSh: Hey, stop with that negative talk. What's wrong with you?

      Me: Sorry man.

      MoSh: Hmm... Maybe you have negative energy.

      Me: Oh, negative energy... What a bunch of bullshit. I don't even know if we're dreaming or not. So, we're powerful on the dream plane. So what? So, you're a king, and I'm a god. Hmmph... Some king-gods we are. Look, we live with our parents...

      MoSh: Stop talking like an asshole.

      Me: Dude, sorry. Maybe I need a joint.

      MoSh: No.

      Me: A cigarette?

      MoSh: Hell no.

      Me: A good stiff drink? A beer?

      MoSh: Do I need to take you to dream AA again? You know I am your sponsor, right?

      Me: Shit. I forgot. I am, I am changing my waking life. Dude, I love Buddhism, man. The power within, we all have it. When I chant, I feel negative energy leaving, me, and I feel centered and calm... Nam Myoho Renge Kyo, dude.
      MoSh: That's cool.

      Me: Yeah, you want to chant with me right now?

      MoSh: No, it's cool, man. I'm not really into that.

      Me: Okay. Well, hmm... I feel like I need to.

      MoSh: That's fine. Do it. I am going to sit on this rock over here, and stare out at the water. This lake, it looks like a mirror.

      I chant, and a Gohonzon appears before my eyes, and floats in the air. In front of it, something like glass appears, and I see the reflection of my face. I have bright blue eyes, and gold flesh. Black specks leave my body as I chant, and a orange flame forms over me. I finish chanting, and the scroll fades away.

      MoSh walks back to me.

      MoSh: Are you okay now?

      Me: Yeah. I am sorry for spreading discouraging energy. I do believe in me, in you, in us, in all of humanity. We can turn the planet around, starting with ourselves. Maybe in 2012?

      MoSh: (laughing) Yeah, or maybe that's just the beginning.

      Raven appears out of a portal. She has a big grin on her face. Angel tumbles out after her, and lands on Raven. She is fighting some strange little imp, and tosses it into the portal. Angel stands up and apologizes.

      Me: What just happened?

      Raven: Oh, I went into Angel's Inner World, and I explained to her that though I care about you very much, we're like siblings.

      Angel: Duhr... Sometimes I'm dumb.

      Me: Don't say that. What was that thing?

      Angel: These stupid little bastards keep invading my dreams. I think they are sent by The Hunter. I am so sick of that bastard. Do something, Nate. Use your shaman dream warrior whatever skills and kick his ass, skinny boy. I have been hunted by that fucker my whole life, yet I never see him.

      Me: You look like you need healing.
      Angel: No!

      Me: C'mere.

      Angel walks to me slowly. She has small wounds on her from fighting. I hold her tightly. I hum quietly, and healing energy flows out of me into her. She sighs, and smiles.

      Me: So, Raven, what is that big grin on your face for?

      Raven: Markus kissed me. (she giggles)

      Me: Markus, where is Markus?

      Markus appears riding a strange flying lizard (It looks a lot more like a big brown lizard than a dragon.) He is standing on it.

      Markus: Ta-daa!

      MoSh: Okay, weird. What is that thing.

      Markus: Oh, it's my dinosaur steed.

      Markus introduces himself to Angel.

      Angel: Okay, weird handshake. You look familiar... Are you...? Oh, nevermind. I can't think of who you remind me of.

      Raven: Let's do a fun dream, a fun dream! Let's visit Allison, and Silverwolf, and Loaf, and Walms, and Pablo, and ...

      Me: Oh, shit I am waking up, or falling back to sleep... Everything's fading.

      Raven: Hey, look, Asuka just got here! Hold on to the dream!

      Me: I can't... sorry.

      Raven: Try a DEILD.

      Me: Okay...

      The dream fades to black, as I go into a dreamless sleep.
      Raven Knight and Serenity like this.
      ya gwan fok wid de Baron? ye gotta nodda ting comin. (Formerly known as Baking Nomad.)

    6. #906
      Night Stalker <span class='glow_000000'>Baron Samedi</span>'s Avatar
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      Battling The Hunter, and a Trip to Parallel Antarctica

      Deep Dream State

      Float up out of bed. I toss mini-dwarf stars at the RV'ers.
      Get in my spacecraft. Mary and Marty put guns on it.
      Fly to the Moon.
      Meet Raven, Markus, Allison, MoSh there. There is another dream warrior also. It's Markus. I don't recognize him at first. He is wearing futuristic armor, but still is wearing a Roman short sword.
      I armor up.
      I take everyone to Angel's Inner World.
      In a hidden part is a disgusting purple lumpy slimy translucent creature, the Hunter.
      Angel is asleep. I take her to a cave, and seal it. The others battle it. I join them.

      Vegeta and I do Hiryu Shoten Ha on it, and bind it.

      It multiplies.
      I make lava shoot up out of the earth.
      I hear the voice of the Frost Giant. He tells me to use the dwarf star.
      I toss it at The Hunter.
      It shrinks.
      It says it's going to be back.

      There is a strange demon version of Angel inside the creature. She comes out. She says she's been haunting her since the time of Mu, and she will never stop.

      Angel's dream body wakes up. Her astral body stays in the cave. She becomes Angelwitch, Queen of Twilight. Angel calls her Devilbitch. They battle one-on-one. Angel morphs into a beautiful black dragon with violet eyes. She grabs Devilbitch. Selene de-merges from Angel, and creates a portal. Angel tosses Devilbitch into the portal. Sorna seals it.

      Ancient Queen,
      haunting my soul,
      hunting me mind
      through eternal time,
      I cast your soul
      into the depths of hell.
      May your flesh burn,
      your stomach churn,
      and may you smell
      the stench of your evil soul.

      Angel morphs back into Angelwitch, and collapses. I pick her up, and take her back to the cave. Pixy makes plants grow. Angelina makes animals appear. Raven cuts riverbeds in the earth. Allison burns away the dead trees. MoSh makes it rain.

      I take Angel to the Cave of Healing. The Frost Giant says her dream body can dream with us.

      We go to a parallel Antarctica. It's beautiful. It reminds me of Hollow Earth. There are two green suns. We float through the sky, and play with the animals.

      Parallel Dream

      We go into the astral plane. We see the Hunter in Angel's bedroom. It looks like a stone golem. It's translucent and violet. It's slimy and gelatinous. It's disgusting. I can see a female figure inside of it. It reminds me of Angel, but a creepy version of her. The Hunter is shooting slime tentacles at Angel. I morph into Solgawn, my archdemon self. I tackle the Hunter.

      We battle it. Allison calls fire down from the sky.
      The Hunter shrinks like a slug.
      Raven calls down lightning.
      MoSh makes it rain.
      It gets electrocuted.
      The female gets separated from the monster.
      It says it's Angel's true self.
      I laugh in her face. She slaps me.
      I grab her neck, and bite her head off.
      I spit her head into a portal, and toss her body into another one.

      Violet flame flows out of Raven, burning the slime up.

      Angel sits up in bed.

      Angel: What just happened? Who are these people?

      Me: They're our friends. They're just cleaning up after the battle.

      Angel: Oh, I know them. They are our friends.

      Me: Right.

      Angel: Can you get me a drink of water?

      I get her a drink of water. She sips it slowly. I see she has wounds. We stand in a circle around her. We play music. Allison cauterizes the wounds.

      Our friends leave.

      Angel: Come to bed, honey.

      I climb into bed with Angel, and hold her close. We go to sleep.
      Last edited by WakingNomad; 04-21-2010 at 09:28 PM.
      ya gwan fok wid de Baron? ye gotta nodda ting comin. (Formerly known as Baking Nomad.)

    7. #907
      Night Stalker <span class='glow_000000'>Baron Samedi</span>'s Avatar
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      Deep Dream State

      Healing on the Moon.
      I go to Angel. I am putting up a barrier around her in the astral plane. I do healing. Raven and Markus appear.
      A portal opens, and a tentacle grabs me.
      I tell Raven to make sure Angel is okay.
      I call for Markus to help me.
      In the wormhole, Markus changes into a Thanagrian.
      We are on a strange planet.
      Markus and I merge into a four-armed god.
      We battle the monster.
      MoSh appears and picks us up in the air.
      I tell him to drop us into its mouth.
      We go inside, and The Atom is waiting for us.
      Markus and I de-merge.
      I tell Markus we can't let it hide by being microscopic.

      Dream Diverge

      I am outside the monster.
      We are all battling it: Markus, Raven, MoSh, WarriorTiger, Silverwolf. Spike and Loaf appear. They are vampires.
      I ask for Selene to help. She de-merges out of me. Angel appears, out of a portal, and tosses an imp in it.
      Angel and Selene merge with Angelina.
      Angel says, "I see you! I see you now, you bastard!"
      Pixy flies around it, and sprinkles caustic powder on it.

      We all merge into a huge monster-thing and grab the Hunter, spin it around, and toss it into a portal.

      We de-merge, and fall on our asses, disoriented.

      Dream Mish-Mash

      The Hunter tries to shrink itself. Atom, Markus and I become electrons. The Hunter is the size of an atom. We are spiky things. We attack The Hunter. It roars, and gets big again. We laugh, and The Atom changes us into viruses.

      We battle The Dark Queen Hunter thing, on a strange small sphere. I rip her in half, and spit her head into one portal, and her body into another.

      We go to the Hot Springs to relax.


      date unknown

      I see Eternalstar.
      She says her name is serenistar. Enternity. Serenity.


      Dream sex with Angel.
      Serenity and Man of Shred like this.
      ya gwan fok wid de Baron? ye gotta nodda ting comin. (Formerly known as Baking Nomad.)

    8. #908
      Night Stalker <span class='glow_000000'>Baron Samedi</span>'s Avatar
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      Eternalstar on the Moon

      Deep Dream State

      Date Unknown

      I am walking in the Biodome with Raven. We are discussing about how it's nice to make small talk in dreams, and not have to worry about asshole Templars or demons trying to attack us or whatever. I feel like we have walked like this, strolling through a garden many times before.

      I look at her. She smiles at me. "Hey, I can see your face!"

      Raven says, "Of course you can. Oh, I usually have it hidden with the hood, don't I?"

      "Yeah. Some people's faces are hard to see for me. Hmm... Who's that?"

      Sailor Moon is picking flowers. She is humming to herself, and birds and insects are buzzing about the flowers. She stands up and looks at me.

      "Sailor Moon, I guess," says Raven.

      Sailor Moon looks at me, squinting. Then she runs at me, and tackle-hugs me. "Oh my God, Oh my God. Nomad Nomad, WakingNomad! Hi! It's me! Serenistar! Eternity! Eterernalstar! Serenity! You know, you know me. Oh! Hi! You are Raven, right? Hi! Your face, there's like a blurry fog cloud thingy."

      "That's to hide my identity," says Raven. "Nomad and I were just talking about that."

      "My name is Serenity, actually. I am not Sailor Moon. Do I look like Sailor Moon?" As soon as she says that, she changes into a normal person.

      "Yes... no."

      She is a Cacausian woman with wavy brown hair, and very faint freckles. Then, she changes into a dark-skinned woman, with dark brown curly hair. Her body type changes from skinny to a bit more curvy. Her hair clothes change from jeans, a t-shirt, and street shoes to a blouse, short skirt, and heels. I squint at her.


      "Oh, I guess you're a natural shapeshifter. You're doing it unconsciously."

      Angel suddenly tumbles through a portal. She tosses a little bat-imp thing into it. She stands up and brushes herself off.

      "Who's this! And who's- sorry. I know you. You're Nomad's friend. But, who's this, Nate? I go off and fight these bastards and you're wandering through the garden of Eden with little Ms. Eve, over here?"

      Eternalstar changes into Eve with long brown hair, and leaves covering her at the suggestion. I accidentally change into "Adam" a big naked mixed-race man with fig leaves on my crotch.

      "Whoah, calm-"

      "Don't whoah me! What am I, a horse?"

      Angel changes into a anthro-horse. I giggle.

      "What are you laughing about?"

      "Sorry!" says Eternalstar.

      "Hey, Angel, listen, she's just a friend. She has a boyfriend. You'll always be my Lilith."

      Angel changes into a muscular dark-skinned naked woman with long black hair and bright green eyes. "I am a warrior!" shouts Angel.

      I take her hand, and hold it tightly, looking into her eyes. I kiss her hand, and pull her into me. Angel changes back into her normal form, wearing a long white dress.

      I notice Raven is doing a healing spell on us. I wink at her and smile.

      "I don't know what those things are! Why do I keep fighting them? Where are they coming from?"

      "Maybe they are your 'aumakua? Your totems."

      "Hmm... Oh, I feel better now."

      Raven gives Angel a glass of water. "Ah, thank you. You're nice. Sorry I was being bitchy." Angel blushes, and looks at Eternalstar. "Hi." She shakes her hand firmly. Eternalstar gives her a high-five.

      "I like dreams. We are dreaming!" says Eternalstar.

      "Oh, yeah. I forgot. Weird. Why do I always do that?" says Angel.

      "I forget too. You always forget these dreams when you wake up," I say.

      "Not always... Well, I told you, my waking mind just isn't ready, okay... Jeez... a little patience?"

      (to be cont'd)
      Serenity likes this.
      ya gwan fok wid de Baron? ye gotta nodda ting comin. (Formerly known as Baking Nomad.)

    9. #909
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      Yay I appeared! I don't remember it though Natural shapeshifter eh? Probably... I'm always different things/people in my dreams. Your first normal (non-Sailor Moon-y) impression of me was pretty close to the RL me

      She is a Cacausian woman with wavy brown hair, and very faint freckles. Her hair clothes change from jeans, a t-shirt...
      Although I started dying my hair recently, it is wavy, used to be brown, and I pretty much always go around wearing jeans and a t-shirt, hehe

    10. #910
      Night Stalker <span class='glow_000000'>Baron Samedi</span>'s Avatar
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      Deep Dream State

      Going to heal Raven.


      Raven is asleep, tossing and turning, being swarmed by bugs, and other dark entities. I become a Man-Bat, and cover her with my wings. I summon bats to fly out of me under my wings to eat the bugs. I summon more that fly out of my back and attack other negative entities.


      I am playing Silent Hill. I am in the game. It's MoSh's Inner World. I hunt a monster. We play cat-and-mouse. I morph into a monster, and attack it. It becomes a red man. I hold him over a cliff and drop him into hell. I summon the sun to burn the fog.
      Serenity likes this.
      ya gwan fok wid de Baron? ye gotta nodda ting comin. (Formerly known as Baking Nomad.)

    11. #911
      Jesus of DV Achievements:
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      my house is still like that? I remember going inside a large building to fight people. My mom was there. and I fought someone who looked like Captain Picard. He was in a red suit.
      The Best of my dream journal
      MoSh: How about you stop trying to define everything, and just accept what you experience, and explore it.
      - From the DJ of Waking Nomad!
      Quote Originally Posted by The Cusp View Post
      I'm guessing those intergalactic storm cloud monster bugs come out of sacred energy vortex angel gate medicine wheels.

    12. #912
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      Quote Originally Posted by WakingNomad View Post
      I am playing Silent Hill. I am in the game. It's MoSh's Inner World. I hunt a monster. We play cat-and-mouse. I morph into a monster, and attack it. It becomes a red man. I hold him over a cliff and drop him into hell. I summon the sun to burn the fog.
      When did this happen? Because on the night of the 22nd I was in MoSh's inner world with some other people helping and we cleaned all that shit out, as well as transforming a dark energy plant of some kind to light. If this was on the night of the 22nd, morning of the 23rd, then it just means you were there helping and I didn't see you. If it was after that, then cleaning up that stupid weed didn't solve the problem which officially pisses me off!
      "Anything you can imagine is real." - Pablo Picasso.
      "Our truest life is when we are in dreams awake." - Henry David Thoreau

      Tasks of the Year Completed: China (Asia)

    13. #913
      Night Stalker <span class='glow_000000'>Baron Samedi</span>'s Avatar
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      (dates unknown)

      I am awake. I go to bed and decide to WILD. I am amazed at how well it works.
      I become lucid. I get back up from the bed.




      Dan's face looks up at me from the floor.


      Angel and I are walking with a centaur and a faun. She becomes a centaur, and I a faun.

      Really busy. No time for anything else. No computer.

      Serenity likes this.
      ya gwan fok wid de Baron? ye gotta nodda ting comin. (Formerly known as Baking Nomad.)

    14. #914
      Skillz LucidDreamer15's Avatar
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      Quote Originally Posted by WakingNomad View Post

      (dates unknown)

      I am awake. I go to bed and decide to WILD. I am amazed at how well it works.
      I become lucid. I get back up from the bed.

      I know I have had some success with it like entering SP and having HI but I just can't seem to get over the scariness that comes with SP before I enter my Lucid Dream. I guess I need to practice and say it's all in my head.
      I'm Dreaming.

      DILD's: Lost count.
      WILD's: 4

    15. #915
      Night Stalker <span class='glow_000000'>Baron Samedi</span>'s Avatar
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      Quote Originally Posted by LucidDreamer15 View Post
      I know I have had some success with it like entering SP and having HI but I just can't seem to get over the scariness that comes with SP before I enter my Lucid Dream. I guess I need to practice and say it's all in my head.
      Sorry, I need to be more specific. I had a dream that I WILD'ed!

      I dreamt I was awake, and tried a WILD. It worked so well because I was already dreaming! Then, I dreamt I woke up and loss all lucidity.

      SP is not "all in your head." The purpose of it is so you don't physically react to your dreams, and die! So, SP is actually a good thing.
      beachgirl likes this.
      ya gwan fok wid de Baron? ye gotta nodda ting comin. (Formerly known as Baking Nomad.)

    16. #916
      Night Stalker <span class='glow_000000'>Baron Samedi</span>'s Avatar
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      I go into Angel's apartment. I use special UV goggles to see imps hiding there. They look like they are glowing orange. I attack them with a Ghostbusters pack.
      ya gwan fok wid de Baron? ye gotta nodda ting comin. (Formerly known as Baking Nomad.)

    17. #917
      Skillz LucidDreamer15's Avatar
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      Quote Originally Posted by WakingNomad View Post
      Sorry, I need to be more specific. I had a dream that I WILD'ed!

      I dreamt I was awake, and tried a WILD. It worked so well because I was already dreaming! Then, I dreamt I woke up and loss all lucidity.

      SP is not "all in your head." The purpose of it is so you don't physically react to your dreams, and die! So, SP is actually a good thing.
      Na it's fine I understand now so you WILDed in your dream?
      Oh ok well I'm glad we have SP then . I think it's just the HI that gets me everytime.
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      I'm Dreaming.

      DILD's: Lost count.
      WILD's: 4

    18. #918
      Reaility Surfer beachgirl's Avatar
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      i think that's really cool that you dreamt that you WILDed cuz you dreamt you were awake, etc...

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      “I think we dream so we don't have to be apart so long. If we're in each other's dreams, we can be together all the time.” -

      Am I dreaming? Do a Reality Check. Is this is a dream?

    19. #919
      Night Stalker <span class='glow_000000'>Baron Samedi</span>'s Avatar
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      I become lucid somehow. I slowly walk around touching everything to stabilize the dream. I am in a strange underground room. Stone walls. I see a stone door, and a stone lock on it. It's in the shape of a snake. Am I in the Temple of The Nagas?


      I am on my BMX bike from when I was a kid. I do a bronco. I jump higher and higher. I jump 25 feet into the air. I land and do a wheelie down the street, turning on one wheel.

      Later on in the day, WAKING LIFE

      I walk out of a Health Food Store, to sit down and eat. Two young men are riding on BMX bikes. One of them broncos off a lampost, and grins right at me. I smile at him and say, "badass". He broncos up the stairs, and wheelies down the wheelchair ramp.
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      ya gwan fok wid de Baron? ye gotta nodda ting comin. (Formerly known as Baking Nomad.)

    20. #920
      Night Stalker <span class='glow_000000'>Baron Samedi</span>'s Avatar
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      Quote Originally Posted by LucidDreamer15 View Post
      Na it's fine I understand now so you WILDed in your dream?
      Oh ok well I'm glad we have SP then . I think it's just the HI that gets me everytime.
      Those hallucinations are the beginnings of dreams. I always hear voices.
      ya gwan fok wid de Baron? ye gotta nodda ting comin. (Formerly known as Baking Nomad.)

    21. #921
      Night Stalker <span class='glow_000000'>Baron Samedi</span>'s Avatar
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      Deep Dream State


      I go to the Moon. I see Raven. We do mutual healing. We go to MoSh's Inner World.

      It is dark.

      We battle a cyborg spider. It has a flesh head and body, and robot legs.

      I merge with Soulgawn, my dream-father, the crocodile-man. My smile is wide instead of long. Many teeth

      I try to flip it, but rip a leg off.

      Walms runs in a circle with a black sword, and cuts its' legs in half.

      Raven blasts it with fire and lightning.

      MoSh is a winged cobra, breathes green acid-fire on it. It burns.

      Allison is a giant werewolf, and drill attacks its face.

      Angel appears above and does an inverted cone attack of rain and lightning.

      We have other entities helping us.


      Semi Lucid

      A friend, an old woman, tells me to get on her back. She morphs into a cyborg-cycle. I ride her through the sky. We land on a lily pad. All the colors are beautiful pastels. She changes into a beautiful young woman with long straight brown hair. We interlock legs, and arch backwards, spinning on a ball of magic. We stand up and bow. People applaud. I kiss her on the cheek.


      Deep Dream State

      I go to my own Inner World, Neverwonderland, to heal Peter Pan, my Inner Child. He slaps me in anger. I slap his face. He starts crying. I apologize. He says he has to forgive me. I am bewildered by the weirdness of the situation. I let it go, and embrace him. We merge. I feel normal. He pops out of me. There is a knife in his back. He says it's been there for years. I pull it out. Guts and black bugs pour out of the wound. Peter vomits millions of tiny black bugs. I feel like vomiting.

      I send orange fire to burn the bugs. Then, water to cleanse the wound. Then violet flame to cauterize it.

      Peter says he has a secret dungeon under the volcano. He's been torturing our abusers for years. I tell him it's time for him to stop. He says, "No, they will have nightmares for the end of time. I will haunt them through the next five lifetimes."

      I tell him to forgive them. He says first they must pay for their sins.

      I go with him to the dungeon. I forget the Peter Pan is me. He becomes a devil-boy. He teleports into the cells, and bites and claws the people with fangs and sharp talons. He laughs, and drinks their blood. He rips their organs out, and eats them.

      Tinkerbell (Pixy?) appears and tells him to be nice. He says they are just DC's to her, but he winks at me.

      Later I ask if if they are DC's. He says yes, and giggles. I have a feeling he is lying. I probe his mind. I see him capturing these people's dream bodies, and taking them prisoner.

      He screams at me to get out of his head. He says he is handling the situation. I tell him we are not god. He says we are gods, and the lesser humans that do not realize their godhood must pay for their ignorance and foolishness. Our power supersedes that of ordinary humans for we are homo superior. We must conquer and subjugate those of lesser moral fortitude, and breed them out. I tell him that sounds like eugenics. He says call it whatever you want, they are an evil strain of our species.

      Then, he flies into the sky. He is black like charcoal, and his eyes are glowing red. He calls down lightning and fire from the sky and screams: OUR ENEMIES WILL PAY!

      Then, he shoots a meteor at the pirate boat, and a then lights a bunch of trees on fire. Villagers go running. He says they are all DC's.

      I grab him, and tell him to calm down. He wriggles away. I grab him again, and he teleports.

      I chase him across the universe. He says trying to catch him is like trying to grasp your own shadow. He laughs and says he is me. I give up, and teleport back to the Biodome. I fall asleep on the Mountain on a picnic blanket near Angel.
      Last edited by WakingNomad; 05-07-2010 at 01:15 PM.
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      ya gwan fok wid de Baron? ye gotta nodda ting comin. (Formerly known as Baking Nomad.)

    22. #922
      Night Stalker <span class='glow_000000'>Baron Samedi</span>'s Avatar
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      Deep Dream State

      I am a Polynesian warrior, but I look like Otherme. I am wielding a giant jawbone like a club. I crush me enemies. I stand atop a pile of dead bodies and roar.
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      ya gwan fok wid de Baron? ye gotta nodda ting comin. (Formerly known as Baking Nomad.)

    23. #923
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      "A friend, an old woman, tells me to get on her back. She morphs into a cyborg-cycle. I ride her through the sky. We land on a lily pad. All the colors are beautiful pastels. She changes into a beautiful young woman with long straight brown hair. We interlock legs, and arch backwards, spinning on a ball of magic. We stand up and bow. People applaud. I kiss her on the cheek."

      ^awesome dream

    24. #924
      Night Stalker <span class='glow_000000'>Baron Samedi</span>'s Avatar
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      I am driving down in a valley on Oahu. I am lost, and slightly frustrated. I see a street sign that says, "Queen Zukin's Dreams."

      I think, "Hmm... Should I go down that way? Maybe it's a private road. Is this a dream? I don't think so."

      Never did a RC!
      Queen Zukin and Serenity like this.
      ya gwan fok wid de Baron? ye gotta nodda ting comin. (Formerly known as Baking Nomad.)

    25. #925
      Night Stalker <span class='glow_000000'>Baron Samedi</span>'s Avatar
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      (date unknown)

      I am with some dream-friends. Raven, MoSH, Allison, Angel, Loaf, Walms, Kraftwerk, Portalboat. We are battling a huge cyborg thing. We are spinning inside tornadoes, and different elements and attacks shoot out.

      Red appears with Spike.

      I wake up before the battle is over.
      Serenity and Kraftwerk like this.
      ya gwan fok wid de Baron? ye gotta nodda ting comin. (Formerly known as Baking Nomad.)

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