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    • 1 Post By Hukif
    • 1 Post By <s><span class='glow_0000FF'>MasterMind</span></s>

    Thread: On average, how long should it take to start recalling at least one dream a night?

    1. #1
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      On average, how long should it take to start recalling at least one dream a night?

      On average, how long should it take to start recalling at least one dream a night? Only one or two days out of the week can I remember a dream.

    2. #2
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      That depends on how good your recall was before.

      I think the average is around 5 weeks or so, especially during school/work times, may be shorter right now on vacation-side.
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    3. #3
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      It doesn't have to do anthing with time, it has everything to do with your actions.

      Write down what you did differently on the nights where you did remember your dreams. And contrast it to the days where you did not remember them.

      For example did you go to bed earlier? Was your mind less stressed when you went to sleep? Did you snooze with your alarmclock in the morning?

      In this thread I wrote down some of the factors that affects my recall:


      Good luck!

    4. #4
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      Quote Originally Posted by MasterMind View Post
      It doesn't have to do anthing with time, it has everything to do with action.

      Write down what you did differently on the nights where you did remember your dreams. And contrast it to the days where you did remember them.

      For example did you go to bed earlier? Was your mind less stressed when you went to sleep? Did you snooze with your alarmclock in the morning?

      In this thread I wrote down some of the factors that affects my recall:


      Good luck!
      The only difference between my nights is that I can change drastically at what time I go to sleep, but I still get the same amount of sleep.

      I also wake up whenever I wake up, no alarm clock.

      Thanks for the replies!

      EDIT: Does it matter what TIME I go to bed, as long as I have the same amount of sleep?
      Last edited by Buckey; 06-28-2014 at 04:24 PM.

    5. #5
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      The time when you go to bed can make a difference, I mean we are naturally supposed to fall asleep when the sun goes down and go up when the sun goes up.
      It probably affects our brain and the chemical systems.

      But we still go through our sleep cycles if we just sleep enough. So no it shouldn't matter that much for recall.

      Some short-term memory training, general awareness and setting your intent can be useful as well.

      This thread have helped a few, maybe it can help you too:


      BinauralBeats likes this.

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