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    Thread: If you can't remember your dreams, TRY THIS!

    1. #1
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      If you can't remember your dreams, TRY THIS!

      The last night I just tried a new way to remember my dreams, and when I woke up I almost remembered my vivid dreams instantly. I actually had a lucid dream to, but not for very long because I didn't take my time to stabilize it.
      Anyway the day before that I had did something that I don't usually do. When I came home from school I wrote down my events that day, my waking life so to speak, almost like a diary, but not really. I wrote downthe most important things like some conversations, events, thoughts etc.

      Here is what I wrote:

      This day I woke up around 6.46 am then I went down and ate breakfast.
      My dad asked worried "How are you today ?". I just answered that I was really tired. After that I went up to my room and were stressed of not having enough time to write down my dreams in my dreamjournal then I got dressed. I rushed downstairs, told my mom that I were in a hurry because I didn't want to miss the bus. I walked quickly to the busstation, but the bus came 4 minutes later so it was cool. On the bus I met Tom Isgren my old classmate from Lindeborg school. I asked him what grade he got on the movie we made together, and he answered MVG. Then we talked about how much tests we had. When the bus arrived in Davidshall the clock showed 7.50 so it was plenty of time left before we started my next class. On my way to the lockers I were worried that I had forget if we were free or not, so I looked for a computer and I found one but it was broken. Then I saw Johan Holm, my classmate, and I got reliefed. On my way up for the stairs I saw the rest of the class sitting on the steps. At the fourth floor I met Felix and then Teodor came and then David. Then Angelica ran up and was very tired cause of the stairs and she said
      "My god what I am tired, I went to bed at 3.00 am" and I said "Well, that explains why" and she laughed and she told me that she would laugh the whole day because when she are tired she do.
      Then I had many lessons, Math, Swedish, and Biology (NO). When the schoolday was over I argued with Andriano about lucid dreaming, he tried to convince me that I was just dreaming that I were lucid, then I asked him "You've had a lucid dream right?" yes he said, then I asked "It has to be a proper lucid dream because you are aware of it otherwise you wouldn't remember it that well, but maybe you remember your normal dream to?" and then he said "Yeah, that's true but... are you saying that every dream is lucid?" blabla. then I went home, but I really convinced him there.
      The bus were late as usual and when I came to Mobilia I met Astrit, my classmate from Kulladal school and then I took the 7 bus one station and went home. etc

      This took me 10 minutes to write down , but when I woke up I remembered 4 dreams, and I usually just remember one, but I didn't had to recall them like laying still in the bed or something they just showed up like normal memorys when I woke up. I also use a voice recorder just to quickly record it when I wake up and then fall asleep again. Well, I hope this helped someone, and sorry if my english sucks

      Sweet Dreams!

    2. #2
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      That's a cool idea, like clearing out all the memories to make room for new ones. I'll have to try that!

    3. #3
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      Yeah do that and tell me your results from it, but I actually think you pracctise your longterm-memory when you do this.

    4. #4
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      how crazy, congrats!
      I'm doing something like that. Every night, when going to sleep, I review all my day in my mind, because I had very bad memory with it comes to try to remember what I did. so yes, It's a good way to practice.
      and I started to get more dreams, I can't remember them all, but I start to remember more and more,very slowly, and I feel myself in a lot of dreams.

      good luck.

    5. #5
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      I will definitely continue with this recall technique.
      I have allways wondered how a person can remember 5-7 dreams per night? And how do they know that it's one, two dreams and not just one dream.
      This night I got my answer!

      I went to bed 11.00 PM and woke up and recall my very long vivid dream and then looked at the clock, and got a shock. I had only slept 3 hours!
      then I record my dream and fell asleep again. And then I woke up one hour later and recall a new long vivid dream and it stays that way until the clock is six and I get up and eat breakfast. And that's how I know that I remembered 5 dreams last night!

      In the weeked I maybe can combine this with a DEILD

      I really recommend this technique to people how struggle with their dream recall.
      Last edited by MasterMind; 03-05-2010 at 07:35 AM.
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    6. #6
      愚かなロボット~StarMan* Achievements:
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      I would give it a shot but i would probably depress myself :p
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      We are the gifted of the future many kids come here from last time. ~ Indigo Ghost
      I like the breeze in dreams flowing into my head. ~ Indgo Ghost
      There is no life, there is simply ideas, and with idea's things happen. ~ Indgo Ghost
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    7. #7
      Back from Hiatus! BigFan's Avatar
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      Interesting idea, might try it tonight or sometime in the near future
      # of LDs so far: DILD-1, WILD-0, Awareness-5
      Max Dreams recalled in one night: 3
      Goals: Learn to fly [] - Find out more about myself [] - Explore the sea [] - Pray in an LD []
      Read my DJ: Whirlwind of Dreams
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    8. #8
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      Yeah, just try it once it gave me results anyway. Why depress yourself IndigoGhost?
      This technique has also made me more aware of my dreams and I remember almost always dialogues.
      Last edited by MasterMind; 03-04-2010 at 07:02 PM.

    9. #9
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      A waking journal to complement your dream journal.
      I'm definitely doing this from now on.
      Thanks man
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      1st LD: 9/6/09

    10. #10
      愚かなロボット~StarMan* Achievements:
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      Quote Originally Posted by MasterMind View Post
      Why depress yourself IndigoGhost?
      Life, Its not as free as dreams, makes me long for other realities.

      The again, we live with what we have
      Last edited by IndigoGhost; 03-04-2010 at 08:02 PM.
      Csarks likes this.

      We are the gifted of the future many kids come here from last time. ~ Indigo Ghost
      I like the breeze in dreams flowing into my head. ~ Indgo Ghost
      There is no life, there is simply ideas, and with idea's things happen. ~ Indgo Ghost
      Meditation Since 04/Jun/2010 {I had some enlightenment.} Goal: Have a slice of the real loaf [ ]

    11. #11
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      guau MasterMind! I'm so glad it's working for you!
      my mistake is that I only take 2 minutes or less to review my day, I should do it more detailed (it will take me more time)
      so I will keep doing it and tell you what happens.


    12. #12
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      Sounds very interesting. i have one question though.
      every day i review my day and what people say to me while im taking my shower. i've done this for the as long as i can remember. does that count?
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    13. #13
      ZZZzzzz BassGear's Avatar
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      In your mind..
      I've have been going on a four in a row (nights) dry spell of not being able to remember any dreams..well until I read MASTERMINDS method a waking journal late last night before I went to sleep. I was able to wake up twice after dreams and remember and log two dreams!
      I used MASTERMINDS method, and wrote just over a full page of highlights of the day, and I'm back on track! I will try again tonight and report back on my results. Thanks Mastermind!

    14. #14
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      Quote Originally Posted by Transience View Post
      A waking journal to complement your dream journal.
      I'm definitely doing this from now on.
      Thanks man
      Your welcome

      Quote Originally Posted by IndigoGhost View Post
      Life, Its not as free as dreams, makes me long for other realities.

      The again, we live with what we have
      Life is what we make it to be happy of your life, and be a glad person every day and take a vacation in the night ?

      Quote Originally Posted by johoiada View Post
      Sounds very interesting. i have one question though.
      every day i review my day and what people say to me while im taking my shower. i've done this for the as long as i can remember. does that count?
      Count? Does it help? Have you got any result ? But write it down it takes me 10 minutes or something do you review your dreams in your head too?
      Quote Originally Posted by BassGear View Post
      I've have been going on a four in a row (nights) dry spell of not being able to remember any dreams..well until I read MASTERMINDS method a waking journal late last night before I went to sleep. I was able to wake up twice after dreams and remember and log two dreams!
      I used MASTERMINDS method, and wrote just over a full page of highlights of the day, and I'm back on track! I will try again tonight and report back on my results. Thanks Mastermind!
      Nice! Yeah it's weird that this "technique" makes you wake up after each dream, it does for me somehow -->

      Next night I am going to try to wake up in the middle of the night and do a wild I will write down everything in the wild section
      Last edited by MasterMind; 03-05-2010 at 07:48 AM.

    15. #15
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      Thanks so much! I wish I read this yesterday, because it's morning and I'll have to wait a whole day to try it out.

    16. #16
      ZZZzzzz BassGear's Avatar
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      In your mind..
      I have used this method three days in a row and have logged two dreams a night over the last three days! I would have logged three dreams last night but after making an attempt to re-enter a non-lucid dream I ended up forgetting it all together instead of writing it down right after I had it. I have been writing the events of my day just before I go to sleep, so far it's been great thanks again MASTERMIND!! What's strange to me it that I have been logging my first dream within 2 hours of going to sleep, so very early in my sleep cycle.

    17. #17
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      Quote Originally Posted by GlaringDream View Post
      Thanks so much! I wish I read this yesterday, because it's morning and I'll have to wait a whole day to try it out.
      Hehe =) It's worth waiting for

      Quote Originally Posted by BassGear View Post
      I have used this method three days in a row and have logged two dreams a night over the last three days! I would have logged three dreams last night but after making an attempt to re-enter a non-lucid dream I ended up forgetting it all together instead of writing it down right after I had it. I have been writing the events of my day just before I go to sleep, so far it's been great thanks again MASTERMIND!! What's strange to me it that I have been logging my first dream within 2 hours of going to sleep, so very early in my sleep cycle.
      Nice again yeah it has happend to me too I recorded a dream with in 3 hours of sleep , Maybe we dream more than we think o.O
      It's the beauty of this way to remember dreams, you are not only remember your dreams in the late phase of REM you eventually remember 4-6 dreams and those are some dreams in the early rem sleep And for some strange reason you wake up after each dream. And that's perfect for deilding which I will try now. Good Night, Sweet dreams!
      Last edited by MasterMind; 03-07-2010 at 12:35 AM.
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    18. #18
      Rizzo Zerk's Avatar
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      Quote Originally Posted by MasterMind View Post
      Yeah do that and tell me your results from it, but I actually think you pracctise your longterm-memory when you do this.
      Mastermind, I hate writing anything down. So instead of writing down everything about my day I decided to try just reviewing it all in my mind. I've done this about 4 times today and went over everything I did in real life and Runescape in extreme detail. The longest dream i've recorded since i have started has been a little over a paragraph. After using your technique for one day here are my results. My first ever page long dream. I actually enjoyed writing it and knew a few of the characters in real life and found some signs that will probably hopefully be able to help me achieve lucidity! *note I also almost DILD which i've never done. I was only one role away. Mastermind I love your technique and am actually grateful i read it. - zerk

    19. #19
      Back from Hiatus! BigFan's Avatar
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      Quote Originally Posted by Zerk View Post
      After using your technique for one day here are my results. My first ever page long dream. I actually enjoyed writing it and knew a few of the characters in real life and found some signs that will probably hopefully be able to help me achieve lucidity! *note I also almost DILD which i've never done. I was only one role away. Mastermind I love your technique and am actually grateful i read it. - zerk
      Quote Originally Posted by BassGear View Post
      I have used this method three days in a row and have logged two dreams a night over the last three days! I would have logged three dreams last night but after making an attempt to re-enter a non-lucid dream I ended up forgetting it all together instead of writing it down right after I had it. I have been writing the events of my day just before I go to sleep, so far it's been great thanks again MASTERMIND!! What's strange to me it that I have been logging my first dream within 2 hours of going to sleep, so very early in my sleep cycle.
      Interesting, I still haven't had a chance to do this but I plan to give it a roll tonight, possibly 20minutes before bed and I plan to be as specific as possible(time, details, etc....) Who knows, maybe I can recall some dreams tonight
      # of LDs so far: DILD-1, WILD-0, Awareness-5
      Max Dreams recalled in one night: 3
      Goals: Learn to fly [] - Find out more about myself [] - Explore the sea [] - Pray in an LD []
      Read my DJ: Whirlwind of Dreams
      Read my current research: CAT Research
      Read my meditation experiences: Meditation Experiences

    20. #20
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      Quote Originally Posted by Zerk View Post
      Mastermind, I hate writing anything down. So instead of writing down everything about my day I decided to try just reviewing it all in my mind. I've done this about 4 times today and went over everything I did in real life and Runescape in extreme detail. The longest dream i've recorded since i have started has been a little over a paragraph. After using your technique for one day here are my results. My first ever page long dream. I actually enjoyed writing it and knew a few of the characters in real life and found some signs that will probably hopefully be able to help me achieve lucidity! *note I also almost DILD which i've never done. I was only one role away. Mastermind I love your technique and am actually grateful i read it. - zerk
      Nice This seems to work for everyone. I'm so glad that I could help you try to write it down and see if you remember more

      Quote Originally Posted by BigFan View Post
      Interesting, I still haven't had a chance to do this but I plan to give it a roll tonight, possibly 20minutes before bed and I plan to be as specific as possible(time, details, etc....) Who knows, maybe I can recall some dreams tonight
      Not maybe You will, hopefully haha

    21. #21
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      MasterMind's way to lucid dream

      Ok... This recall method has helped me to find the "lucid dream induction" that fits me, and my everyday best. From Monday-Friday I will do a reality check (looking on the ground, it works for me somehow) during the day and write down my day. Then when I go to sleep I will affirm that I will look on the ground in my dream and become lucid. But if I wake up during the night I try to remember to chain the dream. And when I wake up the next morning I record the dream. In the weekend Friday-Sunday I will do the same thing =)

      And if you translate this into "techniques" I have coverd MILD,DILD and WILD everyday

      And I finaly understand WHY recall is the most important for lucid dreaming
      Last edited by MasterMind; 03-07-2010 at 01:59 PM.
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    22. #22
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      I tried that last night but it didn't work for me.

      Do you have to write it on paper? I typed mine on the computer a couple hours before sleeping.

      How close to going to sleep did you write it?

    23. #23
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      Quote Originally Posted by GlaringDream View Post
      I tried that last night but it didn't work for me.

      Do you have to write it on paper? I typed mine on the computer a couple hours before sleeping.

      How close to going to sleep did you write it?
      I usually write it down when I come home from school, but they key is to write down your day in a dreamjournalish way xD except that this is the waking life.
      and write it down as detailed as you want your dream to be I write mine in the DreamJournal program like a separated journal.

    24. #24
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      Well, I'll try, try again I guess.

      I've also been drinking apple juice before bed because I read it gives you vivid dreams but that doesn't work either.

    25. #25
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      Quote Originally Posted by GlaringDream View Post
      Well, I'll try, try again I guess.

      I've also been drinking apple juice before bed because I read it gives you vivid dreams but that doesn't work either.
      How do you know that they are vivd if you don't remember them?
      What I mean with "vivid" is that I don't remember the dreams upon awakening, I remember them because I experienced them during the night, I act the dream myself like I allways do, the only difference is that I am aware. And that's why MILD and DILD is easier with better dream recall. Because when I ask in the dream "Is this a dream?" I see that this isn't a familiar place and it has to be a dream. Then the next obstacle for me is that I don't allways manage to stabilize the dream, and that I have to pracctise in the waking world.
      Starting from today

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