I have mentioned in passing way back when, that I followed through on this particular aspect of scripture when going through my christian phase.
I sold all my possessions.
I left my wife and child behind.
I carried no money (although occasionally I was given money or found it and it had its uses.)
I carried no extra clothing except an extra pair of socks, and an old coat for when it rained (which it frequently does in my country.)
I also carried a pen, some colored pencils a few envelops and stamps so I could write of my progress and send to my wife.
Also a toothbrush.
I spent weeks 'on the road' in some kind of pilgrimage testing my faith and I would say that - had I not done so I would have abandoned Christianity and GOD as well.
As it turned out, I have since abandoned Christianity but certainly not GOD or for that matter Yeshua.
The stories that I have regarding that experience - that phase of my life - are many and very interesting. Of course they are subjective so are not subject to scientific review although there is nothing to stop scientists from doing the same and seeing what results are to be found, other than their focus is elsewhere and most would likely consider such a thing a kind of madness anyway.
Indeed, what I am sharing is just hearsay anyway. Only those who were close to me at the time could verify that I did do what I say I did, and even then they cannot know the details - how I survived the experience and what things I experienced during that time-period of my life - because yes - once I understood how it worked, I eventually went back into the 'system' but that didn't mean I didn't do the same things, again, and again, and again over a period of a few years.
In a nut shell this is where I learned first hand how serendipity worked, and how GOD can indeed provide, so in that I can testify that Yeshua was correct and something else I learn was that GOD provided through circumstance but ALWAYS this involved humans beings helping me along the way.
Those human beings of course, were all connected to the system, and in that I was very aware that although I was temporarily 'off the grid' I was still indirectly relying upon it. There was no 'mana from the sky' and nor was I given the ability to rub my hands together and produce bread.
Indeed, I can testify that for the most part, it was almost always non-Christians who helped me and on the odd occasion where I did 'seek out the believers' to ask for their help, they had a very hard time giving me that help and felt as if I was intruding and encroaching and putting pressure on them simply by doing what I was doing and being in a situation where I had to ask.
Generally though, I often didn't have to ask as - like I said - serendipity arranged it that way. People would offer.
Anyway, I can at least say that it works. It isn't easy and it certainly tests you to the limits but the reward as it were is indelible. Anyone willing to go through such a thing will never have reason to doubt again, and can only move forward 'in the spirit' as it were, no regrets.